HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-04-11 Fire District Meeting Minutes PRELIMINARY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING April 11, 2023 Commissioner Westmiller called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ATTENDANCE: COMMISSIONERS: OFFICERS: Katherine Anderson (Absent) Kevin Faehndrich (Absent) Joe Freedman Charlotte Griggs Wayne Westmiller Bonnie Hart, Treasurer Sharon Gaden, Secretary, Deputy Treasurer John Gaden, Danby Fire Chief Robert McCray, West Danby Fire Chief PUBLIC: NONE Minutes: Preliminary Minutes for March 28, 2023 Regular Meeting were sent to the Town Clerk on April 6, 2023 for posting to the Town’s website. Commissioner Griggs moved to approve the minutes of the March 28, 203 Regular Meeting. Motion seconded by Commissioner Freedman. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Treasurer’s Report: • Emailed Balance sheet and Profit and Loss to Secretary and Commissioners and Chiefs • Equipment and Fuel Report emailed to chiefs and Sharon • Bank statements reconciled. • Contacted Town Bookkeeper for next billing of NYSEG as well as Solar credits. – bill received 04/10/23 • Audit with Insero has started • JAAG’s key did not work, they may have brought the wrong one • Working on Verizon account for West Danby Encumbered: Shred-It $241.00 Shredding Paid Admiral Specialty Vehicles 700.00 Lights installed for 3rd Assistant Not billed Town of Danby 825.39 West Danby Electric Not billed 1,287.97 Danby Electric Not billed Commissioner Westmiller moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. APPROVAL OF BILLS: Commissioner Westmiller moved to pay the vouchers as audited and approved on Operating Account Abstract 4-A Claims 75-90 in the total amount of $11,847.56 and Abstract 4-B Claim 91 in the total amount of $6,500.00. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Communications: • April Danby News • NY Association of Local Government Records Officers – invitation to annual conference June 4-7 • April Danby Town News • Affidavit of Publication for request for proposals for West Danby heating system in apparatus bay • Email AFDSNY to complete survey regarding cancer insurance • Email PERMA 2023 Annual Member Conference • Email Central Region meeting notice – Lakeside Fire District on April 24, 2023 and Stittville Fire Department Educational Seminar on May 6th • Email Tompkins Community Bank webinar on Protection for your Business – April 27th • Email PERMA Educational forum June 13th and 14th • Email NYS Archives – monthly newsletter Privilege of the Floor: NONE CHIEF’S REPORTS: WDFC: (Chief McCray) • Written report for March was received. • Request for the following training was received: Devin Perry to attend Firefighter Self Rescue in Cortland County April 19th through April 24th. Devin Perry to attend Pump Ops in Cortland County April 27th through May 15th. No request for mileage reimbursement received. Autumn Monroe and Dominic Gentile to attend Fire Police in Cortland County April 18th and April 27th, no mileage reimbursement necessary will be getting a ride with FF V. Brown. Training forms must be received for both. • V. Brown fire police class in Cortland County sent an email he is not asking for mileage reimbursement. • Discussion held on Superior (Griffith) being place back on automatic delivery. Chief McCray will contact them to set this up. • 3 new members were accepted as probationary at April 10th Fire Company Business Meeting: Autumn Monroe (Junior FF), Dominic Gentile (Junior FF) and Devin Perry. • Station usage requested from the Cemetery Association for May 27th Commission Griggs moved to accept station suage request by Cemetery Association to use it on May 27th. Commissioner Freedman seconded. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Commissioner Westmiller moved to accept Autumn Monroe, Dominic Gentile and Devin Perry, pending physicals, as members. Autumn Monroe and Dominic Gentile as Junior members. Commissioner Griggs seconded. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Commissioner Westmiller moved to accept training requests by Devin Perry (2 trainings), Autumn Monroe and Dominic Gentile, with no reimbursement approved. Commissioner Griggs seconded. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. DVFC: (Chief Gaden) • Written report for March was received. • 3 new members were accepted as probationary at April 10th Fire Company Business Meeting (letters from Fire Company’s Secretary were submitted): Barbara Bowman, Brian Bowman and Daniel Peluso • Station usage: April 16th pancake breakfast, April 16th by T. Lazcano for a meeting from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., April 23, open house for Recruit New York; April 29th S. Hogben for birthday party, April 30th by P. Hill for birthday party; May 2nd by Town of Danby Highway Department from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., May 16th by Ithaca City School for elections and budget voting from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. and May 19th by American Red Cross for blood drive. • Request for the following training was received: Brian Bowman for Fire Police in Cortland County April 18th and April 27th, Training form must be received. • Still waiting on another quote for security cameras. • Brief discussion held on status of dry hydrant being installed by rest area on Route 96B. • Station roof still leaking • Repair person from David Brown’s Equipment Service was here today to look at dishwasher. Brief discussion held. Commissioner Griggs moved to accept the following Danby station usage: April 16th pancake breakfast, April 16th by T. Lazcano for a meeting from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., April 23, open house for Recruit New York; April 29th S. Hogben for birthday party, April 30th by P. Hill for birthday party; May 2nd by Town of Danby Highway Department from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., May 16th by Ithaca City School for elections and budget voting from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. and May 19th by American Red Cross for blood drive. Commissioner Westmiller seconded. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Commissioner Freedman moved to accept Barbara Bowman, Brian Bowman and Daniel Peluso. Commissioner Griggs seconded. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Commissioner Freedman moved to accept training request by Brian Bowman with no reimbursement approved. Commissioner Griggs seconded. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. COMMITTEES: PURCHASING: Approvals of items/services to purchase: • Commissioner Freedman made a motion to approve the purchase of 6 helmets (2 junior and 4 probationary) up to $3,000.00 through Ward Fire Equipment for the American Legend style. Motion seconded by Commissioner Westmiller. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. • Commissioner Westmiller made a motion to approve mileage reimbursement to Chief McCray to attend the Modern Fire training class in Newark Valley. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. • Commissioner Westmiller made a motion to approve payment to Occustar for physicals for 5 new members, approximate cost is anticipated not to exceed $1,000.00 for all. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. BUILDING/GROUNDS: • Chief Gaden reported Kinsley will be at both stations on April 25th for generator service. • Chief Gaden reported he was contacted by the Town of Danby Highway Supervisor about the ditch/trench behind West Danby station. They would like it fixed before next year’s plowing season. Decision made to have Chief Gaden call them • Secretary will publish in the Ithaca Journal a request for proposals for lawn mowing. • Commissioner Westmiller is working on a request for proposals for replacing roof on the Danby Fire Station Apparatus bay. GRANTS: NONE INSURANCE: • Commissioner Freedman reported that the Insurance Committee, Chief Gaden, Secretary and Treasurer met with representative from McNeil Insurance regarding cancer insurance coverage the District currently carries and what other coverage is available. Discussion held. Commissioner Freedman made a motion to purchase additional “all cancer coverage” for all interior members (active/non-active) enrolled on the 2023 census in the amount of $700.00+/-. Commissioner Griggs seconded. Motion 3 yes 0 no. TECH: • Secretary Gaden reported the website may be ready to go live by the end of April. TRUCKS: • Chief Gaden and Chief McCray were given last year’s request for proposals for the hose, ladder, pumps and hard suctions units and the annual maintenance truck and pump proposals to review and return to Secretary to send out for proposals. TOWN BOARD: NONE POLICY: • Commissioner Freedman reported that a physical inventory of our assets needs to be completed. The Secretary and Treasurer will create a form for use. List all fixed assets that individually have a value of $100.00 or more and have a service life of over a year. Must meet both criteria. Everything should be tagged “Belongs to Danby Fire District” with ID#. Treasurer will order more tags RECORDS: • Received proof of Commissioner training from Commissioner Griggs, • EMT certification from S. Wyatt received. MEMBERSHIP/TRAINING: • Physicals for all active members is set for June 26, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. LONG RANGE PLAN: NONE AUDIT: • Commissioner Freedman reported audit is under way through Insero. Commissioners need to reply to communication letter received from Insero and get a copy to Secretary. Representative from Insero has requested to do a presentation to the Board of Fire Commissioners after audit is complete. • Commissioner Freedman reported we will be requesting for proposals of annual audits by outside company. BUDGET: • Will be starting workshops on May 23, 2023 OLD BUSINESS: NONE NEW BUSINESS: NONE Next Meeting date and time: • 04/25/23 cancelled • 05/09/23 at 7:00 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Gaden Secretary