HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-11-02 Town Board Minutes
Mee ng Minutes
Roll Call:
Town Board Joel Gagnon, Supervisor
Leslie Connors
Jim Holahan
Sarah Schnabel
Ma Ulinski
Town Planner David West
Town Code Enforcement Officer Steve Cortright
Town Bookkeeper Laura Shawley
Recording Secretary Janice Adelman, Town Clerk
1. Mee ng Called to Order at 19:19 by Supervisor Gagnon
2. Public Hearing on 2022 Preliminary Budget
Opened at 19:04
All those who spoke:
In favor Against
Ronda Roaring
Hearing closed at 19:18
3. Addi ons/Dele ons to Agenda
3.1. Resolu on Asking Governor to Sign Rural Ambulance Task Force into law
3.2. Transfer resolu on to fund highway equipment repair
4. Privilege of the Floor
4.1. Resident Ronda Roaring requested that video recordings of Town Board
Mee ngs be posted to the Town’s YouTube channel. In par cular, she wants to
see the beginning of the budget workshop that she missed.
5. Correspondence — none.
Mary Ann Barr 2021
T he Town of Danby, New York
1830 Danby Road, Ithaca, NY 14850
Town Board Regular Meeting + Public Hearing
Tuesday 2 November 2021
+1-607-277-4788 | townboard@danby.ny.gov
Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 2 November 2021 at 7:00PM
6. Announcements
6.1. Board/Commi ee Posi ons to be Filled in January
7. Reports & Presenta ons
7.1. Town Planner
7.2. Code Enforcement Officer
New Residential Construction
208 South Danby Rd – foundation for single family home Inc. in value
of home
741 East Miller Rd- foundation for single family home $200,000 $207.40
208 South Danby Rd – single family home $184,000 $417.75
1444 Danby Rd – new roof $25,100 $50.00
800 Comfort Rd – new entryway and covered deck $3,500 $50.00
66 Muzzy Rd – pole barn $28,340 $128.00
1528 Danby Rd – new furnace and hot water heater $15,125 $50.00
391 Gunderman Rd – relocate wood pellet stove $200 $50.00
725 Larue Rd Lions Camp Badger – new bathroom facility $18,000 $50.00
20 Nelson Rd – Temporary tent $0.00 $50.00
MONTH TOTALS 474,265 1103.15
YTD TOTALS 3,559,005 10,576.
PREVIOUS YTD TOTALS 3,084,740 9,473.65
1042 Comfort Rd – air source heat pump
88 Gunderman Rd – bathroom renovation
308 Bald Hill Rd – pole barn garage
210 Nelson Rd – new roof
115 Marsh Rd- Geothermal system
20 Nelson Rd – temporary tent
20 nelson Rd – 40 X 60 pavilion
34 construction inspections
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Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 2 November 2021 at 7:00PM
2 complaints – 800 comfort Rd – construction without a permit; permit issued
145 Yaple Rd – construction without a permit; resolution in progress
Assisted 2 residents with finding information on their recently purchased homes
Coordinated with Ace Security to fix the lock on the main door
Attended the Tompkins Code Enforcement officials annual meeting
6 hours of in-service training – Vacant property registry 2 hrs.
Temporary buildings 2 hrs.
Fire Safety during Construction 2 hrs.
Met with 8 residents either in code office or on site concerning up-coming projects
7.3. Town Clerk Report October 2021
Pursuant to Section 27, Subd 1 of the Town Law, I hereby make the following
statement of all fees and monies received by me in connection with my office during
the month stated above, excepting only such fees and moneys the application and
payment of which are otherwise provided for by Law:
Line Description Qty
Remit to
Remit to
Gen Fund
Clerk A1255 DECALS 5 $173.00 NYS DEC $163.44 $9.56
Marriage Licenses 3 $120.00 NYS DoH $67.50 $52.50
Transcripts 2 $20.00 — 0.00 $20.00
A1550 Impoundment
Fees 1 $25.00 SPCA 0.00 $25.00
A2544 Dog Licenses 92 $1,143.00 NYS A&M $98.00 $1,045.00
Code A2555 Building Permits 9 $1,078.15 — — $1,078.15
Planner A2110 Zoning Appeals 1 $125.00 — — $125.00
A2115 Planning Fees 2 $230.00 — — $230.00
Grand Totals $2,914.15 $328.94 $2,585.21
I, Janice Adelman, being duly sworn, say that I am the Clerk of the Town of
Danby and that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all Fees and monies
received by me during the month above stated, excepting only such Fees the
application and payment of which are otherwise provided for by law.
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Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 2 November 2021 at 7:00PM
Subscribed and sworn this 2nd day of November 2021.
—Janice Adelman
8. Transfer to Fund Highway Equipment Repair
Resolu on 159 of 2021 To Approve the Transfer of $15,000 From the Fund
Balance in the Highway Fund to Fund the Mechanics Line
Moved By: Schnabel Seconded By: Ulinski
RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Danby approves the transfer of
$15,000 from the Fund Balance to the Mechanics Line Item, DA5130.400.
Councilperson Aye No Absent
Connors X
Holahan X
Schnabel X
Ulinski X
Gagnon X
Resolu on 159 approved
9. Consent Agenda
9.1. Warrants
9.1.1. General Fund No 20 Vouchers 354–359 for $1,431.23
9.1.2. Highway Fund No 20 Vouchers 249–253 for $5,221.57
9.1.3. Water Fund No 20 Vouchers 31–34 for $642.97
Resolu on 160 of 2021 To Approve the Consent Agenda
Moved By: Ulinski Seconded By: Holahan
Councilperson Aye No Absent
Connors X
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Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 2 November 2021 at 7:00PM
Holahan X
Schnabel X
Ulinski X
Gagnon X
Resolu on 160 approved
10. Old Business
10.1. Flag Pole Assistance Request from Fire District - Add to Budget?
Resolu on 161 of 2021 To Fund the Flagpoles for the Fire Department using
$1500 from the Two Fund Balances Without Adding it to the 2022 Budget
Moved By: Ulinski Seconded By: Connors
Councilperson Aye No Absent
Connors X
Holahan X
Schnabel X
Ulinski X
Gagnon X
Resolu on 161 approved
10.2. Consider Other Budget modifica ons in Light of Public Hearing Feedback and
Further Board Discussion
Resolu on 162 of 2021 To Approve The Preliminary Budget for 2022
Moved By: Ulinski Seconded By: Connors
Councilperson Aye No Absent
Connors X
Holahan X
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Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 2 November 2021 at 7:00PM
Schnabel X
Ulinski X
Gagnon X
Resolu on 162 approved
10.3. Ambulance Resolu on
Resolu on 163 of 2021 Reques ng that Governor Hochul sign into law crea on of
the Rural Ambulance Task Force
Moved By: Gagnon Seconded By: Ulinski
WHEREAS, the Danby Town Board recognizes the critical role that ambulance
services provide in rural communities, and
WHEREAS, the Danby Town Board understands that rural ambulance companies are
under unprecedented financial stress which is causing many rural companies to shut
down and others to take on larger service areas, which increases response times, and
WHEREAS, the decreasing availability of ambulance service creates equity issues
that impact poorer disadvantaged communities in remote areas, and
WHEREAS, fewer people are pursuing the paramedic profession, primarily due to
extremely low pay and a stressful work environment. Therefore, there is a growing
shortage of Paramedics forcing ambulance companies to compete in recruiting and
retaining qualified staff,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Danby Town Board joins with many
other rural towns to request that the Honorable Kathy Hochul, Governor of the State
of New York, sign pending legislation establishing the New York State Rural
Ambulance Task Force, Senate Bill S3503C.
ALSO RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution, be sent to Governor Hochul,
Senator Hinchey, Senator Oberacker, and Assemblymember Kelles.
Councilperson Aye No Absent
Connors X
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Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 2 November 2021 at 7:00PM
Holahan X
Schnabel X
Ulinski X
Gagnon X
Resolu on 163 approved
11. New Business
11.1. Housing Rehab Grant — Support for Applica on to Tompkins County
11.1.1. Dra Applica on
Resolu on 164 of 2021 To Support the Applica on for a Housing Rehab Grant to
Tompkins County
Moved By: Holahan Seconded By: Connors
Support for Tompkins County Municipal Housing Affordability Grant Program
WHEREAS, the Town of Danby (hereinafter the “Town”) has a stated goal/policy of
addressing the limited availability of housing affordable for residents in the Comprehensive
Plan Goal A1: A broad range of housing options is available for all present and future
Town residents. Strategy - A1.2.2: Identify and apply for funding to support housing
rehabilitation, homeowner's repair clinics, and low-income housing assistance; and
WHEREAS, pursuing funding for the preparation of a grant application is a Type 2 action
requiring no further environmental review; and
WHEREAS, the Town desires to improve the affordability of housing through the
proposed project to hire a consultant to prepare for and pursue a Community Development
Block Grant for housing rehabilitation; now
RESOLVED that the Town of Danby Town Board supports and authorizes the submission
of a grant application for up to $5,000 to the Tompkins County Municipal Housing
Affordability Grant Program. The local share appropriated subject to any changes agreed to
by the Town Supervisor, Joel Gagnon, shall be $1,000 of in-kind services of the Town
Planner. The total estimated maximum project cost is $6,000.
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Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 2 November 2021 at 7:00PM
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if the grant application is successful, the Town
of Danby Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to execute the contract with Tompkins
County and the consultant to implement the project.
Councilperson Aye No Absent
Connors X
Holahan X
Schnabel X
Ulinski X
Gagnon X
Resolu on 161 approved
11.2. Consider Adop ng an Updated Hazard Mi ga on Plan
11.2.1.West and Cortright are going to work on revising this mi ga on plan
and resubmit for board review.
12. Discussion of Next Mee ng Agenda
12.1.Workplace Violence
13. Mee ng Adjourned at 20:35.
Submi ed by Janice R. Adelman
Town Clerk
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