HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-11-08 Town Board Agenda Town Board Regular Meeting Wednesday November 8 2023 at 6:00PM The Town of Danby 1830 Danby Road Ithaca, NY 14850 danby.ny.gov Mary Ann Barr 2021 AGENDA (Tentative Until Start of Meeting) Venues: Town Hall (1830 Danby Road) + Video ( https://zoom.us/j/96216251190?pwd=NzB1VXErZzJzVENXT1hrQzcwYzhJUT09 ) 1. Public Hearing 1.1. 2024 Budget Proposal 2. Call to Order 3. Additions/Deletions to Agenda 3.1. Authorize $5000 Loan to Danby Community Park Association to Purchase Board Walk Materials 3.2. Proposed Creation of a Joint Planning Committee (TB+PB) for Zoning Tweaks 4. Privilege of the Floor 5. Correspondence 5.1. 2023 Oct 27: Station Rd Over Trip-Cayuga Inlet Work Window Waiver 5.2. 2023 Oct 31: USDA Rural Development 502 Homeownership & 504 Home Repair Programs. 6. Announcements 6.1. Open Board and Commission Positions; Applications due 4 Dec 2023 6.1.1. Board of Zoning Appeals (1 seat); 5-year appointment 6.1.2. Conservation Advisory Council (3-4 seats); 2-year appointment 6.1.3. Danby Youth Commission (7 seats ); 2-year appointment 6.1.4. Environmental Management Council (1 seat); 3-year appt 6.1.5. Historian (1 seat); 1-year appointment 6.1.6. Planning Board (1 seat); 7-year appointment 6.1.7. West Danby Water District (1 seat); 5-year appointment.. 7. Reports & Presentations 7.1. Town Clerk 7.2. Code Enforcement Officer 7.3. Town Planner 8. Meeting Minutes 8.1. 18 October 2023 8.2. 25 October 2023 9. Warrant Abstract No 22 of 2023 9.1. General Fund Vouchers 342–364 for $25,687.86 9.2. Highway Fund Vouchers 214–225 for $21,408.18 9.3. Water Fund Vouchers 31–35 for $2,371.25 10. Business 10.1. Item 1 Modify or Approve Preliminary Budget 10.2. Item 2 Review Attorney-Produced Noise Law Draft 10.3. Item 3 Consider Approving MOU with Danby Fire District for Water District Shared Use of WDFD Emergency Generator and Office Space 11. Discussion of Next Meeting Agenda 12. Adjourn The public has a right to attend and observe all public meetings. This right does not include the right to comment, except at public hearings. It is, however, the policy of the Town Board to allow for participation by the public at all Town Board meetings, primarily during time set aside for it, called privilege of the floor. Each speaker may be limited to 3 minutes. Comments may be allowed at other times during the meeting, but only if a person wishing to speak is recognized by the chair.