HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-03-08 Fire District Meeting Minutes (Draft)UNOFFICIAL MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING March 8, 2022 Commissioner Westmiller called the regular meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. ATTENDANCE: COMMISSIONERS: OFFICERS: Katherine Anderson (Absent) Kevin Faehndrich Joe Freedman Charlotte Griggs Wayne Westmiller Bonnie Hart, Treasurer Sharon Gaden, Secretary, Deputy Treasurer John Gaden, Danby Fire Chief Scott Wendt, West Danby Fire Chief PUBLIC: Ted Crane Privilege of the Floor: Ted Crane spoke in regard to Danby Area News Minutes: Preliminary Minutes for February 8, 2022 meeting were approved and forwarded to the Town Clerk February 14, 2022 Commissioner Faehndrich moved to approve the minutes of the February 8, 2022 Regular meeting. Motion seconded by Commissioner Freedman. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Treasurer’s Report: • Emailed Balance sheet and Profit and Loss to Secretary and Commissioners • Financial report emailed to Chiefs • Application for SAM was submitted and approved • Payroll Audit submitted to Perma. • PERMA questionnaire given to Commissioner Freedman to complete • Received Tax Levy of $567,000.00 and deposited to checking account • Holding checks for Ward Apparatus (waiting on invoice for confirmation of delivery.) • Ward Apparatus 12/22/21 $4883.60 • Requested extension on AUD. Extension approved for 60 days. I will complete with help of auditor. • We Had 2 checks that were outstanding for over a year. Both businesses misplaced the checks. The checks have been voided and reissued. Danby Water District (319.50) and TLC (600.00). • Bank statements reconciled. Abstract 1 26-43 Total $27093.65 Abstract 2 44-59 Total $23043.63 Abstract 3 60- Total $40,276.38 Outstanding: • Robert McCray Milage to EMT $1,275.84 (Waiting to hear if they finished class). Robert McCray completed the class and turned in form for reimbursement for book and milage. • Meridian 11/4/21 650.00 Fire Alarm Systems Training (Received new invoice) • Shawn Wendt 12/14/21 2552.00 EMT Class (Waiting on new information). Was given to Treasurer Commissioner Westmiller moved to accept training contract from Meridian Fire Training Solutions for Fire Alarm class to be taught in March at West Danby. Motion seconded by Commissioner Freedman. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Commissioner Freedman moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Motion seconded by Commissioner Westmiller. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. APPROVAL OF BILLS: Commissioner Freedman moved to pay the vouchers as audited and approved on Operating Account Abstract 2 claims 44-59 in the amount of $23,043.63 and March Abstract Claims List A 60-68 in the amount of $40,2786.38. Motion seconded by Commissioner Faehndrich. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Communications: • Email Client Advisory from Attorney Butler • Email AFDSNY Central Region schedule of Commissioner Trainings • Email WellNow OCC Med Automated Resulting Platform • Email AFDSNY call to action – Billy’s Law • Email PERMA Agency Funding opportunities NYS OMH • Email AFDSNY coffee with Commissioner’s survey • Email NYS Archives notice of deadlines for egrants • Email PERMA OCM: Cannabis Conversations • Email NYS Archives webinar notification • Email McNeil Insurance – Deer Collision Safety & Prevention training • Email Verizon – Insider Edge: How organizations use communications technology • Email NYS Archives 03/01/22 Webinar regarding egrants • Email AFDSNY February/March Fire District Affairs • Email NYS Archives 03/02/22 webinar introduction to managing audiovisual records • Email NYS Archives grant deadlines for LGRMIF 2022-2023 • Email PERMA & NYSAFC 2022 minigrant winners’ announcement • Email NYS Archives 2021-2022 LGRMIF project extensions • Danby Area News – March 2022 • Email PERMA Core PESH Training • Email AFDSNY Coffee with Commissioners • Email NYS Archives newsletter • Tompkins Co BOE – West Danby for 06/28/22 and 11/08/22 (need motion/contract) • AFDSNY – Proposed By-Law Amendments • Email PERMA Safety Institute: March Courses • Email PERMA Upcoming Training Webinars • Email NYS Archives – 2022-2023 LGRMIF Grant Deadlines & Details Commissioner Faehndrich made a motion to allow the Tompkins County Board of Elections to use the West Danby Station on June 28, 2022, for Primary Elections from 5:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. and November 8, 2022 for General Elections from 5:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., with the condition they follow all NYS mandated Covid guidelines. Commissioner Westmiller seconded. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. CHIEF’S REPORTS: WDFC: (Chief Wendt) • Written reports for January and February were received. • Internet service at station is very slow. Can the number of users be increased? Maybe seek a grant to help with the cost to have internet service run to the station • Ordering 3 new radios at 3,700.00 each • Secretary at Department of Emergency Response will send all invoices to the District • Data Demon software was updated • Discussion held on purchasing an 8 camera system for $800.00 for security purposes at the station. • Key fobs previously ordered will not work for the new door. Did research and have found he can purchase 50 fobs for $196.28 • Discussion on heat in truck bays needing to be serviced and/or replaced. Chief Wendt to do research and obtain quotes • Out of on-road diesel, called Griffith • Shore Power and electric reels are in and working. Electric in truck bay is working. Hose reels are in but not piped. Still waiting on new fire alarm to be installed. DVFC: (Chief Gaden) • Received written report for February • G. Jakubson would like to take the TIMS class in Nichols, Tioga County on April 2, 2022 • 421 DEF head discussed • 441 went to Maguires. Battery replaced and oil change • Emailed Commissioner Anderson with possible grant opportunity • Chainsaw went to Power & Paddle to have the chain sharpened and serviced. Would like to purchase a set of chaps. Commissioner Faehndrich moved to accept training request by G. Jakubson to attend TIMS class in Nichols New York, County of Tioga. Commissioner Westmiller seconded. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Commissioner Faehndrich made a motion to allow Chief Gaden to have a key to the District Office, to be kept secured in his desk, to be used for emergency reasons only. Motion second ed by Commissioner Westmiller. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. COMMITTEES: PURCHASING: • Chief Gaden will be meeting with new sales representative from LaFrance, now Wards BUILDING/GROUNDS: • Commissioner Freedman will check on insurance binder requirements with our representative at True Insurance, specifically Red Cross use of Danby station. • Commissioner Westmiller discussed the temporary easement he signed with the Town of Danby. It pertains to the bridge work on Gunderman Road and the work on the creek area behind the station. Commissioner Faehndrich moved to have the record indicate the Boards approval of the signing of the Temporary Easement with the Town of Danby. Motion seconded by Commissioner Freedman. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. • Lawn mowing bids were opened by the Secretary: We Mow for Danby Station: 18 times starting April 24th at the price of $65.50 per mowing. We Mow for West Danby Station: 12 times starting April 27 at the price of $72.45 per mowing. Commissioner Faehndrich made a motion to accept the proposals from We Mow for Danby Station: 18 times at $65.50 per mowing and and West Danby Station: 12 times at $72.45 per mowing. Motion seconded by Commissioner Freedman. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. • Received quotes from Absolute Power Washing Pros for cleaning of the kitchen exhaust/hoods, filters, ducts, fans at both fire station at $400.00 per station. Commissioner Westmiller moved to accept the proposal from Absolute Power Washing Pros for cleaning of the kitchen exhaust/hoods at a cost of $400.00 per station. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Faehndrich. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. • Chief Gaden discussed the quotes he obtained for the painting of the front of the Danby Fire Station: Duthie Painting $37,500.00 quoted on to do the whole building; Bumble Bee Painting $7,920 but not till 2023 or $28,600.00 to do the whole building; and CJ Morse Painting $9,950.00 in 2022, whole building $29,430.00. Chief Gaden will ask for a quote to do the ballards and railings as CJ Morse’s proposal did not include this. Commissioner Faehndrich moved to accept the proposal from CJ Morse Painting to paint the front of the Danby Fire Station up to $10,000.00. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. • Commissioner Westmiller reported on the status of the West Danby renovation and the request for 5th payment and discussion of the need to transfer monies from Contingency and then to prepare a resolution to transfer monies from the Building Procurement, Repair and Replacement Capital Reserve Account which may require a permissive referendum Commissioner Freedman moved to transfer $15,930.78 from Contingency Account A3410.9 to General Operating Account for the purpose of paying the remaining amount due on Application and Certification for Payment No. 21-104-005 to McPherson Builders, Inc. in relation to renovations completed to date on the West Danby Renovation project. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Roll call vote: Anderson (absent); Faehndrich: Aye; Freedman: Aye; Griggs: Aye; and Westmiller: Aye Commissioner Faehndrich moved to transfer $5,301.72 from Building Procurement, Repair and Replacement Capital Reserve Account to West Danby Renovation Account H3410.9 to pay Application and Certification for Payment No. 21-104-005 to McPherson Builders, Inc. in relation to renovations completed to date on the West Danby Renovation project. And to modify the 2022 Budget to include the sum of $5,301.72 for Application and Certification for Payment No. 21-104-005 to McPherson Builders, Inc. in relation to renovations completed to date on the West Danby Renovation project. Motion seconded by Commissioner Westmiller. Roll call vote: Anderson (absent); Faehndrich: Aye; Freedman: Aye; Griggs: Aye; and Westmiller: Aye Commissioner Freedman moved to authorize the transfer of not more than $50,000.00 from its Building Procurement, Repair and Replacement Capital Reserve Account to the District’s General Operating Account for continued Fire District operations to continue the planned improvements to the Fire District’s West Danby Fire Station located at 47 Sylvan Lane. No expenditure shall be made except upon authorization of the Board; and the resolution is subject to a permissive referendum as provided by Section 6-g of the General Municipal Law. Motion seconded by Commissioner Westmiller. Roll call vote: Anderson (absent); Faehndrich: Aye; Freedman: Aye; Griggs: Aye; and Westmiller: Aye GRANTS: NONE INSURANCE: • Commissioner Freedman reported the annual renewal of the Accident and Health Insurance was never billed to the District in November 2021. True Insurance paid it and the District now needs to reimburse True Insurance. • Death claim benefit will be submitted for a Danby Fire Company member. • Certificate of Insurance provided to Ithaca Fire Department for any trainings at the Ithaca Fire Training Center. • Commissioner Freedman discussed Group Life Insurance renewal for 2022-23. Commissioner Freedman made a motion approve the annual premium of $8,099.04 for Group Life. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. TECH: • Commissioners Faehndrich, Commissioner Westmiller and Secretary met with Derek Dougherty to discuss a website being created for the Danby Fire District. Proposal received from Mr. Dougherty in the amount of $300.00 for the design of site including “templates/tabs” and training user. • Discussion held on using Square Space to create website and host domain at a cost of $300.00 to setup/register and $23.00 a month thereafter. Commissioner Faehndrich made a motion to accept Derek Dougherty’s proposal of $300.00 to design the site including templates/tabs and training of user. Motion seconded by Commissioner Freedman. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Commissioner Faehndrich made a motion to use Square Space to establish and maintain website and host domain name. Motion seconded by Commissioner Westmiller. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Commissioner Faehndrich made a motion to deactivate Zoom account. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. TRUCKS: • 1441 and 1442 to be taken to Maguires in April to have recall work performed. TOWN BOARD: • Discussion held on talking to the Town about the proposed newsletter RECORDS: • Commissioner Freedman attending annual sexual harassment training. • Received proof NYSDOH extended certifications for all EMTS and CFRS for another year • Fire Alarm testing completed at Danby Station POLICY: • Discussion held on the Committee needing to discuss creating a policy for online payments of bills. • Discussion on Committee modifying training policy to look into adding “reimbursement after receipt of class being passed” • Discussion on Covid and wearing of masks Commissioner Faehndrich moved to lift the mandatory mask mandate at both station and end the restrictions that apply in the Covid Addendum regarding building usage. Motion seconded by Commissioner Westmiller. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. MEMBERSHIP/TRAINING: • Discussion on who still needs to attend Sexual/Workplace Harassment annual training • Discussion on EMT status of final exams for members who attended class during Covid • Lens report on 2 members received and discussed with Chief LONG RANGE PLAN: • Commissioner Freedman reported he and Treasurer Hart would be meeting with external auditors next week. AUDIT: NONE BUDGET: • Received tax levy from the Town of Dany. Workshops will start in May PRE-APPROVAL: Motion by Commissioner Faehndrich to pre-approve to spend up to $1,000.00 for the purchase of self-installed camera system through Amazon for the West Danby Fire Station. Seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Motion by Commissioner Freedman to pre-approve to spend up to $250.00 to purchase 50 key fobs from Go Keyless for the West Danby Fire Station at a cost. Seconded by Commissioner Faehndrich. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Motion by Commissioner Westmiller to pre-approve to spend up to $11,300.00 to purchase of 3 radios and chargers through Tompkins County Department of Emergency Response. Seconded by Commissioner Faehndrich. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Motion by Commissioner Westmiller to pre-approve expenditure by Chief Gaden up to $300.00 to repair chainsaw and purchase a set of chaps at Power & Paddle. Seconded by Commissioner Faehndrich. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Motion by Commissioner Faehndrich to pre-approve expenditure by Chief Wendt up to $30.00 to purchase chain at Don’s Log & Chain. Seconded by Commissioner Westmiller. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Motion by Commissioner Freedman to pre-approve expenditure by Chief Wendt up to $200.00 for generator service by Wink’s Honda. Seconded by Commissioner Faehndrich. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Motion by Commissioner Westmiller to pre-approve the repair of 421 by Ward’s Apparatus in the amount of $592.50. Seconded by Commissioner Faehndrich. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Motion by Commissioner Westmiller to pre-approve the expenditure of publishing for RFPs for lawn mowing service with the Ithaca Journal at the cost of $10.01. Seconded by Commissioner Faehndrich. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Motion by Commissioner Westmiller to pre-approve the expenditure for fire gloves by Chief Gaden in the amount of $1,502.60 through LaFrance/Ward’s. Second by Commissioner Faehndrich. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Motion by Commissioner Faehndrich to pre-approve to the purchase of oil dry at Napa by Chief Wendt in the amount of $27.98. Seconded by Commissioner Westmiller. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. OLD BUSINESS: • Chief Wendt will contact company to have his 4 Gas meter calibrated NEW BUSINESS: • Danby Area News - tabled Next Meeting date and time: • 03/22/22 @ 7:00 is cancelled • 04/12/22 @ 7:00 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 9:39 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Gaden Secretary DANBY FIRE DISTRICT RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER MONEY FROM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT A3410.9 TO GENERAL OPERATING ACCOUNT RESOLUTION 2022-03-08.1 WHEREAS The Danby Fire District has established a Contingency Account A3410.9 and has funds available; WE RESOLVE to transfer $15,930.78 from Contingency Account A3410.9 to General Operating Account for the purpose of paying the remaining amount due on Application and Certification for Payment No. 21-104-005 to McPherson Builders, Inc. in relation to renovations completed to date on the West Danby Renovation project. Commissioner Freedman moved, Commissioner Griggs seconded, and the Board of Fire Commissioners voted as follows: Commissioner Anderson Absent Commissioner Faehndrich Aye Commissioner Freedman Aye Commissioner Griggs Aye Commissioner Westmiller Aye The foregoing resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted and approved by the Board of Fire Commissioners on March 8, 2022. ______________________________ Sharon Gaden, Secretary Danby Fire District DANBY FIRE DISTRICT RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER MONEY FROM BUILDING PROCUREMENT, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT CAPITAL RESERVE ACCOUNT TO WEST DANBY RENOVATION ACCOUNT H3410.9 RESOLUTION 2022-03-08.2 WHEREAS, on May 12, 2020 the Board of Fire Commissioners for the Danby Fire District adopted Resolution 2020-05-12.3 to authorize the transfer of not more than $180,000.00 from its Building Capital Reserve Account to the District’s General Operating Account for West Danby Building Renovation. WHEREAS, the Danby Fire District has contracted with McPherson Builders, Inc. to do the renovations related to the West Danby Building Renovation. WE RESOLVE to transfer $5,301.72 from Building Procurement, Repair and Replacement Capital Reserve Account to West Danby Renovation Account H3410.9 to pay Application and Certification for Payment No. 21-104-005 to McPherson Builders, Inc. in relation to renovations completed to date on the West Danby Renovation project. WE RESOLVE to modify the 2022 Budget to include the sum of $5,301.72 for Application and Certification for Payment No. 21-104-005 to McPherson Builders, Inc. in relation to renovations completed to date on the West Danby Renovation project. WE FURTHER RESOLVE, with this modification, the 2022 Budget will increase from $588,234.40 to $593,536.12. Commissioner Faehdrich moved. Commissioner Westmiller seconded, and the Board of Fire Commissioners voted as follows: Commissioner Anderson Absent Commissioner Faehndrich Aye Commissioner Freedman Aye Commissioner Griggs Aye Commissioner Westmiller Aye The foregoing resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted and approved by the Board of Fire Commissioners on March 8, 2022. __________________________ Sharon Gaden, Secretary Danby Fire District DANBY FIRE DISTRICT RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS FROM CAPITAL RESERVE ACCOUNT TO THE GENERAL OPERATING ACCOUNT Resolution No. 2022-03-08.3 RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 6-g of the General Municipal Law, as amended, the Danby Fire District does hereby authorize the transfer of not more than $50,000.00 from its Building Procurement, Repair and Replacement Capital Reserve Account to the District’s General Operating Account for continued Fire District operations to continue the planned improvements to the Fire District’s West Danby Fire Station located at 47 Sylvan Lane. No expenditure shall be made except upon authorization of the Board; and it is further RESOLVED, that this resolution is subject to a permissive referendum as provided by Section 6-g of the General Municipal Law. Commissioner Freedman moved, Commissioner Westmiller seconded, and the Board of Fire Commissioners voted as follows: Name: Voting: Aye or Nay: Commissioner Anderson Absent Commissioner Faehndich Aye Commissioner Freedman Aye Commissioner Griggs Aye Commissioner Westmiller Aye The foregoing resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted and approved by the Board of Fire Commissioners on March 8, 2022 _____________________________ Sharon Gaden, Secretary Danby Fire District