HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-11-21 Planning Board Minutes (Final)  Town of Danby Planning Board Minutes of Regular Meeng November 21 2023 PRESENT: Ed Bergman (arrived 7:10pm) Kelly Maher Jamie Vanucchi Jody Scriber (chair) ABSENT: Jacob Colbert Colleen Cowan Sco Davis OTHER ATTENDEES: Town Planner Greg Hutnik Recording Secretary Cindy Katz Public (in-person)Zachary Larkins; Heather Coffey; Olivia Vent; Christel Trutmann, Leslie Connors (Town Board Member); Betsy Lamb (BZA Member) Public (virtual)Ronda Roaring; Ted Crane; Joel Gagnon (Town Board Member); Katharine Hunter (Town Board Member) This meeng was conducted in person with virtual access on the Zoom plaorm The meeng was called to order at 7:01 p.m. (1) CALL TO ORDER/AGENDA REVIEW There were no addions or deleons to the agenda. (2) PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Ted Crane commented that the market is a "nice idea" that he wishes success. He relayed   Mary Ann Barr 2021  The Town of Danby  1830 Danby Road  Ithaca, NY 14850  danby.ny.gov  Planning Board Minutes Tuesday 21 Nov 2023 at 7:00PM   that he believed it was inappropriate that a Planning Board member wrote on a Facebook post in a local Facebook group that "he or perhaps he was referring to the Planning Board in general" was doing everything it could to make this project [a market in Danby] happen. (3) APPROVAL OF MINUTES (October 2023) Because there was no quorum met this me, the Planning Board could not vote. (4) TOWN BOARD LIAISON REPORT Town Board member Leslie Connors gave her verbal report: ●The Town Board will be interviewing for vacant commiee/board posions at the second Board meeng in December ●Starng in the New Year, the Town Board will be meeng now on the first and third Mondays of the month, at 6 p.m. ●Town Planner Greg Hutnik is working on some tweaks to the zoning law and hopefully the Planning Board will be able to provide input (5) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 1.Development Review SPR-2023-2 1843 Danby Road "Danby Food and Drink" Parcel: 10.-1-49.2 Applicant: Olivia Vent Ancipated Board acon(s) this month: Preliminary Site Plan Review Zone: Hamlet Center Zone (Habitat Corridor Overlay) SEQR Type: Type II Proposal: Renovang an exisng ~950 square foot garage into a full service market/cafe Planner Hutnik provided an overview of the project and the objecve of the current meeng. He stated how the Planning Board had previously reviewed the project and that the only change to the site is that the parking lot in front of the building. There are two variances that will be needed and that will be heard next week at the Board of Zoning Appeals ("BZA"). Those variances will be in regards to building set backs and in regards to the parking. Aer the Applicants go to the BZA, the Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing and SEQR review in December. Today they will look at the new items that the Applicant has submied since they were last at the Planning Board. Planner Hutnik worked for a moment on the tech and then posted the site map on the large screen for all to see. He pointed out the relevant areas. The Applicant held up sample photos of landscaping -- fencing, grasses and various planngs -- that they have in mind and that will provide some screening.     Planner Hutnik posted another map, this one with more dimensions in it, that the Applicant recently submied. Maher and Bergman commented on how it looks good and the circle driveway makes sense. They noted signage would be used in order to clearly delineate where the tenant parking is. The Applicant pointed out where the sepc will be in response to an inquiry from Planner Hutnik. Planner Hutnik reminded the Planning Board that no decisions can be made unl the BZA makes their decisions. The idea tonight is for the Board to provide feedback before the December meeng. Planner Hutnik suggested, as he wrote in his memo, that it would be good to show the dimension from the edge of the pavement to the new parking area. He suggested it be a minimum of twenty feet, in order to ensure that someone pulling into the parking lot does not block any of the main road or the bike lane. They discussed variances between the different planes of the buildings as well how the start of the pavement begins at different places along the property and how that influenced measuring. Vent commented that they calculated using the white line and it came to 25 feet, which is similar to the 27 feet that Planner Hutnik came up with. They sought to understand the measurements and property lines shown on the survey more clearly. Planner Hutnik put the survey up on the screen and pointed out a "jog" or deviaon in the property line. Why it was shown like that was unclear to him, but he clarified that regardless, nothing is being measured from that; the set backs are measured from the top of the ditch edge. They discussed methods of measuring, and she said she can provide the needed measurements. Planner Hutnik recapped that the right now the measurements are showing to adequate distance for safety concerns. The parking lines up with other parking on the property and, he thinks, matches the intent to not have it too far in front of the buildings. They are sll seeking the variance though and they will see if the BZA agrees. Maher asked if they need any addional documents in order to get site plan approval at the next meeng. Planner Hutnik said no, not necessarily, but that the dimensions from the road previously discussed could be shown. They clarified from where the measurements can occur. Maher wondered if they needed to review signage. Planner Hutnik noted this area does not currently allow free-standing signs and one of his "zoning tweak" suggesons is to allow "hamlet scale" freestanding signage. They commented on the signs of other local businesses, and Planner Hutnik stated he believes the intenon of the policy might have been to prevent the Dollar General [Note: The Dollar General aempted to build in Danby but pulled out] from pung up their signs, which many dislike. He thinks there     are other ways we can allow signs that are funky without them being distasteful. The Applicant commented on the presence of other town and park related signs currently on the property already. Planner Hutnik thought they were addressing everything asked of them. He said for the next Planning Board meeng they should bring something on the suggested signage and they could send something updang the dimensions if they want. They discussed what to expect at the next Planning Board meeng. They considered the lighng situaon and how to illuminate the entrance and exits. Steve Cortright, the Town Code Officer, spoke to them already about some of this. They discussed who is responsible for street lights -- probably the Department of Transportaon thought Planner Hutnik. From Zoom, Crane commented that there are some very good low energy freestanding, even solar, lighng that may work, although perhaps they would be stolen. They wondered if solar would be feasible in this climate and Bergman added that many have baeries. Maher reminded the Applicants that whatever lighng they do decide to add, it must be dark sky compliant. The Applicant noted the current plan is for four outdoor lights around the building. The Applicants added that the color is currently yellow and they might add black trim to make it look like bee. Vanucchi commented on the plan for allong space for parking, and Planner Hutnik added it would be helpful to show the spots and their sizes more clearly. The Applicants reviewed the dimensions and locaons currently planned for the parking. Planner Hutnik commented it would be helpful to combine the two different maps with parking informaon so one of them had all the details on it. The Applicant collected some of the paperwork and they agreed on which map she would be updang for the next meeng. (5) APPROVAL OF MINUTES Because Bergman was now present and quorum was met, the Planning Board voted on the approval of the Oct 2023 minutes. MOTION: Approve the October 2023 meeng minutes Moved by Maher, seconded by Vanucchi The moon passed. In favor: Bergman, Maher, Vanucchi, Scriber (6) PLANNER REPORT (VERBAL) Planner Hutnik provided a verbal report: ●He is working on a few tweaks for the zoning ordinance which he will send to the Planning Board ●Larger topic amendments for the zoning ordinance will be considered in the New Year, probably alongside the review of the Comprehensive Plan. These documents     can be found online at the Town's website ●He met with someone about 1429 Danby Road (at Muzzy) regarding a potenal daycare center there. The potenal business owner already owns the Owl's Nest daycare. He and the Planning Board discussed this potenal plan and what would be required in order to make it happen. The business owner hopes to have a sketch plan review in December with a possible Public Hearing in January. The owner is seeking a grant from Cornell and Scriber wondered if the Planning Board could provide a leer of support with the grant applicaon. Planner Hutnik was unsure if that would be possible, since the Planning Board is the governing body responsible for approval. He thought maybe they could send the leer once the plan was approved. (7) ADJOURNMENT The meeng adjourned 7:48 p.m. Cindy Katz -- Recording Secretary