HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-02-16 Town Board Minutes             Meeting Minutes  Roll Call:  Town Board  Joel Gagnon, Supervisor  Leslie Connors  Katharine Hunter  Sarah Schnabel  Patricia Woodworth  Town Planner  David West  Town Code Enforcement Officer  Steve Cortright  Town Bookkeeper  Laura Shawley  Recording Secretary  Janice Adelman, Town Clerk   1. Meeting Called to Order at 19:02 by Supervisor Gagnon 2. Additions/Deletions to Agenda 2.1. Appointment to Recreation Partnership Board — Marnie Kirchgessner 2.2. Danby Youth Commission 2.2.1.  Proposed Operating Guidelines 2.3. Highway Dept Loader Auction Authorization 2.4. Highway Loader Purchase Contract 2.5. Agreement to Spend Highway Funds – Culvert Pipe 2.6. AOT Resolutions Revisit 3. Privilege of the Floor 3.1.Marnie Kirchgessner noted she was attending the meeting to answer any questions regarding the Recreation Partnership Board.  3.2.Pamela Goddard also indicated her willingness to answer questions or speak to other concerns regarding the DCC.; she respectfully asked for approval to speak during the DCC discussion. Supervisor Gagnon agreed.  3.3.Ronda Roaring asked what the Food Pantry Law was that is on the agenda. Gagnon responded that this will be addressed at that point in the agenda.  4. Correspondence (none) 5. Announcements 5.1.A meeting will be held online on 22 Feb at 4:30 regarding redistricting in Eastern & Southern Tompkins County (Current Legislative Districts 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14) [Danby   Mary Ann Barr 2021  T he Town of Danby, New York  1830 Danby Road, Ithaca, NY 14850  https://danby.ny.gov  Town Board Regular Meeting   Wednesday 16 February 2022  +1-607-277-4788 | townboard@danby.ny.gov      Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 1 February 2022 at 7:00PM is in District 7]. Register online at: https://tompkinscountyny- gov.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GYwiA9IxQXSPziSV4tvxFA. Or, view the  meeting live or archived at: https://youtu.be/Y45YJHv1rF0 6. Reports & Presentations 6.1. Danby Town Historian Report for 2021, By Mary Ann Barr The first part of 2021 saw relaxed Pandemic protocols and everyone was optimistic thinking life would soon return to normal. I gave attention to the Historian’s display area in Town Hall with the idea the place would be open and used normally. Then Covid variants came along and routines were once again based on covid-time. So throughout 2021 historian activities were minimal. I did put up some newspaper articles about bygone days in Danby and was pleased that a few people commented  about them. Meetings. I attended the Municipal Historians of Tompkins County (MHTC) meetings on the 2nd Saturday of every month by Zoom and took the minutes. As usual the  meetings, led by County Historian, Carol Kammen, were interesting. My time spent in the Historian’s office at Town Hall has been limited to one afternoon  a week. Requests. Throughout the year I received a few requests via e-mail and phone and in- person visits to the Historian’s office. These requests ranged from genealogy issues to  house/property questions to cemetery questions. Writing/outreach. I submitted articles to the Danby Area News. Also contributed an essay to the County Historian’s project “Best of Years, Worst of Years” which iterated experiences during 2020 lockdowns and an essay to Historic Ithaca’s booklet “Permanent Residents,” the permanent resident being someone from a town’s past  buried in a town cemetery. I wrote about Jerusha Lord. Accomplishments. Progress has continued on my series of drawings of old Danby barns, though for half the year I did not have access to my drawing tools etc. due to a home improvement project. However, I completed a few more drawings and, to date, I  estimate I have done about half the old barns in town. Going forward. My aim continues to be to curate and display Danby historic artifacts in an established space for the purpose. I also still hope to have an assistant or deputy  historian, which will help in accomplishing historian activities. Time. The time I have spent on Historian work is like 2020; hit or miss, since all  schedules were altered due to the pandemic.  Respectfully submitted, Mary Ann Barr   Page 2 of 15   Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 1 February 2022 at 7:00PM 6.2. Danby Community Library 2021 Report   Library 2021 Circulaon Numbers   Material  Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec  Total  Adult Ficon  37  40  40  26  22  36  49  61  50  43  27  30  461  Adult Biography  0  0  6  1  1  1  1  4  1  1  1  1  18  Adult Large-Type  5  17  13  9  6  4  4  7  3  8  7  2  85  Adult Non-Ficon  3  4  1  2  0  2  2  2  4  0  2  0  22  Total Adult Circulaon  45  61  60  38  29  43  56  74  58  52  37  33  586  Young Adult Ficon  1  4  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  3  1  10  Juvenile Ficon  6  3  5  4  0  4  7  4  1  4  15  3  56  Juvenile Non-Ficon  1  1  0  0  0  0  0  2  1  2  1  0  8  Juvenile Biography  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  Easy Readers  3  8  6  2  0  0  2  2  5  2  1  4  35  Picture Books  4  12  31  19  7  14  22  37  31  30  60  29  296  Board Books  0  10  1  0  1  1  10  2  2  2  9  4  42  Total Juvenile Circulaon  15  38  43  25  8  19  41  48  40  40  89  41  447  Books on CD  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  3  1  0  1  0  6  DVDs  0  2  2  0  0  4  15  12  1  4  15  20  75  Total Nonbook Circulaon  1  2  2  0  0  4  15  15  2  4  16  20  81  Total Circulaon  61  101  105  63  37  66  112  137  100  96  142  94  1114  Total Patrons: 22  27  33  20  16  22  40  52  32  36  40  29  369    Library 2021 Volunteer Hours  Volunteer  Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec  Total  Dawn  6.85  0  7.8  0  5.75  11.5  19.85  13.45  10.95  18.4  16.45  9.75  120.75  Alex  0  7.05  0.5  0.5  0.5  4.5  9  0  1.25  2.1  7  11.25  43.65  Cindy  1  1  0.85  2  7.2  5.25  3  3.25  3.75  5  3  4  39.3  Kathy  2.5  0  2.4  1.7  1  0.5  0  5  4.75  3.45  5  4.85  31.15 Page 3 of 15   Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 1 February 2022 at 7:00PM  Lynn   4.05  3.5  7  8.2  5.3  10.3  9.3  13.4  11.35  9  5.8  87.2  David  6  9.7  3.5  1  5.95  2.7  4.5  1.5  0.75  3.1  2.1  1.5  42.3  Total Hours  16.35  21.8  18.55  12.2  28.6  29.75  46.65  32.5  34.85  43.4  42.55  37.15  364.35     6.3.Presented by Betsy Wohl, Chair Noise Committee Report, 6.3.1.There is a distinction between everyday normal noise versus unreasonable/extraordinary noise.  6.3.2.There are no state or federal remedies currently for unreasonable noise.  6.3.3.The committee worked on an ordinance that was presented with a request for feedback.   6.3.4.Proposed next steps are to talk with Town Attorney Guy Krogh and supervisors of other towns with a focus on best practices in rural areas.  6.3.5.Supervisor Gagnon recommended having the committee draft a law that the Town could take to Krogh.    Resolution 54 of 2022 To Task the Noise Committee with Drafting Local Law for Town  Board to Consider    Moved By:  Gagnon  Seconded By: Schnabel   6.3.4. Councilperson Hunter asked if Justice Huddle had any comments to offer regarding this proposal. Huddle noted that with an ordinance that incurs fines, there’s no recourse to get people with violations into court. Based on what happens with dog license and driver license violations,  Huddle believes such an ordinance will be hard to enforce.  Vote:  Councilperson  Aye  Nay  Abstain  Connors  X      Hunter    X   Schnabel  X     Woodworth  X      Gagnon  X      Resolution 54 approved   Page 4 of 15   Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 1 February 2022 at 7:00PM 7. Consent Agenda 7.1. Warrants 7.1.1. Resolution 56 of 2022 To Approve General Fund No 4 Vouchers 42–64 for  $607,912.73  Moved By:  Schnabel  Seconded By: Woodworth    Vote:  Councilperson  Aye  Nay  Absent  Connors    X    Hunter  X      Schnabel  X     Woodworth  X      Gagnon  X      Resolution 56 approved   7.1.2. Highway Fund No 4 Vouchers 28–38 for $51,444.42 Resolution 57 of 2022 To Hold Special Meeting Tomorrow at 4pm To Review and  ApproveHighway Fund Abstract and Vouchers    Moved By:  Schnabel  Seconded By: Woodworth    Vote:  Councilperson  Aye  Nay  Absent  Connors  X      Hunter  X      Schnabel  X     Woodworth  X      Gagnon  X      Resolution 57 approved   7.1.3. Resolution 55 of 2022 To Approve Water Fund No 4 Vouchers 47–49 for  $450.00 Page 5 of 15   Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 1 February 2022 at 7:00PM    Moved By:Connors   Seconded By:Woodworth     Vote:  Councilperson  Aye  Nay  Absent  Connors  X      Hunter  X      Schnabel  X     Woodworth  X      Gagnon  X      Resolution 55 approved   8. Business 8.1. Procurement Policy Tabled 8.2. Resolution 58 of 2022 To Appointment Marnie Kirchgessner to Recreation  Partnership Board    Moved By:  Gagnon  Seconded By: Connors    Vote:  Councilperson  Aye  Nay  Absent  Connors X      Hunter  X      Schnabel  X     Woodworth  X      Gagnon  X      Resolution 58 approved   8.3. Resolution 59 of 2022 To Create the Danby Youth Commission  Moved By:  Woodworth  Seconded By: Connors    OVERVIEW Page 6 of 15   Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 1 February 2022 at 7:00PM The purpose of Danby Youth Commission is to recommend policies, plans, and  procedures to the sponsoring municipality to enable the development, implementaon and  coordinaon of effecve programs that meet the recreaonal and developmental needs of youth.  The Danby Youth Commission would like to connue to work with the Tompkins County  Municipal Youth Services System - which is commied to providing opportunies for  underrepresented and underserved youth to deal successfully with the challenges of adolescence. By  building partnerships, communies can offer diverse, cost-effecve programs that strengthen  and  support young people.  GOALS 1. Create Danby Youth Commission consisng of 7 members, as outlined by the  proposed Operang Guidelines. 2. Meet monthly on the (opons are 1st Thursday evening, 2nd Wednesday or Thursday evening, 3rd Tuesday or Wednesday evening, 4th Tuesday evening, or can take the previous 11am 2nd Thursday me of DCC youth programming commiee) to review current program offerings, updates from county and  municipal enes, to obtain a sustainable budget (fundraising /advocang). 3. To assess the needs of youth and families by conducng a Needs Assessment, as  needed and/or required. 4.  To follow best pracces regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion. 5. To complete Tompkins County Youth Services Department ’s Vitality Check List to  evaluate Youth Commission needs and strengths.  SPECIFICATIONS The Danby Youth Commission is dedicated to fulfilling the need for quality youth development programming. The diagram below details the hierarchy of intervenons for you. The higher the area on the diagram, the less youth are served, and the cost is significantly increased per-youth. To reach the underserved and underrepresented youth most effecvely, the Danby Commission will focus on  posive youth development programming.  TIMELINE The Danby Youth Commission will be effecvely in place on February 16, 2022. The  Town Board will appoint their liaison on February 16, 2022. Page 7 of 15   Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 1 February 2022 at 7:00PM The Town Liaison and the Coordinator of Community Youth Services (Meghan Guerra Lyons) of Tompkins County Youth Services Department will create an applicaon and will share through various stakeholders to recruit commission members by February  21, 2022. The Danby Youth Commission will have a full commission appointed by the Town of  Danby on March 16th, 2022. The Danby Youth Commission will hold a March meeng to ensure that current  youth development programming is not interrupted.  All contracts will be updated and signed by the end of March 2022.  Respecully submied by H. Katharine Hunter    Vote:  Councilperson  Aye  Nay  Absent  Connors  X      Hunter  X      Schnabel  X     Woodworth  X      Gagnon  X      Resolution 59 approved   8.3.1. Resolution 60 of 2022 To Approve the Danby Youth Commission Operating  Guidelines  Moved By:  Woodworth  Seconded By: Schnabel   Discussion centered around the composition of the voting membership. Specifically, the school-employed member, the age restriction of the youth member, the requirement of being a Danby resident.     Vote:  Councilperson  Aye  Nay  Absent  Connors  X      Hunter  X     Page 8 of 15   Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 1 February 2022 at 7:00PM  Schnabel  X     Woodworth  X      Gagnon  X      Resolution 60 approved   Resolution 61 of 2022 To Appoint Katharine Hunter as Liaison to the Danby Youth  Commission  Moved By:  Woodworth  Seconded By: Schnabel    Vote:  Councilperson  Aye  Nay  Absent  Connors  X      Hunter  X      Schnabel  X     Woodworth  X      Gagnon  X      Resolution 61 approved   8.4. Resolution 63 of 2022 To Allow the Highway Superintendent to Send the 2021  Volvo Loader to Auction    Moved By:Connors   Seconded By:Woodworth    WHEREAS, the Highway Department has an offer from Alta Equipment to trade in the  2021 loader for $156,000. WHEREAS, the Highway Department would like to put the loader up on Aucons  Internaonal to see if the town can get an offer for more. RESOLVED, the Town Board gives permission to the Highway Superintendent to enter  the 2021 Volvo loader into aucon with a minimum acceptance amount of $158,000. Appraisals will be obtained and the lowest price accepted will be based on those  records.    Vote: Page 9 of 15   Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 1 February 2022 at 7:00PM  Councilperson  Aye  Nay  Absent  Connors  X      Hunter  X      Schnabel  X     Woodworth  X      Gagnon  X      Resolution 63 approved   8.5. Resolution 62 of 2022 To Allow the Highway Superintendent to Enter into an  Agreement with Alta Equipment for the Contract of a New Loader    Moved By:  Gagnon  Seconded By: Woodworth     WHEREAS, the Highway Department has entered into agreements over the last  seven years for the annual replacement of the loader. WHEREAS, the loader is a priority piece of equipment that must be in reliable  condion from year to year to service winter emergencies. WHEREAS, an analysis has been done to be certain that the price of replacing the loader each year is cost effecve for the town and it has been determined that the replacement in 2022 will be comparable to a long-standing ownership and actually  save the town money by the eliminaon of maintenance costs. RESOLVED, the Town Board gives permission to the Highway Superintendent to enter into the sales contract with Alta Equipment for the replacement of the loader. The amount of the transacon will be $15,664.00 which will be paid for with $9,000 out of the Equipment Reserve in the Highway Fund, and $6,664.00 from the DA5130.400  Machinery Contractual line.  Vote:  Councilperson  Aye  Nay  Absent  Connors  X      Hunter  X      Schnabel  X     Woodworth  X      Gagnon  X     Page 10 of 15   Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 1 February 2022 at 7:00PM  Resolution 62 approved   8.6. Resolution 64 of 2022 To Approve the Agreement to Spend Town Highway Funds to  Purchase a Culvert Pipe for Gunderman Road Bridge    Moved By:  Schnabel  Seconded By: Gagnon     Pursuant to the provisions of Secon 284 of the Highway Law, we agree moneys levied and collected for the repair and improvements of highways, and received from  the state for repair and improvement of highways shall be expended as follows:  General Repairs 1. A sum not to exceed $30,000 shall be spent on the purchase of a culvert pipe to repair the bridge on Gunderman Road. This amount will be paid from the CHIPS  funds that have been alloed to the Town of Danby from New York State.      EXECUTED THIS 16th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2022   Supervisor ________________________Highway Superintendent  ___________________   Council Person ____________________ Council Person  ___________________________   Council Person ____________________ Council Person  ___________________________    Vote:  Councilperson  Aye  Nay  Absent  Connors  X      Hunter  X      Schnabel  X     Woodworth  X      Gagnon  X      Resolution 64 approved   8.7. AOT Resolutions Revisit Page 11 of 15   Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 1 February 2022 at 7:00PM 8.7.1.At the previous board meeting, the Highway department was asked to weigh in on some of the resolutions. Highway Superintendent, Deputy Highway Superintendent, and Highway Secretary provided feedback with thoughts pertaining to: ability to have the town authority set its own speed limits brings up liability issues for the town. the prevailing wage for building contracts under $50,000 might bring about less reasonable pay to laborers.  8.7.2.Supervisor Gagnon asked if this feedback led to any reconsideration of the support we previously gave to the resolutions. there was some discussion around these issues, and what it would mean for the town, the consensus was to leave the support as is.  8.8. Revisit Level of Operation and Applicability 8.8.1.NY State has extended virtual meetings through April.  8.8.2.Supervisor Gagnon asked if the Town’s mask mandate extended to Town meetings not held in Town Hall, e.g., the Water District meetings in the Fire Hall. The Town recommends following the County mandate which maintains masks should be worn during inside gatherings.   8.8.3.Town Board noted that the Town policy needed to clarify that the policy applies to all official town representatives and their meetings, regardless of meeting locale (i.e., Water District, Planning Board, BZA, CAC, etc.)    Resolution 65 of 2022 To Amend Existing COVID Policy to State that the Policy  Applies to All Town Boards and Committees Irrespective of Place of Gathering or Meeting.  Moved By:  Schnabel  Seconded By: Connors    Vote:  Councilperson  Aye  Nay  Absent  Connors  X      Hunter  X      Schnabel  X     Woodworth  X      Gagnon  X      Resolution 65 approved   8.9. Town Newsletter — Form, Frequency, Funding, Agency, Logistics Page 12 of 15   Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 1 February 2022 at 7:00PM 8.9.1.Woodworth spoke with representative from the Town of Caroline regarding their town newsletter:’s printing costs are between $350-400’s postage costs between $350-400 about 1600 residents, residents are able to opt-out; the town then only pays for those that are actually mailed to residents who want them. WordPro publisher does the printing, folding, and stamping.  8.9.2.Woodworth recommends that we move forward with this to have a newsletter mailed out to all residents for April allowing them to opt-out from future mailings. With volunteers to help and an estimated budget of $1000/monthly issue.    Resolution 66 of 2022 To Create a Newsletter Committee with Pat Woodworth as Chair  Putting Out the First Issue in April 2022.  Moved By:  Gagnon  Seconded By: Hunter   Clarification that opting-out would only be opting out of the hardcopy, not the electronic copy.  Further clarification that this is an experimental phase.     Vote:  Councilperson  Aye  Nay  Absent  Connors  X      Hunter  X      Schnabel  X     Woodworth  X      Gagnon  X      Resolution 66 approved   8.10. Status Update: DCC Contract 8.10.1.Feedback from the DCC was that the contract is not quite ready for approval. that some things may have unintended consequences. Some changes were substantial enough that they would warrant further discussion between the two parties.  8.10.2.Connors asked if Attorney Guy Krogh had reviewed the contract  Page 13 of 15   Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 1 February 2022 at 7:00PM would rather wait until we have a final contract in place.   8.10.3.The consensus was to delay this discussion until further review.  8.11. Department of Assessment Local Advisory Board of Assessment Review 8.11.1.The local board includes 2 town board-appointed residents to appear at hearings. There will be a County Assessment Department member, County Legislator Dan Klein, and 2 Town Reps to hear local people contest their assessment.  8.11.2.Two people have already expressed interest: Bruce Richards and Tom Seeney.  8.11.3.Schnabel and others suggested waiting and allowing people to apply if interested.. Gagnon agreed to solicit interest in the March e-newsletter.   8.12. Consider Authorizing Taps Across America Memorial Day Event 8.12.1.Ronda Roaring recommended the Town participate in this event on Memorial Day, May 30. Someone stands at a designated spot and plays Taps between 2:30 and 3:30. The instrument could be any instrument.  Resolution 67 of 2022 To Participate in Taps Across America with Hunter and Schnabel  leading the Coordination Efforts.  Moved By:  Gagnon  Seconded By: Schnabel    Vote:  Councilperson  Aye  Nay  Absent  Connors  X      Hunter  X      Schnabel  X     Woodworth  X      Gagnon  X      Resolution 67 approved 8.13. Website Assessment Tabled 8.14. Resolution 68 of 2022 To Approve the Municipal Shared Services Agreement  Moved By:  Schnabel  Seconded By: Connors   Resolved that for a 5-year term ending on December 1, 2026 the Town of Danby by this resolution agrees to participate in a municipal shared services agreement with all other municipalities who similarly agree according to the terms and conditions set forth in the written agreement appended hereto and authorizes the Town Supervisor Page 14 of 15   Town of Danby Board Meeting Tuesday 1 February 2022 at 7:00PM  to sign and execute it.  Vote:  Councilperson  Aye  Nay  Absent  Connors  X      Hunter  X      Schnabel  X     Woodworth  X      Gagnon  X      Resolution 68 approved 8.15. Transfer of Development Rights-- GEIS as is, or Revised?Tabled 8.16. How to Organize Planning Going Forward — Discussion Tabled 8.17. Food Pantry Local LawTabled 9. Discussion of Next Meeting Agenda 9.1.Procurement Policy  9.2.DCC Contract  9.3.Website Assessment  9.4.Transfer of Development Rights — GEIS as is, or Revised?  9.5.Discuss How to Organize Planning Going Forward  9.6.Food Pantry Local Law  10. Meeting Adjourned at 21:35.      Submitted by Janice R. Adelman  Town Clerk       Page 15 of 15