HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-06-23 Town Board MinutesTown of Danby Town BoardRegular Second Monthly Board MeetingWednesday 23 June 2021 at 7:00 PMvia Zoom Video Conferencinghttps://zoom.us/j/97107232988?pwd=bHBJY3p5M2toYlFSZWpwbmtLaStkQT09
Meeting MinutesRoll Call :Town Board Joel Gagnon, SupervisorLeslie ConnorsJim HolahanSarah SchnabelMatt UlinskiTown Planner David WestTown Code Enforcement Officer Steve CortrightTown Bookkeeper Laura ShawleyRecording Secretary Janice R. Adelman, Town Clerk
Guest Presenters:Chip Nolan, M&T BankZach Lind, Danby Rep to TCCOG Broadband Committee
1.Call to Order at 19:01 by Town Supervisor Gagnon1.1. Additions/Deletions to Agenda1.1.1. Authorize Computer Purchases Clerk and Code1.1.2.Final Budget Transfers 2020 (https://onlyo.co/2UnIfk0)1.1.3. Financial Update General (https://onlyo.co/3h2gJQG) &Highway(https://onlyo.co/2UxKrpl) Funds1.1.4.Fund Transfer to Water District (https://onlyo.co/3j7sfwX)1.1.5. Schedule Public Hearing Napierski Moratorium Waiver Request(https://onlyo.co/3zVoLDB)2. Privilege of the Floor — none.3.Correspondence — none.4.Presentations4.1. M&T Bank Rep Chip Nolan on House at 2687 Danby Road4.1.1. M&T services a mortgage for the property held by State of New York MortgageAgency (“SONYMA”) which is currently in default; foreclosure proceedings havenot yet begun.4.1.2. Past practice is to run a financial analysis to determine feasibility of foreclosureand releasing the lien. M&T works with SONYMA so as not to leave abandonedproperties for the communities to deal with.4.1.2. Several potential options were suggested by Chip Nolan:—M&T/SONYMA forecloses on the mortgage and attempts to sell the propertyas-is
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—M&T/SONYMA forecloses on the property, coordinates and completesdemolition, then sells or donates the vacant land—M&T works with the Town to coordinate having the property demolished,then M&T/SONYMA proceeds to foreclose on the mortgage on the land—The Town demolishes the property and M&T/SONYMA releases the mortgagelien—M&T/SONYMA cease to pay taxes, allowing the Town or County to complete atax foreclosure and handling the property as appropriate—The Town agrees to allow M&T/SONYMA to release its mortgage lien—Connecting with a local organization such as Habitat for Humanity or otherneighborhood housing group4.1.3. Planner West was previously the Housing Planner at Tompkins County and hasmany connections that he can put in touch with Chip Nolan.4.1.4. The entity that covers the demolition costs depends on the situation. This tendsto be at least a 2-year process; at the mercy of the court, particularly with thebacklog of foreclosures prior to COVID.4.1.5. Town Board Feedback— Board members were interested in discussing options with INHS or Habitat— The first step should be talking to INHS— Councilperson Ulinski proposed allowing Planner West to continue thisdiscussion with M&T while also reaching out to local non-profits and haveWest move us in the right direction.—The Board thanked Chip Nolan for attending the meeting and for M&T’sproactive conduct.5.Reports5.1. Zach Lind on TCCOG Broadband Committee5.1.1. County contracted with Fujitsu to do the county-wide broadband study in whichthey look at all of the data they can get their hands on to determine where theremay be dead zones in the county. Here are current take-aways:—Fujitsu determined there are 821 “under-served households“. The method forgetting to this number included looking at publicly available data and cross-referencing it with any other data they were able to get. Lind noted that thisnumber is inaccurate.—Fujitsu identified these trouble areas in the county: South Danby; Newfield(with the largest areas that are under-served); rural parts of Dryden; someparts of Caroline.—Fujitsu is going to go back to the County (not the TCCOG BroadbandCommittee) with technical infrastructure plans including types of cables torun, locations, and cost. The County will get a general cost build out analysisand a recommendation of what should happen, but as a Township we won’tget anything that specific.—Looking at two-phase build-out:
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Phase 1: connecting to larger under served areas with fiber cables. This isproblematic particularly with how to run the last mile service as well as thediscrepancy between what the map says is under-served and what it’sactually like walking the ground.Phase 2: ???5.1.2. Lind offered two main concerns: The 821 under-served households figure is too low; Lind noted thatthere is a difference between having access to high-speed broadband andhaving it actually work. Lind noted that the committee doesn’t have any authority or sway inthis process; the committee does not provide any input along the way. Lindcan only bring conversation points back but that’s about it.5.1.3. What can the TB provide to Lind to make the group as effective as possible or totake it to the next step? Lind offered that unless TC has a line on a lot of money to lay the fiber,he is not optimistic about it. The Dryden model makes a lot of sense from abusiness perspective; but the build out to get to that last mile—which is theultimate goal—practically speaking, it is not an efficient process when yououtfit people who already have access and move to the rural locations after.It would be more effective to see the people who aren’t connected getconnected first, and then get others upgraded. Councilperson Ulinski stated his support of Lind’s participation on thecommittee and agreed that the most important thing at this point is to figureout how to get people who aren’t connected connected because it is whatconsistently gets passed over.5.2. Jim Holahan on Clean Heating and Cooling Campaign5.2.1. Campaign and presentation scheduled for July 13 via Zoom with Lisa Marshall; alink is on the Town Calendar. Emily Bell will also talk about weatherization.5.2.2. Other activities are in the works with tabling and distributing fliers. Outreachwill involve social media and connecting with other organizations to help spreadthe word.People can also visit the website heatsmarttompkins.org/danby;as thecampaign gets under way more will be added there.5.2.4. NYSERDA has approved the Town to get started on the campaign to receivepoints for funding opportunities.6.Fund Transfer to Water DistrictResolution 104 of 2021 To Appropriate Funds from the Fund Balance of the West DanbyWater District For Line Repair
Moved By:Schnabel Seconded By:Ulinski
WHEREAS,the West Danby Water District has budgeted money each year to put into thefund balance in the event that there are unexpected water line repairs.
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RESOLVED,the Town of Danby Town Board authorizes a budget increase from the fundbalance to the SW8340.400, Transfer and Distribution, Contractual account, in the amountof $7,460.00 to cover the recent repair to water lines in the district
Vote:Councilperson Aye No Absent
Connors X
Holahan X
Schnabel X
Ulinski X
Gagnon XResolution 104 approved7.Clerk’s Contractual Line 1410.47.1. The clerk’s contractual line had $300 assigned to it that should not have been. Lastmonth was -$14 but this month is $77.7.2. Shawley and Adelman will get together before the next meeting to discuss theexpenditures and credit card purchases.7.3. We can approved these warrants this month, but will need to revisit next month.8.Consent Agenda8.1. Warrants8.1.1.General No 11 Vouchers 194 –210 for $27,824.14 (https://onlyo.co/3xIGBrJ)8.1.2.Highway No 11 Vouchers 139 –148 for $19,796.28 (https://onlyo.co/3j7PeIo)8.1.3.Water District No 11 Vouchers 19 –21 for $7,626.48 (https://onlyo.co/2U1GHvK)
Resolution 105 of 2021 To Approve Consent Agenda
Moved By:Connors Seconded By:Holahan
Vote:Councilperson Aye No Absent
Connors X
Holahan X
Schnabel X
Ulinski X
Gagnon XResolution 105 approved
9.Old Business9.1. Highway Audit - energy efficiency grant — Tabled until next meeting9.2. Building Policy As COVID Pandemic Subsides in Tompkins County
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9.2.1. Discussion on this was not straightforward. There was talk of followingTompkins County’s procedures as well as erring on the side of caution and honoringthe comfort level of the employees who will be present in the building on a day-to-day basis.9.2.2. Confusion also arose from the Open Meetings Law requirement and whether ahybrid meeting set-up going forward would require allowing Board members tozoom in from locations in which the public could also attend. The countydescription did not mention this detail.9.2.3. Clerk Adelman noted that the Library volunteers expressed concern that theycannot adequately serve patrons with the limited hours that are currently availableto them. This led to the question of what it means that Town Hall is open to thepublic. Is a particular person responsible for the entirety of Town Hall when it isopen? Are the open hours regular business hours? The consensus was that it wouldbe up to the employees, in particular the Clerk, as to what open hours might looklike. Also noted was the forthcoming Workplace Violence Report with its associatedrecommendations that may influence what open hours look like.
Resolution 106 of 2021 To Adopt Tompkins County Rules for Re-Opening the Town Hallas of July 1, 2021 While Putting a Danby Policy in Place With the Caveat thatGuidance From Any Higher Level Agency Requesting More Stringent Processes BeEnacted Without Needing Board Approval
Moved By:Ulinski Seconded By:Holahan
Discussion:—Councilperson Schnabel is still risk-averse and hesitant. But the Executive Ordersuspending the Open Meetings Law (and in-person public meetings) will expire July 5.The Board noted that we all need to think about how we feel comfortable movingforward in uncharted territory.Vote:Councilperson Aye No Absent
Connors X
Holahan X
Schnabel X
Ulinski X
Gagnon XResolution 106 approved
9.3. Schedule Public Hearing Van De Bogart Waiver RequestResolution 107 of 2021 To Schedule Public Hearing on Van De Bogart Moratorium Waiverto be Held at the Next Town Board Meeting on July 12 at 7pm.
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Moved By:Schnabel Seconded By:Connors
Vote:Councilperson Aye No Absent
Connors X
Holahan X
Schnabel X
Ulinski X
Gagnon XResolution 107 approved
9.4.Authorize Computer Purchases Clerk and Code9.4.1. There is a need to make these purchases but an uncertainty as to where tomove the money from.9.4.2. Bookkeeper Shawley walked through various scenarios in which the moneycould be transferred with the expectation that additional income is added backto the funds as has been the case in previous years.Resolution 108 of 2021 To Transfer $3000 from Contingency Fund to the IT Line to AllowPurchase of Two Employee Computers Up To $5000.
Moved By:Schnabel Seconded By:Gagnon
Vote:Councilperson Aye No Absent
Connors X
Holahan X
Schnabel X
Ulinski X
Gagnon XResolution 108 approved
10.New Business10.1. Schedule Public Hearing Napierski Moratorium Waiver Request10.1.1. An application to subdivide was started under previous Planner Haremza;Napierski subsequently suffered two separate medical complications preventingher from continuing the application.Resolution 109 of 2021 To Schedule Public Hearing on Napierski Moratorium Waiver tobe Held at the Next Town Board Meeting on July 12 at 7pm..
Moved By:Ulinski Seconded By:Holahan
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Vote:Councilperson Aye No Absent
Connors X
Holahan X
Schnabel X
Ulinski X
Gagnon XResolution 109 approved
10.2. Final Budget Transfers 202010.2.1. Bookkeeper Shawley completed the annual report and submitted it to theState.10.2.2. The last bit is to move money from one line to another to cover any negativebalances in any line items.Resolution 110 of 2021 To Approve the Final Budget Transfers For the Year EndingDecember 31, 2020.
Moved By:Schnabel Seconded By:Gagnon
RESOLVED that the Town Board approves the following budget transfers for the year endingDecember 31, 2020.
From Line Description To Line Description Amount
A1010.400 Town Board Contractual A1010.100 Town Board Salaries $ 0.40
A1220.113 PT Account AssistantSalaries A1220.110 Bookkeeper Salaries $ 12.00
A1220.400 Supervisor Contractual A1220.120 Assistant to Supervisor $ 0.06
A1410.110 Deputy Town Clerk Salaries A1410.100A1410.400A1420.400
Town Clerk SalariesTown Clerk ContractualAttorney Fees
$ 1,376.61$ 553.44$ 2,134.42
A1410.480 Legal Ads A1410.400 Town Clerk Contractual $ 306.24
A1990.400 Contingent Account A1910.400 Unallocated Insurance $ 444.90
A5010.400 Highway SuperintendentContractual A3310.400 Traffic Control $ 1,134.99
A7150.100 Lifeguards A9060.800 Health Insurance $ 2,532.08
A7620.400 Senior Citizens A9060.800 Health Insurance $ 5,000.00
A8010.130 Code Enforcement Salary A8010.110 Planner Salary $ 2,287.02
A8010.140 Zoning, General Support A8010.110 Planner Salary $ 111.51
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From Line Description To Line Description Amount
A8010.200 Zoning Equipment A8010.110 Planner Salary $ 500.00
A8010.400 Zoning Contingency A8010.110 Planner Salary $ 2,235.14
A8020.120 Planning Personal Services A8010.110 Planner Salary $ 1,500.00
A8020.400 Planning Contingency A8010.110A8020.100 Planner SalaryPlanning Personal Service $ 129.53$ 649.91
A9030.800 Social Security A9060.800 Health Insurance $ 2,796.92
From Line Description To Line Description Amount
DA5110.400 General Repairs–Contractual DA5110.100 General Repairs–Salaries $ 3,055.30
DA5142.100 Snow Removal–Salaries DA5110.100 General Repairs–Salaries $ 4,716.84
DA5130.400 Equipment–Contractual DA5142.400 Snow Removal–Contractual $ 10,879.54
From Line Description To Line Description Amount
SW8320.400 Power & Pump; Contr.SW8310.100SW8310.400 Water Admin–SalariesWater Admin–Contr.$ .20$ 538.96
Vote:Councilperson Aye No Absent
Connors X
Holahan X
Schnabel X
Ulinski X
Gagnon XResolution 110 approved
10.3. Financial Update General & Highway Funds10.3.1. Detailed reports are available from Bookkeeper Shawley10.3.2. General Fund Summary (not including amounts held in reserve)Total Revenue $ 1,072,629Total Expenditures ($ 1,029,002)Amount Added to Fund Balance $ 43,627Total Fund Balance on 12/31/2020 $ 489,439
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10.3.3. Highway Fund (not including amounts held in reserve)Total Revenue $ 1,510,167Total Expenditures ($ 1,476,752)Amount Added to Fund Balance $ 33,415Total Fund Balance on 12/31/2020 $ 414,717
10.3.4. Water Fund (not including amounts held in reserve)Total Revenue $ 83,445Total Expenditures ($ 36,940)Amount Added to Fund Balance $ 45,505Total Fund Balance on 12/31/2020 $ 371,856
10.4. Initiation of budget process10.4.1. Supervisor Gagnon stated that a Capital Projects wish list should be the firststep to give a sense of what to address over time which will enable the townto prioritize items as well as to be informed about what are our upcomingneeds.10.4.2. Shawley recommends a three-phase process: Capital projection wish lists from both Highway and Town Hall aswell as departmental feedback for their expectations. Reviewing all line items to bring any repeated fluctuating lines to amore stable place. Using the results from (1) and (2) to inform Shawley and Gagnonmoving forward to consider assessments, tax caps, and tax rates.10.4.3. Getting this ball rolling will require budget workshops to start happening inJuly; consensus appeared to favor adding a separate meeting after theMoratorium update meetings on the third Monday of each month. TheMoratorium and Budget Workshop meetings will be separate events, back-to-back at 7pm and 8pm, respectively, with separate agendas.
Resolution 111 of 2021 To Schedule Budget Workshop meetings starting in July on the3rd Monday of the Month at 8pm (following the Moratorium meetings).
Moved By:Connors Seconded By:Holahan
Vote:Councilperson Aye No Absent
Connors X
Holahan X
Schnabel X
Ulinski X
Gagnon X
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Resolution 111 approved11. Discussion of Next Meeting Agenda11.1. Highway Energy Audit11.2. Public Hearings11.3. Workplace Violence Update?12. Adjourn at 21:23
_________________________________________Submitted by Janice R. AdelmanTown Clerk