HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-02-14 Town Board Minutes, Draft
Meeting Minutes
Roll Call:
Town Board Joel Gagnon, Super visor
Leslie Connors
Katharine Hunter
Sarah Schnabel
Patricia Woodworth
Recording Secretary Janice Adelman, Town Clerk
1. Meeting Called to Order at 19:03 by Super visor Gagnon
2.Contex t for calling this meeting:
2.1.At the last Town Board meeting, Super visor Gagnon was authorized by the
Town Board to sign the contract with the Danby Community Council (DCC)
excluding any contributions to production of the Danby (Area) Newsletter.
2.2.The DCC provided a revised contract excluding funding for the Newsletter
while continuing to ser ve the role of Danby Youth Commission to the
Tompkins County Youth Programming.
2.3.Gagnon and Councilperson Hunter met with Teresa Albert (TC
Administrative Coordinator), Meghan Guerra Lyons (Community Youth
Ser vices Coordinator), and Kate Shanks-Booth (Director of Youth Ser vices
Department); the TC Youth Programming people were concerned regarding
the poor quality working relationship they experienced with DCC and asked
the town to address the issue. TC Youth Ser vices also o ered assistance in
pursuing alternatives or resolving questions that were raised.
2.4.The t wo questions Gagnon wanted to see answered tonight were:
2.4.1.What are we willing to contract for the DCC to do?
2.4.2.What might remain to be funded if it’s not everything, and what might
we do other wise regarding Youth Programming Ser vices?
3.Privilege of the Floor
3.1.Pamela Goddard, DCC President, spoke on behalf of the DCC: When
Mary Ann Barr 2021
T he Town of Danby, New York
1830 Danby Road, Ithaca, NY 14850
Town Board Special Meeting
Monday 14 February 2022
+1-607-277-4788 | townboard@danby.ny.gov
Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 2 November 2021 at 7:00PM
Gagnon for warded his report of the January 19 meeting to those who were
not able to be there, he included the wording of the motion or resolution
which stated that the Town Board was going to fund the contract as written
with the removal of the Danby News. We were we were working on that
assumption that it was going to be approved and funded as written without
revisions, on that basis we revise the contract removing the Danby News
and sent the contract to the Town Board only to learn after wards that
we—apparently, the Town Board and the DCC had a very di erent
understanding of what “fund as written” means. So we're collectively
disappointed that this is still in process, and I hope that this can be resolved
as quickly as possible. We're doing our best to address and work on the
other issues, the bylaws and appointments. Admittedly, it’s been less than a
month; our meeting on February 3 was just t wo weeks after that resolution
and that discussion happened. I’m here to listen and to correct any basic
misunderstandings or gaps in information and I will add that by the time
that Joel and Katharine had a meeting with Meghan and the others, there
had been a meeting that Thursday morning, during which it was reported
So that information was available that the contract had not yet been signed.
or should have been available to them in time for that THursday meeting. I
will also note that Meghan and I had a conversation on Friday morning at
9:30 which I thought went very positively and that we were making good
progress in adjusting the timing of the meeting so that I could be there as
the primary contact and also addressing some concerns about better
diversity equity and inclusion in the programs. I will say that now, when I
asked Meghan if there was anything else that I should know about, I was not
informed that there had been a meeting on Thursday afternoon. So we’re
working both sides on some gaps in information and it might be important
to have those filled out. The most important thing to the DCC and I’m sure to
the Town Board as well, is that we all do our best to work together for the
residents of Danby, the youth of Danby, the elders, and the families in
Danby. THis is the mission and purpose of the DCC and we have been doing
our best in this time of the pandemic to meet that in a quality way, and I
think we’ve done a good job; we have not wavered. So again, I’ll just repeat,
it’s to the benefit of all of us that this be resolved as quickly and as equitably
as possibly. That’s all I have to say for now. I do hope that if there are times
when there’s some piece of information that would be important to clarify,
that I will be given that opportunity. Thank you.
3.2.Marnie Kirchgessner, Danby Resident, lives in the house that her parents
bought when she was born. She has been trying to be participate in the DCC
for approximately 3 years. The message she consistently hears from the
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Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 2 November 2021 at 7:00PM
Community Council is that they are an autonomous organization.
Kirchgessner has great respect for autonomy and thinks that that is fine if
they want to be an independent organization. Her issue is that as a tax-
payer, I expect to have oversight for tax dollars. She questions whether with
the current organizational structure and the individuals involved, whether
that is in the best interest of the Danby tax payers. She requested that the
Town Board investigate a youth commission because she thinks it a ords
the town the oversight that is necessary for quality youth programming to
continue. Thank you very much.
3.3.Sarah Schnabel noted that their should be an agenda for all meetings, even
special meetings.
4. Board Discussion ensued around the t wo questions at hand
4.1.What are we willing to contract with DCC to do
4.1.1.What are the options? Meghan Guerra Lyons from Youth Ser vices
responded. commission
The Joint Youth Commission comprises the Towns of Caroline
and Ithaca, and the Village of Lansing. There is no possibility
of ever joining that Joint Commission. Youth Commission Youth Commission varies from town to town since every
area in the county is so unique. Typically, it includes people
who apply and are appointed by the Town Board. For the
Town of Danby, for example, this might require persons that
meet certain criteria, such as being: (a) from West Danby, (b)
a parent, (c) an employee from the schools, (d) from the faith
community, (e) etc. Number of seats on a commission varies
from 7–12 people with a chair, vice-chair, secretary. With
some groups Meghan o ers more support in some e orts
than others, eg., fund-raising, coordinating agendas, etc. The
town decides the number of seats. Once appointed, the
commission decides when to meet and create their own
bylaws. Mentoring assistance is available from other
4.1.2.Board suggestions: is benefical to have people represented from multiple areas
in Danby, as well as reaching out to schools where Danby
kids go, including the Waldorf school, homeschoolers, and
Candor. the possibility is available to join commissions with Newfield,
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Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 2 November 2021 at 7:00PM
who has expressed interest in joining with others, then it would
be appropriate to create a separate Youth Commission in
which the Town appoints members. one on the Board wants to see the youth programming
4.1.3.Goddard asked Meghan if the town were to create a Youth
Commission now, if there would be any impact on current
programming stating that the only concern from the DCC is that there
not be any disruption to programs already in progress. needs to talk with others in the County and would
have to discuss how the youth would continue to be ser ved.
4.1.4.Goddard mentioned receiving funding from organizations such as the
United Way to the DCC that go directly to the youth programs, since
the UW cannot give money to a government agency. responded that the government cannot accept
funding from United Way. However, CCE is also a 501c3 and is
how they do their fundraising. It would probably be a hiccup
for this year, but could potentially work with the UW. asked how much the UW contribution is. Answer is
about $2500 for the youth program. $1000 for youth grants.
Resolution 59 of 2022 To Commit to Creating a Youth Commission With a
Proposal Brought to the Board by Wednesday.
Moved By: Hunter Seconded By: Connors
Councilperson Aye Nay Absent
Connors X
Hunter X
Schnabel X
Woodworth X
Gagnon X
Resolution 59 approved
Resolution 60 of 2022 To Have Pat Woodworth and Katharine Hunter, along with
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Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 2 November 2021 at 7:00PM
Meghan Guerra Lyons Leading the Proposal for the Youth Commission.
Moved By: Gagnon Seconded By: Connors
Councilperson Aye Nay Absent
Connors X
Hunter X
Schnabel X
Woodworth X
Gagnon X
Resolution 60 approved
5.Issue about the Danby newsletter
5.1.Previous discussion around the Danby newsletter was support for creating a
Town-based newsletter.
5.1.1.Woodworth reached out to the Town of Caroline who has their own
newsletter. It’s the responsibility of the town reps to send out info from
the town. Caroline uses WordPro to print and prep the mailings. The
Caroline Super visor thought that it was about $1k/issue o the top of
his head. Woodworth suggests aiming for April to begin the town-
based newsletter.
5.1.2.Additional discussion focused on information outreach to residents.
There was interest in exploring di erent options to make sure Danby
residents are well-informed. out postcards to advertise events veying the residents to find out what they want.
5.1.3.Discussion around costs Spencer-Vanetten Hay Field(?) newsletter subscription is
$12 has an email newsletter; if you want a paper
copy it’s $10/year. reach people who may move in to Danby not knowing that
the newsletter exists, the town could mail out a quarterly free
verison. noted that the DCC hasn’t ruled out funding their
own newsletter and that it might be an advantage on all sides
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Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 2 November 2021 at 7:00PM
to have both newsletters come out. She noted that the
Brooktondale newsletter is an independent publication not
a liated with the government.
5.2.Goddard asked if the DCC removes the newsletter and the youth programs
expenses from their contract, could they get a signed contract with the DCC,
with the understanding that there are other t weaks that Gagnon has
5.2.1.The Board wants to again see a quick over view of expenses noting
that the contract is not contigent upon this request.
5.2.2.Goddard will ask Bill Evans as past treasurer to work on that noting
that there are other funds that come in from other donations.
6. Meeting Adjourned at 20:59.
Submitted by Janice R. Adelman
Town Clerk
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