HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-10-19 Town Board Agenda      AGENDA (Tentave Unl Start of Meeng) Venue: Town Hall and via Videoconferencing hps://zoom.us/j/99072949108?pwd=TWowc1kwKy9GbUtkOFd0djhzRmtwdz09 1. Call to Order 2. Addions/Deleons to Agenda 2.1. Interview Town Board Appointee Candidate(s) 2.1.1 Steve Weissburg 2.2. Review Board and Commiee Openings 2.3. Schedule Planning Board Interviews to Fill Vacancy 2.4. Highway Resoluon to Authorize Aucon of Equipment 2.5. Reset Submission Deadline for Vacancies TB and PB (and CAC?) 3. Privilege of the Floor 4. Correspondence 5. Announcements 6. Reports & Presentaons 6.1.County Legislature Representave Dan Klein 6.2.Highway Superintendent Keith Shipman 7. Consent Agenda 7.1. Warrants 7.1.1. General Fund Abstract 20 Vouchers 303–315 for $9,362.99 7.1.2. Highway Fund Abstract 20 Vouchers for $177–185 for $202,124.40 7.1.3. Water Fund Abstract 20 Vouchers 81–83 for $183.20 8. Business 8.1. Tax Cap Override Local Law 8.2. Review of Proposed Constraints on Cannabis Sales/Consumpon Sites 8.3. Sexual Harassment Policy Reaffirmaon 8.4.Tentave Budget Review -- Danby Community Park Associaon, Danby Seniors, Jennings Pond Program, Food Pantry, West Danby Community Associaon, General Fund Other 8.5.Schedule Budget Public Hearing 9. Discussion of Next Meeng Agenda 10. Adjourn   Mary Ann Barr 2021   T he Town of Danby  1830 Danby Road  Ithaca, NY 14850  danby.ny.gov  Town Board Regular Meeting  Wednesday 19 October 2022 at 6:00PM