HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-09-22 Town Board AgendaThe Town of Danby1830 Danby RoadIthaca, NY 14850danby.ny.gov Town Board Regular MeetingWednesday 22 September 2021AGENDAVenue: Zoom Videoconferencinghttps://zoom.us/j/97107232988?pwd=bHBJY3p5M2toYlFSZWpwbmtLaStkQT091.Call to Order2. Additions/Deletions to Agenda2.1. COVID Vaccination and Testing Policy2.2. Schedule Public Hearing for Norbut Solar PDZ Application October 112.3.Agreement to spend Highway Funds3.Privilege of the Floor4.Correspondence4.1.Greg Nelson re Norbut Solar Farm proposal4.2.Cassie Conley re Norbut Solar Farm proposal4.3.Holly Hutchinson re Norbut Solar Farm proposal5.Announcements6.Reports & Presentations6.1. Town Planner6.2.Code Enforcement Officer6.3.Town Clerk6.4. County Legislator7.Consent Agenda7.1. Warrants7.1.1.General Fund No 16 Vouchers 292–316 for $21,715.787.1.2.Highway Fund No 16 Vouchers 202–209 for $13,510.287.1.3.General Fund No 17 Vouchers 317–331 for $31,680.227.1.4.Highway Fund No 17 Vouchers 210–227 for $30,609.297.1.5.Water Fund No 17 Vouchers 28–30 for $1,052.008.Old Business8.1.Review and Consider Approving Level of Operation Plan8.2. VOIP telephony update and possible vendor selection8.3.Conservation Easement Template Revisions8.4. Workplace Violence Prevention Resolutions9.New Business9.1. Water District Advisory Committee Request to Authorize Leak Detection Contract9.2. Request to Contribute Toward Tree Removal at West Danby Cemetery9.3. Consider Appointing Colleen Cowan to Fill Vacancy on Planning Board9.4. Schedule Public Hearing for Norbut Solar PDZ Application October 11Resolution from Planning Board Sending PDZ for TB ReviewAll application materials and related documents10.Discussion of Next Meeting Agenda11.Adjourn