HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-07-18 Planning Board Agenda A Regular Meeng of the Town of Danby Planning Board will be held at 7PM on Tuesday, July 18, 2022 Via video conference (Zoom) hps://zoom.us/j/95808175336?pwd=aE9sODBUQ3hOeXNDUlYzdWJBcGx4QT09 Meeng ID: 958 0817 5336 Password: 245871 Dial in: 1-646-876-9923 or 1-312-626-6799 For quesons on how to use Zoom or access the meeng, please contact David West, Planner, at 607-592-0417 or planner@danby.ny.gov AGENDA 1.Call to Order / Agenda Review: addions or deleons to agenda [note: new applicaons cannot be added to the agenda at the meeng as public noce has not occurred] 2.Privilege of the Floor 3.Approval of Minutes (May 2023) 4.Town Board Liaison Report (verbal) 5.Development Review SPR-2023-1 520 W King Road Parcel: 1.-1-3.35 Applicant: Nathaniel Greenspun Ancipated Board acon(s) this month: Public Hearing, applicaon review, possible preliminary or final approval Zone: LDR SEQR Type: Type 2 Proposal: Applicant proposes an addional structure containing a home occupaon (carpentry) and a second dwelling unit on the lot. Both are uses allowed by site plan review in this zone. SUB 2023-02 Nelson Road Parcel: 7.-1-40.32 Applicant: Brandon Augusne Ancipated Board acon(s) this month: Applicaon review, Public Hearing, SEQR, possible preliminary or final approval. Zone: Rural 2 SEQR Type: Unlisted Proposal: Applicant proposes a cluster subdivision creang one new house lot. Proposed house would meet the required 300 buffer from exisng adjacent homes. SUP 2023-01 2288 Danby Road Parcel: 20.-1-1.6 Applicant: Solar Power Mary Ann Barr 2021 The Town of Danby 1830 Danby Road Ithaca, NY 14850 danby.ny.gov Planning Board Agenda Tuesday 18 July 2022 at 7:00PM Network LLC Ancipated Board acon(s) this month: Sketch Plan Review, Informal public feedback, possibly schedule public hearing, feedback to applicant on addional info needed for SEQR. Zone: Rural 1 SEQR Type: Type 1 Proposal: Applicant proposes major subdivision (4 lots) for mulple adjacent community solar projects totaling about 20MW. SUB 2023-03 548 Troy Road Parcel: 4.-1-41 Applicant: John Augusne Ancipated Board acon(s) this month: Sketch review Zone: Rural 2 SEQR Type: Unlisted Proposal: Applicant proposes a cluster subdivision creang one 6.5acre lot around exisng house to sell while retaining remaining land 35.6 acres. This subdivision previously received a variance for frontage and was approved by the Planning Board under the old zoning with Sue Beeners. Unfortunately it was not correctly filed with the county and became void aer 1 year. 6.Planner Report (verbal) 7.Adjournment All agenda items are for consideration and are not final until voted on by the Board. As a Planning Board, we want to know what residents have to say. The time set aside for this is at the  beginning of the meeting during 'Privilege of the Floor.' Once the meeting moves past Privilege of the Floor, we  are still interested in what you have to say, but please be aware that your comments or questions during this  part of the meeting can be entertained only if time permits. Please wait to be recognized by the Chair before  speaking. If you wish to comment or ask a question during the regular part of our meeting, we ask that your  comments pertain to the subject at hand, and again we insist that they be civil and respectful. Materials for this meeng are available on the Town calendar: hps://danby.ny.gov/event/ Past meeng materials are available above and at: hps://lfweb.tompkins-co.org/WebLink/Browse.aspx?id=2224&dbid=3&repo=Danby&cr=1