HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-09-26 Town Board Minutes Meeting Minutes Roll Call: Town Board Joel Gagnon, Supervisor Leslie Connors (video) Katharine Hunter Patricia Woodworth Town Planner David West Highway Superintendent Keith Shipman Town Bookkeeper Laura Shawley Recording Secretary Janice Adelman, Town Clerk Transcript and audio recording are available online. 1. Meeting Called to Order at 18:10 by Supervisor Gagnon 2. Additions/Deletions to Agenda 2.1.Revisit Levels of Operation 3. Privilege of the Floor 3.1. Captain Charlie H Tilton, US Navy Reser ve Retired, Resident: Wanted to note that he and Peter Moore started a process where all veterans in TC can get free rides on Gadabout to any place in the county for any reason between 9am and 5pm. Second to note as a part of that DAV ser vice, received a health alert for COVID-19 for all vets going to the VA hospital in Syracuse. The level is high, meaning that masking is required on transportation and in 3.2. Ted Crane, Resident: Was distressed by the increasing authoritarianism by the Town Board in that there is not enough trust for people to mute/unmute themselves. This would not be duplicated in the Town Hall. Commenting on the meeting held last week. There were people who arrived who refused to follow the rules, the person who is in charge remained silent; a person not in the room called the police which is uncalled for—no one but the chair/supervisor is able to call the police. Mary Ann Barr 2021   T he Town of Danby, New York  1830 Danby Road, Ithaca, NY 14850  https://danby.ny.gov  Town Board Budget Workshop Meeting  Monday 26 September 2022 Town of Danby Budget Workshop Meeting Monday 26 September 2022 at 6:00PM 4. Consent Agenda 4.1. Warrants 4.1.1. General Fund Abstract 18 Vouchers 284–297 for $12,807.69 4.1.2. Water Fund revised Abstract 18 Vouchers 75–80 for $2,169.00 Resolution 192 of 2022 To Approve the Consent Agenda for the General Fund Abstract 18 only in the amount of $12,807.69 Moved By:Woodworth Seconded By:Gagnon Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Abstain Connors X Hunter X Woodworth X Gagnon X Resolution 192 approved 5. Business 5.1. Revisit Levels of Operation Resolution 193 of 2022 To Move to Masks Recommended and Encouraged But Not Required Moved By: Gagnon Seconded By: Woodworth Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Connors X Hunter X Woodworth X Gagnon X Resolution 193 of 2022 passed on 26 September 2022 Page 2 of 3 Town of Danby Budget Workshop Meeting Monday 26 September 2022 at 6:00PM 5.2. Budget Process Organization Everything is available to put together a tentative budget for the Water District. Currently setting up meetings with various departments. Planning to have Supervisor Gagnon have a tentative budget for the General Fund presented to the Town Clerk for Monday’s meeting. Union negotiations are ongoing. Need to schedule budget meetings with the various departments to present to the board. Water District, Highway, Court, Historian, Library, Recreation Partnership, Danby Seniors, Community Council, Park Association, Code, Planning, Clerk 6. Meeting Adjourned at 19:22. Recorded by Janice R. Adelman Town Clerk Page 3 of 3