HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-11-08 Fire District Meeting MinutesPRELIMINARY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING November 8, 2022 Commissioner Westmiller called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ATTENDANCE: COMMISSIONERS: OFFICERS: Katherine Anderson (Absent) Kevin Faehndrich Joe Freedman Charlotte Griggs (Absent) Wayne Westmiller Bonnie Hart, Treasurer Sharon Gaden, Secretary, Deputy Treasurer John Gaden, Danby Fire Chief Scott Wendt, West Danby Fire Chief PUBLIC: None Minutes: Preliminary Minutes for October 11, 2022 regular meeting were sent to the Town Clerk on October 25, 2022 for posting to Town’s website. Preliminary minutes for 10/18/22 budget hearing and the 10/18/22 special meeting, were approved and forwarded to the Town Clerk on November 1, 2022, for posting to Town’s website. Commissioner Faehndrich moved to approve the minutes of the October 11, 2022 regular meeting, 10/18/22 budget hearing and 10/18/22 special meeting. Motion seconded by Commissioner Freedman. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Treasurer’s Report: • CD at TTC is complete • Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Reports as of 10/31/22 emailed to Commissioners, Secretary and Chiefs • Equipment and Fuel Report as of 10/31/22 emailed to Chiefs • Received information on Grant for possible Dryer from PERMA. Information forwarded to Kat and chiefs. • Abstract 10 C Claims 261–271Total $22,739.92 • Abstract 11 A Claims 272-286 Total $10,465.88 • Balanced Tompkins Community Bank and Chemung Canal Trust Company Account • We have 16% of the budget left • Met with Town Bookkeeper Laura Shawley regarding solar credits • Received quote from Ben at Computer Room, will discuss under Tech Commissioner Westmiller moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Motion seconded by Commissioner Freedman. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. APPROVAL OF BILLS: Commissioner Faehndrich moved to pay the vouchers as audited and approved on Operating Account Abstract 10 C Claims 261-271 in the total amount of $22,739.92 and 11 A Claims 272-286 in the total amount of $10,465.88. Motion seconded by Commissioner Westmiller. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Communications: • Email: PERMA deadline for firefighter gear grant 11/08/22 (emailed Treasurer, Chiefs and Com. Anderson) • Email: NYS Archives Webinar – preserving digital records • Email: OSC Local Government and School District Training-Year-End Webinars (emailed to Treasurer and Com. Freedman) • Email NYS Archives Local Government Newsletter • Email: PERMA November events • Email NYS Archives Local Government Webinar now available online • Email and paper PERMA– registration for Fall Educational Conference (2) • Email from TCB on Merchant Services Solutions (emailed to Treasurer and Com. Freedman) • Email PERMA winter safety 11/01/22 • Email TCB Business Fraud Webinar • Email – November Coffee with Commissioners Update • Email: PERMA front desk safety & security workshop • Email: Association of Fire Districts State of New York October/November Fire District Affairs (emailed to Commissioners/Chiefs and Treasurer) • NYS Homeland Security and Emergency Services re: Volunteer FF Enhanced Cancer Disability Benefit Law • Navistar, inc. 421 DEF Quality Sensor – Warranty Notification (forwarded to Chief Gaden and Com. Westmiller) • Danby News – November • PERMA Fall Conference postponed • Danby Town News Privilege of the Floor: CHIEF’S REPORTS: DVFC: (Chief Gaden) • Written report for October was received. • Nov. 21 there will be a chainsaw safety course at the Danby Station, cost is $200.00 • Asked permission to have the district pay for spec kits for face pieces of those members who wear glasses. • 11/18/22 Pleasant Valley will replace motor in exhaust fan on the roof. • Would like to purchase 8 traffic wands at $24.00 each plus shipping. • The Governor has a bill on her desk waiting for her to sign that would give all active volunteer firefighters a 10% tax break on real property taxes. The district will need to be in charge of record keeping of those qualified to receive the tax break. • 12/19/22 Holiday party. • Will get training forms for all members in BEFO and TIMS. • L. Wyatt resigned as she moved out of the district. • 11/15/22 Town Highway Department will be using the station for a seminar Commissioner Westmiller moved to accept the Town of Danby Highway Department using the station on 11/15 for a seminar. Commissioner Faehndrich seconded. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Commissioner Faehndrich moved to approve up to $250.00 for 24 traffic wands. Commissioner Freedman seconded. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. WDFC: (Chief Wendt) • Written reports for September and October were received • Quote from Admiral to reinstall emergency lights, sirens, controller, new speaker in POV for $1,545.00 • Heating system in the truck bays is still barely working • Will get training forms from BEFO and TIMS course that member is enrolled in. Commissioner Faehdrich moved to approve up to $1,700.00 for the reinstallation of emergency lights, sirens, controller and new speaker in Chief Wendt’s POV. Commissioner Westmiller seconded. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. COMMITTEES: PURCHASING: Commissioner Westmiller made the motion to approve an additional $362.00 for EMS supplies purchased by West Danby. Commissioner Freedman seconded the motion. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Commissioner Westmiller made a motion to approve up to $500.00 for office supplies. Commissioner Faehndrich seconded the motion. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. BUILDING/GROUNDS: • West Danby renovation walk-through (tabled) • Chief Wendt to contact Cayuga Signs about an insurance binder prior to installation of sign • Discussion on lights for the parking lot (by pavilion) at Danby Station • Danby station - stripping and waxing of floors scheduled for 11/29 GRANTS: NONE INSURANCE: • Commissioner Freedman discussed the Accident & Sickness renewal for 2023. Needs to be paid by the end of November to receive a credit. • Cancer insurance forms are due this month and by year end. Commissioner Freedman made a motion to approve the payment of $1,446.00 for the renewal of Accident & Sickness insurance. Commissioner Westmiller seconded the motion. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. TECH: • Discussion on quote received from Computer Room. Commissioner Faehndrich made a motion to approve an additional $1,200.00 which will be added to the $2,000.00 previously approved for new Treasurer desktop $1,655.00; Staff Office desktop $935.00 and upgrade and back up drive of Secretary’s computer $260.00. Commissioner Freedman seconded the motion. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Commissioner Faehndrich made a motion to approve up to $400.00 for MS365 business class for the District Secretary and Treasurer. Commissioner Freedman seconded the motion. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. TRUCKS: NONE TOWN BOARD: • Commissioner Freedman discussed the meeting with the Town Bookkeeper. Will need to schedule another meeting RECORDS: NONE POLICY: • Commissioner will split reviewing the policies to help the Policy Committee. MEMBERSHIP/TRAINING: • Commissioner Westmiller, Secretary Gaden and Chiefs Wendt and Gaden will attend a seminar in Baldwinsville on 11/19 LONG RANGE PLAN: • Workshop is November 10th at 6:30 AUDIT: NONE BUDGET: NONE OLD BUSINESS: • No commissioner will be attending West Danby’s business meeting in November NEW BUSINESS: Commissioner Westmiller made a motion to set the Organizational Meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners for January 10, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. Commissioner Faehndrich seconded the motion. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. Next Meeting date and time: • 11/22/22 cancelled • 12/13/22 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Fire Commissioner elections • 12/13/22 7:00 p.m. regular meeting Meeting adjourned at 8:49 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Gaden Secretary