HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-02-17 Town Board AgendaTown of Danby Town BoardRegular Second Monthly Board MeetingWednesday, 17 February, 2021 at 7:00 PMvia Zoom Video Conferencinghttps://zoom.us/j/97107232988?pwd=bHBJY3p5M2toYlFSZWpwbmtLaStkQT09 AGENDA 1. Call to Order2. Public Hearing —Management Plans for Town-Owned, Undeveloped, Forested Properties3. Privilege of the Floor4. Correspondence5. Announcements —Engineering Planning Grant Application6. Additions/Deletions to Consent Agenda7. Approval of Consent Agenda7.1. Warrants7.1.1.General Fund Abstract 4: Vouchers 42–61 for $12,419.547.1.2.Highway Fund Abstract 4: Vouchers 28–43 for $77,165.617.1.3.Water District Abstract 4: Vouchers 9–12 for $493.507.1.4.Danby Fire District 2021 Contract: $559,000.007.2.CAC 2020 Annual Report8. Additions/Deletions to the Regular Agenda9. Old Business9.1.Correspondence Policy, Revised9.3.Amending Rules of Order: Agenda Creation and Distribution9.4.Review and Approval: CAC Management Plans for Town-Owned, Undeveloped, ForestedProperties9.5. Opt in to Loader Program for Highway?10. New Business10.1.Resolution calling for more local control of COVID 19 vaccine distribution10.2. Initiate Open Development Area Process for 250 Marsh Rd — Refer to Planning Boardfor review and recommendation and declaration of lead agency in environmental review11. Discussion of Next Meeting Agenda12. Adjourn