HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-11-17 Town Board Minutes Meeng Minutes Venue: Zoom Videoconferencing Roll Call: Town Board Joel Gagnon, Supervisor Leslie Connors Jim Holahan Sarah Schnabel Ma Ulinski County Legislator Dan Klein Town Jusce(s) Garry Huddle Town Planner David West Town Code Enforcement Officer Steve Cortright Town Bookkeeper Laura Shawley Recording Secretary Janice Adelman, Town Clerk Absent: Guest Presenters: 1. Call to Order at 19:07 2. Addions/Deleons to Agenda 2.1.Addions 2.1.1.Possibility of part-me as-needed Motor Equipment Operator for Highway 2.1.2. Network Security Needs 2.1.3.Budget Transfer 2.1.4.Cannabis Resoluon Public Hearing 2.2.Deleons 3. Privilege of the Floor 3.1.Ronda Roaring read a leer to the Danby Town Board regarding planning, subdivisions, building permits, and cerficates of occupancy. Roaring’s leer was not submied to the Town Clerk and therefore does not appear here. 3.2.Ted Crane politely re-stated that there are ongoing problems with the town Mary Ann Barr 2021 The Town of Danby 1830 Danby Road Ithaca, NY 14850 danby.ny.gov Town Board Regular Meeting Wednesday 17 November 2021 at 7:00PM Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 17 November 2021 at 7:00PM website, specifically that documents that are displayed in windows within the website itself (iframes) somemes take minutes to load and can be incredibly slow. Suggests it be looked at as it is not only one resident affected or one cizen’s inability to view it, it seems to be happening to many people. At best, can easily demonstrate that it is not at the receiving or transmission end, but at the sending end at the server. Crane stated that he has provided such informaon to the Town. Crane also noted that he would really appreciate being able to see documents that are relevant to the meeng well before the meeng starts; earlier he saw nothing on the website that looked like an agenda for tonight. 4.Interview Applicants for West Danby Water Advisory Commiee 4.1.Benjamin Coakley 4.2.Marie Monroe 5. Correspondence 5.1.Library Entrance Sign to be provided by TCPL 5.2.Resident on Larue Rd hopes to get internet at home with the help of infrastructure money from the town. Resident is contacng the town directly for support per Hafele’s suggeson. Resident is requesng a return call. 5.2.1.The supervisor will respond to this person. 6. Announcements 6.1.Board/Commiee Posions to be Filled 6.1.1.Vacancies will be filled for the Board of Zoning Appeals, the Conservaon Advisory Council, the Planning Board, and the West Danby Water District Advisory Council. 6.1.2.Applicaons for posions on these Boards and Councils to be submied to the Town Clerk; applicaon forms are available online at hps://danby.ny.gov/depts/boards-and-commiees/ 6.2.Danby Code Enforcement Officer, Steve Cortright, will provide Code Enforcement dues for the Town of Caroline on an interim basis, as requested by Caroline Town Supervisor Mark Whitmer, and agreed to by Cortright and Gagnon. 6.3.COVID at Highway Briefing employees in the Danby Highway Department tested posive for COVID-19. 6.3.2.The Department closed for the remainder of the current week and will remain closed next week for the holiday. 7. Reports & Presentaons Page 2 of 10 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 17 November 2021 at 7:00PM 7.1.Dan Klein, County Legislature 7.1.1.Klein expressed congratulaons to everyone who won their elecon. 7.1.2.Staon Road Stream Restoraon Project that has been connuously delayed for years; latest update is that it is scheduled for Summer 2022. 7.1.3.Convening shared services panel: suggesons to share resources and save money include of snow and ice cung edges for highway departments throughout the county; of municipal health insurance consorum outside of Tompkins County. The more municipalies that get added, it drives costs down for everyone. study will be done to invesgate county-wide coding enforcement. A simple study to determine what county-wide code enforcement would look like and whether it would save towns money. Klein reiterated that it is simply a study, and does not indicate what will happen in the future. 7.1.4.Although broadband availability has been discussed a lot, cell phone recepon hasn’t. Klein is trying to get this topic on the table. It will be on the next TCOOG meeng agenda. 7.1.5.County Budget was finalized and adopted; no change in the tax levy this year. Although there was no increase in the tax levy, it does not automacally mean that your taxes will not change as there are other factors that go into that assessment. 7.1.6.Southern Tier 8 (a regional planning organizaon made up of eight conguous regions including Tompkins County) submied a grant applicaon for broadband expansion that includes 78 houses in Danby to be covered by Point Broadband/Clarity Connect. 8.Budget Transfer Request Resoluon 165 of 2021 To Approve Budget Transfers Moved By: Connors Seconded By: Holahan RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Danby approves the following budget transfers: Page 3 of 10 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 17 November 2021 at 7:00PM Fund Transfer from Transfer to Amount Gen A9040.8 Workers Comp A9060.800 Health Insurance $5,140 Gen A5132.4 Garage Contractual A9060.800 Health Insurance $1,881 Hwy DA9040.8 Workers Comp DA9060.800 Health Insurance $10,851 Hwy DA9040.8 Workers Comp DA5110.400 General Repairs $5,000 Vote: Councilperson Aye No Absent Connors X Holahan X Schnabel X Ulinski X Gagnon X Resoluon 165 approved 9. Consent Agenda 9.1. Warrants 9.1.1. General Fund No 21 Vouchers 360–387 for $64,503.82 9.1.2. Highway Fund No 21 Vouchers 254–269 for $71,661.95 9.1.3.Water Fund No 21 Voucher 35 for $33.35 Resoluon 166 of 2021 To Approve Consent Agenda Moved By: Connors Seconded By: Holahan Vote: Councilperson Aye No Absent Connors X Holahan X Schnabel X Ulinski X Gagnon X Resoluon 166 approved Page 4 of 10 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 17 November 2021 at 7:00PM 10. Old Business 10.1. Review of submissions for environmental review of Solar Farm 10.1.1.There is an updated applicaon packet (version 3) on the website through the Planning Department’s page. However, it is sll not a completed applicaon. has another wetlands delineaon planned. West also commissioned a consultant is reviewing the concerns around the locaon of the interconnect facility and moving it farther back from Rte 96b is also wokring on clarifiyng the design around wetlands and streams 10.2. Consider COVID Response Level and adjust if desired 10.2.1.Currently all buildings are open and masks are required. 10.2.2.Consensus among staff and officials was that all were comfortable leaving the level as is. 10.3. Work Place Violence Resoluons 10.3.1.Report with recommendaons is available online 10.3.2.At the next meeng, Councilperson Ulinski will bring a resoluon to approve the report and its recommendaons be adopted, and to create the Threat Assessment Team. A second resoluon will seek to authorize safety and security building upgrades. 11. New Business 11.1.Possible Part-me as-needed Motor Equipment Operator for Highway 11.1.1.The raonale is to have a back-up operator available in the wings to cover as needed; this has happened on an informal basis but Highway would like to make this more formal. 11.1.2.Current operaons include 6 people with CDLs and 1 mechanic. One person has resigned. It’s not to put anyone on staff on a regular part-me basis, but to have this line approved by Civil Service so that Highway could get someone when needed. 11.1.3.Although the 6th posion will remain vacant for now, Highway would like to keep this posion on the books while trying to make it work with five employees. 11.1.4.A resident suggested checking with NYS funding opons that would enable the employer to get reimbursed for wages paid out to employees who are out sick with COVID. Page 5 of 10 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 17 November 2021 at 7:00PM Resoluon 167 of 2021 To Approve a Possible Part-Time As-Needed Motor Equipment Operator for the Highway Department Moved By: Schnabel Seconded By:Connors Vote: Councilperson Aye No Absent Connors X Holahan X Schnabel X Ulinski X Gagnon X Resoluon 167 approved 11.2. Cannabis Resoluon Public Hearing 11.2.1. We are required to pass a local law by December 31 to opt-out of allowing retail marijuana dispensaries in Danby. If we opt- out, we can change it back in the future. If we do nothing and opt-in, we cannot choose to opt out later. 11.2.2. The queson is whether we want to do this or not and if so, to schedule the public hearing. 11.2.3.Planner West chimed in regarding revenue being shared based on the percentage of sales in the municipality. If the town opts- out, there is no revenue; but we will only benefit if there are sales in the town. 11.2.4.Most board members did not have a strong opinion either way, but also did not feel the need to opt-out. 11.2.5.Many felt that the board did not have enough informaon to make an informed decision. 11.2.6.Councilperson Connors will do further research and report back at the next meeng. 11.3. Appointment(s) to Fill Vacancies on Water District Advisory Commiee Resoluon 168 of 2021 To Appoint Ben Coakley to Fill the Remainder of Anna Finley’s Term Through the End of 2021 Page 6 of 10 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 17 November 2021 at 7:00PM Moved By: Gagnon Seconded By: Holahan Vote: Councilperson Aye No Absent Connors X Holahan X Schnabel X Ulinski X Gagnon X Resoluon 168 approved Resoluon 169 of 2021 To Appoint Marie Monroe to Fill the Remainder of Bruce Richards’ Term Through the End of 2022 Moved By: Gagnon Seconded By: Holahan Vote: Councilperson Aye No Absent Connors X Holahan X Schnabel X Ulinski X Gagnon X Resoluon 169 approved 11.4. Resoluon 170 of 2021 To Nominate George Adams to Represent Town of Danby on the County Environmental Management Council Moved By: Connors Seconded By: Schnabel Vote: Page 7 of 10 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 17 November 2021 at 7:00PM Councilperson Aye No Absent Connors X Holahan X Schnabel X Ulinski X Gagnon X Resoluon 170 approved 11.5. Agreements/Contracts with NGOs in 2022 11.5.1.Supervisor Gagnon clarified that the previous Board meengs that created a Town Policy that the town not disseminate money to non-governmental organizaons without a contract in place only applies to funding requests in 2022, not 2021. 11.6. Consider Authorizing Purchase of Beacon Cloud-Based Interface for Meter Reading in Water District 11.6.1.Around 120 meters are located throughout the Water District with electronic readers. The data from these readers should interface with the billing soware. To date, this funconality has not been implemented. The meter reader company, Badger, is sunseng the old soware and moving to a cloud-based system precipitang the need to use their proprietary Beacon Cloud-based interface soware with an esmated cost of $10,000. 11.6.2.Recommendaon from Water District Commiee is to approve the $10,000 costs 11.6.3.Some quesons remain: need something that will read the Badger Meters Automated Meter Applicaon; does this exist? this work offline as there is spoy networking opons? 11.6.4.The Board tabled this discussion without approving the purchase. 11.7. Resoluon 171 of 2021 To Grant Access Through Water District Property for Cleanup on Adjacent Finger Lakes Land Trust Property Moved By: Gagnon Seconded By: Ulinski Page 8 of 10 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 17 November 2021 at 7:00PM Vote: Councilperson Aye No Absent Connors X Holahan X Schnabel X Ulinski X Gagnon X Resoluon 171 approved 11.8. Consider Adding $500 to $4000 Authorizaon of Wired Broadband Survey 11.8.1.The contract provided was at a cost of $4000 plus expenses up to $500 consisng of preparing the report and mileage incurred. 11.8.2.Ulinksi noted the $4500 was the original quoted price. 11.8.3.Gagnon requested that a compleon date be included in the contract. Moved By: Ulinski Seconded By: Holahan Vote: Councilperson Aye No Absent Connors X Holahan X Schnabel X Ulinski X Gagnon X Resoluon 172 approved 11.9. Network Security Needs 11.9.1.Our current network setup needs to be addressed given that we are not currently protected against high-level aacks. 11.9.2.Town Clerk Adelman reached out to vendors, one of whom Page 9 of 10 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 17 November 2021 at 7:00PM came recommended by the Town’s new phone management team, All-Mode Communicaon, to discuss our recent shis to more network-based soluons (i.e., cloud-based office suites, VOIP phone service). 11.9.3.The types of service provided by network soluons providers covers mulitple layers of security, 24-hour monitoring, and essenally the abliity to detect and intercept any threats before it reaches any of the Town’s end-users. This kind of service obviously comes with a higher price tag. 11.9.4.Supervisor Gagnon pulled from the agenda the detailed price quotes from vendors that Adelman had submied so that the Board could have an inial discussion about it. 11.9.5.Clerk Adelman will connue to research this topic and come back at the next meeng with addional informaon, including comparisons with other towns in Tompkins County. 12. Discussion of Next Meeng Agenda 12.1.Workplace Violence Resoluon 12.2.Facility Upgrade Resoluon 12.3.Cannabis Report from Councilperson Leslie Connors 12.4.Water Meters Update regarding the system and what they are bringing up for approval 12.5. Network Security Opons from Clerk Adelman 13. Adjourn at 21:30 Submied by Janice Adelman Town Clerk Page 10 of 10