HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-01-19 Town Board Minutes      Meeting Minutes Roll Call: Town Board Joel Gagnon, Supervisor Leslie Connors Katharine Hunter Sarah Schnabel (absent) Pat Woodworth Town Planner David West Town Code Enforcement Off icer Steve Cortright Town Bookkeeper Laura Shawley Recording Secretary Janice Adelman, Town Clerk 1. Meeting Called to Order at 19:03 by Supervisor Gagnon 2. Additions/Deletions to Agenda 2.1. Ted Jones Inter view/ BZA Appointment Consideration 2.2. Consider Acoustic Analysis of Town Hall 2.3. Resolution of Support for White Hawk NYSERDA grant 2.4. Finance Working Group 2.5. Discuss DCC Contract Budget 2.6. Consideration of Town Hard Copy Newsletter 2.7. Revised Procurement Policy and Procedure 2.8. Membership Requirement Change — CAC tabled 3. Privilege of the Floor 3.1.Ronda Roaring was frustrated by the above additions (2.2–2.8) since none of these things were explained prior to the meeting and she didn’t know if the public would be able to voice concerns or opinions on them. The second point she spoke to was historian’s annual report: she felt it was a report from the documents manager and not the historian; therefore she wants to see the historian’s annual report. The third point she made was that, given Mar y Ann’s note about running out of space, Roaring suggested the Town have some sort of committee to investigate whether there is a need for a new town hall; if so, the committee could suggest where it might be located, and what priorities a new town hall should include. She   Mary Ann Barr 2021 T he Town of Danby, New York  1830 Danby Road, Ithaca, NY 14850  https://danby.ny.gov  Town Board Regular Meeting + Public Hearing   Wednesday 19 January 2022  +1-607-277-4788 | townboard@danby.ny.gov   Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 19 January 2022 at 7:00PM concluded that the Town Board should seriously consider a fact-finding committee for needs and costs. 3.2.Ted Crane spoke to the added item about acoustic analysis. He thought this same procedure happened a year or two ago when Joel began as Supervisor. Crane repeated the offer he made previously as someone with experience with sound reinforcement in echo-y environments: Crane is willing to give you suggestions for no charge; he will convey the costs to make the changes and will do them. A second point related to items for the Community Council: Crane felt there’s a little bit of a vacuum in that there haven’t been any substantive discussions recently between the Town Board and the DCC where concerns could be aired and answers could be given. If the tonight’s discussion gets into the area of making statements of fact which those DCC representatives who are present here disagree with, or that the facts have been misunderstood or mis-characterized, that the Board allow the DCC reps to join the conversation if necessary. 3.3.Dan Klein reported that Caroline TB has changed their meeting schedule which is now tonight opposite this meeting. 4. Correspondence 4.1.email received from resident Marnie Kirchgessner on 6 Jan Broadband access 2022: “My unreliable internet connection makes newsletter format and web pages a challenge. My signal with a $1200 booster even drops phone conversations. I want reliable internet for rural Danby because I feel disenfranchised.” 4.2.Newfield Postmaster address refusal for Spencer Rd vs West Danby Rd Town Clerk Adelman noted that a resident from Spencer Rd contacted the office stating that they had received a notice from the Newfield Postmaster informing them that their street name does not exist; that the street is actually West Danby Rd. Code Enforcement Officer, Steve Cortright and Clerk Adelman, contacted Catty Ann in the TC GIS department who has noted a number of municipalities complaining about such incidents. Catty Ann reached out to Buffalo’s Postperson who replied that the Newfield Postmaster was incorrect; Buffalo would follow-up with Newfield. 5.Interview Ted Jones for BZA 5.1.Jones has previously worked as Town Bookkeeper, BZA Member, BZA Chair, and Deputy Town Supervisor. 6. Reports & Presentations 6.1.Tompkins County Legislator Dan Klein Report 6.1.1.Shawna Black is the new chair of the Legislature 6.1.2.Committee assignments – Klein is no longer ser ving on Facilities & Infrastructure; but he is continuing on Government Operations, is the Chair of Health and Human Services; is on TCAT board, and was elected to TC Cooperative Extension. Page 2 of 14 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 19 January 2022 at 7:00PM 6.1.3.Tentative county work plan for 2022 roads & bridges: replacement on Coddington near E Miller sealing on Jersey hill Comfort Rd from W King to 96B on Coddington Rd (the entire length in Danby and extending north to E King Road sealing on Coddington Rd heading south to Ridgeway Rd. asked about culverts on Station Road Klein does not have it on the list but will inquire and report back. 6.1.4.Klein mentioned taxes noting that his tax bill went down because of county tax. Not everyone’s bill will go down, but county tax went down so much that his entire tax bill went down. 6.1.5.Email sent to the Town Board regarding the county redistricting process going on in response to 10-year census data. Not talking about state assembly or congress, only the county legislative districts. An independent redistricting commission was appointed to come up with a recommended map. Klein noted that anyone is welcome to give input at any time. There will be a special meeting on Tues 2/22 at 5:30 on zoom and youtube. If you want to speak on Zoom, you need to register in advance; please contact Klein or the clerk of the legislature to do so. The main points for Klein are: many decades the entire towns of both Danby and Caroline have been together in one district. Klein does not want either of these towns split into different districts., Klein is advocating that Danby and Caroline stay together in the same single district due to commonalities, including proximity, topography, and low population density. 6.2.Town Clerk’s 2021 Annual Report Dept Budget Line Description Qty Total Monies Collected External Agency Remit to Agency Remit to Danby Gen Fund Clerk A1255 DECALS $2,823.50 NYS DEC 2,698.05 125.45 Marriage Licenses 6 $240.00 NYS DoH 135.00 105.00 Marriage Transcripts 6 $60.00 — 60.00 A1550 Impoundment Fees 5 $175.00 SPCA 0.00 175.00 A2544 Dog Licenses 328 $4,371.00 NYS A&M 387.00 3,984.00 Page 3 of 14 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 19 January 2022 at 7:00PM Games of Chance 1 $25.00 25.00 Miscellaneous 2 $55.00 — 55.00 Code A2555 Building Permits 104 $12,235.80 — 12,235.80 Planner A2110 Zoning Appeals 5 $670.00 — 670.00 A2115 Planning Fees 17 $2,250.00 — 2,250.00 A2655 Subdivisions 2 $200.00 — 200.00 Grand Totals $23,105.30 $3,220.05 $19,885.25 Grand Total Disbursements in 2021 $23,105.30 Submitted 18 January 2022 Janice Adelman, Town Clerk 6.3.2021 Annual Report CAC Town of Danby Conservation Advisory Council The Town of Danby Conservation Advisory Council (CAC) met every month in 2021. All meetings were held via Zoom because of the COVID pandemic. Membership In the new year, George Adams and Don Schaufler were re-appointed to the CAC and Clare Fewtrell was reappointed as Chair. We also welcomed a new member, Margaret Corbit. Continuing members were George Adams, Clare Fewtrell, Joel Gagnon, Brittany Lagaly, and Mary Woodsen. We have really appreciated the work of our Secretary Betsy Keokosky; as you will see later in the report, her contributions to the CAC have extended well beyond those of secretary. We have also enjoyed working with the excellent new Town Planner, David West. Management Plans In February the Town Board approved the management plans that the CAC had drafted for the Town’s Deputron Hollow and Sylvan Lane Properties in 2020. Danby Conservation Easement Program This continues to be a significant focus of the CAC. Early in the year we approved adding an additional, fourth zone, the “Restricted Forest Use Zone”, to our conservation easement program. This zone expands donors’ options and is designed to promote old-growth forest and allow only minimal-impact activities. It will protect against commercial logging but would allow such things as trail maintenance, salvage logging and cutting firewood for personal use. We also carefully reviewed the Conservation Easement Template and made a number of useful but relatively minor changes and corrections. These, including the additional zone, were approved by the Town Board. Working with potential easement donors is often a very slow process. However, after many months of negotiations with the owners and potential buyers of part of the Page 4 of 14 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 19 January 2022 at 7:00PM property, the CAC finally recommended acceptance of a Conservation Easement on a lovely 89-acre property in Deputron Hollow. After a public hearing was held, we were pleased that the Town Board followed our recommendation and voted to accept the donation of this easement. Progress on easements on another two outstanding properties has also been slow. However, we have begun negotiating easements on three additional properties this year and are hoping that these will be completed more quickly. Our annual monitoring of easement properties was begun in the fall. While not all properties have been inspected yet and the reports have not been finalized, no concerns have been raised. Having finally decided on the design for a sign to display on Danby easement properties, we have now purchased 50 of these signs. Former CAC member Ruth Sherman came up with the bold design and we are in the process of posting signs on our easement properties. We were relieved that the proposal to have conservation easements of different lengths and a tax abatement based on the length of the easement, which had been passed by the NYS Assembly and Senate some time ago, was finally signed by Governor Hochul. The CAC looks forward to participating in crafting the law that implements these proposals. Logging Ordinance/Timber Harvesting Law For many years, the CAC has been trying to draft regulations governing logging by landowners in Danby. The first attempt was clearly too onerous and it was agreed that what was needed was a straightforward mechanism that would make the Town aware of logging before it happened and ensure that damage to roads and neighboring properties did not occur. The logging subcommittee, led by George Adams, has now drafted a Timber Harvesting Law, which was forwarded to the Town Board for review in August. It proposes that landowners wishing to log on their properties should obtain an information packet from the Town Clerk that includes information on who needs a permit, best management practices for logging and other useful information, including a permit application form. Small harvests would be exempt from permitting. Landowners planning larger harvests will fill out an application form, which will be reviewed by the Code Enforcement Officer who may request some additional information, if necessary, before issuing a permit. The aim is not to restrict logging on a property, but to ensure that that it is carried out responsibly using best management practices. The Town Board reviewed the draft and requested more input from the Highway Department, Soil and Water and individuals in the logging industry. Meetings have been held, but documentation and written suggestions from those canvassed has not been easy to obtain. Renewed efforts are planned for 2022. Educational Activities Over the year, the CAC sponsored a number of excellent presentations, all of which were held via Zoom. Jonathan Zisk led a workshop on the Danby Conservation Easement Program and how to donate an easement. Our invasive species expert Brittany Lagaly gave two presentations. One was to the general public on the Spotted Lanternfly, a destructive insect that has recently been found in our area and poses a significant threat to vineyards Page 5 of 14 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 19 January 2022 at 7:00PM and orchards. The other was on highly invasive plants, including Japanese knotweed, garlic mustard and others, and was given to the Highway Department. In the fall our Secretary Betsy Keokosky offered to organize a series on agriculture with speakers from our area. The first talk discussed common misconceptions about farming, farming in transition, what the Farm Bureau does, and the importance of agriculture to our community. The second was on regenerative agriculture, soil health and climate change. The final talk, which will be in February, will discuss preserving farmland and transitioning it to new farmers. Planning Group Jonathan Zisk and Clare Fewtrell were the CAC representatives on the Town’s Planning Group and its Conservation Working Group. Town Supervisor and CAC member Joel Gagnon established and led the Planning Group and we were delighted that with input from many Danby residents and guidance from Town Planner David West, the Group was able to come up with a new approach to zoning in Danby. This is designed to reduce urban sprawl and maintain the rural character of Danby, and was approved by the Town Board at its first meeting in January, 2022. Farewell We were sorry to say goodbye to George Adams who reluctantly resigned from the CAC in August to concentrate on his role as a board member of the Cayuga Lake Watershed Network and chair of their Issues Committee. George has been a major contributor to the work of the CAC and in particular to drafting the revised logging ordinance, now called a Timber Harvesting Law, that was submitted to the Town Board in the summer. Submitted By: Clare Fewtrell, Chair, Town of Danby Conservation Advisory Council January 11th, 2022 2021 Meeting Dates 2021 Members January 12 Clare Fewtrell (Chair) (2021) February 9 George Adams (resigned July) March 9 Margaret Corbit (2022) April 13 Joel Gagnon (2021) May 11 Brittany Lagaly (2021) June 8 Don Schaufler (2022) July 13 Mary Woodsen (2021) August 10 Jonathan Zisk (2022) September 14 Betsy Keokosky (Secretary) 6.4. Documents Management Annual Report 2021 Submitted by Mary Ann Barr – Documents Manager Page 6 of 14 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 19 January 2022 at 7:00PM Through 2021 work has been done organizing the files and documents in the Clerk’s office including updating the Local Laws list which is printed and filed in the front of all the Local Law files and spending some time giving Janice (Clerk) information she may need as Records Manager (by state law the Town Clerk is the records manager and can appoint/hire someone to do the actual work). Organizing and purging Clerk files is still ongoing interspersed with dealing with miscellaneous Town Hall chores. Ongoing work with Janice was done regarding the filing of all digital files. This is still an ongoing process. Since a lot of equipment was removed from various offices the issue of a Protocol for Disposal of Items came up. A resolution might make sure all departments are on the same page about this. Also the idea of an Inventory was discussed but went no further. By the end of the year archive space in the Vault became an issue since almost all the space is filled. The best guess is that within six months more or less all remaining space will be used. Without added space we could revert back to the situation Town Hall was in when I first started organizing the archives (I have pictures). We have room for eight more (12” x 12” x 16”) boxes in the vault. However, none of the spaces are under categories that need the space (boxes are stored by category. Categories where space is needed: Highway, Zoning, Vouchers/abstracts, Elections, Tax Rolls. 8 linear feet of shelf space with 13 to 14 inches between shelves. If shelves are 2 or 3 tiered, giving us 24 linear feet of space, archiving needs would be met for approximately the next five years or more depending on technical developments in the world of document management. Shelves should be in a temperature, humidity-controlled environment and should be open, stainless-steel shelves to have air flow and be rust proof. Also, it is ideal to have a fireproof environment. 7. Consent Agenda 7.1. Warrants 7.1.1. 2021 Final Abstract 24 General Fund, Vouchers 435–453 for $17,378.49 Highway Fund, Vouchers 292–300 for $3,698.46 Water Fund, Vouchers for 43–46 $1,047.18 7.1.2. 2022 Abstract 2 General Fund, Vouchers 13–29 for $10,558.00 Highway Fund, Vouchers 4–16 for $27,783.33 Resolution 36 of 2022 Approve Water Abstract 24 of 2021 for Vouchers 43-46 in the amount of $1047.18 Page 7 of 14 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 19 January 2022 at 7:00PM Moved By: Connors Seconded By: Woodworth Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X Resolution 37 of 2022 to Approve Highway Abstract 24 of 2021 for Vouchers 292–300 in the amount of $3,698.46 Moved By: Connors Seconded By: Woodworth Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X Resolution 38 of 2022 Approve Highway Abstract 2 of 2022 for Vouchers 4-16 in the amount of $27,783.93 Moved By: Connors Seconded By: Woodworth Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Connors X Hunter X Page 8 of 14 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 19 January 2022 at 7:00PM Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X Resolution 39 of 2022 To Hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday 1/26 at 7:00 pm Solely to Pass the General Fund Abstracts Moved By: Woodworth Seconded By: Connors Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X 8. Old Business 8.1. Update on Clarity Broadband survey of Danby 8.1.1.No updates to date. Contract has info to be delivered by mid-February 8.2.Resolution 40 of 2022 to Appoint Threat Assessment Team Members Moved By: Connors Seconded By:Gagnon RESOLVED: that the 2022 composition of the TAT shall be: 1. Town Board member Katharine Hunter 2. Town Hall Staff member Steve Cortright 3. Town Clerk Janice Adelman 4. Highway Staff member Laura Shawley 5. Additional appointed member David McDermitt (librar y volunteer) RESOLVED FURTHER: that the Team shall first convene as arranged by Katharine Hunter, who shall also ser ve as temporar y chair until the Team elects its chair from among the members appointed Page 9 of 14 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 19 January 2022 at 7:00PM Vote: Councilperson Aye No Absent Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X 8.3. Reaffirmation of Town of Danby Policies and Procedures tabled until next meeting. Revised procurement policy 8.3.1.The policy needs further refinement. Connors hesitates on the upper limit of $3000 purchases as left to the discretion of the purchaser. 8.3.2.Need further delineation on the board approval prior to purchase procedure. 8.3.3.Resolution tabled until further revisions 8.4. Stormwater Coalition Membership 8.4.1.Connors reported that if nothing else it is a collaborative effort between the Town and Cayuga Lake and Soil & Water Resolution 41 of 2022 to Join Stormwmater Coalition Moved By: Connors Seconded By: Hunter Vote: Councilperson Aye No Absent Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X 8.5. DCC Contract 8.5.1.Katharine Hunter recused herself from these discussions Page 10 of 14 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 19 January 2022 at 7:00PM 8.5.2.Gagnon brought up issues with the current DCC bylaws and given those issues whether the town can continue to support the DCC with funding. 8.5.3.Budget Contract & Newsletter 8.5.4. After a lengthy discussion lasting for 79 minutes, the Board voted on the following resolution: Resolution 42 of 2022 To Fund the DCC Contract as Written Excluding Anything Related to the Danby Newsletter for 2022 On the Condition That the Off icial Annual Meeting Where Board Members are Elected Will Be Postponed Until It Can Be Held Legally, And That The DCC Make Good Progress on Operating Within State Law, Federal Law, And Their Own Bylaws. Moved By: Woodworth Seconded By: Connors Vote: Councilperson Aye No Absent Connors X Hunter Recused Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X 9. New Business 9.1. Resolution 43 to accept the CAC Report and have the Town Clerk send it on to the DEC as required. Moved By: Gagnon Seconded By: Woodworth Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Page 11 of 14 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 19 January 2022 at 7:00PM Gagnon X 9.2. Acoustic Analysis 9.2.1.In anticipation of having to meet in person again with the experience of the hybrid meetings in the past, Joel wants to look into the acoustic issues. Would like town board blessing on checking out options. 9.2.2.Connors would like to wait a little bit longer on this given that we are back in there. 9.2.3.Woodworth also recommends circling back to Rene. At this point in the meeting having reached the 10 o’clock pm hour, Pat moved to extend the meeting for three more items; Gagnon seconded. 9.3. Resolution 44 of 2022: To Support for White Hawk Ecovillage’s NYSERDA PON 4614 Category A Site-Specif ic Scoping Study Moved By: Woodworth Seconded By: Connors Whereas The Town of Danby has been leading efforts to improve energy efficiency throughout the town; and Whereas Danby supports townwide efforts to provide more affordable, renewable energy resources to our residents; and Whereas White Hawk Ecovillage, a Planned Development Zone in the Town of Danby, is seeking to establish a community geothermal system; and Whereas having a model for transitioning low-density residential areas to sustainable energy with the ability to demonstrate feasible approaches for a variety of rural communities to reduce or eliminate their use of gas fuel; and Whereas if the White Hawk Ecovillage scoping study proves favorable, this model could easily be expanded to other rural neighborhoods around neighboring towns throughout Tompkins County and beyond, Therefore, be it resolved that the Town of Danby supports the White Hawk Ecovillage NYSERDA PON 4614 proposal. Page 12 of 14 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 19 January 2022 at 7:00PM Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X 9.4. Resolution 45 of 2022 to Form the Finance Working Group Consisting of Pat Woodworth, Leslie Connors, Sarah Schnabel, Laura Shawley, and Janice Adelman Moved By: Gagnon Seconded By: Hunter Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Gagnon X 9.5.Appoint Ted Jones to f ill Gary Bortz’s BZA seat through 2024 Resolution 46 of 2022 Moved By: Woodworth Seconded By: Connors Vote: Councilperson Aye Nay Absent Connors X Hunter X Schnabel X Woodworth X Page 13 of 14 Town of Danby Board Meeting Wednesday 19 January 2022 at 7:00PM Gagnon X 10. Discussion of Next Meeting Agenda 11. Meeting Adjourned at 22:08. _________________________________________ Submitted by Janice Adelman Town Clerk Page 14 of 14