HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-05-10 Fire District Meeting Minutes (Draft) UNOFFICIAL MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING May 10, 2022 Commissioner Westmiller called the regular meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. ATTENDANCE: COMMISSIONERS: OFFICERS: Katherine Anderson (Absent) Kevin Faehndrich Joe Freedman Charlotte Griggs Wayne Westmiller Bonnie Hart, Treasurer Sharon Gaden, Secretary, Deputy Treasurer John Gaden, Danby Fire Chief Scott Wendt, West Danby Fire Chief PUBLIC: Marrell Cortright New Business: Marrell Cortright, member of the West Danby Water District addressed the Board about the emergency generator located at the West Danby Fire Station. She is in the process of preparing an Emergency Plan and had questions and concerns about who to contact if it is noticed that the fuel is low, who would have authorization to request an emergency fill up of fuel. Discussion held. Discussion held on her preparing a Memorandum of Understanding between the West Danby Water District and the Danby Fire District. She was instructed to contact first Chief Scott Wendt, second Commissioner Westmiller and if they are unavailable to contact one of the other Fire Commissioners. Minutes: Preliminary Minutes for April 12, 2022, regular meeting were approved and forwarded to the Town Clerk on April 20, 2022 Commissioner Faehndrich moved to approve the minutes of the April 12, 2022 Regular meeting. Motion seconded by Commissioner Freedman. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Treasurer’s Report: • Emailed Balance sheet and Profit and Loss to Secretary and Commissioners • Equipment and Fuel reports emailed to Chiefs • Resolution No 2022-03-08.3 Moved $50,000.00 from Building Capital Reserve to Operating Account- Approval to move funds 4/14/2022 or after. • Received and deposited Check from McKesson $493.57 (Double payment) • AUD is complete - Submitted 4/11/22 • AUD delivered to Town Clerk 4/19/22 and stamped copy for Fire District. • Copy of AUD on shelf in District Office • Holding checks for Ward Apparatus (waiting on invoice for confirmation of delivery.) o Ward Apparatus 12/22/21 $4883.60 • Town of Danby –NYSEG Bill delivered to us. Still waiting for Solar Credits • I contacted Spectrum about phone service and internet upgrade. • Applied for Registration with Witmer Public Safety Group o Per Chief Gaden they would use the Fire Store/EMS Store • Received clarification from Insero that we do not qualify for ERC credit. • Bank statements were received and reconciled. • Locks on secure storage room door needs to be replaced. Will contact ACE Locksmith Abstract 4 Claims C 100 - 109 Total $ 10,825.41 Abstract 5 Claims A 110 – 123 Total $33,262.79 Abstract 5 Claims B 124 – 127 Total $3,489.88 Outstanding: o Shawn Wendt 12/14/21 1062.71 EMT Class - Ending 5/19/22 o Ward 12/13/21 4883.60 Est 234 Repair 1401 – Holding check Commissioner Westmiller moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Motion seconded by Commissioner Freedman. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. APPROVAL OF BILLS: Commissioner Freedman moved to pay the vouchers as audited and approved on Operating Account Abstract 4 Claims C 100-109 in the total amount of $10,825.41, Abstract 5 Claims A 110-123 in the total amount of $33,262.79; Abstract 5 Claims B 124-127 in the total amount of $3,489.88 Motion seconded by Commissioner Westmiller. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Communications: • PERMA Board of Directors Ballot Election Year 2022-2023 • Campaign flyer for Tricia Schields to AFDSNY Secretary/Treasurer • PERMA Seasonal Employee webinar • Email from AFDSNY – FASNY hosting OFPC cost recover information webinar • Email TCB regarding actions to take for certain users • PERMA conference highlights • AFDSNY – April/May 2022 Fire District Affairs • NYS Archives – monthly newsletter • PERMA registration for this year’s Annual Member Conference extended • Email from TCB to check out their new website • Central Region Fire District Association minutes of 04/25/22 meeting • PERMA new bill review partner: CorVel • PERMA First Responder Therapy Dogs • Email from L. Connors inquiring if G. Colman was ever a fire member • Advertisement for The Lantern – portable UV-C Disinfectant • Advertisement Dell • May Danby Area News • Danby Town News Privilege of the Floor: CHIEF’S REPORTS: WDFC: (Chief Wendt) • Written report for April was received. • May 21 the West Danby Cemetery Association would like to use the station for a meeting. • Floor drains in truck bay need to be cleaned. Discussion held. Chief Wendt is to get quotes • Mailbox and handicap parking signs need to be put back in place by the contractor working on the renovation. • Panic bar on new front door pushes hard Decision made that Commissioner Westmiller will contact McPherson Builders and the architect regarding the punch list Chief Wendt had and the obtaining the Warranties. • AED needs to be replaced. Chief Wendt will obtain quotes • Recall for 1442 the parts are not in • Recall for 1441 per Chief Wendt does not pertain to this vehicle and how it is used. • Brief discussion on obtaining a new laptop. Commissioner Feahndrich asked that Chief Wendt and Chief Gaden contact Computer Room to discuss necessity. Commissioner Faehndrich moved to accept station usage request from the West Danby Cemetery Association to hold a meeting on May 21st at the West Danby Fire Station. Commissioner Westmiller seconded. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. DVFC: (Chief Gaden) • Written report for April was received. • AED annual preventative maintenance will be done on May 26th at Danby Fire Station • Entrance way overheating problem update: Climate Control will not return calls. It is time for annual preventative maintenance on the AC/heating units, would also like the air exchanger looked at. Decision made Commissioner Westmiller will contact HSC to have them schedule a time to do the annual preventative maintenance on the AC/heating units, give quote on contract valve believed to be stuck open in the entrance way heating problem and the air exchanger. • All SCBAs here hydro-tested and passed. • June 11th will be holding a drive-thru chicken BBQ • June 25th sponsoring search and rescue course at our station. A NYS Forest Ranger will be the instructor and it will be open to the County. Commissioner Westmiller made a motion to allow the Tompkins Board of Elections to use the Danby and West Danby Fire Stations on August 23, 2022 to hold the second primary elections if necessary. Commissioner Freedman seconded. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. COMMITTEES: PURCHASING: • Chiefs have ordered 2 sets of turn-out gear. • Chief Gaden ordered badges through Jerome BUILDING/GROUNDS: • Commissioner Faehndrich is seeking quotes for cleaning of the floors at both station • Discussion on how often the boiler at the Danby Station is inspected • Treasurer Hart will contact JAAG Pest Control to see when they will resume service GRANTS: NONE INSURANCE: NONE TECH: • Brief discussion on Window 11 Upgrade. Secretary Gaden will contact Computer Room about the message that keeps popping up when she logs on. TRUCKS: NONE TOWN BOARD: • Commissioner Freedman reported on NYSEG/Solar Agreement with the Town. Discussion held RECORDS: NONE POLICY: • Discussion on new Approval Sheet created by Secretary Gaden and Treasurer Hart Commissioner Freedman made a motion to adopt the Approval Form for all future purchasing requests/quotations/payment of item/service for the Danby Fire District. Commissioner Griggs seconded. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. • Policy committee workshop will be held on May 17th at 6:00 p.m. MEMBERSHIP/TRAINING: • 2022 Physicals are scheduled for June 27th at 6:00 – Chief Wendt turned in his sign-up sheet LONG RANGE PLAN: NONE AUDIT: • Commissioner Freedman reported we should be getting a draft soon. He and Treasurer Hart will have a virtual meeting with the auditors soon. BUDGET: • Workshops will start May 24, 2022 after short regular meeting. APPROVAL OF ITEMS/SERVICES: Motion by Commissioner Faehndrich to approval of 1421 emergency flat tire repair by Parmenter up to $300.00. Seconded by Commissioner Freedman. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Motion by Commissioner Westmiller to approve the purchase of SCBA adaptor and filters from Jerome Fire Equipment up to $350.00 by Chief Gaden. Seconded by Commissioner Freedman. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Motion by Commissioner Westmiller to approve installation of a new lock for the secure storage room door through ACE Locksmith, no limit set as this is considered an emergency purchase. Seconded by Commissioner Griggs. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Motion by Commissioner Westmiller to approve the purchase of office supplies through Staples up to the amount of $500.00 by Secretary Gaden and Treasurer Hart. Seconded by Commissioner Anderson. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Motion by Commissioner Faehndrich approved the purchase of a new AED up to $1,500.00 by Chief Wendt. Seconded by Commissioner Westmiller. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Motion by Commissioner Faehndrich approved the purchase of food for the June 26th search and rescue training up to $500.00 by Chief Gaden. Seconded by Commissioner Westmiller. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Motion by Commissioner Freedman approved the request for reimbursement of mileage by Firefighter S. VanEtten for the recertification of her CFR held in Watkins Glen up to $300.00. Seconded by Commissioner Westmiller. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Motion by Commissioner Freedman to approve the pumping of the holding tank at the West Danby Station up to $1,000.00. Chief Wendt to obtain quote(s). Seconded by Commissioner Faehndrich. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Motion by Commissioner Faehndrich to approve the cost of the annual preventative maintenance on the AC/heating units at the Danby Fire Station by HSC up to $500.00. Seconded by Commissioner Freedman. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. OLD BUSINESS: • Red Cross Disaster Relief Agreement briefly discussed. • West Danby 4 gas meter was calibrated. Commissioner Westmiller moved to transfer $15,930.78 from General Operating Account to Contingency Account A3410.9; as reimbursement for partial payment of Application and Certification for Payment No. 21-104-005 to McPherson Builders, Inc. for work completed on the West Danby Building Renovation. Commissioner Griggs seconded, and the Board of Fire Commissioners voted as follows: Commissioner Anderson - Absent; Commissioner Faehndrich – Aye; Commissioner Freedman – Aye; Commissioner Griggs – Aye; Commissioner Westmiller – Aye. Resolution duly adopted Next Meeting date and time: • 05/24/22 @ 7:00 regular meeting with budget workshop to follow Meeting adjourned at 9:19 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Gaden Secretary DANBY FIRE DISTRICT RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER MONEY FROM GENERAL OPERATING ACCOUNT TO CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT A3410.9 RESOLUTION 2022-05-10.1 WHEREAS, on May 12, 2020 the Board of Fire Commissioners for the Danby Fire District adopted Resolution 2020-05-12.3 to authorize the transfer of not more than $180,000.00 from its Building Capital Reserve Account to the District’s General Operating Account for West Danby Building Renovation. WHEREAS, on March 8, 2022 the Board of Fire Commissioners for the Danby Fire District adopted Resolution 2022-03-08.3 to authorize the transfer of not more than $50,000.00 from its Building Capital Reserve Account to the District’s General Operating Account for West Danby Building Renovation. WHEREAS, on March 8, 2022 the Board of Fire Commissioners for the Danby Fire District adopted Resolution 2022-03-08.1 to transfer $15,930.78 from Contingency Account A3410.9 into General Operating Account to pay the remaining balance on the Application and Certification for Payment No. 21-104-005 to McPherson Builders, Inc. for work completed on the West Danby Building Renovation. WE RESOLVE to transfer $15,930.78 from General Operating Account to Contingency Account A3410.9 as reimbursement of monies used to pay the remaining balance on the Application and Certification for Payment No. 21-104-005 to McPherson Builders, Inc. for work completed on the West Danby Building Renovation; and Commissioner Westmiller moved. Commissioner Griggs seconded, and the Board of Fire Commissioners voted as follows: Commissioner Anderson Absent Commissioner Faehndrich Aye Commissioner Freedman Aye Commissioner Griggs Aye Commissioner Westmiller Aye The foregoing resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted and approved by the Board of Fire Commissioners on May 10, 2022. May 10, 2022 __________________________ Sharon Gaden, Secretary Danby Fire District