HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-09-21 Town Board Minutes
Meeting Minutes
Roll Call:
Town Board Joel Gagnon, Supervisor
Leslie Connors
Katharine Hunter
Sarah Schnabel (resigned)
Patricia Woodworth
Town Planner David West
Highway Superintendent Keith Shipman
Town Bookkeeper Laura Shawley
Recording Secretary Janice Adelman, Town Clerk
Transcript and audio recording are available online.
1. Public Hearings
1.1. Proposed Bald Hill Road Hamlet Neighborhood Extension
Hearing opened at 18:01
Ted Crane had a comment full of complaints about materials.
Closed at 18:07
2. Regular Meeting Called to Order at 18:07 by Supervisor Gagnon
3. Additions/Deletions to Agenda
3.1.Resolution of Support for Housing Affordability and Supportive Infrastructure.
3.2.Authorize Financing for Highway Trucks
3.3.Addition to AGreement to Spend Funds — Highway
3.4.Delete Jeff Lang Discussion
3.5.Add IT security needs discussion – executive session
3.6.Discussion of Process for Dealing with Board Resignations
3.7.Delete cannabis discussion.
4. Privilege of the Floor
4.1. Sarah Schnabel, Board Member & Resident: commented on the EV Make Ready
Mary Ann Barr 2021
T he Town of Danby, New York
1830 Danby Road, Ithaca, NY 14850
Town Board Public Hearing + Meeting
Wednesday 21 September 2022
Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Wednesday 21 September 2022 at 6:00PM
Program through NYSERDA for the EV charging station recommendations; she is
available for rules of order discussion.
4.2. Ronda Roaring, Resident: thanked Keith and the Highway department for working
on Peter Road.
4.3. Ted Crane, Resident: Commented on searching for information perhaps missed 2
things on the agenda.
5. Correspondence
5.1. NYS DoT Speed Limit Request Received
5.2. CWIO Budget
5.3. Sarah Schnabel Resignation
6. Announcements — none
7. Reports & Presentations
7.1. County Legislature Rep Dan Klein not present
7.2. Highway Superintendent Keith Shipman: spoke about the need for machinery that
Laura Shawley will be presenting on later in the agenda.
8. Consent Agenda
8.1. Warrants
8.1.1. General Fund Abstract 17 Vouchers 258–282 for $56,979.32
8.1.2. Highway Fund Abstract 17 Vouchers 157–162 for $260,056.50
8.1.3. Water Fund Abstract 17 Voucher 74 for $133.20
Resolution 179 of 2022 To Approve the Consent Agenda Covering Highway and Water
Fund Abstracts
Moved By:Connors Seconded By:Hunter
Councilperson Aye Nay Abstain
Connors X
Hunter X
Woodworth X
Gagnon X
Resolution 179 approved
9. Business
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Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Wednesday 21 September 2022 at 6:00PM
9.1.Resolution 180 of 2022 To Show Support for Housing Affordability and Supportive
9.1.1.Draft Grant Application
Moved By: Connors Seconded By: Hunter
WHEREAS, the Town of Danby has a stated goal of addressing the limited
availability of housing affordable for residents in the 2011 Comprehensive Plan
and the 2020 Community Housing Needs Assessment; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Danby desires to improve the affordability of housing
through the proposed project to hire grant writers and pursue related grants in
2023; now
RESOLVED, that the Town of Danby Town Board supports and authorizes the
submission of a grant application for up to $10,000 to the Tompkins County
Housing Affordability and Supportive Infrastructure Grant Program.
And be it further resolved that if the grant application is successful, the Town of
Danby Town Board authorizes the Super visor to execute the contract with
Tompkins County to implement the project.
Councilperson Aye Nay Abstain
Connors X
Hunter X
Woodworth X
Gagnon X
Resolution 180 of 2022 passed on 21 September 2022
9.2.Resolution 181 of 2022 To Move Oct 4 meeting and public hearing to Oct 3 in
recognition of the Yom Kippur Jewish holiday
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Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Wednesday 21 September 2022 at 6:00PM
Moved By: Gagnon Seconded By: Connors
Councilperson Aye Nay Abstain
Connors X
Hunter X
Woodworth X
Gagnon X
Resolution 181 of 2022 passed on 21 September 2022
9.3.Resolution 182 to Approve Entering Into a Finance Agreement to Finance the
Purchase of Three Dump/Snow Plow Trucks
Moved By: Connors Seconded By: Woodworth
WHEREAS, three quotes for interest rates were obtained to enter into a finance
contract for a lease purchase agreement to purchase three International trucks for
the Highway Department.
RESOLVED, the Town Board gives permission to enter into a lease purchase
agreement with State Bank – Baystone Government Finance for the amount of
$750,531 for a period of four years. The fixed interest rate is 4.32%
Councilperson Aye Nay Abstain
Connors X
Hunter X
Woodworth X
Gagnon X
Resolution 182 of 2022 passed on 21 September 2022
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9.4.Resolution 183 To Approve Town Highway Request No 7 of 2022: Agreement to
Spend Town Highway Funds
Moved By: Woodworth Seconded By: Connors
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 284 of the Highway Law, we agree moneys
levied and collected for the repair and improvements of highways, and received
from the state for repair and improvement of highways shall be expended as
General Repairs
1.A sum not to exceed $50,000 shall be spent to surface treat German Cross
Road. Hot mix pavement will be applied.
Executed this 21st day of September 2022
Supervisor Joel Gagnon
Superintendent Keith Shipman
Council Person Leslie Connors Council Person Katharine Hunter
Council Person Pat Woodworth Council Person
Councilperson Aye Nay Abstain
Connors X
Hunter X
Woodworth X
Gagnon X
Resolution 183 of 2022 passed on 21 September 2022
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Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Wednesday 21 September 2022 at 6:00PM
9.5. IT Security needs
9.5.1.Resolution 184 of 2022 To Enter into Executive Session
Moved By: Hunter Seconded By: Connors
Councilperson Aye Nay Abstain
Connors X
Hunter X
Woodworth X
Gagnon X
Resolution 183 of 2022 passed on 21 September 2022
9.5.2.Entered Executive Session at 18:44
9.5.3.Board Returned from Executive Session at 19:05 was interrupted from continuing business by public
attendees refusing to put on a mask as required by Town Hall
Policy. Leslie Connors left the meeting room at 19:09 contentious dialogue occurred between public
attendees and elected town officials. Board resumed business at 19:13. re-entered the meeting via Zoom, time unknown.
9.6. Dealing with Board Resignations
9.6.1.Two new board resignations occurred in the last weeks: Elana Maragni
from the Planning Board and Sarah Schanbel from the Town Board.
9.6.2.The Board discussed the process moving forward including making
vacancy announcements via the website and instructing people to
complete the application available on the website.
9.6.3.Ronda Roaring interrupted to declare appointing individuals to fulfill the
term of a resigned elected position is illegal. This is false information and
Roaring was declared out of order.
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9.6.4.Ted Crane interrupted “at the risk of being out of order” to declare to the
Town Board that it has “an appointment policy. Use it.”
9.7. Decide How to Use $5000 Grant from Stretch Code Adoption
9.7.1. Ideas included municipal audits, building energy efficiency upgrades in
LEDs, heat pump system, EV or hybrid municipal vehicle; EV charging
station; ongoing student energy internship fund.
9.7.2. Jim Holahan noted additional grants to work toward with benchmarking
buildings energy efficiency.
9.7.3. Holahan will draft something for an intent to use funds towards an audit
for the town hall building with additional funds going toward
recommendations from the audit.
Resolution 184 To Enable Jim Holahan to Draft a Plan of Intent to NYSERDA that Grant Funds
Will Be Applied Toward Energy Audit of the Town Hall and Subsequently Pursuing Identif ied
Ways of Improving Town Hall Energy Eff iciency.
Moved By: Gagnon Seconded By: Connors
Councilperson Aye Nay Abstain
Connors X
Hunter X
Woodworth X
Gagnon X
Resolution 184 of 2022 passed on 21 September 2022
9.8.Resolution 185 of 2022 to Approve Sending Old Equipment from the Highway
Department to Auction
Moved By: Woodworth Seconded By: Hunter
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Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Wednesday 21 September 2022 at 6:00PM
RESOLVED, the Town Board gives permission for the Highway Superintendent to
sell old, unused equipment through Auctions International.
644 G John Deere Loader – 30 yrs. old 20,000
Small International Dump/Plow Truck 18,000
GMC One Ton Truck 1,000
International – Dump/Plow Truck 20,000
International – Dump/Plow Truck 20,000
Peterbuilt – 2007 – Dump/Plow Truck 20,000
Councilperson Aye Nay Abstain
Connors X
Hunter X
Woodworth X
Gagnon X
Resolution 185 of 2022 passed on 21 September 2022
9.9.Resolution 186 of 2022 Authorization to Purchase A Backhoe
Moved By: Woodworth Seconded By: Hunter
WHEREAS: the Highway Superintendent has found that a backhoe is needed to
maintain the town’s seasonal roads and to aid in the ditching process. The
backhoe will also be a much needed backup in the event that the loader is in need
of repair in the winter months.
WHEREAS: other quotes were obtained and it was determined that the best
choice for the town’s needs is a JCB backhoe that is in stock through Alta
Equipment. This purchase will be through the NYSOGS Contract award.
RESOLVED: the Town Board gives permission for the Highway Superintendent to
enter into the purchase of the JCB Backhoe for the amount of $130,200. The Town
Board also gives permission to purchase the five- year or 3,000 hour full warranty
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Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Wednesday 21 September 2022 at 6:00PM
for $5,500. This purchase will be funded using the amount received from
auctioning old equipment and the remainder will be paid from the CHIPS funds
that are allocated to the Town of Danby from New York State.
Councilperson Aye Nay Abstain
Connors X
Hunter X
Woodworth X
Gagnon X
Resolution 186 of 2022 passed on 21 September 2022
9.10. Resolution 187 of 2022 To Approve the Proposed Changes Made to the Rules of
Procedure for Privilege of the Floor
Moved By: Woodworth Seconded By: Connors
Resolved, that section 6. Public Participation of the Rules of Order now reads:
Each regular meeting agenda shall provide for reserved time called
“privilege of the floor” for public participation.
6.2.Length of Privilege of the Floor
Any person who addresses the Board during a meeting or public
hearing shall be limited to three minutes in length per individual
presentation. The Supervisor or the Supervisor’s designee will
maintain the official time and notify the speakers when their time is
up. Speaking time may not be donated to another person. If a
member of the public cannot fit their comments into the three
minute presentation, they may email their additional comments to
the Town Board.
6.3. Written Privilege of the Floor
Any person may opt to submit their privilege of the floor comment to
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Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Wednesday 21 September 2022 at 6:00PM
the Board in writing rather than in person. Comments submitted in
writing will be read aloud by the Town Clerk or their designee. This rule
is intended to allow public participation by members of the public
when attendance at the meeting is not possible. The following rules
will be used to ensure equal treatment between written and spoken
comments made on the floor.
6.3.1.Written privilege of the floor submittals must be 400 words or
6.3.2.If submitted by email it must be specifically indicatied that the
comment is intended for privilege of the floor. Email
submissions are to be emailed to the Town Clerk.
6.3.3.If multiple comments are submitted, only the most recent
submittal will be read aloud at the meeting.
6.3.4.If a person chooses to speak in-person during the privilege of
the floor of the same meeting where they also submitted a
written comment, they will not have their written comment read
6.4.Addressing the Board
When a member of the public addresses the Board they will be
requested to state their name and municipality of residence or home
address. Remarks should be addressed to the Chair or the Board as a
whole in a courteous tone.
6.5. Additional Participation
A member of the public may request to add an item to the agenda by
written request to the Super visor prior to the meeting. They may also
request to speak during an agenda item already on the agenda by
similar request to the Supervisor in writing prior to the meeting.
Councilperson Aye Nay Abstain
Connors X
Hunter X
Woodworth X
Gagnon X
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Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Wednesday 21 September 2022 at 6:00PM
Resolution 187 of 2022 passed on 6 September 2022
9.11. Review Proposed Constraints for Cannabis Sales Tabled
9.12.Resolution 188 of 2022 To Schedule Budget Workshop And General Fund Vouchers
Approval along any Minutes Meeting For Monday 9/26 at 6:00PM
Moved By: Woodworth Seconded By: Connors
Councilperson Aye Nay Abstain
Connors X
Hunter X
Woodworth X
Gagnon X
Resolution 188 of 2022 passed on 21 September 2022
9.16. Discuss Broadband Next Steps with Jeff Lang
9.17. Possible Action: Hamlet Neighborhood Zone Expansion
Resolution 189 of 2022 to Extend the Current Meeting
Moved By: Gagnon Seconded By: Woodworth
Councilperson Aye Nay Absent
Connors fell off the call
Hunter X
Woodworth X
Gagnon X
Resolution 189 of 2022 passed on 21 September 2022
Resolution 190 of 2022 Determining that Based on SEQR Results The Proposed Result Will
Not Result in Any Adverse Impacts.
Moved By: Gagnon Seconded By: Woodworth
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Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Wednesday 21 September 2022 at 6:00PM
Councilperson Aye Nay Abstain
Connors X
Hunter X
Woodworth X
Gagnon X
Resolution 190 of 2022 passed on 21 September 2022
Resolution 191 of 2022 to Approve Local Law 8 of 2022 Amending Local Law 1 of 2022
Expanding the Hamlet Neighborhood Zone
Moved By: Woodworth Seconded By: Gagnon
Councilperson Aye Nay Abstain
Connors X
Hunter X
Woodworth X
Gagnon X
Resolution 191 of 2022 passed on 21 September 2022
10. Discussion of Next Meeting Agenda
10.1. Public Hearing
10.2. Broadband Discussion
10.3. Cannabis Consumption
11. Meeting Adjourned at 20:23.
Recorded by Janice R. Adelman
Town Clerk
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