HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-05-09 Town Board Minutes Meeting Minutes Roll Call: Town Board Joel Gagnon, Supervisor Leslie Connors Katharine Hunter Sarah Schnabel Patricia Woodworth Recording Secretary Janice Adelman, Town Clerk 12 residents were also in attendance; some spoke as noted below. 1. Call to Order at 18:04 by Supervisor Gagnon 2. Privilege of the Floor 2.1.Phil Berler, resident. Spoke to question why the government town news could not be included in the Danby News. 2.2.Marnie Kirchgessner, resident. Spoke in support of the town newsletter. 2.3.Pamela Goddard, resident. Spoke in rebuttal to Kirchgessner’s comments; she seconded Berler’s question. 2.4.Ted Crane, resident. Spoke in rebuttal to Kirchgessner’s comments; offered two guidelines; proffered his services in consultation to save the town money. 2.5.Betsy Keokosky, resident. Voiced concern about town polarization and hoping conflict could be resolved and the two newsletters reunited. 2.6.Ross Borden, resident. Seconded Keokosky’s appeal also with the hope that the two newsletters could re-join. 2.7.Jon Jensen, resident. Suggested a public safety column to highlight crime in the area to help people Mary Ann Barr 2021   T he Town of Danby  1830 Danby Road  Ithaca, NY 14850  danby.ny.gov  Town Board Special Meeting  Monday 9 May 2022 at 6:00PM be more aware. 2.8.Theresa Klinger, resident. Supported Keokosky and Borden’s comments. 2.9.Garry Huddle, resident. Supported Keokosky and Borden’s comments 2.10.Elizabeth Honis, resdient. Agreed with Keokosky and Borden. 2.11.Correspondence Received Via Email 2.11.1.Tod Sukontarak 2.11.2.Raymond “Larr y” Chase 3. Danby Town News Guidelines 3.1.Draft Guidelines written by Councilperson Connors were discussed and updated throughout the meeting touching roughly along the lines outlined by Supervisor Gagnon below. 3.2.Scope 3.2.1.Discussion around limiting news topics to things we spend tax money on, such as: ○Fire dept ○Danby seniors ○Youth commission ○Important Dates 3.3.Oversight 3.3.1.Committee? Town Super? Board? 3.3.2.Appoint a newsletter editor 3.3.3.Oversight board – who do we want on the oversight committee 3.4.Content 3.4.1.How to avoid bias? 3.4.2.How to avoid duplication of effort 3.5.Frequency & modes of distribution 3.6.Timing of publication 3.7.Length 3.8.Constrained by budget 3.9.Staffing 3.10.Budget 4. Adjourned at 19:48. Submitted by Janice R. Adelman Town Clerk