HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-01-04 Town Board Minutes, Organization Meeting               Meeting Minutes  Roll Call:  Town Board  Joel Gagnon, Supervisor  Leslie Connors  Katharine Hunter  Sarah Schnabel  Pat Woodworth  Town Planner  David West  Town Code Enforcement Officer  Steve Cortright  Town Bookkeeper  Laura Shawley  Recording Secretary  Janice Adelman, Town Clerk   1. Meeting Called to Order at 19:01 by Supervisor Gagnon 2. Public Hearing on Zoning Update  Opened at 19:01    All those who spoke:  In favor  Against    Ronda Roaring  Ted Crane Karen Edwards (Purplefish  Properties)  Debbie Benson    Hearing closed at 19:11   3. Additions/Deletions to Agenda 3.1. Clean Energy Communities Grant Money Planning -- Report by Jim  Holahan and Board Discussion of Best Use Options 3.2. Reappointment of Ed Bergman to the Planning Board   Mary Ann Barr 2021  T he Town of Danby, New York  1830 Danby Road, Ithaca, NY 14850  https://danby.ny.gov  Town Board Regular Meeting + Public Hearing   Tuesday 4 January 2022  +1-607-277-4788 | townboard@danby.ny.gov    Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 4 January 2022 at 7:00PM 4. Privilege of the Floor 4.1.Ted Crane promoted the DCC-sponsored talk on Sunday about the Search for Life in Outer Space.   4.2.Ronda Roaring had several comments:  4.2.1.She could not see the Code Enforcement Officer’s Report and wants it to be tabled.  4.2.2.She thanked whoever formatted the Organizational Resolutions and reiterated to remind people if they are running the meeting and determining who speaks, they shouldn’t interrupt the speaker who has 3 minutes.  4.2.3.She opposed the proposed CAC appointment of Brad Rauch due to lack of qualifications. She was looking for the CAC’s enabling resolution to confirm whether an appointee needs to be a Danby resident.  4.2.4.She proposed the Town change from appointing a CAC to a Municipal Land Trust as it would take care of some of those problems.  4.3.Jill Rosental asked what went into determining how the new zones were configured. She bought 12 acres land even though she didn’t need 12 acres because there were no other lots available. She needed to buy in Danby, so she and a family member planned to build two houses and separate them into two lots with the town’s knowledge that this would happen.   4.3.1.Supervisor Gagnon noted that Rosental should speak with Planner West for guidance.  5. Correspondence - none 6. CAC Appointment Interview of Brad Rauch 7. Reports & Presentations 7.1. Clean Energy Communities Grant Money Planning Report from Jim  Holahan 7.1.1.We reached a milestone making us eligible for $5k grant  7.1.2.With the Highway Garage upgraded, we are considering using grant funding to next update the Town Hall; the last energy audit was done about 10 years ago.  7.1.3.Other ideas for using this grant funding include hiring a grant coordinator, an energy advisor, etc.  7.1.4.Councilperson Schnabel supported the need to update the Town Hall. She also offered other options, including helping people Page 2 of 17   Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 4 January 2022 at 7:00PM switch from gas to heat pumps, or housing that needs weatherization updates.  7.1.5.Supervisor Gagnon will draft a letter of intent to share with the Town Board; the deadline is 12 January 2022.  7.2. Town Planner David West 7.2.1.West clarified that the Ithaca Voice article mistakenly reported the facts around Rural Zone 2. He reached out directly to anyone who has expressed concerns and answered questions.  7.2.2.Planning Board Meeting Last month de Bogart subdivision waiver granted. from 316 Coddington Rd wanting to add a second dwelling on large lot; this will go to the BZA for a re- hearing on the variance. sketch conference (i.e., first look) for the proposed Dollar General retail site in the Hamlet on Michigan Hollow Road and 96B received grant from Tompkins County forhelp in applying for a CBDG grant to help low-income families get upgrades.  7.3.Code Enforcement Officer December 2021 Report       BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED  Value  Fee  New Residential Construction         Renovations/Other     100 Fieldstone Lane – 5 replacement windows  4,056.00  50.00 612 Comfort Rd -24 x 32 pole barn w/3 lean to shed  roofs  37,400.00  126.40  1360 Coddington Rd – Geothermal system  61,000  0.00 44 East Miller Rd - install pellet stove and insulated  chimney  1,000  25.00 42 Durfee Hill – 12 x 40 lean to shed roof off of  back of existing barn  6,000  40.00  313 East Miller Rd – new roof  10,270  50.00      MONTH TOTALS  119,726  291.40  YTD TOTALS  3,940,944  11,322.80 Page 3 of 17   Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 4 January 2022 at 7:00PM  PREVIOUS YTD TOTALS  3,821,218  11,031.40      CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY  59 Station Rd – single family home  2231 Danby Rd – single family home  ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY  Assisted Highway with research on Howard Rd  1 – Fire Safety Inspection at Waldorf School  1 – fire call at 476 Brown Rd required Code Enforcement Officer In-service Training; 6 hrs. plumbing code, 2 hrs. Inspection Testing and Maintenance of water-based fire protection systems, existing building  maintenance.  Assisted Town of Caroline for 29 hours   7.4.Town Clerk December 2021 Report   Pursuant to Section 27, Subd 1 of the Town Law, I hereby make the following statement of all fees and moneys received by me in connection with my office during the month stated above, excepting only such fees and moneys the  application and payment of which are otherwise provided for by Law:  Dept Budget  Line  Description  Qty Total Monies  Collected External  Agency Remit to  Agency Remit to Danby  Gen Fund  Clerk  A1255  DECALS  2  $37.00  NYS DEC  $34.96  $2.04     Marriage Licenses  1  $40.00  NYS DoH  $22.50  $17.50     Marriage  Transcripts  0  $0.00  — 0.00  $0.00   A1550 Impoundment  Fees  1  $25.00  SPCA  0.00  $25.00   A2544  Dog Licenses  54  $735.00  NYS A&M  $67.00  $668.00  Code  A2555  Building Permits  7  $341.40  — — $341.40  Planner  A2110  Zoning Appeals  1  $170.00  — — $170.00   A2115  Planning Fees  4  $270.00  — — $270.00   A2655  Subdivisions  2  $200.00  — — $200.00  Grand Totals  $1818.40   $124.46  $1693.94   Page 4 of 17   Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 4 January 2022 at 7:00PM  STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, TOWN OF DANBY I, Janice Adelman, being duly sworn, say that I am the Clerk of the Town of Danby and that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all Fees and moneys received by me during the month above stated, excepting only such Fees the  application and payment of which are otherwise provided for by law.    Subscribed and sworn this 3rd day of January 2022.   —Janice Adelman   8.Consent Agenda  8.1.Warrants  8.1.1. General Fund No 1 Vouchers 1-12 for $83,102.30 8.1.2. Highway Fund No 1 Vouchers 1-3 for $197,066.86 8.1.3. Water Fund No 1 Vouchers 1 for $952.00   Resolution 1 of 2022 To Waive the Rule that Organizational Resolutions Under  Review This Meeting Be Considered Individually    Moved By:Schnabel   Seconded By:Gagnon     Vote:  Councilperson  Aye  Nay  Absent  Connors  X      Hunter  X      Schnabel  X     Woodworth  X      Gagnon  X      Resolution 1 approved    Resolution 2 of 2022 To Approve Consent Agenda    Moved By:  Schnabel  Seconded By: Connors    Vote: Page 5 of 17   Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 4 January 2022 at 7:00PM  Councilperson  Aye  Nay  Absent  Connors  X      Hunter  X      Schnabel  X     Woodworth  X      Gagnon  X      Resolution 2 approved 9.Old Business  9.1. DCC Contract still no contract to review; tabled until next meeting 9.2. Stormwater Coalition Membership tabled until next meeting 9.3. Who to charge with creating local law to implement tax abatement for  conservation-easement-protected properties? Resolution 3 of 2022 To Charge CAC with Drafting a Local Law to  Implement Tax Abatement for Conservation-Easement-Protected Properties    Moved By:  Gagnon  Seconded By: Schnabel    Vote:  Councilperson  Aye  Nay  Absent  Connors  X      Hunter  X      Schnabel  X     Woodworth  X      Gagnon  X      Resolution 3 approved   9.4. Resolution No. 4 Of 2022 To Transfer Money From the Building  Reserve to the Highway Fund and the General Fund    Moved By:  Connors  Seconded By: Schnabel     WHEREAS, the Town of Danby was given a grant from NYSERDA for Page 6 of 17   Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 4 January 2022 at 7:00PM  energy efficiency improvements at the Highway Department.  WHEREAS, the total cost of the project is $128,560. WHEREAS, the total amount of the grant is $ 99,814, leaving a balance of $28,746 to be paid by the town. Of that amount, $27,800 was paid by the  Highway Fund and $946 was paid by the General Fund.   RESOLVED, the Town Board approves a transfer from the Building Reserve of $27,800 to be deposited into the Highway Fund account and  $946 to be deposited into the General Fund Account.    Vote:  Councilperson  Aye  Nay  Absent  Connors  X      Hunter  X      Schnabel  X     Woodworth  X      Gagnon  X      Resolution 4 approved   10. New Business 10.1. Organizational Resolutions 10.1.1.Resolution 5 of 2022: Provision of Blanket Undertaking  Resolved, that in lieu of any individual undertaking as required, the Town Board of the Town of Danby approves the procurement of a blanket undertaking from any duly authorized corporate surety to cover the officers, clerks and employees of the town.  10.1.2.Resolution 6 of 2022: Approval to Invest Idle Funds  Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby authorizes the Supervisor to invest idle funds.  10.1.3.Resolution No. 7 of 2022: Approval of Year 2022 Salaries   Town Board (x4) $ 2,994.00 each  Town Supervisor 29,565.00  Deputy Town Supervisor 2,994.00  Assistant to Supervisor 9,356.00  Bookkeeper 24,604.00  Town Justice (x2)16,363.50 each  Court Clerk $22.89 per hour*  Page 7 of 17   Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 4 January 2022 at 7:00PM Highway Superintendent 63,932.00  Deputy Highway Superintendent 57,818.00  Highway Secretary 31,212.00  Town Clerk 41,379.00  Deputy Town Clerk $19.38 per hour  Code Officer 57,001.00  Planner 67,830.00  Water Plant Operator (West Danby)14,27.000  Water Plant Operator Assistant (West Danby) 3,932.00  Water Clerk (West Danby)5,096.00  Typists for Planning Board, Board of Zoning Appeals, and Conservation Advisory Council $22.89 per hour*  Bookkeeper Support $15.68 per hour*  Historian 1000.00  Laborer, Town Hall $15.67 per hour*  Information Aide $15.68 per hour*  Motor Equipment Operator $15.96 per hour*  Mechanic $23.74 per hour*  *Pay rate may be increased according to union negotiated percentage/cost-of-living adjustments    Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby authorizes the Supervisor to pay the annual salaries and hourly wage rates as indicated above.   10.1.4.Resolution 8 of 2022: Payment of Bills  Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby approves a blanket resolution to authorize the Town Supervisor to pay utility bills, freight, postage, execute contracts (except for bid awards and other requirements from the procurement policy, which shall be executed by the Town Board), and to conduct other normal proceedings, such as payroll in advance of audit in order to keep affairs moving on a timely basis.  10.1.5.Resolution 9 of 2022: 2021 Financial Report  Resolved, that the Town of Danby Town Supervisor, in lieu of preparing a financial report under NYS Town Law Article 3, §29.10, shall submit to the Town Clerk a copy of the report submitted to the State Comptroller required by Section 30 of Municipal Law.  10.1.6.Resolution 10 of 2022: Town of Danby Official Newspaper & Bank Depository  Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby names the Ithaca Journal as its official Newspaper and Key Bank and Tompkins Trust Co. Page 8 of 17   Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 4 January 2022 at 7:00PM as depositories for Town Funds.  10.1.7.Resolution 11 of 2022: Town of Danby Attorney  Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby names the law firms of Miller Mayer, LLP and Thaler and Thaler to represent the Town of Danby in all Zoning, Planning Board, and General Town of Danby business. The Town Board reserves the right to seek other legal aid if it deems it necessary.  10.1.8.Resolution 12 of 2022: Town Mileage Reimbursement Rate  Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby authorizes reimbursements for private automobile mileage incurred on Town Business to be paid at the rate of fifty-eight and a half cents ($0.585) per mile.   Moved By:  Schnabel  Seconded By: Gagnon    Vote:  Councilperson  Aye  Nay  Absent  Connors  X      Hunter  X      Schnabel  X     Woodworth  X      Gagnon  X      Resolutions 5–12 approved   10.1.9.Original Resolution 13, To Reaffirm Certain Town Policies and Procedures, was tabled until the next meeting.  10.1.10.Resolution 13 of 2022: Town Board Meetings Schedule  Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby regular monthly board meetings be scheduled at 7:00pm, with the first meeting on the first Tuesday of the month and the second meeting on the third Wednesday.  10.1.11.Resolution 14 of 2022: Authorization for Purchasing Tools, Equipment, Etc.  Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby authorizes the Danby Highway Superintendent to purchase tools, equipment (other than motorized equipment), small implements, tires and tubes, etc. in the amount not to exceed $3000 at any given time without prior approval of Page 9 of 17   Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 4 January 2022 at 7:00PM the Town Board.  10.1.12. Resolution 15 of 2022: Highway Improvements Reimbursement Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby will sign an agreement that monies collected for repairs and improvements of Town Highways (State Aid DA3501, Consolidated Highway Improvement) be expended upon 70.2 miles of Town of Danby highways.  10.1.13. Resolution 16 of 2022: Agreement to Spend Town Highway Funds  2022 Resolved, that pursuant to the provisions of Section 284 of the Highway Law, the Town Board of the Town of Danby agrees that money levied and collected for the repair and improvement of highways, and received from the state for repair and improvement of highways, shall be expended as follows:  1. General Repairs. The sum of $281,509 may be expended for general repairs upon 70.2 miles of town highways, including roads, culverts, and bridges.  2. Improvements. The allocation of CHIPS money to be spent on town highway improvement projects will be determined by the Highway Superintendent, with the concurrence of the Town Board, at a later date.  No money set aside for such improvements shall be expended, nor shall any work be undertaken on such improvements, until the Town Board approves the specifications and estimates for such construction.  10.1.14. Resolution 17 of 2022: Health Consortium Appointment Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby appoints Laura Shawley as its representative to the Health Insurance Consortium.  10.1.15. Resolution 18 of 2022: Acknowledgment of Deputy Town Clerk Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby does hereby acknowledge the appointment made by the Town Clerk, of Cynthia Katz as Deputy Town Clerk.  10.1.16. Resolution 19 of 2022: Acknowledgment of Deputy Highway  Superintendent Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby acknowledges the Highway Superintendent’s appointment of Jack Shawley Jr. as his Deputy Superintendent.  10.1.17. Resolution 20 of 2022: Appointment of Court Clerk Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby appoints Diane Gair as Danby Court Clerk.  10.1.18. Resolution 21 of 2022: Acknowledgment of Supervisor Appointees Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby acknowledges the Page 10 of 17   Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 4 January 2022 at 7:00PM appointment by the Town Supervisor of:  1. Leslie Connors as Deputy Town Supervisor  2. Laura Shawley as Bookkeeper, Budget Officer, and Assistant to the Supervisor  3. Mary Ann Barr as Town Historian  10.1.19. Resolution 22 of 2022: Additional Appointments in the Town Clerk  Office Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby appoints the Town Clerk and Deputy Clerk as   ●Agents to issue handicapped parking permits,  ●Receivers of property taxes, and  ●Licensors of Games of Chance.  10.1.20. Resolution 23 of 2022: Appointment of Contact for NY State  Grants Gateway Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby appoints the Town Planner as the contact person for the NY State Grants Gateway.  10.1.21. Resolution 24 of 2022: Appointment of Delegate to AOT Annual  Meeting Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby appoints Sarah Schnabel as the town’s delegate with Joel Gagnon as the alternate to the Association of Towns Annual Meeting.  10.1.22. 25 of 2022: Appointment of Dog Control Officer Resolution Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby, pursuant to contract, appoints the SPCA of Tompkins County as its Dog Control officer.     Moved By:  Gagnon  Seconded By: Woodworth    Vote:  Councilperson  Aye  Nay  Absent  Connors  X      Hunter  X      Schnabel  X     Woodworth  X      Gagnon  X     Page 11 of 17   Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 4 January 2022 at 7:00PM  Resolutions 13–25 approved   10.1.23.Resolution 26 of 2022: Appointment of Conservation Advisory Council (CAC) Members  Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby appoints   ●Clare Fewtrell  ●Joel Gagnon  ●Brittany Lagaly  ●Mary Woodsen   to the Conservation Advisory Council for terms expiring in December of 2023, and   ●H. Katharine Hunter  to the Conservation Advisory Council for a term expiring in December 2022.  10.1.24. Resolution 27 of 2022: Appointment of West Danby Water  Advisory Committee Members Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby appoints Ben Coakley to the Town Water Advisory Committee.  10.1.25. Resolution 28 of 2022: Appointment of Planning Board (PB)  Chair Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby reappoints Jody Scriber to Chair the Planning Board.  10.1.26. Resolution 29 of 2022: Appointment of Board of Zoning  Appeals (BZA) Chair Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby reappoints Earl Hicks to Chair the Board of Zoning Appeals.  10.1.27. Resolution 30 of 2022: Appointment of CAC Chair Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby reappoints Clare Fewtrell to Chair the Conservation Advisory Council.  10.1.28. Original Resolution 31, Appointment of Planning Group Chair,  was deleted. 10.1.29.Resolution 31 of 2022: Change Funds in the Town Clerk’s Office  Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Danby authorizes two separate change funds to be used in the Town Clerk’s Office:  1.A change fund of $100 for Tax Collections  2.A change fund of $100 for Town Clerk Collections   Moved By:  Schnabel  Seconded By: Connors Page 12 of 17   Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 4 January 2022 at 7:00PM    Vote:  Councilperson  Aye  Nay  Absent  Connors  X      Hunter  X      Schnabel  X     Woodworth  X      Gagnon  X      Resolutions 26–31 approved   10.2.Resolution 32 of 2022: To Appoint Ed Bergman to the Planning Board     Moved By:  Gagnon  Seconded By: Connors    Vote:  Councilperson  Aye  Nay  Absent  Connors  X      Hunter  X      Schnabel  X     Woodworth  X      Gagnon  X     Resolution 32 approved    10.3.Vote on Zoning Update, preceded by SEQR Finding Statement Vote  10.3.1. SEQR FEAF Part 1 10.3.2.  SEQR FEAF Part 2 DRAFT 10.3.3.SEQR FEAF Part 3 DRAFT – Additional analysis  10.3.4.SEQR Neg Dec Resolution Draft   RESOLUTION No 33 of 2022 – NEG SEQR DEC Finding Statement Vote  Moved By:  Schnabel  Seconded By: Woodworth   WHEREAS, A. The proposed action involves adoption of a local law to repeal Page 13 of 17   Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 4 January 2022 at 7:00PM Town of Danby Zoning Ordinance, and replace it with the proposed Zoning Law, B. The Town Board of the Town of Danby is treating adoption of this local law as a Type I action pursuant to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (“SEQRA”) and is the lead agency for the purposes of environmental review, and C. The Town Board of the Town of Danby, in performing the lead agency function for its environmental review in accordance with Article 8 of SEQRA, (i) thoroughly reviewed the Environmental Assessment Form (“EAF”), Parts I and 2, and any and all other documents prepared and submitted with respect to this proposed action and its environmental review, (ii) thoroughly analyzed the potential relevant areas of environmental concern to determine if the proposed action may have a significant adverse impact on the environment, including the criteria  identified in 6 NYCRR §617.7(c), and (iii) completed the EAF, Part 3;   NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Town Board of the Town of Danby, based upon (i) its thorough review of the EAF, Parts I and 2, and any and all other documents prepared and submitted with respect to this proposed action and its environmental review, (ii) its thorough review of the potential relevant areas of environmental concern to determine if the proposed action may have a significant adverse impact on the environment, including the criteria identified in 6 NYCRR §617.7(c), and (iii) its completion of the EAF, Part 3, including the reasons noted thereon (which reasons are incorporated herein as if set forth at length), hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance (“Negative Declaration”) in accordance with SEQR for the above referenced proposed action, and determines that an Environmental Impact Statement will not be required, and 2. The Responsible Officer of the Town Board of the Town of Danby is hereby authorized and directed to complete and sign as required the determination of significance, confirming the foregoing Negative Declaration, which fully completed and signed EAF and determination of significance shall be  incorporated by reference in this Resolution.    Vote:  Councilperson  Aye  Nay  Absent  Connors  X      Hunter  X      Schnabel  X    Page 14 of 17   Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 4 January 2022 at 7:00PM  Woodworth  X      Gagnon  X       10.3.5.Final Draft of Zoning Law  10.3.6. Resolution 34 of 2022 to Adopt Local Law 1 of 2022: Repeal and Replace the Town of Danby Zoning Ordinance with an Updated  Zoning Law  Moved By:  Gagnon  Seconded By: Woodworth   Section 1- Title: A local law to repeal and replace the Town of Danby Zoning  Ordinance with an Updated Zoning Law Section 2- Enactment: Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Danby as  follows: Section 3- Body: The Town of Danby hereby repeals the Town of Danby Zoning Ordinance, last Amended September 23, 2020, and replaces said Zoning  Ordinance with the appended Zoning Law. Section 4- Effective: This local law shall take effect immediately, however projects before the Planning Board as of December 21, 2021 may, for six months from the enactment, be considered and approved or denied under the zoning  applicable on December 21, 2021.    Board Discussion: Councilperson Hunter acknowledged the amount of work that went into and noted sadness that others still feel they didn’t know what was happening.  Councilperson Schnabel noted that this is not the end, people with concerns can still voice those concerns.  Councilperson Woodworth added that it’s not a perfect change but it is an improvement over what is in the current version.  Councilperson Connors thanked Planner David West for all of the work he has done.   Vote:  Councilperson  Aye  Nay  Absent  Connors  X     Page 15 of 17   Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 4 January 2022 at 7:00PM  Hunter  X      Schnabel  X     Woodworth  X      Gagnon  X     Resolution 34 approved    10.4. Potential Brad Rauch Appointment, CAC  10.4.1.Connors acknowledged that Rauch is well-qualified to serve. However, she added that many residents of Danby would not appreciate appointing someone to a board who is not a resident, even though we could. She proposed that when he becomes a Danby resident, he becomes the next top choice for the CAC or PB. Otherwise, it is setting a bad precedent.  10.4.2.Schnabel agreed noting that just because one is allowed to do something doesn’t mean one should.   10.4.3.CAC Chair Clare Fewtrell concurred with his excellent candidacy but expressed concern of having non-residents on the CAC setting a bad precedent. That said, she also noted that having non CAC members participate is not impossible.  10.4.4.Gagnon still doesn’t feel there is any risk in appointing someone who is not a resident.  Resolution 35 of 2022 to Appoint Brad Rauch to CAC   Moved By:  Gagnon  Seconded By: Woodworth    Vote:  Councilperson  Aye  Nay  Absent  Connors  X     Hunter X       Schnabel  X     Woodworth X       Gagnon  X     Resolution 35 approved.  Page 16 of 17   Town of Danby Board Meeting + Public Hearing Tuesday 4 January 2022 at 7:00PM   11. Discussion of Next Meeting Agenda 11.1.Town Board Policy Reaffirmations  11.2.Threat Assessment Team  12. Meeting Adjourned at 21:56.      Submitted by Janice R. Adelman  Town Clerk       Page 17 of 17