HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-08-17 Town Board Agenda The Town of Danby 1830 Danby Road Ithaca, NY 14850 danby.ny.gov Mary Ann Barr 2021 Town Board Regular Meeting Wednesday 17 August 2022 at 6:00PM AGENDA (Tentative Until Start of Meeting) Venue: Videoconferencing https://zoom.us/j/99072949108?pwd=TWowc1kwKy9GbUtkOFd0djhzRmtwdz09 1. Public Hearings 1.1. CDBG Block Grant Application for Housing Rehab Program Summary Participation Plan 1.2. Zoning Amendment to Expand Danby Hamlet Neighborhood Zone Map Local Law 2. Call to Order 3. Additions/Deletions to Agenda 3.1. Safe Streets For All Grant 3.2. CDBG Application Enabling Resolution 3.3. Addition to Agreement to Spend Funds - Highway 3.4. Possible Action to Expand Hamlet Neighborhood Zone 3.4.1. DRAFT Seaf2&3 HamletExtension.pdf - 3.4.2. SEAF Part 1 HamletExtension.pdf - 3.4.3. Local Law 4. Privilege of the Floor 5. Correspondence 6. Announcements 7. Reports & Presentations 7.1. County Legislature Representative Dan Klein 7.2. Highway Superintendent Keith Shipman 8. Consent Agenda 8.1. Meeting Minutes 8.1.1. 22 June 2022 8.1.2. 20 July 2022 8.1.3. 2 August 2022 8.2. Warrants 8.2.1. General Fund Abstract 16 Vouchers 236–258 for $35,193.58 8.2.2. Highway Fund Abstract 16 Vouchers 149–156 for $18,931.37 8.2.3. Water Fund Abstract 16 Vouchers 68–73 for $4,528.97 9. Business 9.1. Next Steps in Addressing Broadband Issues Including Possible Committee Creation to Include Zachary Lind and Jeff Lang 9.2. Charge and Membership of Noise Committee Potentially Chaired by Warren Cross 9.3. Proposed Revision of Rules of Procedure for Privilege of the Floor 9.4. Look at Commercial Zones to gauge their Appropriateness for Cannabis Sales/Consumption sites 9.5. Update on the Budget Process 9.6. Proposed Revision of Credit Card Policy 9.7. Invitation for Board Participation in Union Negotiations 9.8. Level of Operation 10. Discussion of Next Meeting Agenda 11. Adjourn