HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-03-04 Town Board Minutes Present:Joel Gagnon, Town Super visor Leslie Connors Katharine Hunter Patricia Woodworth Absent:Paul Hansen Town Staff:Laura Shawley, Bookkeeper Mariah Dillon, Town Clerk Steve Cortright, CEO Greg Hutnik, Town Planner Other Attendees:Ronda Roaring Ted Crane Garr y Huddle Zach Larkins Heather Coffey 1.Call to Order 6:01 2.Additions/Deletions to Agenda 3.Privilege of the Floor Ronda Roaring - Suggested some changes to the Organizational Chart. Had a question about Planner/ Planning Board and BZA. Concerned about who is the main contact for attending or joining boards and committees. Garry Huddle – A new law about a tenant’s ability to sue a landlord and he’s wondering who is going to followup after properties have been repaired. Response: Code violations would definitely go to the Code Officer (Steve Cortright) for follow-up. Cortright mentioned that he shall be available to inspect properties that fall under this new law. He asked Huddle to let him know when a trial takes place so that he can be available. Huddle added that the new law includes violation of any state uniform codes and fire and building codes and the New York State Property Maintenance codes and local ordinances or county or municipal housing standards. 4.Correspondence - None 5.Announcements - None 6.Reports & Presentations 6.1.Town Clerk 6.2.Code Enforcement Officer Mary Ann Barr 2021   T he Town of Danby  1830 Danby Road  Ithaca, NY 14850  danby.ny.gov  Town Board Regular Meeting  Monday, March 4th, 2024 at 6:00PM 6.3.Town Planner – Verbal Report 1.Enforcement – Notice of violation to the property owner who held the BBQ last summer. The owner is aware, and assured Hutnik that he would not be having the event this year. 2.Inspection of the Norbut Solar farm on Bald Hill Rd. Following up with the DEC on erosion control measures. There are many new people on staff who were not knowledgeable about erosion control. They are following up, but there may be fines from the DEC. 3.Planning Board Meeting: a.Subdivision proposal on Updike Road. b.Rise-Up Community Farm Proposal on Hornbrook Rd which raised a lot of questions due to the nature of the site and its proximity to a perennial stream and a lot of sensitive environmental resources. Hutnik is working with the developer. c.Georgia’s Coffee Shop – May start with a coffee trailer before a brick-and- mortar shop. The Planning Board had a good discussion about it. d.Special Event Law e.CDBG Housing Grants – We had identified a consultant, and Hutnik is already getting calls about it. f.Beautification grant has been submitted. Connors asked if the CAC was involved with advising the Rise-Up Community group on environmental issues. Hutnik will follow up with the CAC. 7.Resolution 90 of 2024 to Accept Meeting Minutes of February 21st, 2024 Moved By Conn0rs Seconded by Woodworth Roll Call: Connors Yes Hansen Absent Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Abstain Resolution 90 of 2024 passed on March 4, 2024 8.Warrant Abstract No 5 of 2024 8.1.Resolution 91 of 2024 to Accept General Fund Vouchers 66–79 for $11,423.00 Moved By Woodworth Seconded by Gagnon Roll Call: Connors Abstain Hansen Absent Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 91 of 2024 passed on March 4, 2024 8.2. Resolution 92 of 2024 to Accept Highway Fund Vouchers 30–38 for $29,557.08 Moved By Woodworth Seconded by Gagnon Roll Call: Connors Abstain Hansen Absent Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 92of 2024 passed on March 4, 2024 9.Business 9.1.Resolution 93 of 2024 to Appoint Kelly Maher to Planning Board Chair Moved By Gagnon Seconded by Connors Roll Call: Connors Yes Hansen Absent Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 93 of 2024 passed on March 4, 2024 9.2.First Round of Zoning Amendments Hutnik brought several zoning amendment proposals for discussion to the Board: 1.Rural 1 Zone District 2.Hamlet Neighborhood Zone District 3.Hamlet Center Zone District Hutnik proposed making houses in the Rural 1 Zone District like every other zoning district, which is a principal use permitted by right, through a building permit, as opposed to going through a site plan review, and then working with the Planner, to make sure it meets with regulations. I know that the attorney for the town might have something to say about requiring site plan review for single family homes. Gagnon: He's definitely not a fan. Hutnik: There are a number of places in town where a single-family home does have to go through a site plan review, such as if you're in certain overlay zone districts or more protective areas such as the property up on Hornbrook Road. This proposal is suggesting if it's a rural one property, on an existing lot, then a home would be allowed as a permitted use by right. Just to be clear, for the public, there's no action being taken tonight by the town board. This is just a preview here. Discussion ensued regarding protections for environmentally sensitive areas and setbacks in the various zones. It was generally agreed that unless there is an environmentally sensitive area already covered, there is no need for a site plan review for a single-family home. It is, however, necessary to work with the Town Planner and Code Officer. Connors wanted more thought put into making any change to site-plan review for single family homes in Rural 1 Zone. The areas in Rural 1 Zone were determined to be in need of some extra protection. What are the extra protections (besides site plan review) for those areas? 4.Discussion ensued regarding the Hamlet’s 20’ Maximum Setback. Hutnik will do more research on this item. 5.Discussion ensued regarding Allowing Freestanding Signs on Property – Hutnik to mock up language on possible sign regulations for the Town Board to consider. 6.Discussion ensued regarding some uses of Freestanding signs allowed on Corner Lots. This was possibly originally developed to have a corner store in a neighborhood, but may not translate to the geographic makeup of Danby. 9.3.Potentially Deputizing Code and Zoning Officers for Enforcement Being able to prosecute people in the State of New York – and/or act as a witness in court. Cortright had some questions. He is a peace office and he wondered if this would increase his responsibilities or if he would be called up to get involved with other incidents. Many questions remain - need clarity - will revisit at another meeting. 9.4.Mass Gathering Permitting Legislation Discussion Hutnik provided a Special Event Draft Legislation for discussion Hansen provided Hutnik with his marked-up copy which included: ○Definition of a special event. ○Having a fee for an event. ○Criteria for having to get a permit for an event. ○Application review section ○Penalties for offensives Discussion ensued regarding the numerous potential items to be considered for inclusion in a Mass Gathering Permitting Legislation. The board will send Hutnik their comments. This item will be tabled until the documents are made public. Hutnik will make some revisions and get back to the board at another date. 9.5. Brief Review of Organization Chart Gagnon stated that under the current law the West Danby Water Advisory Committee does not oversee the operator and assistant operator. The lines on the org chart indicate a connection, or relationship. There is a need for more clarification for how the WDWD works with the town. Resolution 94 of 2024 to Extend the Meeting 5 Minutes Moved By Gagnon Seconded by Woodworth Roll Call: Connors Yes Hansen Absent Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 94 of 2024 passed on March 4, 2024 9.6 Resolution 95 of 2024 to Authorize CDBG Housing Rehab at 37 Howland Rd Moved By Woodworth Seconded by Gagnon Roll Call: Connors Yes Hansen Absent Hunter Yes Woodworth Yes Gagnon Yes Resolution 95 of 2024 passed on March 4, 2024 10.Discussion of Next Meeting Agenda Zoning and Mass GatheringsPermitting Legislation Surplus Items – Disposition Policy Potentially Deputizing Code and Zoning Officers for Enforcement 11.Adjourn 8:06