HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-08-22 Fire District Meeting Minutes PRELIMINARY DANBY FIRE DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR EETING August 22, 2023 Commissioner Westmiller called the regular meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. ATTENDANCE: COMMISSIONERS: OFFICERS: Katherine Anderson (absent) Kevin Faehndrich (absent) Joe Freedman Charlotte Griggs Wayne Westmiller Bonnie Hart, Treasurer Sharon Gaden, Secretary, Deputy Treasurer John Gaden, Danby Fire Chief Robert McCray, West Danby Fire Chief PUBLIC: NONE Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Minutes: Preliminary Minutes for August 8, 2023, Regular Meeting were sent to the Town Clerk on August 21, 2023, for posting to the Town’s website. Commissioner Freedman moved to approve the minutes of the August 8, 2023, regular meeting. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Treasurer’s Report: • Received a response from Town Bookkeeper with amount for NYSEG • Did not receive a callback from Lansing District treasurer Commissioner Westmiller moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Motion seconded by Commissioner Freedman.. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Communications: • Email from PERMA State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program • Email from Central Region Fire Districts regarding next meeting • Email from T. Crane regarding The BBQ. • Email of Fire District Affairs for August – September 2023 • Email from PERMA Safe & Sound Week: Recap Discussion held on The BBQ being held at a private residence. Chief Gaden and 2 other members of the Fire Company met with the homeowner. Privilege of the Floor: NONE APPROVAL OF BILLS: Commissioner Freedman moved to pay the vouchers as audited and approved on Operating Account Abstract 8-C $23,047.45 claims 208 - 215. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. CHIEF’S REPORTS: WDFC: (Chief McCray) • Request for S. VanEtten and J. Brown to attend EMT original class at Watkins Glen Fire Department from September 15, 2023 through May 14, 2024. Discussion held Commissioner Westmiller made a motion to decline request by J. Brown and S. VanEtten to attend EMT original class in Watkins Glen due to 1) the expense of reimbursement of mileage 2) the same training is now being offered in Tompkins County which would result in less expense for reimbursement of mileage. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Commissioner Freedman made a motion to approve J. Brown and S. VanEtten to attend EMT original class being held in Tompkins County, cost of books and mileage will be reimbursed from station to training site, members do need to carpool. Training form is to be completed and turned in. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. • Chief McCray has had members asked if they would get reimbursed for E-Books for trainings. Discussion held. Decision is if members want to be reimbursed it must be a hard copy. • Commissioner Westmiller made a motion to accept Jesse Tome and Hunter Wright as Junior members pending physicals. Commissioner Freedman seconded the motion. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. DVFC: (Chief Gaden) • Originally 7 members were approved to take the EMT original class being taught at Cayuga Heights Fire Department, in Tompkins County. There is another class in Tompkins County being taught in Ithaca through Upstate Medical University and 5 of the 7 members will be going to that class. J. Forbes and A. Ruiz are unable to attend either training at this time due to work and family obligations. District will be invoiced for the cost, approximately $7,170.00 Commissioner Freedman made a motion for D. Dougherty, A. Ives, D. Peluso, I. Ross and G. Mandl to attend the EMT original class being taught in Ithaca through Upstate Medical University and approved up to a total of $9,000.00 for the cost of the class and books for all 5 members, members are to carpool using 442 and 441 if necessary to save on reimbursement of mileage, pending receipt of new Training Request Forms. Motion seconded by Commissioner Westmiller. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. • 441 went to Maguires for oil change, tire rotation, NYS inspection. • Apron in front of station is getting worse. Discussed. (tabled) COMMITTEES: PURCHASING: • Chiefs reported receiving pagers for West Danby; gear for both fire companies. Still waiting on portables from the County BUILDING/GROUNDS: • Stripping and cleaning of Danby Station floors will be done next Spring. Treasurer Hart will contact current cleaners to discuss the need for the cleaner to improve his/her work. GRANTS: NONE INSURANCE: NONE TECH: NONE TRUCKS: NONE • Received one quote for Hose, Ladder and Hard Suction testing. Waterway Inc. in the amount of $8,208.50. No discussion held Commissioner Freedman made a motion to accept the quote from Waterway Inc. in the amount of $8,208.50 for annual testing of Hose, Ladder and Hard Suction. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. • Received two quotes for annual preventative maintenance on apparatus and pumps also included annual pump testing in this. Both quotes included 401, 421, 1401, 1421 and 1441: Ward Apparatus LLC quote was for a total of $6,855.50; Bonnie Vale Inc. quote was for a total of $6,473.61. Discussion held. Chiefs had reviewed the quotes and noted that the $385.00 difference. The quote from Bonnie Vale Inc. did not include picking up of the vehicles in the quote and 401 and 1401 were going to Wards to have tires replaced and other service work, while there the maintenance could be done. The chiefs are satisfied with Ward’s work to date. Commissioner Freedman made a motion to accept the quote from Ward’s Apparatus LLC to perform the annual preventative maintenance on apparatus, pumps and to also perform annual pump testing. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. TOWN BOARD: NONE POLICY: • Discussion on revised Sexual Harassment Policy provided by Attorney Butler. Commissioner Griggs made a motion to amend the current Sexual Harassment Policy with revised policy received from Attorney Butler. Motion seconded by Commissioner Westmiller. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. • Revised training policy and forms (tabled) • Commissioner Freedman discussed article from Association of Fire Districts of State of New York pertaining to allowing meal occasionally at meetings held during dinner time. A proposed policy will be drafted for review. RECORDS: • Physicals were discussed. Chief McCray asked members A. Griffin and T. Monroe-Griffin to contact the Secretary to schedule physicals. Members T. Coyne and T. Monroe were sent letters from the West Danby Fire Department in the status of their inactive membership. MEMBERSHIP/TRAINING: NONE LONG RANGE PLAN: • Commissioner Freedman asked the Chiefs to contribute their ideas for purchases or repairs that are needed to the Committee. This will help for 2024/2025 AUDIT: • Commissioner Freedman reported we received 2 bids for Professional Auditing Services for the Fire District. He reviewed both bids thoroughly. They are as follows: o Insero & Co.  One-year engagement: $12,000.00; Three-year engagement $39,000.00 and Five-year engagement $69,000.00. o Stokes, Visca, Hucko & Barone, LLC  One-year engagement: $7,000.00; Three-year engagement $20,500.00 and Five-year engagement $34,900.00 Commissioner Griggs made a motion to accept the bid from Stokes, Visca, Hucko and Barone, LLC for a Five-year engagement (years 2023 – 2027 audits) for $34,900.00. Motion seconded by Commissioner Westmiller. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. BUDGET: • Workshop to follow OLD BUSINESS: NONE NEW BUSINESS: NONE APPROVALS of TRAININGS, ITEMS OR SERVICES TO BE PURCHASED: Commissioner Freedman moved to approve the purchase of a new clock for the fire station from Staples and allow up to $50.00 for the cost of this/these. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Commissioner Freedman moved to approve the purchase from Ace Security a lock and additional keys for the equipment cage at Danby Fire Station and allow up to $100.00 for the cost of these. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Commissioner Freedman moved to approve 2 sets of keys for a filing cabinet be made Ace Security and allow up to $25.00 for the cost of these. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Commissioner Freedman moved to approve up to $600.00 for the purchase of office supplies through Staples. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Next Meeting date and time: • 09/12/23 at 7:00 p.m. with budget workshop to follow. Meeting adjourned at 8:28 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Gaden Secretary