HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-01-10 Fire District Meeting Minutes PRELIMINARY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING January 10, 2023 Commissioner Westmiller called Commissioner Westmiller called the regular meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. ATTENDANCE: COMMISSIONERS: OFFICERS: Katherine Anderson Kevin Faehndrich Joe Freedman Charlotte Griggs Wayne Westmiller Bonnie Hart, Treasurer Sharon Gaden, Secretary, Deputy Treasurer John Gaden, Danby Fire Chief Robert McCray, West Danby Fire Chief PUBLIC: None Minutes: Preliminary Minutes for December 27, 2022 regular meeting were sent to the Town Clerk on January 3, 2023 for posting to Town’s website. Commissioner Freedman moved to approve the minutes of the December 27, 2022 regular meeting. Motion seconded by Commissioner Westmiller. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no. Treasurer’s Report: • Bank statements reconciled • NYS 45 Q4 completed and electronically transferred • 941 Q4 completed and mailed – • 4th Qtr Payroll Audit submitted to Perma • Annual Report on Revenue and Expenditures of Foreign Fire Insurance Premiums – forwarded to treasurers • Meeting with commissioner Freedman and Insero – Tuesday 1/10/22 1pm • Equipment and Fuel Reports emailed to Chiefs • Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss reports emailed to Commissioners, Chiefs and Secretary • Account listed and phone list updated • Previous Chief Wendt’s visa cancelled • Wex card applied for Chief McCray • Previous Chief Wendt’s email suspended; discussion followed on new name of email. Decision: wdchief@danbyfiredistrict.org Commissioner Westmiller moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Motion seconded by Commissioner Fahndrich. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no. APPROVAL OF BILLS: Commissioner Faehndrich moved to pay the vouchers as audited and approved on Operating Account Abstract 1 Claims 1-11 in the total amount of $13,781.00. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no. APPROVALS: Commissioner Faehndrich made a motion to approve up to $500.00 for office supplies for the Treasurer and Secretary to come out of District’s Office Supplies Account. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no. Commissioner Faehndrich made a motion to approve the purchase of 6 portable radios at $3,500.00 each by Chief Gaden, was in his budget, to come from his Equipment Account. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no. Commissioner Westmiller made a motion to approve up to $150.00 for printer toner for Chief Gaden to come out of District’s Office Supplies Account. Motion seconded by Commissioner Faehndrich. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no. Communications: • Email AFDSNY January Coffee with Commissioners (forwarded to Commissioners) • Email from attorney Mark Butler with commissioner training schedule (forwarded to Commissioners and Treasurer) • Email from Central Region Fire District – January meeting information • AFDSNY – invitation to 2023 Annual Meeting & Leadership Summit Expo – May 17 through May 30 at Turning Stone • Email NYS Archives 2023 January newsletter Privilege of the Floor: NONE CHIEF’S REPORTS: DVFC: (Chief Gaden) • Written report for December was received. • Members D. Dougherty, J. Cummings and G. Mandl would like approval to attend Interior Firefighter Operations (IFO) in Cortland County, will carpool and use 442, in March 2023. Commissioner Westmiller made a motion to accept training request for D. Dougherty, J. Cummings and G. Mandl to attend the Interior Firefighter Operations training in Cortland in March 2023. Commissioner Freedman seconded. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no. • Discussion on Danby Fire Company building and placing a “BlueBox” by the pavilion, members of the community can place items such as canned foods and non-perishable items for those who need them Commissioner Faehndrich made a motion to allow the Danby Fire Company members to build and place a “BlueBox” by the pavilion. Commissioner Freedman seconded. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no. • Advised he received a recall on 442/441 regarding driveshaft needing to be replaced. Part not available • Discussion on roof leaking in truck bay. Commissioner Westmiller contacted Hale Roofing, they came today and fixed the leak. Commissioner Faehndrich moved to approve the emergency repair the leaking roof at the Danby Station today. Commissioner Griggs seconded. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no. WDFC: (Chief McCray) • No written for November or December was received. • Requested approval of station usage for January 28th by A. Griffin for a birthday party. Commissioner Faehndrich moved to accept station usage request by A. Griffin for a birthday party on January 28, 2023. Commissioner Freedman seconded. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no. • Advised the recalls on 1441 for emission issue will be taken to Maguire on January 13, 23. Other recall for frame rail does not apply. • Advised the recall on 1442 regarding airbag was done at Maguire on January 9, 2023 • Asked how many laptops his department should have. He was advised to contact previous Chief Wendt to obtain the 2 laptops. Commissioner Faehndrich will work with Chief McCray and the Computer Room to have any password changes done. • Requested to have 2 interior locks, on Staff Office and Chief Office rekeyed by Ace Locksmith. Discussion held Commissioner Faehndrich made a motion approving up to $500.00 to have the 2 locks rekeyed. Commissioner Griggs seconded. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no. COMMITTEES: PURCHASING: • Chief Gaden purchased a light for Assistant’s truck, $200.00 from his equipment budget BUILDING/GROUNDS: NOTHING in addition to what was already covered GRANTS: • Commissioner Anderson discussed reapplying for the AFG grant for extrication tools. She and Chief Gaden are also looking into other possible source for a grant INSURANCE: • Secretary sent another email to Cayuga Signs TECH: NOTHING in addition to what was already covered TRUCKS: NOTHING in addition to what was already covered TOWN BOARD: NONE RECORDS: • Received BEFO certificate for I. Ross • Certificates for TIMS class needed for S. Wyatt • Need proof of completion of CMEs for West Danby EMS Director, EMTS and CFRs POLICY: NONE MEMBERSHIP/TRAINING: NONE LONG RANGE PLAN: • Commissioner Freedman reported is done and accountants have it. AUDIT: • Commissioner Freedman and Treasurer Hart discussed Zoom meeting they had with accountants today. Audit to begin in March BUDGET: • Commissioner Freedman discussed transferring money to reserves in February and possibly more in March. February will be seventy percent (70%) to Building Reserves; fifteen percent (15%) to Apparatus Reserves and fifteen percent (15%) to Equipment Reserves. OLD BUSINESS: NONE NEW BUSINESS: NONE Next Meeting date and time: • 01/24/23 will be cancelled • 02/14/23 @ 7:00 p.m. regular meeting Meeting adjourned at 8:44 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Gaden Secretary