HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-02-21 Town Board Minutes
Present:Joel Gagnon, Town Supervisor
Leslie Connors
Paul Hansen
Katharine Hunter
Patricia Woodworth
Town Staff:Laura Shawley, Bookkeeper
Mariah Dillon, Town Clerk
Steve Cortright, CEO
Gren Hutnik, Town Planner
Other Attendees:Ronda Roaring
Ted Crane
Zach Larkins
Marrell Cortright
1.Call to Order 6:05 PM
2.Public Hearing Local Law #1 of 2024 On Town of Danby Real Property Tax Exemptions for
Qualifying Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons
Opened at 6:05
No one spoke for, or against, the Local Law.
Closed at 6:05
3.Additions to Agenda:
3.1. Highway Proposal for Loader Purchase
3.2. Highway Proposal to Auction the 2023 Volvo Loader
4.Privilege of the Floor
Ronda Roaring spoke about having trouble with finding policies and procedures on the Danby
Roaring: The web site is getting enormous. I would like to make sure that when I go to that website
and I put policies up in the search tab that it brings up policies and procedures. It’s getting hard to
find things quickly. It would have been nice if I could have gotten in there and found the documents a
little bit quicker. Thank you
Ted Crane spoke about having trouble with finding items on the Danby website.
Crane: I realized how hard it is to produce a link for everything. There are two policy proposals listed
on the agenda, and those are the ones I really would have liked to see some document for. At least
one of them apparently there is a document was supposed to be prepared and the other one I
assume there is. I hope that you do have documents and you can get them online, and tell us to
reload the agenda so that we can see them and then open up, reopen comments so we can make
Mary Ann Barr 2021
Town of Danby
1830 Danby Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
Town Board Meeting & Public Hearing
Wednesday, February 21st 2024 at 6:00PM
comments on policy proposals that are being raised.
Woodworth: Those items were deleted from the agenda.
Zach Larkins spoke about the wish list for ARPA money.
Larkins: We have talked about an ADA ramp for town hall, other security upgrades as determined by
the Workplace Violence Committee, acoustics issues at town hall and upgrading the PA system. One
of the items was adding restrooms at the park. I’ve spoken to Amanda because I am putting in a
boardwalk in March or April because the grant has some time left on it. But Ted, you’re the
Community Park Director? I didn’t know if there was anything that the park was looking to do as an
Crane: I think you should bring this up at a park meeting.
Larkins: When’s the next meeting?
Crane: I Don’t know the date. But the town board is not a venue to discuss park business.
5.Correspondence - None
6.Announcements - Woodworth checked on the timeframe for giving notice regarding board
members zoom attendance at town meeting. Notice should be given 72 hours before the
meeting for someone going to be out of town. Woodworth will reconfirm an issue with board
members with an illnesses. Hansen is going out of town March 5 – 12th and might not have
internet when he goes out of town. He will try to attend on zoom. Supervisor Gagnon points
out that a quorum is required at the meeting.
7.Reports & Presentations
7.1.Highway Superintendent, Keith Shipman
7.1.1.Highway Proposal for Loader Purchase
Shipman Reported: We're up for our loader renewal. Were considering if we want to purchase a new
loader and possibly sell our old one. We've got a good trade in value of $185,000 on our old one, we
would like to place it in an auction just to see how it does. We're looking for up to $18,000 over the
trade in value that can be applied to a new loader. There are warranty and maintenance expenses that
we hope will be offset by putting the old loader at auction. If we could see $10k to $15k a year in
depreciation in the loader that's probably fair. But when you're talking, $20k, to $25k for a new
machine every year it's too much for the taxpayers pockets. But this is the most important piece of
equipment we have. And if we don't have that loader we're sitting ducks! It's important that we keep a
really good loader. I guarantee it's not going to get cheaper but it has to be watched closely where
you're spending more every year than what the thing is depreciating. Seven years is a great time to
sell a piece of equipment, they hold their value up. They depreciate. I want to say 25 30% in the first
seven years or something, those are good numbers that come back and recoup that money then we'd
probably be around 23 2400 hours on the machine which you're still talking of ver y, valuable machine
after seven years. Then maybe maybe in the future if the price for this loader program keeps getting
higher and higher and higher, I think, maybe maybe see what happens in seven years with one. You
just want to make sure in that first couple of years you got a really good machine. Some of these
machines, if you feel them out for the first couple of years and they do really really well. You're very
unlikely to have serious, serious serious issues whether I'm where it might exceed a $5,000 repair.
Gagnon: To clarify, one issue is to buy a new loader and the other issue is to allow for the auction of
the old one to see if we can get a better price for the old one.
Resolution 77 of 2024 to Approve the Highway Superintendent to send the 2023 Volvo Loader to
Moved By Woodworth Seconded by Gagnon
Shipman: Theres no loss for the town if we bring the old loader to Auction.
Roll Call:
Connors Yes
Hansen Yes
Hunter Yes
Woodworth Yes
Gagnon Yes
Resolution 77 of 2024 passed on February 21, 2024
Resolution 78 of 2024 to A llow the Highway Superintendent to Enter into an Agreement with all Alti
Equipment for the contract of a new Loader.
Moved By Woodworth Seconded by Connors
Roll Call:
Connors Yes
Hansen Yes
Hunter Yes
Woodworth Yes
Gagnon Yes
Resolution 78 of 2024 passed on February 21, 2024
7.2.Water District Status
Shipman finished up by saying the Highway department is doing ok – although there’s been a
lot of freezing and warming up which is not good for roads. But with the warm weather, we
might be saving a bit on salt due to the weather. Hopefully we won’t have much more snow
this season.
7.3.January 2024 Clerk's Report
8.Meeting Minutes
8.1. Resolution 79 of 2024 to Approve Town Board Meeting Minutes for December 20, 2023,
January 22, 2024, and February 5, 2024
Moved By Woodworth Seconded by Gagnon
Roll Call:
Connors Yes
Hansen Yes
Hunter Yes
Woodworth Yes
Gagnon Yes
Resolution 79 of 2024 passed on February 21, 2024
9.Warrants Abstract 04 of 2024
Resolution 80 of 2024 to Accept General Fund Vouchers 42-65 for $40.091.83
Moved By Connors Seconded by Woodworth
Roll Call:
Connors Yes
Hansen Yes
Hunter Yes
Woodworth Yes
Gagnon Yes
Resolution 80 of 2024 passed on February 21, 2024
Resolution 81 of 2024 to Accept Highway Fund Vouchers 20-29 for $19,070.84
Moved By Connors Seconded by Gagnon
Roll Call:
Connors Yes
Hansen Yes
Hunter Yes
Woodworth Yes
Gagnon Yes
Resolution 81 of 2024 passed on February 21, 2024
Resolution 82 of 2024 to Accept West Danby Water District Fund Voucher 2 for $50.00
Moved By Connors Seconded by Woodworth
Roll Call:
Connors Yes
Hansen Yes
Hunter Yes
Woodworth Yes
Gagnon Yes
Resolution 82 of 2024 passed on February 21, 2024
9.4. Resolution 83 of 2024 to Accept Danby Fire District Voucher #1 for $589,000.00
Moved By Connors Seconded by Woodworth
Roll Call:
Connors Yes
Hansen Yes
Hunter Yes
Woodworth Yes
Gagnon Yes
Resolution 83 of 2024 passed on February 21, 2024
10.1. Water District Typist/Clerk- Next Steps in Hiring Successor to Marge Seamon
Connors inquired about the job description. L Shawley described the job description that was posted.
Entering meter reading, printing bills, sending them out and writing reports. The current job
description does not require a civil service test. It’s the same job description as secretaries for the
CAC, BZA and Planning Board. Gagnon advertised the position because he wanted to know if there
was other interest in the job in the community. Shawley will send the actual posted job description to
the board members.
Four applications were received for the position. Connors opined that it’s important to have someone
from West Danby, preferably someone in the water district. She noted that the person she would like
to interview had been training for the position for the last year. Hunter mentioned that Marrell
Cortright could offer more details about the job.
Connors: I was interested in asking you to describe what you've been doing and what's your
connection with the water district, how long you've been there, and what have you done with the
water district?
M Cortright: We at the Water District Board, we all have all cross trained, so we can step in for
anybody. Not particularly Scott's job, but if there was something happened during the day, with Scott
being away like he was this week, we could at least go and meet them. We all know who we're going to
call him case of emergency. We can at least meet them, show them the problem and get the ball
rolling, so nothing's on hold. I could also very quickly type up a note to leave on someone's door. This
is what's going on with your water because we're all capable. We all talked about what we do and
whoever's closest, because Sean, Scott and I are in the fire department. We are on top of our
generator. We all work together to do it. When I have a billing problem or whenever a meter read
didn't work, I can calls or texts we do a lot of stuff that thing. We're all on a group text together. I'm
doing I'm checking the generator. I'm doing paperwork, I'm writing notes. I'm doing all the clerical. I
took the software training. I've gone out with Scott and done the meter reading. At least know what to
do. And this going for ward will not be in someone's home. We have been tr ying for over a year to get a
memorandum of understanding with the fire department. So that it can be run out of the fire
department. We also need all of our records in a locked and secured place, and our maps being in a
climate controlled place, which is what we would have at the station. Our Town code person has
already assigned us a house number for the pump house, so we may have our own secure locked
mailbox to get our mail.
Hunter: So that means that the people in the town can come to that central location with payments?
M Cortright: Yes! We have people who won't mail a check. They don't trust the Postal Service They
hand deliver their payments. So we have to have a central safe, lockable secure mailbox. And also that
all three of us are in the fire department, that gives us a place to have our meetings. If we need to
have a place where people have to come pick up water (because the State says if you're going to be
out of water for more than 72 hours, we the water district have to provide water) so we have to have a
place they can pick that up. We can use the station.
Gagnon noted that it’s illegal to use a mailbox for anything other than mail, without postage.
M Cortright: We're looking at the same mailbox the fire department has. Pull down on the top, they
drop it in, the bottom is locked. You can’t get in it. We're not looking at a mailbox.
Hunter asked about the fire department mail box. M Cortright described the mail box situation in
West Danby and how to change the addresses for the water district billing.
Gagnon: How do you see the relationship between the clerk and board?
M Cortright: We understand that while the paperwork goes to Laura, the water board has to be ready
to come to a Town Board meeting and answer any questions. If you ask, we have to be able to come in
and answer. Since the beginning weve been told that is what’s expected.
Hunter: It’s nice to have a report like this to describe the position.
M Cortright: You can have us come to the town board at any time. If you ask, we are to come, that's
not going to change.
M Cortright: I need to explain that even though Scott is not listed as a member of the Board of Water
Commissioners, we do not make any choices, any decisions without his input. He is a part of our
board. If you say you need him or someone from the board or both, we will be here.
Resolution 84 of 2024 to Appoint Marrell Cortright as WDWD Clerk
Moved By Hunter Seconded by Woodworth
Gagnon noted that he’s reluctant to vote without addressing the relationship problem
between him and M Cortright.
Roll Call:
Connors Yes
Hansen Yes
Hunter Yes
Woodworth Yes
Gagnon Abstain
Resolution 84 of 2024 passed on February 21, 2024
M Cortright mentioned that the town board was welcome to come to a water district meeting
any time.
10.1. Resolution 85 of 2024 to Reaff irmation the Existing Policies and Procedures
Moved By Woodworth Seconded by Gagnon
Gagnon and Connors have been going over the current versions of policies and cleaning up
the files and folders. It’s a work in process, but it should be cleaned up soon. She is making
sure all dates on them are correct and current. And other versions are archived.
Roll Call:
Connors Yes
Hansen Yes
Hunter Yes
Woodworth Yes
Gagnon Yes
Resolution 85 of 2024 passed on February 21, 2024
10.2. Resolution 86 of 2024 to Apply Beautif ication Grant Application
It appears that we can only submit one application. Planner Hutnik explained that Janine Willis
recommended that the town apply for one big project as opposed to little projects throughout the
town. There was discussion about town signs on private property, and/or if beautifying all the town
signs would be acceptable. Hutnik is working with the grant administrator, but recommends either the
West Danby Sign or the Town Hall signs. Plantings were discussed – and recommended starting a
beautifying committee.
Shipman asked about deeded rights (permission) for town signs on private property. He’s concerned
about word of mouth arrangements, and recommends getting legal rights to have signs on private
Hutnik recommends that next year we do a big sign program and work with property owner, and to
Shipmans point, that we try to formalize some right away or easement language, and then have a sign
program beautification in Danby. It seems cleanest to have this project be on town owed land.
Discussion ensued regarding what project(s) to apply for. Hutnik noted that the deadline is March 1
and he thinks he can put something together. It was decided that Hutnik would be directed to apply
for the beautification grant for Town Hall, the Gazebo and some landscaping. Connors and Hutnik
will work out the details.
Resolution 86 of 2024 to Apply Beautif ication Grant Application
Moved By Woodworth Seconded by Hansen
Roll Call:
Connors Yes
Hansen Yes
Hunter Yes
Woodworth Yes
Gagnon Yes
Resolution 86 of 2024 passed on February 21, 2024
10.4. Resolution 87 of 2024 to Pass Local Law #1 of 2024 to Adopt of Local Law Re Senior and
Moved By Woodworth Seconded by Gagnon
Roll Call:
Connors Yes
Hansen Yes
Hunter Yes
Woodworth Yes
Gagnon Yes
Resolution 87 to Pass Local Law #1 of 2024 passed on February 21, 2024
10.5. Mass Gathering Permitting Legislation
Hutnik spoke about doing a lot of research on local laws and special event laws.
There are many different criteria that the town needs to agree on.
Starting with: What is a special event?
Number of people?
Number of Vehicles?
Location ~ private or public land?
Duration ~ time of day?
Indoor, outdoor or both?
Fee per admission – or suggested donation?
Selling food or beverages?
Generating a lot of traffic?
Hutnik read over some other towns adapted event regulations and pointed out an event with
a fee involved was the top regulated event. He went over several event issues and concerned
to be considered. He offered to send the Town Board a draft law to consider.
Resolution 88 of 2024 to Extend the Meeting
Moved By Gagnon Seconded by Woodworth
Roll Call:
Connors Yes
Hansen Yes
Hunter Yes
Woodworth Yes
Gagnon Yes
Resolution 88 of 2024 passed on February 21, 2024
10.6 Resolution 89 of 2024 To Have a Special Meeting to Look at the Town’s Organizational
Chart – on Monday, February 26th at 4:00
Moved By Woodworth Seconded by Gagnon
Roll Call:
Connors Yes
Hansen Yes
Hunter Yes
Woodworth Yes
Gagnon Yes
Resolution 89 of 2024 passed on February 21, 2024
11.Discussion of Next Meeting Agenda
Deferred Items
12.Adjourn 8:14