HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-04-18 Planning Board Minutes (Final) PRESENT: Ed Bergman Colleen Cowan Kelly Maher Jacob Colbert Jody Scriber (chair) ABSENT: Jamie Vanucchi (Planning Board member) Sco Davis (Planning Board member) David West (Town Planner) OTHER ATTENDEES: Recording Secretary Cindy Katz Public (in person)Jeremy Knout, Sanford Miller Public (virtual)Ted Crane, Rhonda Roaring, Katharine Hunter (Town Board member), Steve Edgar, Joel Gagnon (Town Supervisor) Leslie Conners (Town Board member) The meeng was conducted in person with virtual access on the Zoom plaorm The meeng was opened at 7:03 p.m. 1) CALL TO ORDER/AGENDA REVIEW There were no addions or deleons to the agenda at this me. It was later decided to add a discussion on the role of the Planning Board (PB) in the Short Term Rental discussion at the end of the meeng. 2) PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Ted Crane commented that the audio is echo-y. He also wondered if 229 E Miller - to be discussed tonight - had already gone to the BZA or not, as the staff said both. Mary Ann Barr 2021 The Town of Danby 1830 Danby Road Ithaca, NY 14850 danby.ny.gov Planning Board Agenda Tuesday 18 April 2023 at 7:00PM Joel Gagnon suggested that the PB might be interested in geng involved with the current discussion on short term rentals that the Board is having. PB member Sco Davis has previously expressed interest in such. Gagnon suggested a discussion at the end of the meeng to explore how the PB might want to be involved. The PB agreed. 3) APPROVAL OF MINUTES (Feb 2023) MOTION: Approve the February 2023 minutes. Moved by Maher, seconded by Colbert. The moon passed. In favor: Bergman, Cowan, Colbert, Maher, Scriber 4) TOWN BOARD LIAISON REPORT (VERBAL) Leslie Conners, liaison for the Town Board, provided an update: ● Supervisor Gagnon has signed the town up with Triple Cies Network Soluons for IT services so over the next week or month we’ll be geng things in order. ● We are receiving lots of feedback from the short term rental surveys which were mailed and are also available online at the Town's website. We hope people will fill it out and send it back. The idea is to look at the whole picture and come up with something that will migate any negave impacts from STRs. ●The Cannabis Public Hearing drew few comments and the amendment to the zoning law was passed. It allows for retail and consumpon businesses in commercial zones, Hamlet neighbor zone and Hamlet center zones, if they meet site plan requirements. ●Last is the dra of the Noise Law that has been posted and will be talked about at the next day’s TB meeng. This is also a hot topic with many comments being provided to the Town. Scriber wondered if an announcement regarding the Short Term Rental survey can be put in the cker at the Fire House for folks who did not read their newsleers or the website. Conners said that everyone got the survey also suggested the sign at Dotson park. 5) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW SUB-2023-01 229 E. Miller Rd Parcel: 7.-1-43.42 Applicant: Jeremy Knout Ancipated Board acon(s) this month: Public Hearing, SEQR; Review final pla for approval, Zone: Rural 2 SEQR Type: Unlisted Proposal: Applicant would like to subdivide their 82 acre lot into 3 pieces, one of which is smaller than allowed under current zoning. They have received a variance from the BZA. Scriber asked for an update from Applicant Jeremy Knout, who had been in touch with Planner West. Knout said that the preliminary survey was done but not set in stone yet. Scriber added that Planner West had informed her today that the county part was not completed yet and Knout added that he was not aware that the county needed to approve the subdivision. They confirmed that the BZA had given a variance already, and that, while final approval could not yet be given, the Public Hearing and the Short Environmental Assessment Form (SEAF) could be done. Steve Edgar, a neighbor on zoom asked to see the proposed cut. Miller said he would come over the Edgar's house the next morning, at 9am, to show him. Public Hearing The Public Hearing was opened at 7:20 p.m with a Moon from Maher and a second from Bergman. No one spoke. The public hearing was closed at 7:20p.m. Board Discussion Maher wondered if they needed to review a resource map before compleng SEQR? The board members did not know. Cowan asked if anything has changed since they last saw this applicaon and the variance was granted - the answer is no. although there had been a few condions (about child lots) that were given. Knout explained he sent that to the surveyor. Knout then wondered if there is anything else that needs to be done to move things along? The board was unsure and thought David could answer that. They agreed to do SEQR without giving the final approval. SEQR Chairperson Scriber read through the Part 2 of the SEAF Impact Assessment form, and the Board agreed that all the responses were "no." Scriber wondered if they could sign the document. The Board and recording secretary tried to remember if they had previously declared lead agency. [Secretary note: The Board did not previously declare lead agency] MOTION TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 3 of 2023: The proposed acon will not result in any significant adverse'/high environmental impacts. Moved by Maher, seconded by Cowan. The moon passed. In favor: Bergman, Cowan, Colbert, Maher, Scriber MOTION: Declare the Planning Board Lead Agency Moved by Bergman, seconded by Colbert. Moon passed. In favor: Bergman, Cowan, Colbert, Maher, Scriber The Board thought that was all they could do at this me and apologized that they have to wait unl next month to make it final. Knout asked if they needed to go to the county meeng or if there was anything else they could do. Bergman said he did not think so, but that he should talk to Planner West. Supervisor Gagnon added that the county can comment but not decide. If they have a recommendaon that the Board disagrees with, it requires a super majority. Knout and Miller le. 6) PLANNER REPORT Planner West was not present and there was no report. 7) SHORT TERM RENTAL (STR) DISCUSSION The people present tried to adjust the sound for beer quality on Zoom. Supervisor Gagnon spoke on how Board Member Davis had shown interest in exploring the role of the PB in the discussion on STR. He then provided a general update on what is currently allowed and what is not in Danby, explained the reasoning behind the recent survey to residents sent out by the Town Board, and asked the Planning Board if they are interested in being involved in this process. The PB reviewed a few scenarios that may be relevant to them. Supervisor Gagnon offered a few different routes for the PB to be involved. Chairperson Scriber suggested they review the survey results and then provide some feedback to the TB. Cowan brought up the recent presentaon sent out via email by Planner West prepared by the Board of Realtors and and they discussed the current trends in STR in Tompkins County. Some thought it was growing "new" trend and others cited stascs showing the supply/demand was cooling. Supervisor Gagnon pointed out that the TB's role in the data also needs to be considered and that there had not been a deadline set for the surveys. Cowan and Gagnon commented on the existence of a more detailed report from the county. Gagnon commented on the process that happened at Cayuga Heights and the Town of Ithaca, what was eventually passed, and what consideraons were made. Conners once again stated these conversaons are new and happening all over the place and that she hopes Danby will stay ahead of the ball. The PB agreed that they want to take a look at survey results and figure out from there next steps. 8) ADJOURNMENT The meeng was adjourned at 7:56 p.m.