HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-03-17 Town Board AgendaTown of Danby Town BoardSecond Regular Monthly Board Meeting+ Public HearingsWednesday, 17 March, 2021 at 7:00 PMvia Zoom Video Conferencinghttps://zoom.us/j/97107232988?pwd=bHBJY3p5M2toYlFSZWpwbmtLaStkQT09 AGENDA 1. Call to Order2. Public Hearings2.1.Proposed Local Law to Expand Deputy Highway Superintendent Residency Eligibility2.2.Proposed Local Law to Adopt the West Danby Water District Operating Policy2.3.Proposed Local Law to Enact a Land Use Moratorium in the Low-Density Residential Zonesee also:Land Use Moratorium FAQ3. Additions/Deletions to Agenda3.1 Prepping for in-person meetings to include videoconferencing3.2 Resolution authorizing transfer from General Fund Balance to Attorney Budget3.3 Resolution authorizing grant application for Bridge NY by T.G. Miller3.4 Reappoint Elizabeth Lamb to BZA4. Privilege of the Floor4.1. Correspondence4.2. In-Person5. Announcements6. Reports6.1.7. Approval of Consent Agenda7.1. Warrants7.1.1.General Fund Abstract 6: Vouchers 77–97 for $49,968.307.1.2.Highway Fund Abstract 6: Vouchers 52–69 for $82,811.607.1.3.Water District Abstract 6: Voucher 13 for $510.677.2. Minutes7.2.1.12 October 2021 Town Board Meeting7.2.2.21 October 2021 Town Board Meeting7.2.3.8 February 2021 Town Board Meeting7.2.4.17 February 2021 Town Board Meeting7.2.5. 8 March 2021 Town Board Meeting8. Old Business8.1. Workplace Violence Prevention report — Ulinski8.2. Re-imagining Public Safety8.3. Water District Policy Local Law8.4. Deputy Highway Superintendent Residency Local Law8.5. Subdivision Moratorium Local Law8.6.NYS Public Employer Public Health Emergency Plan8.7.NYS Stretch Energy Code — consider adopting see also:Stretch Codes FAQ9. New Business9.1.Letter of support Park Foundation CCA grant application10. Discussion of Next Meeting Agenda11. Adjourn