HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-12-19 Planning Board Agenda  A Regular Meeng of the Town of Danby Planning Board will be held at 7PM on Tuesday, December 19, 2023 In-person & via video conference (Zoom)   hps://us06web.zoom.us/j/89338971114?pwd=8bRFyylpKF3aTgDmoIdsYs29disLrF.1  Meeng ID: 893 3897 1114 Passcode: 956288 Dial in: 646 931 3860 or 929 205 6099 For quesons on how to use Zoom or access the meeng, please contact Greg Hutnik, Planner, at 607-592-0417 or planner@danby.ny.gov AGENDA  1.Call to Order / Agenda Review: addions or deleons to agenda [note: new applicaons cannot be added to the agenda at the meeng as public noce has not occurred] 2.Privilege of the Floor  3.Approval of Minutes (November 2023) 4.Town Board Liaison Report (verbal) 5.Development Review SPR-2023-02 1843 Danby Road "Danby Food and Drink" Parcel: 10.-1-49.2 Applicant: Olivia Vent Ancipated Board acon(s) this month: Public Hearing, Consider Final Site Plan Approval Zone: SEQR Type: Type II Hamlet Center Zone (Habitat Corridor Overlay) Proposal: Renovang an exisng ~950 square foot garage into a full service market/cafe SPR-2023-03 1429 Danby Road "Owl's Nest Infant Care Daycare Center" Parcel: Applicant: Lindsey Judd 2.-1-37 Ancipated Board acon(s) this month: Sketch Plan Review Zone: Commercial B SEQR Type: Type II Proposal: To operate a daycare center in an exisng building. 6.Ag District #2 - request from property owner to remain in district 7.Planner Report (verbal)    Mary Ann Barr 2021  The Town of Danby  1830 Danby Road  Ithaca, NY 14850  danby.ny.gov  Planning Board Agenda Tuesday 19 December 2023 at 7:00PM   8.Adjournment  All agenda items are for consideration and are not final until voted on by the Board.  As a Planning Board, we want to know what residents have to say. The time set aside for this is at the  beginning of the meeting during 'Privilege of the Floor.' Once the meeting moves past Privilege of the Floor, we  are still interested in what you have to say, but please be aware that your comments or questions during this  part of the meeting can be entertained only if time permits. Please wait to be recognized by the Chair before  speaking. If you wish to comment or ask a question during the regular part of our meeting, we ask that your  comments pertain to the subject at hand, and again we insist that they be civil and respectful.  Materials for this meeng are available on the Town calendar:  hps://danby.ny.gov/event/ Past meeng materials are available above and at:  hps://lfweb.tompkins-co.org/WebLink/Browse.aspx?id=2224&dbid=3&repo=Danby&cr=1