HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-04-05 Town Board Minutes Meeting Minutes Roll Call: Town Board Joel Gagnon, Supervisor Leslie Connors Katharine Hunter Sarah Schnabel Patricia Woodworth Town Planner David West Town Code Enforcement Off icer Steve Cortright Town Bookkeeper Laura Shawley Recording Secretary Janice Adelman, Town Clerk Guest Speakers Alexis Dengel Nina Arnold Jim Holahan Danby Youth Commission Applicant Danby Youth Commission Applicant Clean Energy Presentation 1. Meeting Called to Order at 19:01 by Supervisor Gagnon 2. Additions/Deletions to Agenda 2.1. Review of Beardsley Ln. DRAFT Storm Water District Map Plan and Report 2.2. Cayuga Lake Watershed Inter-municipal Organization MOA Approval 3. Privilege of the Floor 3.1. Ted Crane, Danby Resident. (1) A clerical point that the town website refers to joining the meeting as a “zoom room” which the Zoom company would disagree with because “zoom room” is the name of a particular configuration of hardware and software that is an added expense; this is merely a zoom meeting. (2) One of the resumes linked to the agenda is unreadable. (3) Crane acknowledged being not terribly sure of but suggested the Town take this into consideration at this meeting and in future meetings: The Open Meetings Law says that regardless of how a meeting is carried out, in person or remote, the public should be able to listen and observe what is going on. There are two different interpretations, but the interpretation within the open meetings law is that your video should be on if you are Town Board member and audio should also be on at all times. Because otherwise, if you have someone else in the room, they could be whispering  Mary Ann Barr 2021  T he Town of Danby, New York  1830 Danby Road, Ithaca, NY 14850  https://danby.ny.gov  Town Board Regular Meeting   Tuesday 5 April 2022  +1-607-277-4788 | townboard@danby.ny.gov Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 5 April 2022 at 7:00PM instructions in your ear. These are the words of the Committee for Open Government. (4) The proposed noise law is a very simple resolution that establishes a set of procedures, which are a whole lot better than what we have right now, which is nothing. Crane observed that it is extremely subjective; dependent on the point of view of the law enforcement operating officer who shows up, or the town-appointed person. (5) Crane did not very carefully read the Danby amendment to the hazard mitigation plan, but noted that on the very first page, Section 9.4.1 states that the alternate point of contact should be a councilperson who left office several months ago and who is currently not the deputy super visor, so that should be updated. 3.2. Ronda Roaring, Danby Resident. In regard to the hazard mitigation plan resolution, Roaring recommended holding hearings before the Town Board considers the resolution. She had asked to be part of the discussion about the hazard mitigation with a serious interest in the topic. Yet she was not contacted in any way about any kind of meetings about the hazard mitigation. She didn’t remember the county having any kind of public meetings and is therefore asking the Town to have hearings in the Town with the residents of the Town concerning the Town of Danby portion of the hazard mitigation. 3.3. Pat Woodworth acknowledged that Gould Colman died, a resident who was very active in the Town in many different ways, including ser ving on the Town Board. Gagnon noted that next meeting we should pass a resolution of appreciation. 4. Correspondence 4.1. Town of Ithaca Development Proposal Booster Station Application 4.1.1. Planner David West explained that Article 239 requires notification when a project is near a municipal border. The Town of Ithaca is adding some equipment to the water tank that is within 500 ft of the Danby/Town of Ithaca border. This correspondence is the Town of Ithaca’s required notification prior to initiating their project. Danby could challenge their desire to be the lead agency (not necessary in this case), or Danby could request to be included in the SEQR process if so desired. 4.1.2. West noted that on his review of the project proposal, there seems to be a very small impact and did not see why the Danby would want to be a part of this, however, it remains in the town’s purview to request to be included if desired. 4.1.3. Town Board consensus was no action needed. 5. Announcements - none. 6. Interviews of Prospective Youth Commission Members 6.1. Alexis Dengel Page 2 of 14 Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 5 April 2022 at 7:00PM 6.2. Nina Arnold 7. Reports & Presentations 7.1. Clean Energy Communities Possibilities — Jim Holahan 7.1.1. Holahan met with Regina Cassidy last week regarding options for our status as a Clean Energy Community. 7.1.2. Our first step was to submit our $5000 grant; confirmation needed that this was successfully submitted. 7.1.3. Next steps: we currently have 1,700 points. The next level to reach is 3,000 points which affords a $10,000 grant. 7.1.4. 4000 points leads to a $20,000 grant; 5000 points leads to a $70,000 grant. So how do we get to 3,000 points? 7.1.5. Advanced benchmarking in the utility bills to compare with other towns. This makes us eligible for another 200-300 points. Cassidy recommended revisiting the NY Stretch Code. Because there had been some reluctance last year around this, Regina Cassidy and Lou Vogel are scheduled to present to the Board at its next meeting around this topic. Adopting this initiative will allot the town 1200 points; if adopted by June 30, it also includes a bonus $5,000. After that, we would continue working toward the next level while also considering how the Town Board would want to appropriate the new funding. 7.1.6. Improvements at Town Hall EV charging stations by the bus station and park. Electric vehicles for the Code Enforcer, Planner, and possibly Highway Superintendent to use. 7.1.7. Community-wide project. See the following for further specific details: NYSERDA Clean Energy Communities 1200 Points NYStretch Energy Code 2020 FAQ NYStretch Energy Code 7.2. 2020 Recreation Partnership Contract Proposal – Marnie Kirchgessner 7.2.1. Spread the word that the County has negotiated free bus transportation for youth up to age 18 7.2.2. The Recreation Partnership agreement comes up every 5 years; offers opportunities for all youth residing in Tompkins County through the Ithaca Youth Bureau. 7.2.3. The current proposed agreement mirrors the existing agreement; Kirchgessner is asking for the Board’s support of this new agreement. 7.3. Noted that Danby has the highest number of participants of the smaller municipalities.Will review and discuss at the next meeting; Kirchgessner needs to know of any concerns or objections by 22 April.Town Planner Report 7.3.1. Planning Board’s last meeting had four projects on the agenda 7.3.2. 1360 Coddington Road: added a second dwelling; this was the last Page 3 of 14 Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 5 April 2022 at 7:00PM project that was under review under previous zoning.The other three projects will be back before the Planning Board at this month’s 19 April meeting 19 April Planning Board Reviews 7.3.3. 108 Marsh Road: subdivision and conservation easement158 Peter Road: SFH construction in Rural 1 zone121 Durfee Hill: SFH construction in Rural 1 zoneNew project at 256 Bruce Hill Rd: conser vation easement with variance to go before the PB and possibly the BZA 7.3.4. Attended Southern Tier Central conference last week. 7.3.5. Solar Farm project continues regarding the wetland delineations 7.3.6. West has also had many meetings with interested parties in hamlet development 7.4. Town Clerk March 2022 Report  Pursuant to Section 27, Subd 1 of the Town Law, I hereby make the following statement of all fees  and moneys received by me in connection with my office during the month stated above, excepting  only such fees and moneys the application and payment of which are otherwise provided for by Law:    Dept  Budget  Line  Description  Qty  Total Monies  Collected  External  Agency  Remit to  Agency  Remit to  Danby  Gen Fund  Clerk  A1255  DECALS  1  $25.00  NYS DEC  $23.62  $1.38      Marriage Licenses  0  $0.00  NYS DoH  $0.00  $0.00      Marriage  Transcripts  0  $0.00  — 0.00  $0.00    A1550  Impoundment Fees  1  $50.00  SPCA  0.00  $50.00    A2544  Dog Licenses  8  $144.00  NYS A&M  $16.00  $128.00  Code  A2555  Building Permits  3  $100.00  — 0  $100.00  Planner  A2110  Zoning Appeals  0  $0.00  — 0  $0.00    A2115  Planning Fees  1  $220.00  — 0  $220.00   A2655  Subdivisions  0  $0.00  — 0  $0.00  Grand Totals  $539.00    $39.62  $499.38    STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, TOWN OF DANBY  I, Janice Adelman, being duly sworn, say that I am the Clerk of the Town of Danby and that the  foregoing is a full and true statement of all Fees and moneys received by me during the month above  stated, excepting only such Fees the application and payment of which are otherwise provided for by   law.     Subscribed and sworn this 5th day of April 2022. Page 4 of 14 Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 5 April 2022 at 7:00PM  –Janice Adelman   7.5. Code Enforcement March 2022 Report  BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED Value Fee  New Residential Construction    Renovations/Other  649 East Miller Rd – wood stove 4,618 $25.00  90 Lieb Rd – new roof 23,677 $50.00  23 Nelson Rd – new bathroom- renewed permit $25.00    MONTH TOTALS 28,295 $100.00  YTD TOTALS 441,186 $1491.50  PREVIOUS YTD TOTALS 412,891 $1391.50  CERTIFICATES OF COMPLIANCE  25 Maple Ave – wood stove  209 buttermilk Ln – deck  85 Bald Hill Rd – new roof  1859 Danby Rd – new roof  649 East Miller Rd – wood stove  CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY  None  ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY  11 Construction inspections  Completed and submitted NYS 1203 Code Enforcement Repor t for 2021 to NYS DOS  Completed and submitted U.S. Census Bureau report for building permits for 2021 C-404  Town of Caroline hours 41  26 hours of in-ser vice training     An introduction to per formance Compliance Method     Doors: A few questions     2018 Fire and Life safety Principles     Framing for Energy Code     Means of Egress     Fire Alarm Inspections 25 Steps to Failure     Division of Building Standards and Codes Update     DBSC Records and Public Service     After the Storm - Recovery     Exterior Requirements of the PMCNYS     Batter y Storage Systems     Inspection, Testing and Maintenance – fire extinguishment systems     Fire Safety During Construction 7.5.1. Connors checked in with Cortright to make sure he was doing OK Page 5 of 14 Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 5 April 2022 at 7:00PM handling the additional Caroline hours 7.5.2. Cortright noted that he has encouraged the Caroline Supervisor to more actively recruit a new Code Enforcement Officer; interviews are scheduled for next week. 8. Consent Agenda 8.1. Meeting Minutes 8.1.1. 19 January 2022 8.1.2. 16 March 2022 8.2. Warrants 8.2.1. General Fund Abstract 7 Vouchers 100–111 for $4286.77 8.2.2. Removed the Sentry Invoice Voucher 109 for $270Now We have Vouchers 100-110 for $3984.72Highway Fund Abstract 7 Vouchers 62–68 for $25,165.43 8.2.3. Abstract 6 amendment to Link Authorized Expenditures to Their Associated Budget Lines 8.2.4. Board would like the Finance Committee to meet and understand what the Board’s role is to go through these warrants, vouchers, and abstracts. Bookkeeper will chair the group and convene the first meeting. Resolution 91 of 2022 To Approve the Consent Agenda Covering Meeting Minutes (19 Jan 2022 and 16 Mar 2022) and Warrant Abstracts 7 Moved By: Woodworth Seconded By: Schnabel Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X Resolution 91 approved 9. Business of Town of Danby Policies and Procedures 9.1. CAC subcommittee and Solar Panels and Wetlands options Page 6 of 14 Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 5 April 2022 at 7:00PM Resolution 92 of 2022 That the Planning Board Use This Committee Report as Guidelines for Consideration When Conducting Site Plan Review for Solar Arrays Moved By: Schnabel Seconded By: Connors Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X Resolution 92 approved 9.2. Procurement Policy and Procedures Resolution 93 of 2022 To Approve The Revised Procurement Policy and Procedures Moved By: Gagnon Seconded By: Connors Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X Resolution 93 approved 9.3. Revisit Level of Operation 9.3.1. Gagnon wondered if we should make masks optional 9.3.2. Connors felt that we should not lift restrictions; Schnabel suggested to leave masks in place and revisit at next meeting. 9.3.3. Board consensus was to maintain the current level at Level 2. Page 7 of 14 Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 5 April 2022 at 7:00PM 9.4. Proposed Reimbursement to DCC for January and February Danby News 9.4.1. Pat noted that we took the money out in the January meeting. 9.4.2. Proposed reimbursing actual expenses incurred for putting out the January issue in an amount not to exceed 1/12th Resolution XX of 2022 To Approve A Reimbursement of Actual Expenses Incurred to the DCC for Publishing the January Issue in an Amount Not To Exceed 1/12 the Estimated Publishing Budget Costs Moved By: Gagnon Seconded By: Schnabel Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Abstain Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X Motion failed 9.5. Noise Law -- Review and Possible Scheduling of Public Hearing 9.5.1. Would like to schedule public hearing with the option to gather more feedback at additional public hearings. 9.5.2. Justice Garry Huddle noted a number of questions that arose with him regarding the the need for such an ordinance, the justices’ ability to enforce this law, the need for permits, etc. 9.5.3. Planner David West noted the topic of permitting is something worth talking about given his conversation with Noise Committee Chair Betsy Wohl. West suggested the permitting option be added due to concerns that with the way the ordinance was written, there wasn’t any obvious way to know whether a person would be safe from prosecution because there is no standard measure to indicate whether “noise” being produced is an acceptable amount. If the definition of what’s unreasonable is too vague, then having a permit process would ensure that a person would have reason to believe they would be safe from prosecution in relation to this ordinance. 9.5.4. The Board noted its intent to make sure this proposed law and the Page 8 of 14 Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 5 April 2022 at 7:00PM public hearing is well-publicized in both the Town newsletter and online. Resolution 94 of 2022 To Schedule Public Hearing on 18 May Moved By: Gagnon Seconded By: Schnabel Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X Resolution 94 approved 9.6. Use of American Rescue Plan Act Funds -- Process for Identifying and Prioritizing Use of Funds 9.6.1. Gagnon noted that David West suggested this is a significant opportunity here to make capital investments in the future; thus we ought to be considering these funds in the context of the comprehensive plan, including reviewing the capital projects wish list created during the budget process last year, as well as the workplace violence initiative and recommendations. 9.6.2. Gagnon proposed a committee to start a list of items for the Board to review. The committee could consist of him, David someone from highway, another board member. 9.6.3. This was not to be decided on tonight, but rather something to think about and come back to next time. 9.7. Contract Review and Approval of Community Science Institute, Danby Community Park Association 9.7.1. There was discussion around the numbers presented in the proposed DCPA budget as some numbers were not lining up. Resolution 95 of 2022 To Approve DCPA Contract with slight modif ication of what money would be used for with $200 added for fuel and $100 to trail maintenance Moved By: Woodworth Seconded By: Connors Page 9 of 14 Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 5 April 2022 at 7:00PM Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X Resolution 95 approved Resolution 96 of 2022 To Approve Community Science Institute Support Contingent That It the Agreement Reflects the 2022 Town of Danby Budgeted Amount. Moved By: Schnabel Seconded By: Connors Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X Resolution 96 approved 9.8. County Hazard Mitigation Plan -- Approval as Amended 9.8.1. Danby Edited Addendum 9.8.2. County Plan Main Body and Appendices Resolution 97 of 2022 To Adopt the Tompkins County Hazard Mitigation Plan: 2021 Update With the Town of Danby Edits Moved By: Gagnon Seconded By: Connors  WHEREAS, all jurisdictions within Tompkins County have exposure to natural hazards that Page 10 of 14 Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 5 April 2022 at 7:00PM  increase the risk to life, property, environment, and the economy; and     WHEREAS, pro-active mitigation of known hazards before a disaster event can reduce or  eliminate long-term risk to life and property; and     WHEREAS, The Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-390) established new  requirements for pre- and post-disaster hazard mitigation programs; and     WHEREAS, a Planning Partnership of all Tompkins County municipalities has been formed to  pool resources and create consistent mitigation strategies within Tompkins County; and    WHEREAS, the Planning Partnership has completed a planning process that engaged the  public, assessed the risk and vulnerability to the impacts of hazards, developed a mitigation  strategy consistent with a set of uniform goals and objectives, and created a plan for  implementing, evaluating and revising this strategy; and     WHEREAS, TOWN OF DANBY will consider this Plan during the implementation and  updating of local plans, and will incorporate the hazard assessment data, hazard  vulnerabilities, and mitigation actions in these plans, where applicable, now therefore be it    RESOLVED, That TOWN OF DANBY, as a participating jurisdiction in the Plan’s development,  adopts the Tompkins County Hazard Mitigation Plan: 2021 Update (the “Plan”) as the  County’s Hazard Mitigation Plan,     RESOLVED, further, that TOWN OF DANBY will: 1. Use the adopted Plan to guide pre- and post-disaster mitigation of the hazards  identified; 2. Coordinate the strategies identified in the Plan with other planning programs and  mechanisms under its jurisdictional authority; 3. Continue its support of the Planning Partnership as described within the plan; 4. Help to promote and support the mitigation successes of all participants in the Plan; 5. Incorporate mitigation planning as an integral component of government and partners  operations; and 6. Provide an update of the Plan no less than every five (5) years.    SEQR ACTION: Type II - 27 Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Page 11 of 14 Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 5 April 2022 at 7:00PM Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X Resolution 97 approved 9.9. Feedback to TCCOG on Proposed County Takeover of Address Assignment 9.9.1. Gagnon received feedback that he will take back to TCCOG 9.10. Review of Beardsley Ln. DRAFT Storm Water District Map Plan and Report 9.10.1. Planner West reminded the Board that this tract of work is very old, predating most all recent planners, back around 2004. 9.10.2. The first step would have been to pass a resolution; not sure if this happened in 2006, or maybe in 2019. Possibly not done because it was previously paid for with escrow funds and not taxpayer funds. The resolution then sets-up a 10-day referendum.... The next step is to issue a notice that the town is adopting the final map plan and report with additional steps thereafter, including comptrollers office, etc. 9.10.3. No formal action taken but will pass on the report 9.10.4. Sarah found resolution 25 of 2006 9.11. Cayuga Lake Watershed Inter-municipal Organization MOA Approval 9.11.1. Request to postpone decision until next meeting so all board members can review. 9.12. Add more members to Youth Commission 9.12.1. Hunter recommends increasing number from 7 to 15 so that we can have a commission that will include the people 9.12.2. Recommends having a quorum equal the majority number of individuals duly appointed. Then there wouldn't be a problem in attaining quorum since it is not tied to the number of vacancies in the commission. Resolution 98 of 2022 To Authorize Changing the Youth Commission Framework to Allow For Up To 15 Commission Members With No Real Minimum Number Where Quorum Will Consist of the Majority of Members Duly Appointed. Moved By: Gagnon Seconded By: Hunter Discussion: Hunter mentioned a second point to be raised with the county regarding Page 12 of 14 Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 5 April 2022 at 7:00PM the age of the youth member being lowered from 16 years of age, particularly given that 16 year-olds have already aged out of the programs. Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X Resolution 98 approved 9.13. Town Newsletter -- Submission and Content Guidelines, Oversight 9.13.1. Discussion of having a special board meeting on May 9 at 6pm? Resolution 99 of 2022 To Hold a Special Meeting on 9 May 2022 at 6pm Moved By: Gagnon Seconded By: Woodworth Vote: Councilper son A ye Nay Abse nt Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X Resolution 99 approved 10. Discussion of Next Meeting Agenda 10.1. Resolution for Colman 10.2. Clean Energy Stretch Code Presentation 10.3. Intermunicipal Recreation Partnership Agreement 10.4. Use of ARPA Funds Committee Designation Page 13 of 14 Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 5 April 2022 at 7:00PM 10.5. CWIO MOA 10.6. Meeting Times 10.7. Appointments to Youth Commission 10.8. Review Level of Operations 11. Meeting Adjourned at 21:59. _________________________________________ Submitted by Janice Adelman Town Clerk Page 14 of 14