HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-04-20 Town Board Minutes Meeting Minutes Roll Call: Town Board Joel Gagnon, Supervisor Leslie Connors Katharine Hunter Sarah Schnabel Patricia Woodworth Highway Superintendent Keith Shipman Town Bookkeeper Laura Shawley Recording Secretary Janice Adelman, Town Clerk Guest Speakers Regina (Gina) Cassidy Lou Vogel Dan Klein Vera (Veery) Evans Clean Energy Communities Coordinator for Tompkins County President of Tatum Engineering; NY Stretch Code Technical Expert County Legislative Representative Danby Youth Commission Applicant 1. Meeting Called to Order at 19:01 by Supervisor Gagnon 2. Additions/Deletions to Agenda 2.1. Application for Youth Commission — Vera Evans (Veery) and Inter view 2.2. Consider passing the Local Law to Allow for Remote Participation 3. Privilege of the Floor 3.1. Katharine Hunter, Resident and Town Board Member: Spoke out to raise awareness of the fragility of democracies in the world and how fragile human rights are right now. This is a concern for her and has been on her mind regarding what the town may consider doing to support democracy and human rights. 3.2. Ted Crane, Resident: Mary Ann Barr 2021   T he Town of Danby, New York  1830 Danby Road, Ithaca, NY 14850  https://danby.ny.gov  Town Board Regular Meeting   Wednesday 20 April 2022  +1-607-277-4788 | townboard@danby.ny.gov Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 20 April 2022 at 7:00PM Referenced the proposed resolution from the last meeting to recognize Gould Colman; Crane indicated that the next issue of the Danby Area News has a retrospective on him. Crane then repeated a point he made at the last meeting that in an open meeting context, the public should be able to see and hear any of the people speaking. In particular, he noted, elected officials participating in the meeting should have videos *and* mics active at all times. 4. Correspondence — none 5. Announcements — none 6. Reports & Presentations 6.1. Clean Energy Stretch Code Presentation — Regina Cassidy, Clean Energy Communities Coordinator for Tompkins County at the Cornell Cooperative Extension 6.1.1.New York Climate Leadership & Community Protection Act of 2019 Goals - 85% reduction in GHG emissions by 2050 - 100% zero-emission electricity by 2040 - 70% renewable energy by 2030 - 9,000 MW of offshore wind by 2035 - 3,000 MW of energy storage by 2030 - 6,000 MW of solar by 2025 - 22 million tons of carbon reduction through energy efficiency and electrification 6.1.2.NYS Southern Tier Clean Energy Communities was created to work hand in hand with NYSERDA to offer grants to communities adopting specific cleaner energy actions. Page 2 of 11 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 20 April 2022 at 7:00PM 6.1.3.Presentation included a clip from a presentation on 19 Oct 2021 by the Central New York Regional Planning and Development Board about NY Stretch featuring Josh Stark, residential construction manager, construction consultant, land-use attorney, and NYStretch Circuit Rider. For resources mentioned in the presentation, see https://www.nyserda.ny.gov/All- Programs/Programs/Energy-Code-Training/NYStretch-Energy-Code-2020 6.1.4.A Q&A with Lou Vogel (Tatum Engineering; NY Stretch Technical Expert) followed the presentation from Cassidy. 6.1.5.Next step is for the Board to consider whether this is something worth adopting; there is a deadline at the end of May for deciding. Holahan could provide legal guidance will set up a public hearing at the next meeting. 6.1.6.With thanks to Gina and Lou for participating tonight. 6.2. County Representative Dan Klein 6.2.1.Two Upcoming Opportunities to Challenge Property Value Assessment Advisory Board of Assessment Review on Tues 10 May from 3pm-6pm at Town Hall. Walk-in only. Assessment Grievance Day on 24 May at Assessment Office (. Both 128 E Buffalo St, Annex Building C, Ithaca, NY 14850) pre-scheduled appointments and walk-ins available. 6.2.2.SWIFT-911 has been replaced with SIREN (Safety and Incident Real-Time Emergency Notifications). To sign up for emergency notifications for all or part of Tompkins, visit https://tompkinscountyny.gov/siren 6.2.3.Tompkins County will receive money from its first opioid settlement: Page 3 of 11 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 20 April 2022 at 7:00PM $192,000 in 2022; ever y year thereafter county will receive $110,000 through the year 2040. of this settlement money is unrestricted other half is treatment specific, i.e., for new treatment services. County has not yet decided how to spend the funds. is also participant in other opioid settlements; potential for additional money in the future. 6.2.4.Broadband at Danby Broadband map has been enlightening. NYS Survey of Broadband Access to be released next month. Klein suggested comparing the two maps when it becomes available. next steps in this area, Klein recommended addressing this at the county level. county has applied for a grant through Southern Tier 8; the application rate was so high they have delayed awarding grants until 2023. is a new state program called Connect All specifically for broadband initiatives, with a billion dollars. **With this in mind, each municipality should get a plan ready because without a plan, no one will hand you money for it. There will be more requests than consultants. Klein also noted that Chuck Bartosh and Haefele may be able to connect update portions of the town which could be done as soon as possible. After the state data comes out, look at county level to determine what the county plan might look like. Additionally, Klein recommended to continue nudging and reminding people that this is an issue that needs attention. 6.2.5.Sales tax revenue for Q1 up 21% from last year. Good news for Town and County budgets. Bad news for the residents who are paying more when Page 4 of 11 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 20 April 2022 at 7:00PM purchasing items. 6.2.6.Non-legislative news: the 30th annual plant exchange is happening 15 May from 1pm to 3pm at the Danby Fire Pavilion. 6.3. Highway Superintendent Keith Shipman 6.3.1.Have started the spring clean-up after the plows' work is done for the season. 6.3.2.The shoulder work needs to be re-done. 6.3.3.Started on ditching efforts with a lot of culverts 6.3.4.Gunderman Road bridge update: pipe that’s being built for the bridge has an element that is unable to be obtained by the manufacturer. Highway is currently on a wait list for another pipe. Currently estimating that this will result in about a 40-day delay on getting the bridge fixed. 6.3.5.With Gunderman Rd Bridge on pause, there’s a project on Bruce Hill Rd that is being moved forward to completion. 6.3.6.Focusing on Comfort Road between Lieb and Gunderman: re-profiling, checking pipes, hauling materials, etc. 6.3.7.Resurfacing with oil and stone on the roads that need preventative maintenance (e.g., King, E Miller). 6.3.8.Shipman brought up the rise in costs related to the rise of oil prices. This will affect paving; they are working to keep costs within budget. 6.3.9.All of the Highway Crew is completing continuing education and training. 6.4. Application for Youth Commission — Vera Evans (Veery) and Inter view 7. Consent Agenda 7.1. Minutes 7.1.1. 5 April 2022 7.2. Warrants 7.2.1. General Fund Abstract 08 with Vouchers 112–124 for $8,226.2 Resolution 100 of 2022 To Schedule A Special Meeting to Review and Approve Both the Above General Fund Vouchers as well as Highway Fund Vouchers on Wednesday 27 April at 2:00pm Moved By:Schnabel Seconded By:Connors Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Page 5 of 11 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 20 April 2022 at 7:00PM Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X Resolution 100 approved Resolution 101 of 2022 To Approve Consent Agenda of Meeting Minutes from 5 April 2022 Moved By: Schnabel Seconded By: Hunter Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X Resolution 101 approved 8. New Business 8.1. Cayuga Lake Watershed Inter-Municipal Organization MOA Resolution 102 of 2022 To Approve the Cayuga Lake Watershed Inter-Municipal Organization MOA Moved By: Gagnon Seconded By: Connors Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Connors X Page 6 of 11 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 20 April 2022 at 7:00PM Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X Resolution 102 approved 8.2. Recreation Partnership Contract Proposal Resolution 103 of 2022 To Approve the 2023 Inter-municipal Recreation Partnership Agreement Moved By: Gagnon Seconded By: Hunter Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X Resolution 103 approved 8.3. Repair and Partial Repainting of Town Hall Contract Approval 8.3.1. Blue Spruce Painting 8.3.2.Jeff Rockwell 8.3.3.Discussion involved the power washing that had been done in the year prior. Also of note was the distinction between the two quotes given that neither contractor could determine exactly what is causing the water leakage. One quote included any necessary repairs, while the other quoted only the cost for painting with add-ons for parts and labor to repair the tower from the water leak. 8.3.4.Blue Spruce did the painting fourteen years ago which held up really well. 8.3.5.The funds would come from the building capital reserve line. Page 7 of 11 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 20 April 2022 at 7:00PM Resolution 104 of 2022 To Accept Jeff Rockwell’s Proposal to Repair the Tower Leak and Paint North Side of Town Hall and Tower with the Caveat That The Contract Note That Repair of Roof Leakage be Included Should There Be Any Moved By: Schnabel Seconded By: Connors Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X Resolution 104 approved 8.4. Town Mowing Contract Approval Gagnon noted that he had not succeeded in getting competitive quotes, despite advertising in the town newsletter. Resolution 105 of 2022 To Approve We Mow Proposal Moved By: Gagnon Seconded By: Connors Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X Resolution 105 approved 8.5. Appointment of Danby Youth Commission Members Page 8 of 11 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 20 April 2022 at 7:00PM Resolution 106 of 2022 To Appoint the Following Individuals to the Danby Youth Commission: Alexis Dengel, Jaime Sorrentino, Madeline Ulinski, Matt Jarman, Nina Arnold, & Vera Evans Moved By: Hunter Seconded By: Connors Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X Resolution 106 approved 8.6. County Youth Services Contract Resolution 107 of 2022 To Approve the Tompkins County Youth Services Contarct Moved By: Schnabel Seconded By: Hunter Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X Resolution 107 approved 8.7. Use of ARPA Funds Committee Designation 8.7.1.Proposed Committee Composition: Supervisor, Planner, Highway Rep, Additional TB Member Page 9 of 11 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 20 April 2022 at 7:00PM allotment was previously severely limited; this restriction has since loosened. around the purpose of this committee involved looking at long-term capital projects, as well as short-options. Resolution 108 of 2022 To Create A Committee to Research Ways to Spend ARPA Funds to Consist of Supervisor Joel Gagnon, Planner David West, Bookeeper/Highway Laura Shawley, Town Councilperson Leslie Connors, and Town Clerk Janice Adelman Moved By: Gagnon Seconded By: Hunter Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X Resolution 108 approved 8.8. Town Board Meetings Start Time Change to 5pm or 6pm 8.8.1.Schnabel recommended moving the meeting times to at least 6pm. 8.8.2.Schnabel also recommended implementing a fixed stop of 2 hours with a resolution required to continue. Discussion on this is separate from the start time issue. will look up previous resolutions on this issue and report back at the next meeting. Resolution 109 of 2022 To Move Town Board Meeting Start Times to 6pm. Moved By: Gagnon Seconded By: Connors Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Page 10 of 11 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 20 April 2022 at 7:00PM Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X Resolution 109 approved 8.9. Review Town Levels of Operation 8.9.1.Board consensus was that the town should definitely should not be unmasking since we have the highest covid rates in the country. 8.9.2.Level of Operation remains at Level Two which includes masking. Revisit next time. 8.10. Local Law for passing Videoconferencing meetings under extreme circumstances 8.10.1.Governor Hochul signed Chapter 56 of the Laws of 2022 around the 2022- 2023 budget that included an amendment to the Open Meetings Law making the expanded use of videoconferencing by public bodies to conduct open meetings under extraordinary circumstances and regardless of a declaration of emergency permanent through 1 July 2024. 8.10.2.Schnabel asked to include this initial discussion tonight for the Board to start thinking about it. Schnabel will have something to present on this at the 3 May 2022 board meeting. 9. Discussion of Next Meeting Agenda 9.1. Resolution for meetings to have a hard stop after 2 hours. 9.2. Current Level of Operation 9.3. OML Amendment Local Law 9.4. Recognition of Gould Colman and Ed Inman 9.5. NY Stretch Code 10. Meeting Adjourned at 21:27. Submitted by Janice R. Adelman Town Clerk Page 11 of 11