HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-11-16 Town Board Agenda The Town of Danby 1830 Danby Road Ithaca, NY 14850 danby.ny.gov Mary Ann Barr 2021 Town Board Regular Meeting Wednesday 16 November 2022 at 6:00PM AGENDA (Tentative Until Start of Meeting) Venue: Videoconferencing https://zoom.us/j/99072949108?pwd=TWowc1kwKy9GbUtkOFd0djhzRmtwdz09 1. Call to Order 2. Additions/Deletions to Agenda 2.1. Schedule Public Hearing for Code Enforcement Local Law 2.2. Add Warrant Approvals to Friday's Meeting Agenda 2.3. Delete Warrant Approvals From This Meeting's Consent Agenda 2.4. Authorize Water District Relevies 3. Privilege of the Floor 4. Correspondence 5. Announcements 5.1. Update on Board and Committee Positions to Fill 6. Interviews for Vacancies Town Board (Tim Merritt and Steve Weissburg), Planning Board (Shannon Hall and Jacob Colbert [Colbert Interview Moved to Friday Meeting]), Conservation Advisory Council (Renee Owens) 7. Reports & Presentations 7.1. County Legislature Representative Dan Klein 7.2. Highway Superintendent Keith Shipman 8. Consent Agenda 8.1. Meeting Minutes 8.1.1. 3 Oct 2022 Public Hearing + Board Meeting 8.1.2. 12 Oct 2022 Budget Workshop 8.1.3. 19 Oct 2022 Regular Board Meeting 8.1.4. 25 Oct 2022 Budget Workshop 8.1.5. 28 Oct 2022 Budget Workshop 8.1.6. 1 Nov 2022 Regular Meeting 8.2. Warrants 8.2.1. General Fund No __ Vouchers for $ 8.2.2. Highway Fund No __ Vouchers for $ 8.2.3. Water Fund No __ Vouchers for $ 9. Business 9.1. Consider Filling Vacancies TB, PB, CAC (Likely to be Preceded by Executive Session) 9.2. Water Dist. Committee Request for Partial Payment for Tree Removal Valley View Cemetery 10. Discussion of Next Meeting Agenda 11. Adjourn