HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-09-06 Town Board Agenda The Town of Danby 1830 Danby Road Ithaca, NY 14850 danby.ny.gov Mary Ann Barr 2021 Town Board Regular Meeting Tuesday 6 September 2022 at 6:00PM AGENDA (Tentative Until Start of Meeting) Venue: Videoconferencing https://zoom.us/j/96216251190?pwd=NzB1VXErZzJzVENXT1hrQzcwYzhJUT09 1. Public Hearing 1.1. Revised Proposed Hamlet Neighborhood Zone Expansion (Postponed to September 21) 2. Call to Order 3. Additions/Deletions to Agenda 4. Privilege of the Floor 5. Correspondence 6. Announcements 7. Reports & Presentations 7.1. Town Clerk 7.2. Code Enforcement Officer 7.3. Town Planner 8. Consent Agenda 8.1. Meeting Minutes 8.1.1. 17 August 2022 8.2. Warrants 8.2.1. General Fund Abstract 17 Vouchers 258–282 for $56,984.32 8.2.2. Highway Fund Abstract 17 Vouchers 157–164 for $277,884.51 8.2.3. Water Fund Abstract 17 Voucher 74 for $133.20 9. Business 9.1. Resolution of Appreciation -- Amy Cusimano 9.2. Letter of Support Tourism Grant for South Hill Trail Extension 9.3. Review of Capital Projects List 9.4. Review of Options adding Constraints for Cannabis Sales/Consumption Sites 9.5. Proposed Revision of Rules of Procedure for Privilege of the Floor 9.6. Consider Level of Operation 9.7. Update on the Budget Process 9.8. Set Public Hearing Tax Cap Override Local Law 10. Discussion of Next Meeting Agenda 11. Adjourn