HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-05-17 Town Board MinutesTown of Danby Town BoardBoard Meeting for Zoning UpdateMonday 17 May 2021 at 7:00 PMvia Zoom Video Conferencinghttps://zoom.us/j/97940550763?pwd=V25xOUwrZ3Q3eWtiVjFVaFE2V1M1UT09 Meeting MinutesRoll Call :Town Board Joel Gagnon, SupervisorLeslie ConnorsMatt UlinskiTown Planner David WestRecording Secretary Janice R. Adelman, Town Clerk 1. Call to Order at 19:15 by Supervisor Gagnon1.1. The meeting began without Board quorum, as only Gagnon and Connors were present.1.2. Councilperson Ulinski arrived at 19:19.2.Additions/Deletions to the Agenda3.Privilege of the Floor3.1. Resident Ted Crane passed on a Thank You to Code Enforcement Officer Steve Cortrightinvestigating a report of potential logging.3.2. The plant exchange had a record number of attendance this year.4.Update on where we stand from Planner West4.1. May and June are the designated months for working out the details of the various zones4.2. In the most recent meetings, the Hamlet group has reviewed full draft of map and zoneparameters see Item 5 below.5.Review of Draft Map and Draft Zone Parameters - Note: these are very early drafts and willlikely change significantly. See Exhibits A and B.5.1. Each meeting reviews the zoning map and modifies it.6.Feedback to the working groups from the TB6.1. Connors noted that a lot of thought has gone into the map; she likes the direction inwhich this process is going.6.2. Ulinksi also stated being happy with where we are in the process.6.4. Gagnon mentioned that one thing that might need to be part of the mix is agriculturalzones.— Alyssa de Villiers and Betsy Keokosky convened an agricultural working group wherethey raised the question of whether protecting the land resource is an important part ofsupporting agriculture? The value added piece for agriculture to be viable was alsodiscussed including the processing facilities that make it possible for people who areinterested in agriculture to site those processing facilities somewhere in Danby as part ofthe equation. This could potentially be connected to agricultural zoning.7.Adjourn at 20:09 _________________________________________Submitted by Janice R. AdelmanTown Clerk Town of Danby Zoning Review Update Meeting 17 May 2021 Page 2 of 10 Exhibit A Town of Danby Zoning Review Update Meeting 17 May 2021 Page 3 of 10 Exhibit B. DRAFT Hamlet Center Zoning Proposal for Town of Danby This is an initial proposal for discussion – I expect significant changes before moving towardadoption. § x Hamlet Center Zone – The Hamlet Center Zone is intended to allow the incremental infilland extension of the Hamlet Core as a walkable, mixed-use, neighborhood where localbusiness is supported and new development creates a sense of community. § x Lot Size – There will be no minimum lot size in the Hamlet Center Zone except that allsubdivisions must have a plan approved by the Tompkins County Health Department for theprovision of water and waste-water. § 212-77 Permitted uses. In the HC—Hamlet Center, no building or structure shall be erected, altered or extended, and no land orbuilding thereof shall be used for any purpose or purposes other than the following: A. 1-4 unit residence and customary accessory structures. B. Retail use, provided the establishment does not exceed 2,000 gross square feet in floor area, with theexception of basement storage areas, and provided that there is no drive-through window and designguidelines are followed. § 212-78 Permitted accessory uses. Such necessary uses as are customarily incidental to the above uses: A. Accessory building for business. B. Bed-and-breakfast establishments. C. Family child care. D. Family adult care. E. Home occupations. F. Off-street loading areas. G. Professional offices, where such office is part of the residence property and no more than fivepersons not residing on the premises are employed. J. Vehicle parking. Parking is not permitted between the facade of a primary building and the street; allparking must be located to the side or preferably behind primary buildings. § 212-79 Uses permitted by site plan approval. Town of Danby Zoning Review Update Meeting 17 May 2021 Page 4 of 10 The following uses are allowed upon approval of a site plan by the Planning Board subject to adopteddesign guidelines. A. Adult care centers. B. Adult group care. C. Banks and other financial institutions, provided that there is no drive-through window. D. Child-care centers, group child care. E. Churches, mosques, synagogues, temples and other places of worship, convents, rectories, parishhouses. F. Clinics. G. Community centers. H. Fire stations and other public buildings necessary for the protection or servicing of a neighborhood. I. Clubhouse, hall, post, temple and other facilities associated with the activities of social organizations,except that the on-premises sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. J. Funeral homes. K. Gasoline and other retail vehicle fuel sales, subject to design guidelines and subject to therequirement that no gasoline or other retail vehicle fuel sales business locate within 1 mile of anyexisting gasoline or other retail vehicle fuel sales business. L. Inn. M. Libraries, museums. N. Life-care facilities. O. Multiple-family Residential 5+ units P. Outdoor dining facilities, excluding any permanent structures within any required setback areas. Q. Places of amusement, such as theatres, including bowling alleys, game arcades, and skating rinks. R. Professional offices. S. Public and private schools, nursery schools and institutions of higher education. T. Public and private community parks and preserves. U. Residential care/assisted living/rehabilitation facilities. V. Restaurants, bars and other places for serving food and beverages, and provided that there is nodrive-through window. Town of Danby Zoning Review Update Meeting 17 May 2021 Page 5 of 10 W. Repair Shop, Personal services, provided the establishment does not exceed 6,000 gross square feetin floor area, with the exception of basement storage areas X. Retail use, provided the establishment does not exceed 6,000 gross square feet in floor area, with theexception of basement storage areas, and provided that there is no drive-through window. § x Setbacks – Front Yard – Minimum 10ft and 20ft Maximum measured from top of roadside ditch or the roadedge in cases where there is not a ditch. Front yards may be deeper to accommodate amenitiesthat improve the hamlet (including courtyards, gardens, greens, plazas, but not includingparking lots or un-programed lawn) with the approval of the Planning Board. The PlanningBoard should consider the impact on the form of the Hamlet and the need for a stronger streetwall in creating a strong public realm in review of deeper front yard setbacks. Side Yard – 10ft minimum. The Planning Board may grant a waiver for reduced setbacks wherethere is a mutual access easement agreement between neighboring parcels or in the case ofparty wall development including attached and semi-detached residential and commercialbuildings. Rear Yard – 30ft minimum § x Multiple Primary Uses and Buildings Lots in the Hamlet Center Zone are allowed to have multiple buildings with a mix of allowed primaryuses. § x Form requirements. A. All primary buildings must include a primary entrance facing the street unless the planning boardgrants special permission for entrances facing a publicly accessible green-space, plaza, pedestrianpathway (conventional parking lots will not be considered as an alternative) Primary entrances must be architecturally detailed incorporating a porch, stoop, or lightwell for single-family homes and porch, stoop, lightwell, canopy, awning or marquis entries for all other primarybuildings. B. New buildings and any new lots should be designed so that buildings fill a minimum of 60% of the lotwidth in the Hamlet Center. C. Buildings including commercial uses must include transparent windows with a view to the buildinginterior covering least 50% of any street facing facade area between 3 feet and 8 feet above grade. D. New multi-family residential and non-residential buildings on lots larger than 10,000 square feet mustinclude at least one entry facing the street for every 60 feet of frontage. In the event that this is notpossible due to lot size relative to building size, the site design should include the possibility of futureinfill consistent with this standard. E. New buildings must include either peaked roofs, architectural brackets supporting a flat roof or anarchitectural cornice facing the street. F. New buildings may not have blank walls longer than 30 feet facing any street between 3 feet and 8feet above grade. Town of Danby Zoning Review Update Meeting 17 May 2021 Page 6 of 10 G. Buildings on corner lots must be sited as close to the corner as possible. § x Landscaping requirements. A. All new buildings or renovations of over 50% of the building value must have an average of 1 frontyard tree for every 30ft of road frontage. Trees installed to meet this requirement must be at least 3”DBH at time of installation and must be maintained in good health. Planting is exempt when existingabove or below grade utilities prevent planting of street trees, or if the existing design of the streetwill not accommodate street tree planting B. Any tree of 8” DBH or more that is removed must be replaced with 2 trees with a 2” or greater DBH,replacement trees can be installed on site or on publicly owned or accessible park land in a locationapproved by the Planning Board. C. If there are fewer than 8 required trees, they may all be the same species. If there are between 8 and24 required trees, no more than 40 percent can be of one species. If there are more than 24 requiredtrees, no more than 24 percent can be of one species. D. To the maximum extent possible, stormwater treatment should include LID practices and shouldhighlight the movement of water on the site, retention and infiltration, and § x Signs in the HC District.In the HC—Hamlet Center Zone the following signs are permitted: A. Any sign required by law;B. Official signs required by a governmental agency or utility, provided such sign does not exceed 24square feet in area;C. A maximum of one under-awning sign of 4 (four) square feet is permitted per establishment with aground-floor main entrance. An under-awning sign must be securely fixed to the underside of theawning with metal attachments, may not project beyond the awning, and may not be illuminated.D. A maximum of one porch sign is permitted per establishment per right-of-way frontage, and islimited to 8 (eight) square feet in sign area.E. A maximum of one wall sign is permitted per establishment per right-of-way frontage, and is limitedto 80% of the facade width and projection from wall is limited to 2 (two) feet.a.No wall sign may extend above the window sills of the second story, unless the establishmentextends to the second story or above. No portion of a wall sign may extend above the roofline orparapet wall, or, in the case of a wall sign attached to an appurtenance, the highest point of theappurtenance.F. Window signs that cover less than 10% of the window area. DRAFT Hamlet Neighborhood Zoning Proposal for Town of Danby This is an initial proposal for discussion – I expect significant changes before moving towardadoption. § x Hamlet Neighborhood Zone – The Hamlet Neighborhood Zone is intended to allow thedevelopment of a predominantly residential neighborhood adjacent to the Hamlet Core. TheHamlet Neighborhood Zone encourages a mix of housing types and lot sizes with the goal ofbuilding out a neighborhood where people of all ages can safely walk and where there arehousing options for all incomes and household types. Town of Danby Zoning Review Update Meeting 17 May 2021 Page 7 of 10 § x Lot Size – There will be no minimum lot size in the Hamlet Neighborhood Zone except that allsubdivisions must have a plan approved by the Tompkins County Health Department for theprovision of water and waste-water. Lots are encouraged to be as small as possible to efficientlyuse limited land in the Hamlet. § Permitted uses. In the HN—Hamlet Neighborhood, no building or structure shall be erected, altered or extended, and noland or building thereon shall be used for any purpose or purposes other than the following: A. 1-4 unit residence and customary accessory structures. § Permitted accessory uses. Such necessary uses as are customarily incidental to the above uses: A. Accessory building for business. B. Bed-and-breakfast establishments. C. Family child care. D. Family adult care. E. Home occupations. G. Professional offices, where such office is part of the residence property and no more than fivepersons not residing on the premises are employed. J. Vehicle parking. Parking is not permitted between the facade of a primary building and the street; allparking must be located to the side or preferably behind primary buildings. For parcels with multipleprimary buildings parking lots should be on the interior of the lot and should be buffered from the streetby street facing buildings. § Uses permitted by site plan approval. The following uses are allowed upon approval of a site plan by the Planning Board subject to adopteddesign guidelines. A. Child-care centers, group child care. B. Community centers. C. Fire stations and other public buildings necessary for the protection or servicing of a neighborhood. D. Libraries, museums. E. Multiple-family Residential 5+ units F. Public and private schools, nursery schools and institutions of higher education. G. Public and privately owned but publicly accessible community parks and preserves. Town of Danby Zoning Review Update Meeting 17 May 2021 Page 8 of 10 H. Residential care/assisted living/rehabilitation facilities. § Uses permitted by site plan approval on corner lots only. A. Churches, mosques, synagogues, temples and other places of worship, convents, rectories, parishhouses. B. Restaurants, bars and other places for serving food and beverages, and provided that there is nodrive-through window. C. Repair Shop, Personal services, provided the establishment does not exceed 3,000 gross square feetin floor area, with the exception of basement storage areas D. Retail use, provided the establishment does not exceed 3,000 gross square feet in floor area, withthe exception of basement storage areas, and provided that there is no drive-through window. § x Setbacks – Front Yard – Minimum 10ft and 20ft Maximum measured from top of roadside ditch or the roadedge in cases where there is not a ditch. Front yards may be deeper to accommodate amenitiesthat improve the hamlet (including courtyards, gardens, greens, plazas, but not includingparking lots or un-programed lawn) with the approval of the Planning Board. The PlanningBoard should consider the impact on the form of the Hamlet and the need for a stronger streetwall in creating a strong public realm in review of deeper front yard setbacks. Side Yard – 10ft minimum. The Planning Board may grant a waiver for reduced setbacks wherethere is a mutual access easement agreement between neighboring parcels or in the case ofparty wall development including attached and semi-detached residential and commercialbuildings. Rear Yard – 60ft minimum § x Multiple Primary Uses and Buildings Lots in the Hamlet Neighborhood Zone are allowed to have multiple buildings with a mix of allowedprimary uses. § x Form requirements. A. All primary buildings must include a primary entrance facing the street unless the planning boardgrants special permission for entrances facing a publicly accessible green-space, plaza, pedestrianpathway (conventional parking lots will not be considered as an alternative). Generally, lots withmultiple primary buildings should have buildings along the street provide a street facing entry whileother buildings may face interior lot features as described above. Primary entrances must be architecturally detailed incorporating a porch, stoop, or lightwell for single-family homes and porch, stoop, lightwell, canopy, awning or marquis entries for all other primarybuildings. B. New buildings and any new lots should be designed so that buildings fill a minimum of 40% of the lotwidth in the Hamlet Neighborhood. Town of Danby Zoning Review Update Meeting 17 May 2021 Page 9 of 10 C. Buildings including commercial uses must include transparent windows with a view to the buildinginterior covering least 50% of any street facing facade area between 3 feet and 8 feet above grade. D. New multi-family residential and non-residential buildings on lots larger than 10,000 square feet mustinclude at least one entry facing the street for every 60 feet of frontage. In the event that this is notpossible due to lot size relative to building size, the site design should include the possibility of futureinfill consistent with this standard. E. New buildings must include either peaked roofs of at least 8/12 pitch, architectural brackets at leastevery 4’ supporting a roof of less than 8/12 pitch, or an architectural cornice facing the street. F. New buildings may not have blank walls longer than 30 feet facing any street between 3 feet and 8feet above grade. G. Buildings on corner lots must be sited as close to the corner as possible. § x Architecture requirements. All new buildings over 1500sqft in the Hamlet Neighborhood Zone (including residential buildings) mustcomply with the Building Design section of the Town of Danby Commercial Design Guidelines. There isno architectural design review for buildings less than 1500sqft, however the Town Planner is availablefor consultation on design that will be a long-term asset to the neighborhood. Architectural review withthe Town Planner will entitle applicants to preferential placement on Planning Board agendas. § x Landscaping requirements. A.All new buildings, or renovations of over 50% of the building value, must have an average of 1 frontyard tree for every 30ft of road frontage. Trees installed to meet this requirement must be at least 3”DBH at time of installation and must be maintained in good health. Planting is exempt when existingabove or below grade utilities prevent planting of street trees, or if the existing design of the streetwill not accommodate street tree planting B.Any tree of 8” DBH or more that is removed must be replaced with 2 trees with a 2” or greater DBH,replacement trees can be installed on site or on publicly owned or accessible park land in a locationapproved by the Planning Board. C.If there are fewer than 8 required trees, they may all be the same species. If there are between 8 and24 required trees, no more than 40 percent can be of one species. If there are more than 24 requiredtrees, no more than 24 percent can be of one species. D.To the maximum extent possible, stormwater treatment should include LID practices and shouldhighlight the movement of water on the site, retention and infiltration. E.In new developments of 10 or more residential units installation and maintenance of trees in the rearyard is required with the same frequency as trees required in the front yard. § x Signs in the HC District.In the HC—Hamlet Center Zone the following signs are permitted: G. Any sign required by law;H. Official signs required by a governmental agency or utility, provided such sign does not exceed 24square feet in area; Town of Danby Zoning Review Update Meeting 17 May 2021 Page 10 of 10 I. A maximum of one under-awning sign of 4 (four) square feet is permitted per establishment with aground-floor main entrance. An under-awning sign must be securely fixed to the underside of theawning with metal attachments, may not project beyond the awning, and may not be illuminated.J. A maximum of one porch sign is permitted per establishment per right-of-way frontage, and islimited to 8 (eight) square feet in sign area.K. A maximum of one wall sign is permitted per establishment per right-of-way frontage, and is limitedto 80% of the facade width and projection from wall is limited to 2 (two) feet.a.No wall sign may extend above the window sills of the second story, unless the establishmentextends to the second story or above. No portion of a wall sign may extend above the roofline orparapet wall, or, in the case of a wall sign attached to an appurtenance, the highest point of theappurtenance.L. Window signs that cover less than 10% of the window area.