HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-03-18 Town Board Minutes Present:Joel Gagnon, Town Supervisor Leslie Connors Katharine Hunter Patricia Woodworth Paul Hansen Town Staff:Laura Shawley, Bookkeeper Mariah Dillon, Town Clerk Greg Hutnik, Town Planner Other Attendees:Ronda Roaring Garry Huddle Ted Crane Jim Holahan Zach Larkins Heather Coffey 1.Call to Order 6:03 2.Additions/Deletions to Agenda 2.1.Presentation By Skate Garden Inc. 2.2.Approval of Meeting Minutes from November 18, 2022 and June 26, 2023. 2.3. Review and not approve Meeting Minutes from December 6, 2022 3.Privilege of the Floor Ronda Roaring – Regarding the proposal to modify the Town Hall to make it ADA compliant: I have observed many times that public buildings are now often closed to the public, in that the public has to have either some sort of access card or key or push a button and be allowed entry. What I'm proposing is that we don't do this whole reconstruction of the side of the building to provide handicap parking space, and then expect the person in a wheelchair, who may not have another person to help them come up a ramp. I'm proposing that there be a parking space out in front of the building, and that there'll be a sign there at the parking space and that the person be encouraged to either press the button at the door and there would be a button with a speaker and then someone would come and let them in or they would call a particular phone number the clerk's office and the clerk will come to the door and let them in. And that way they don't have to worry about a ramp and they can even sit in the car until someone comes to the door and holds the door open for them. I feel it would be a whole lot cheaper and that it would be more convenient for the person who's coming and would even be a good security measure if we had one of those buttons with a speaker. Garry Huddle – Has spoken with several neighbors on Gunderman Rd that have been in touch with the school district about the dump they have going up there now. They said they were going to clean Mary Ann Barr 2021   T he Town of Danby  1830 Danby Road  Ithaca, NY 14850  danby.ny.gov Town Board Regular Meeting Minutes  Monday March 18, 2024 at 6:00PM it up, but I haven’t seen any action yet. Has the Town heard anything more about that? Supervisor Gagn asked Steve Cortright to look into it, buthas not heard back yet. Huddle also asked about businesses coming into town to make use of the signage? Gagnon: There’s Danby Food and Drink, and the proposed coffee shop/bakery down on Michigan Hollow that would like to have signs which are not currently allowed. Ted Crane asked about the Skate Garden. He stated: “ I have some idea of what they are about,and if it involves the park then you should probably be forwarding them to the park unless you of course want to put it right on town hall grounds.” Crane also brought up the proposed sign amendments, and pointed out that the fire department sign would be prohibited if it were not grandfathered. Crane was a little bit disturbed by the discussion at the previous meeting about deputizing people, not with the idea of code enforcement or zoning. I mean, if the various officers feel they need it, and they want that responsibility, that doesn't bother me at all. But during the discussion, it came up that town board members wanted to attend the training and perhaps they would want to be deputized themselves and that I think would be a problem. 4.Correspondence - None 5.Announcements - Hunter mentioned the Tompkins County Duck Races benefiting 4-H, Rural Youth Services and Primitive Pursuits, happening on April 28th, 2024. 6.Reports & Presentations 6.1.Highway Superintendent Keith Shipman- was not present. L. Shawley mentioned that the old loader has made it over to the auction. 7.Meeting Minutes 7.1.Resolution 96 of 2024 to Approve the Meeting Minutes of February 26th, and the March 4th Special Town Board Meeting Moved By Gagnon Seconded by Connors Roll Call: Connors Yes Hansen Abstain Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 96 of 2024 passed on March 18, 2024 7.2.Resolution 97 of 2024 to Approve Meeting Minutes of Meeting Minutes of November 18, 2022 and June 26, 2023 Moved By Conners Seconded by Gagnon Roll Call: Connors Yes Hansen Abstain Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 97 of 2024 passed on March 18, 2024 7.3.Resolution 98 to Review and Not Approve the Meeting Minutes of December 6, 2022 Moved By Conners Seconded by Woodworth Roll Call: Connors Yes Hansen Abstain Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 98 of 2024 passed on March 18, 2024 8.Warrants Abstract 6 of 2024 8.1.Resolution 99 of 2024 to Approve General Fund Vouchers 80-98 for $9,762.01 Moved By Conners Seconded by Woodworth Roll Call: Connors Yes Hansen Yes Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 99 of 2024 passed on March 18, 2024 8.2.Resolution 100 of 2024 to Approve Highway Fund Vouchers 39-48 for $14,283.18 Moved By Conners Seconded by Gagnon Roll Call: Connors Yes Hansen Yes Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 100 of 2024 passed on March 18, 2024 8.3. Resolution 101 of 2024 to Accept Water Fund Vouchers 3-6 for $1,105.20 Moved By Conners Seconded by Gagnon Roll Call: Connors Yes Hansen Yes Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 101 of 2024 passed on March 18, 2024 9.Business 9.1. DCPA 2024 Agreement Hunter heard that the Danby Community Council and the Danby Community Park Association (DCPA) were to merge. She expressed concern that there was nothing in the DCPA Agreement that reflected this change. Woodworth also expressed concern because the Community Council organizational structure does not satisfy New York State Law. Connors asked about the boardwalk grant. The boardwalk is in the beginning stages of installation in the park, waiting for the weather to warm up. Connors asked about a conservation easement on the park property. The Board wanted to look at any easements before signing the agreement. There was also discussion about reviewing the DCPA budget, in order to understand what the Danby tax payers were supporting. She also reported that the porta potty in the park was tipped over. Hunter thought it would be helpful if the President of the Park Association were able to come to a Board meeting and answer some of the questions. Gagnon stated that t he State Comptroller's Office made ver y clear in the audit that we're not supposed to give away funds without an indication of what the money is going to be for. Hunter reiterated her concerns about signing the contract: “Having a park that's owned by an association, and we don't really even know who the association is anymore because.” Hansen was concerned that the board wanted to screen the members of the Park Association. Woodworth reiterated that they may be operating illegally and not following New York State Laws, or their own bylaws. Hansen wanted to make it clear that’s thats why we are considering holding the funds until we can figure out the legal dilemma. Temporary funding was discussed. L. Shawley brought up the specifics of what the original Park Association funding request was for – mostly property insurance and auditing services, not lawn mowing. Connors mentioned the request for funds now includes port-o-john rental, liability insurance, Storywalk supplies, general maintenance and repairs for the playground and trails. Gagnon: “ In the beginning, you may recall that the park came to be as a result of a Community Council initiative. We were looking for a place to have a community center and there was an offer of property on Comfort Road toward the north end and a bunch of people, including me, thought that it would be good for a community center to be somewhere near the center of the community. Esther Dotson and the committee tried to find a place, and they came up with this property across the street. It was an all or nothing deal, they wanted to sell the whole thing. It was like 80 acres, and the only way to make it work was to make a park out of part of it, and keep part of it for where the community center was going to be. The town board at the time was unwilling to support purchasing it. But the town board was willing to support it being pursued, if granted the opportunity, on the condition that it not cost the town anything. So, that's how it ended up being incorporated as a 501(c)(3). And so it is to this day. I think the hope was that over time the town would be more willing to support it as a park, and in fact that has been the case. We've gradually increased our support. Nothing to $8,300.. The only problem is the State Law changed. Discussion ensued regarding the legal status of the DCPA and DCC. It was requested that the board invite the President of the DCPA to address the board's issues. Gagnon said he would draft a letter and get it out to the board. 9.2.Resolution 102 of 2024 to Acknowledge Receipt of Revised Advance Notice for Danby Food and Drink Moved By Conners Seconded by Woodworth Roll Call: Connors Yes Hansen Yes Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 102 of 2024 passed on March 18, 2024 9.3.Presentation By Skate Garden Inc. Dan Woodring spoke about the possibility of having a skate park in Danby. Hutnik mentioned that the Danby park can not be reasonably considered for a skate park (because it is not municipally owned), and one of the reasons why Dan is here, and he's going around to different towns and communities in the area, is because getting a nonprofit to insure skateboarding facilities, is quoted at $8,400 a year, whereas towns can typically insure skateboarding facilities by adding an insurance policy for less than $1,000. Woodring gave a history of Skate Garden. Benefits to the community were noted. Possible locations were costs of material,and minimum dimensions for a small skate park. discussed, as well as Hutnik mentioned that Tompkins County has some grant money available for trails that could be applied to install a skateboard park. Insurance and liability issues were raised. Hutnik will follow up with Woodring. 9.4.Review of Draft Special Event Permitting Law Hutnik's looking for input from the board on his draft of the special event law. Hunter asked whether under the exemption clause regarding an event on commercial property, like the Stork property, would they be exempt? Discussion ensued regarding possible exemptions. The Board will further research what options are available for the Special Event Permitting Law. Hutnik encouraged the Board to think about the impact of their considerations and not the actual functions. Hutnik will make some minor changes and bring back a modified document for further discussion. 9.5.Proposal to Revise Zoning to Provide for Freestanding Signs specif ically for the Hamlet Neighborhood. 9.5.1.Proposed Sign Amendments 9.5.2.Sign Lighting Examples Hutnik explained the difference between back lit signs vs internally lit signs. Hunter suggested that the lighting of signs may be a priority over the size of the signs. Discussion ensued regarding the size and strength of sign lighting. Heather Coffey spoke about the negative effects of lighting on migrating birds. Resolution 103 of 2024 to Extent to Meeting 10 Minutes (at 8:08) Moved By Hunter Seconded by Gagnon Roll Call: Connors Yes Hansen Yes Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 103 of 2024 passed on March 18, 2024 Supervisor Gagnon mentioned that there is a bit of urgency to get the sign amendments completed as Danby Food and Drink intends to open soon and will need a sign. 9.6.Resolution 104 of 2024 to Schedule a Public Hearing on April 15th for the Local Law to Amend the Zoning Law with Regard to Freestanding Signage Requirements in the Town. Moved By Gagnon Seconded by Connors Roll Call: Connors Yes Hansen Yes Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 104 of 2024 passed on March 18, 2024 9.7.Decision on North Entry Proposal Need to discuss code issues with Steve Cortright, the Code Officer, regarding the ramp specifications and the landing, so that they meet current code. There was discussion about adding a button that would open the door. Checking on actuator costs was suggested. 9.8.Resolution 105 of 2024 to Extent to Meeting 10 Minutes (at 8:19) Moved By Gagnon Seconded by Woodworth Roll Call: Connors Yes Hansen Yes Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 105 of 2024 passed on March 18, 2024 9.9.Proposal to Hire an Additional Clerk/Typist to Provide Off ice Assistance for $20.56/hr Connors suggested we follow the guidelines for hiring. Discussion ensued regarding hiring practices and the candidate's qualifications. Resolution 106 of 2024 to Approve of Hiring Julia Hughes as Additional Clerk/Typist to Provide Off ice Assistance for $20.56/hr Moved By Connors Seconded by Gagnon Roll Call: Connors Yes Hansen Yes Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 106 of 2024 passed on March 18, 2024 Resolution 107 of 2024 to Extent to Meeting 10 Minutes (at 8:25) Moved By Gagnon Seconded by Hansen Roll Call: Connors No Hansen Yes Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 107 of 2024 passed on March 18, 2024 9.10.Resolution 108 of 2024 to Schedule a Public Hearing on April 15th to Discuss Accepting Trail Easement Moved By Gagnon Seconded by Hansen Roll Call: Connors Yes Hansen Yes Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 108 of 2024 passed on March 18, 2024 Resolution 109 of 2024 to Authorize Deputizing the Code and Zoning Off icers for Enforcement Moved By Hunter Seconded by Connors Roll Call: Connors Yes Hansen Yes Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 109 of 2024 passed on March 18, 2024 10.Discussion of Next Meeting Agenda ARPA Fund Project List Adjourn 8:42