HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-03-08 Town Board AgendaTown of Danby Town BoardRegular First Monthly Board MeetingMonday, 8 March, 2021 at 7:00 PMvia Zoom Video Conferencinghttps://zoom.us/j/98085159868?pwd=cDJmU2xVeGw2KzN3T1d1dnJZRTFIQT09 AGENDA 1. Call to Order2. Additions/Deletions to Agenda3. Privilege of the Floor4. Correspondence4.1.Email 17 Feb 2021 re Planning Board4.2.Letter 1 Mar 2021 re Ag District Contestation4.3.Email 3 Mar 2021 re Howland Rd5. Announcements6. Reports6.1.Code Enforcement Officer6.1.1.NYS Public Employer Public Health Emergency Plan Draft6.2. Town Planner6.3.Town Clerk7. Approval of Consent Agenda7.1. Warrants7.1.1.General Fund Abstract 5: Vouchers 63–76 for $39,606.817.1.2.Highway Fund Abstract 5: Vouchers 44–51 for $44,736.247.2.CAC Management Plans8. Old Business8.1.Correspondence Policy, Revised8.2. Initiate Open Development Area consideration and refer to Planning Board re Wimsattproperty?8.3. Reschedule public hearing: Local Law to expand the pool of those eligible to serve asDeputy Highway Superintendent9. New Business9.1. Consider moratorium on subdivisions to revise zoning and highway laws8.1.1 Draft resolution to schedule public hearing8.1.2 Draft moratorium local law9.2. Workplace Violence Prevention report — Ulinski9.3.Water District Operating Policy — adopt?Draft Local Law,Draft Resolution9.4. Consider whether to comment on additions to Ag district Draft Resolution9.5. Consider whether to adopt the stretch energy code10. Discussion of Next Meeting Agenda11. Adjourn