HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-01-09 Fire District Organization Meeting Minutes 1 PRELIMINARY MINUTES OF THE ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING OF THE DANBY FIRE DISTRICT HELD ON THE 9TH OF JANUARY, 2024 • MEETING CALLED TO ORDER BY TREASURER HART at 7:00 P.M.. ATTENDANCE: COMMISSIONERS: KATHERINE ANDERSON (Absent) KEVIN FAEHNDRICH (Absent) JOSEPH FREEDMAN CHARLOTTE GRIGGS WAYNE WESTMILLER OFFICERS: BONNIE HART, TREASURER SHARON GADEN, SECRETARY JOHN GADEN, DANBY FIRE CHIEF ROBERT MCCRAY, WEST DANBY FIRE CHIEF PUBLIC: NONE • OATH OF THE OFFICE OF THE NEWLY ELECTED MEMBER OF BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONER CHARLOTTE GRIGGS WAS PREVIOUSLY ADMINISTERED AT THE DANBY TOWN HALL • MOTION TO APPOINT WAYNE WESTMILLER, CHAIRPERSON OF THE BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS OF THE DANBY FIRE DISTRICT FOR THE YEAR 2024 WAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER FREEDMAN, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER GRIGGS, AND CARRIED WITH ALL IN FAVOR. CHAIRMAN WESTMILLER NOW PRESIDES OVER THE MEETING. • MOTION TO APPOINT JOSELPH FREEDMAN, ALTERNATE CHAIRPERSON OF THE BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS OF THE DANBY FIRE DISTRICT FOR THE YEAR 2024 WAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER WESTMILLER, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER GRIGGS, AND CARRIED WITH ALL IN FAVOR. A Notice of Organizational Meeting was posted on the Fire District’s website on December 19, 2023 and on the Fire District’s electronic sign on January 1, 2024 and an Affidavit of Posting is attached to the minutes. The following line officers were elected on December 14, 2023 and approved by the Board of Fire Commissioners on December 19, 2023 and January 9, 2024. • John Gaden, Danby Chief • Daniel Saracino, Danby 1st Asst. Chief • Peter Goodman, Danby 2nd Asst. Chief • Jethro Forbes, Danby 3rd Asst. Chief • Simon Wyatt, Danby Lieutenant The following line officers were elected on December 14, 2023 and approved by the Board of Fire Commissioners on December 19, 2023 and January 9, 2024. • Robert McCray, West Danby Chief 2 • Samantha VanEtten, West Danby 1st Asst. Chief • Kenneth VanEtten, West Danby 2nd Asst. Chief • (vacant), West Danby 3rd Asst. Chief Commissioner Joseph Freedman made a motion to approve Danby and West Danby line officers for 2024 as follows: Danby: Chief John Gaden; 1st Asst. Chief Daniel Saracino; 2nd Asst. Chief Peter Goodman; 3rd Asst. Chief Jethro Forbes; Lieutenant Simon Wyatt. West Danby: Chief Robert McCray; 1st Asst. Chief Samantha VanEtten and 2nd Asst. Chief Kenneth VanEtten. Motion seconded by Commissioner Westmiller. 3 yes 0 no. Motion carried. Oath of Office administered to the Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs on January 15, 2024 by Commissioner Westmiller • RESOLUTION 1.1 BE IT RESOLVED that the regular meetings of the Danby Fire District will be held at 7:00 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month at the Danby Fire Station, 1780 Danby Road, Town of Danby, New York 14850, The location and time of the meeting may be changed by further resolution of the Board of Fire Commissioners upon proper notification to the local media of such change. Commissioner Westmiller made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Griggs, to adopt Resolution 1.1. A roll call vote was taken, KA: Absent, KF: Absent, JF: Aye, CG: Aye, WW: Aye and motion carried 3 aye 2 absent. • RESOLUTION 1.2 • BE IT RESOLVED that Sharon E. Gaden is hereby appointed Secretary of the Danby Fire District. Said Secretary is also appointed the Public Information Officer of the Danby Fire District. The salary for the Secretary position is fixed as budgeted for the year. The Secretary will take the Oath of Office at the Danby Town Hall. Commissioner Freedman made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Griggs, to adopt Resolution 1.2. A roll call vote was taken, KA: Absent, KF: Absent, JF: Aye, CG: Aye, WW: Aye and motion carried 3 aye 2 absent. • RESOLUTION 1.3 • BE IT RESOLVED that Bonnie Hart is hereby appointed Treasurer of the Danby Fire District. The salary for the Treasurer position is fixed as budgeted for the year. The Treasurer will take the Oath of Office at the Danby Town Hall and file the Undertaking/Surety Bond with the Town Clerk Commissioner Westmiller made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Freedman, to adopt Resolution 1.3. A roll call vote was taken, KA: Absent, KF: Absent, JF: Aye, CG: Aye, WW: Aye and motion carried 3 aye 2 absent. • RESOLUTION 1.3a • BE IT RESOLVED that Sharon E. Gaden is hereby appointed Deputy Treasurer of the Danby Fire District. The salary for the Deputy Treasurer position is fixed as budgeted for the year. The Deputy Treasurer will take the Oath of Office at the Danby Town Hall. 3 Commissioner Westmiller made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Griggs, to adopt Resolution 1.3a. A roll call vote was taken, KA: Absent, KF: Absent, JF: Aye, CG: Aye, WW: Aye and motion carried 3 aye 2 absent. • RESOLUTION 1.4 • BE IT RESOLVED that the Ithaca Journal is designated Official Newspaper of the Danby Fire District. The Danby News and Danby Town News will also be notified when time allows. These publications are in general circulation within the Danby Fire District. Commissioner Westmiller made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Freedman, to adopt Resolution 1.4. A roll call vote was taken, KA: Absent, KF: Absent, JF: Aye, CG: Aye, WW: Aye and motion carried 3 aye 2 absent. • RESOLUTION 1.5 • BE IT RESOLVED that the Danby Fire District continue with Tompkins Trust Company and Chemung Canal Trust Company as the District’s banks. Commissioner Westmiller made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Griggs, to adopt Resolution 1.5. A roll call vote was taken, KA: Absent, KF: Absent, JF: Aye, CG: Aye, WW: Aye and motion carried 3 aye 2 absent. • RESOLUTION 1.6 • BE IT RESOLVED that the Danby Fire District will maintain membership in the following organizations: • Association of Fire District of the State of New York (A.F.D.S.N.Y.); • Central Region Fire District Association Commissioner Westmiller made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Griggs, to adopt Resolution 1.6. A roll call vote was taken, KA: Absent, KF: Absent, JF: Aye, CG: Aye, WW: Aye and motion carried 3 aye 2 absent. • RESOLUTION 1.7 • BE IT RESOLVED that the Danby Fire District will support membership by the Chiefs in the following Organization: • New York State Association of Fire Chiefs • Tompkins County Chiefs Association Commissioner Freedman made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Westmiller, to adopt Resolution 1.7. A roll call vote was taken, KA: Absent, KF: Absent, JF: Aye, CG: Aye, WW: Aye and motion carried 3 aye 2 absent. • RESOLUTION 1.8 • BE IT RESOLVED that Mark C. Butler, Esq. is hereby appointed attorney for the Danby Fire District for the year 2024 with a retainer of $1,457.50. Commissioner Freedman made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Westmiller, to adopt Resolution 1.8. A roll call vote was taken, KA: Absent, KF: Absent, JF: Aye, CG: Aye, WW: Aye and motion carried 3 aye 2 absent. • RESOLUTION 1.9 4 • BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer of the Danby Fire District is authorized to pay in advance of an audit by this Board of Fire Commissioners of the Danby Fire District the following claims. Such claims must be presented to the next meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Danby Fire District for audit: • Utility payments to NYSEG (natural gas only), Town of Danby (electricity), Verizon, and Spectrum. • Fuel payments for stations to Griffith Energy and E&V Energy. • Payments to West Danby Water District. • Postage payments to the U.S. Postmaster. • Fixed salaries. • Compensation for services of officers or employees regularly engaged by the fire district at agreed wages by the hour, day, week, month, or year. • Any other expenditures allowed by either Town or State Law. • BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer of the Danby Fire District is authorized to pay only upon approval of this Board of Fire Commissioners of the Danby Fire District on the following claims: • Fuel payments for vehicles to Danby Town Highway Department, Mirabito and Wex Fleet Universal. • Insurance payments for approved policies. • Payments to VISA (Cardmember Service) and Staples (Staples Charge Plan). • Payments for approved contracts; and • Other District regularly approved day-to-day payments. Commissioner Freedman made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Griggs, to adopt Resolution 1.9. A roll call vote was taken, KA: Absent, KF: Absent, JF: Aye, CG: Aye, WW: Aye and motion carried 3 aye 2 absent. • RESOLUTION 2.0 • BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer of the Danby Fire District is hereby authorized within sixty days after the end of the fiscal year to submit to this Board of Fire Commissioners a copy of the annual report required by General Municipal Law Section 30, in lieu of a written statement showing receipts and disbursements for the preceding fiscal year. This authorization shall remain in effect until rescinded by this Board of Fire Commissioners. Commissioner Freedman made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Griggs, to adopt Resolution 2.0. A roll call vote was taken, KA: Absent, KF: Absent, JF: Aye, CG: Aye, WW: Aye and motion carried 3 aye 2 absent. The following committees were appointed: PURCHASING Commissioner Westmiller, Co-Chair Chiefs BLDGS/GROUNDS: Commissioner Faehndrich, Co-Chair Commissioner Westmiller, Co-Chair Chiefs INSURANCE: Commissioner Freedman, Co-Chair Commissioner Griggs, Co-Chair Treasurer Hart 5 TRUCKS: Commissioner Westmiller, Co-Chair Chiefs TOWN BOARD: Commissioner Faehndrich, Co-Chair Commissioner Freedman, Co-Chair RECORDS: Secretary Gaden POLICY: Commissioner Anderson, Co-Chair Commissioner Griggs, Co-Chair Chiefs AUDIT: Treasurer Hart Commissioner Freedman MEMBERSHIP & Commissioner Faehndrich, Co-Chair TRAINING Commissioner Griggs, Co-Chair Chiefs and 2 members from each Fire Company LONG RANGE Commissioner Anderson, Co-Chair PLANNING Commissioner Freedman, Co-Chair BUDGET: Treasurer Hart Commissioners Chiefs GRANTS: Commissioner Anderson, Co-Chair Commissioner Freedman, Co-Chair Chiefs Treasurer Hart TECH: Commissioner Faehndrich, Co-Chair Commissioner Westmiller moved to continue domain name, seconded by Commissioner Griggs_____, A roll call vote was taken, KA: Absent, KF: Absent, JF: Aye, CG: Aye, WW: Aye and motion carried 3 aye 2 absent. Commissioner Westmiller made a motion to approve all current policies and to review all policies at a later date, seconded by Commissioner Freedman. A roll call vote was taken, KA: Absent, KF: Absent, JF: Aye, CG: Aye, WW: Aye and motion carried 3 aye 2 absent. Meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m.. Sharon Gaden Secretary 6