HomeMy WebLinkAboutUpdated Danby Youth Commission Proposed Guidelines Final Draft 2023Danby Youth Commission Operating Guidelines Preamble: The Danby Youth Commission was created by resolution of the Town of Danby on February 16, 2022 in pursuant to Articles 95 and 13 of the General Municipal Law. Article 95 charges Youth Commissions with the responsibility for coordination of all youth programming within the municipalities and Article 13 enables municipalities to create joint recreation commissions which may include youth service programming, as well. Purpose: The purpose of Danby Youth Commission is to recommend policies, plans, and procedures to the sponsoring municipality to enable the development, implementation and coordination of effective programs that meet the recreational and developmental needs of youth. Responsibilities: The responsibilities of the Danby Youth Commission include: 1. To assess the needs and priorities of the youth of the community and develop programs to meet these needs; 2. To analyze the existing youth service system, determine the gaps in services and design programming to avoid duplication and to enlist the participation of youth who are normally not attracted to existing programming; 3. The Danby Youth Commission shall review all requests for municipal funds for youth programs and share recommend to The Town Board program to be operated directly by the municipality or through contracts with qualified agencies; 4. To reassess programming periodically to assure that it is, in fact, meeting the needs for which it was originally designed; 5. To inform the public of the existence and goals and duties of the Danby Youth Commission, so as to enlist maximum participation and support for youth programming; 6. To encourage the active participation of young people through the appointment of youth members to the Danby Youth Commission and/or the creation of Youth Advisory Council. 7. To explore and evaluate a variety of sources for funding program needs to include regular contact with other funders. 8. To maintain a direct line of communication between the Danby Youth Commission and the Municipal Boards. 9. To participate in the Tompkins County Comprehensive Youth Service Plan to ensure coordination with other youth service providers to maximize utilization of available resources. 10. To recommend potential County Youth Board members to municipalities when vacancies occur. Membership: The Danby Youth Commission shall be comprised of members appointed by the Danby Town Board: Between 7 – 15 voting members ● 1 Member shall be appointed annually from the Town Board ● 1 Member employed by a school ● 1 At-Large Member ● 1 Parent of the Town of Danby ● 1 At-Large member from West Danby ● 1 At-Large member from Danby ● 1 Member of Youth (at least 16 years of age) 2. All Voting ● Members must be at least 16 years of age 3. The terms of the at-large members appointed by municipalities shall be staggered 2-year terms 4. Terms begin January 5. Members are eligible to be reappointed 6. Staff from each program funded by the municipality shall attend Commission meetings regularly to report and advise the Danby Youth Commission and to assure coordination of commission sponsored programming 7. 1 Liaison from the municipal representatives to the County Youth Board shall serve as liaison to the Danby Youth Commission. Officers: 1. The officers of the Danby Youth Commission shall consist of a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson/Secretary 2. Additional Commission if Commission Offices may be established by the Danby Youth Commission needed to ensure proper functioning of the 3. The Chairperson shall preside at all the meetings and discharge the duties pertaining to the office. The Chairperson shall appoint all committees and committee chairs 4. The Vice Chairperson/Secretary shall perform the duties of the Chairperson in the absence of that officer 5. The Vice Chairperson/Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings of the Commission to be kept on file in respective municipal offices 6. The Term of Office shall be for one year/commencing at the first meeting of the new calendar year where the first order of business shall be the election of new officers nominated by the members of the Danby Youth Commission Meetings/Procedures: 1. The Danby Youth Commission shall schedule open meetings and may establish bylaws and rules of procedure as are necessary to conduct business 2. The Danby Youth Commission may hold their scheduled open meetings both online and/or in person. If online, access to said meeting will be available to members of the public upon request. 3. Robert's Rules of Order shall be the authority on all questions of Parliamentary procedure 4. A quorum shall consist of four members and a simple majority shall be required to adopt recommendations 5. Members of the Danby Youth Commission may cast their votes via any approved platform by the Town Board of Danby. Amendments: 1. Any and all of the aforementioned may be amended at any regular meeting of the Danby Youth Commission by a majority vote of all members present provided those members constitute a quorum of the Danby Youth Commission with the approval of the municipality. Fiscal and Programmatic Affairs: 1. The Municipal Board has the general power and control over the fiscal affairs and expenditures of the Danby Youth Commission. The Town on Danby will be designated as the dispersing municipality and will be responsible for entering into contracts payment of authorized expenditures submission of applications and claims 2. The proposed annual program description and operating budget of the Danby Youth Commission shall be adopted by the Danby Youth Commission by October 1 signed by the chairperson and recommended to the Municipal Board for consideration as part of the Municipal Budget 3. The Danby Youth Commission frequency or program reports sponsored programs shall determine the nature and be required of the Danby Youth Commission 4. The Danby Youth Commission shall report quarterly to the municipal board Committees: 1. Shall be appointed as needed and may include non-commission members. Approved and Updated in December 2022 DY Meeting