HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-06-14 Town Board AgendaTown of Danby Town BoardRegular First Monthly Board MeetingMonday 14 June, 2021 at 7:00 PMvia Zoom Video Conferencinghttps://zoom.us/j/98085159868?pwd=cDJmU2xVeGw2KzN3T1d1dnJZRTFIQT09 AGENDA1.Call to Order2. Public Hearing Wimsatt Conservation Easement (250 Marsh Road)3. Additions/Deletions to Agenda3.1. Consider scheduling public hearing for appeal to subdivision moratorium—Van de Bogart4.Privilege of the Floor5.Correspondence6.Announcements7.Reports & Presentations7.1. Town Planner7.2.Code Enforcement Officer, including information on Heisey Rd. house7.3.Town Clerk7.4. County Legislator8.Consent Agenda8.1. Approval of Minutes8.1.1.19 April 2021 - Zoning Update8.1.2.17 May 2021 - Zoning Update8.1.3.19 May 2021 - Board Meeting8.2. Warrants8.2.1.General Fund No 10 Vouchers 161–193 for $26,428.198.2.2.Highway Fund No 10 Vouchers 120–138 for $24,669.659.Old Business9.1. Authorize Supervisor to sign Wimsatt Conservation Easement9.2.Update on Beardsley Road stormwater management district9.3. Discussion on when to resume in-person meetings and handling remote participation10.New Business10.1.SEQR Review of EFC Hamlet Septic Grant &Authorization of Supervisor to Sign relatedcontracts10.2. Appoint Planner as Authorized Representative for Environmental Facilities Corporation(EFC) Hamlet Septic Grant10.3.Local Match Resolution for EFC Hamlet Septic Grant10.4. Town Hall Digital UpgradesPhone System Upgrade Town-wideTextMyGov Information ProposalCode and Clerk Computer Upgrade11.Discussion of Next Meeting Agenda12.Adjourn