HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-12-07 Town Board Agenda AGENDA Venue: Zoom Videoconferencing hps://zoom.us/j/98085159868?pwd=cDJmU2xVeGw2KzN3T1d1dnJZRTFIQT09 1. Call to Order 2. Addions/Deleons to Agenda 2.1, Norbut Solar Update 2.2. Highway Thoughts on Truck Replacement 3. Privilege of the Floor 4. Correspondence 5. Announcements 6.Interviews of Applicants to Open Appointed Posions 6.1. Jamie Vanucchi -- Planning Board 6.2. H Katharine Hunter -- Conservaon Advisory Council 7. Reports & Presentaons 7.1.Town Planner 7.2.Code Enforcement Officer 7.3.Town Clerk 8.Budget Transfers 9. Consent Agenda 9.1. Meeng Minutes November 2021 Meeng November 2021 Meeng + Public Hearing August 2021 9.2. Warrants 9.2.1. General Fund No 22 Vouchers 388–408 for $8,004.20 9.2.2. Highway Fund No 22 Vouchers 270–278 for $9,303.18 9.2.3. Water Fund No 22 Vouchers 36–40 for $2,153.98 10. Old Business 10.1. Discussion of Zoning Update and Final Tweaking, if any 10.2. Workplace Violence Resoluons to Create Threat Assessment Team (TAT) and Accept Report 10.2.1. Resoluon Enabling the Town of Danby Workplace Violence Policy & Threat Assessment Team 10.2.2.Resoluon Authorizing Safety and Security Upgrades to Town Mary Ann Barr 2021 The Town of Danby 1830 Danby Road Ithaca, NY 14850 danby.ny.gov Town Board Regular Meeting Tuesday 7 December 2021 at 7:00PM Property As Per the Workplace Violence Report 11. New Business 11.1.Schedule Public Hearing on Zoning Update 11.2. Authorize Contract With Guy Krogh for 2022 11.3. Consider Commenng on Aurora Street Closure for Streatery 11.4. Marijuana Opt Out? Dispensary, Consumpon, neither? 11.5. Vote on Whether to Join Stormwater Coalion 11.6. Retrospecve Discussion on How to Improve the Budget Process 11.7. Keep First January Town Board Meeng on January 4? 11.8. Re-levy Unpaid Water Bills 11.9. Alternaves Bank Free Income Tax Prep at Town Hall? 12. Discussion of Next Meeng Agenda 13. Adjourn