HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-01-20 Town Board Minutes1
Town of Danby Town BoardRegular Second Monthly Board Meetingvia Zoom Video ConferencingWednesday 20 January at 7:00 PMAGENDA1. Call to Order at 19:02 by Town Supervisor Joel Gagnon ............................................................2
2. Privilege of the Floor .............................................................................................................2
3. Correspondence ...................................................................................................................2
3.1. Citizen’s Proposal: A Call to Action for Improving Danby’s Highways and Roads ...................2
3.2. Email Correspondence Re Ordinances Needed ..................................................................3
4. Presentation: Community Choice Aggregation —Terry Carroll ..................................................4
5. Planning Board Applicant Interviews ......................................................................................5
6. Announcements ...................................................................................................................6
7. Reports ................................................................................................................................7
8. Consent Agenda ...................................................................................................................8
8.1. Approval of Minutes .......................................................................................................8
8.2. Warrants .......................................................................................................................9
9. Old Business .........................................................................................................................9
9.1. Correspondence Policy....................................................................................................9
9.2. Updates:........................................................................................................................9
9.2.1. Hemp Farm ...........................................................................................................9
9.2.2. Cideries ..............................................................................................................11
9.2.3. Storm Water District ............................................................................................11
9.3. Grants:.......................................................................................................................11
9.3.1. Bridge NY ............................................................................................................11
9.3.2. NYSERDA.............................................................................................................11
9.3.3. Planning Grant.....................................................................................................11
9.3.4. Brown Road Stream Stabilization ..........................................................................12
9.3.5. Article 78 Proceeding ...........................................................................................12
9.4. Amending Rules of Order: Agenda Creation and Distribution............................................12
9.5. Coordinating Review of CAC Management Plans for Town-Owned, Undeveloped,Forested Properties....................................................................................................12
9.6 Rescinding Resolution #3 of 2021; Replacing it with New Resolution Setting Salaries andHourly Wages ............................................................................................................12
10. New Business - All tabled due to the late hour.......................................................................12
10.1. Make Electronic Documents as the Official Record ........................................................12
10.2. Discussion on Local Law to expand the pool of those eligible to serve as Deputy HighwaySuperintendent...............................................................................................................12
10.3. Possible Planning Board Appointment ..........................................................................12
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10.4. Designate Rep to TCCOG Broadband Committee ...........................................................12
11. Discussion of Next Meeting Date & Agenda ..........................................................................12
12. Adjourn at 21:12 by Town Supervisor Joel Gagnon ................................................................13
Exhibit 1. 2020 Abstracts of Unaudited Vouchers ........................................................................14
Exhibit 2. 2021 Abstracts of Unaudited Vouchers ........................................................................16
Exhibit 3.RESOLUTION NO 36 of 2021 ...................................................................................18
Meeting MinutesRoll Call :Town Board Joel Gagnon, SupervisorLeslie ConnorsJim HolahanSarah SchnabelMatt UlinskiTown Justices Garry HuddleTheresa KlingerTown Planner David WestTown Code Officer Steve CortrightTown Bookkeeper Laura ShawleyCounty Legislator Dan KleinRecording Secretary Janice R. Adelman, Town Clerk
Public Attendees:Ted Crane, Bruce Richards, Katharine Hunter, Colleen Cowan, KellyMaher, Terry Carroll, Toby Dean
1. Call to Order at 19:02 by Town Supervisor Joel Gagnon1.1. Additions/Deletions to Agenda2. Privilege of the Floor2.1. Garry Huddle asked if there are any updates around redoing the Gunderman Roadbridge. Gagnon responded that there are updates for the three bridges coveredunder the Bridge New York grant to be discussed later in the meeting.3. Correspondence3.1. Citizen’s Proposal: A Call to Action for Improving Danby’s Highways and RoadsPatrick Pfeifer’s Speech to the Danby CouncilHello, I would like to speak about the conditions of Danby’s roads and support a planproposed by the Highway Manager. When you look at Danby’s side roads, they lookdangerous and unsafe to drive on. The lack of repaving and the lack of attention hasallowed the shoulder to disintegrate into gravel and shards of blacktop which areunsafe to drive or to ride on. I can speak from experience to justify that this isdangerous. In September, when I was riding down Bald Hill road to go home, therewas a car behind me. I made a simple decision thinking that would make myselfsafer, make room for the car. There were two problems with that decision. One : Iwas going pretty fast and the car did not need to pass me. Two, the shoulder, becauseof it’s gravel, was less safe than the road to ride on. When I moved over to theshoulder I wiped out almost instantly and scraped my palms, knees, and elbows and I
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caused an unexpected result: my father wiping out. Because I made this simplemistake, the cost was higher than expected. My father and I had to be hospitalizedand my dad had to spend weeks recovering from his bruises and his shoulder gettingdislocated. As I speak, my father is recovering from surgery. One of the solutions tothis problem is already in circulation, the roads being fully paved. This can reducethe risk of wiping out and even decreases the chances of the driver from losingcontrol of the car if he or she accidentally drifts over the shoulder.3.2. Email Correspondence Re Ordinances NeededFrom:Ronda RoaringSubject: ordinances neededDate:14 January 2021 at 06:31:00 ESTTo:Joel Gagnon <supervisor@townofdanbyny.org>, Leslie Connors<lconnors@townofdanbyny.org>, Matt Ulinski <mulinski@townofdanbyny.org>,"sschnabel@townofdanbyny.org" <sschnabel@townofdanbyny.org>, Jim Holahan<jholahan@townofdanbyny.org>Cc:REDACTED, Steve Cortright - Danby Code <scortright@townofdanbyny.org>,"planner@townofdanby.org" <planner@townofdanby.org>, Town Clerk<townclerk@townofdanbyny.org>Town Board:1) Years ago, a couple came to the TB meeting complaining about junk cars onproperties along 96B. They were told to contact the CEO. I don't think anything wasever done. One of the first things I emailed the CEO about when he took office wasall the junk and unregistered cars in Danby, especially South Danby. Those cars arestill there for the most part. One car has been down the road from me for roughly 15years and has never been moved.So I began to look at what Danby has in the way of ordinances re junk andunregistered cars. It's not much and probably explains why the CEO has donenothing. If there's not a complete, clear, and authoritative ordinance, he has nopower. I've looked at ordinances in other towns and ours is definitely weak and inneed of revamping. Therefore, I am asking you to authorize this.2) We have a problem in this town with what I will call "temporary" signs. Thesecould be for sale signs, political signs, or signs that talk about fast internet. I firstmentioned the fast internet on utility poles signs to Ric. "I hate them," he said."Then why don't you just call the number on the sign and have them remove them?""That's John's job," he said. Of course, John never did anything about anything. Butthe real problem is that there is no ordinance dealing with these signs. A) No signsshould be placed on town or public property. Political signs at the pull-off parkingarea on 96B should be illegal. B) All "legal" signs (for sale and political signs atsomeone's house) should be removed within five days of the event (sale of thehouse, election, etc.). C) The CEO should have authority to simply remove anysigns that violate the ordinance. It then becomes trash. If someone puts up a politicalsign at Dotson Park, we have no way of knowing who did this. The CEO should justbe permitted to remove it, immediately. Please authorize the creation of such anordinance.
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Thank you.Ronda Roaring4. Presentation: Community Choice Aggregation —Terry Carroll4.1. Danby is one of Tompkins County’s clean energy communities. Carroll presented thelatest iteration of the Community Choice Aggregation program and what it couldmean for the town.4.2. The Town Board of Danby has already indicated an interest (see Resolution 147 of2020; Town Board Meeting 14 December 2020), with Holahan poised to join thecommittee to explore how best to do that and make it happen.5. Planning Board Applicant Interviews5.1. Ted Crane5.2. Colleen Cowan5.3. Kelly Maher5.4. With appreciation to all of the applicants for their interest in participating in thegovernment, the Board will consider the three applicants and make a decision atthe next meeting.6. Announcements6.1. Gagnon has been thinking and is concerned about noise issues as several peoplehave submitted complaints. He has reached out to these people as it seems thereis a critical mass to create a committee around the noise issue, to ask theirwillingness to be part of a committee to take a look at it.Connors noted that this has come up in the past; the last time it happened mostpeople were not interested in having a noise ordinance but rather instructions onhow to deal with specific issues, for instance fireworks or a barking dog.Ulinski is interested to hear the characterization of the noises that prompted thecomplaints. If the noise is industrial, such as big trucks, that is not part of the rurallandscape; but he would argue that guns and barking dogs are part of the rurallandscape, which is what you get when you move out here.Gagnon reported that in one case the noise disturbance is a neighbor with an ATV, inanother case, a neighbor needs access across the neighbor’s land to get electricityto his place. He needs an easement but hasn’t spoken with the neighbors about itand seems to want a condemnation to get there; in the absence of that, he’sharassing the neighbors with noise.Connors would rather not make some kind of ordinance for a few specific cases.7. Reports7.1. County Legislator Dan KleinThe County Legislature had its organizational meeting on January 19, 2021; LeslynMcBean-Clairborne was re-elected Chair with Shawna Black as Vice-Chair; Kleinserves on several committees, including Facilities and Infrastructure; Planning,Energy, and Environmental Quality; and Goverment Operations; the lattercommittee as Vice-Chair. Klein has also served on the Tompkins Consolidated AreaTransit (TCAT) Board of Directors for the past five years; he was named the 2021Chair.
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The Legislaturevoted 8–5 to increase the tax on Airbnbs operating in TC. Klein votedagainst it.Final sales tax figures for 2020 were down 10.4% over 2019 in sales tax revenue. Thisis the Largest drop in revenue of any county in NY State outside of NYC. Although itis bad news, it is about what was expected.TC has vaccinated 7000 people to date using 100% of vaccines doses received. Manyother counties in NYS haven’t been able to disseminate all of their vaccines. TCreceived notice from NYS thanking us and putting us on their list of the best. Wemight get a small increase in vaccine doses in the future having demonstrated thatwe can efficiently inoculate residents. We do not have control over how manydoses we receive; previous week we had 1800 doses available, appointments forthis round filled within 20 minutes, without advertising. There has been someconfusion about how to go about getting an appointment. TC has set up 2-1-1 toanswer questions about vaccines; those operators are receiving training to be ableto provide answers to questions. Note that 2-1-1 is there to help understand HOWto get an appointment, but does not actually make any appointments.7.2. Documents Management 2020 Report Submitted by Mary Ann Barr, DocumentsManagerIt is a given that the overriding issue of 2020 for all Town departments, was thePandemic. Danby instituted safety protocols that resulted in DocumentsManagement being done from my home starting in mid-March, with work done inTown Hall one afternoon a week.Before the Pandemic protocols, work began organizing the Highway Departmentfiles. I met with Laura Shawley, then started sorting files and documents accordingto the MU-1 and establishing a designated shelf area for storage. Schedule changesdue to the Pandemic as well as the introduction of our new Town Clerk, JaniceAdelman, shifted work back to Town Hall.I started work with Janice to organize the Clerk’s office and clear unnecessaryfiles/docs. (according to the MU-1). This is still ongoing, or suspended, since ournew Deputy Clerk, Cindy, started working and three people in one office stretchedthe Pandemic protocol.New York State issued a new document retention schedule – the “LGS-1.”Thisreplaces the MU-1 and was accepted by resolution for Danby in September 2020(Resolution No. 103 of 2020). The FLOW CHART handed out to each department atthe end of 2019 gives a condensed idea of the process of DocumentsManagement.Other work in 2020 included meeting with Leslie Connors and Sarah Schnabelregarding Sarah’s work on a spread sheet to index minutes, resolutions, etc. foreasy reference. Though still a work-in-progress, Sarah has put together a very goodsource for obtaining information. Also work continued on updating the Index/listof Local Laws filed in the Clerk’s office.Since there are some new people working for the town the following (learned at aseminar for “Managing Inactive Records”) bears repeating:
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transferring records, files, documents from each department to the DocumentsManager for archiving: each person should have an idea of the procedure so allfiles from all depts. are properly managed. See FLOW CHART for an overview ofthe process – the life cycle of documents. Everyone should familiarizethemselves with this chart so the town will be in compliance with state lawregarding our file/doc. retention.Discussion has come up about archival storage space. Currently our vault hasapproximately five (5) linear feet of storage space which will serve us forapproximately one year (give or take). Digital storage has replaced actual storageto a great extent but there is still need for additional climate-controlled, fire proofstorage with archival shelving.The vault “climate” included Temps. from 58 degrees to 78 degrees, (55 degrees -70 being acceptable). Humidity ranged from 45 % to 72%, (55% - 70% beingacceptable).///8. Consent Agenda8.1. Approval of Minutes8.1.1. January 4, 20218.1.2. December 14, 20208.1.3. November 18, 2020 (approved on 12/14; needed resolutions)8.1.4. November 9, 2020 (approved on 11/18; needed resolutions)8.1.5. October 28, 2020 Budget Workshop (approved 11/18; neededresolutions)8.1.6. October 21, 20208.1.7. October 12, 20208.1.8. October 5, 2020 Budget Workshop8.2. Warrants8.2.1. 2020 Abstracts (Exhibit 1) General Fund No 26 Vouchers 418–436 for $6,166.898.2.1.2. Highway Fund No 26 Vouchers 245 –251 for $7,551.818.2.2. 2021 Abstracts (Exhibit 2) General Fund No 2 Vouchers 8–23 for $9,320.898.2.2.2. Highway Fund No 2 Vouchers 5–9 for $19,538.77Resolution 36 of 2021 To Approve Consent Agenda
Moved By:Connors Seconded By:Holahan
Vote:Councilperson Aye No Abstain
Connors X
Holahan X
Schnabel X
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Ulinski X
Gagnon XResolution 36 approved.9. Old Business9.1. Correspondence PolicyTabled until next meeting.9.2. Updates:9.2.1. Hemp FarmWest has been in touch with previous and current attorneys for theowner(s). There is still no evidence that the building is being used foranything other than getting the building ready for the next agriculturalendeavor. Despite getting daily emails from concerned residents, Westhas no evidence of the building being used in an ongoing fashion. Thecurrent attorney conveyed West’s message to [new owner] Branson Ellissuggesting a conversation to prevent further distressing theneighborhood; West offered to organize a future conversation withneighbors to get everyone to a more neutral place. Thus far, no responsehas been made.9.2.2. CideriesNo action has been taken as of yet.9.2.3. Storm Water DistrictWest noted that the contact person, Dave Herrick, has been recoveringfrom COVID for the last several weeks. Once recuperated, he will providethe report.9.3. Grants:9.3.1. Bridge NYThis contract is moving forward; they have been in contact with the Staterepresentative; John Czamanske is also involved. They sent outnotifications to fifteen local engineers off the long list for the county;received interest from as many as 12–14. The plan is to get started bylate spring/early summer. There are three bridges (Gunderman Rd., W.Jersey Hill Rd., and Bruce Hill ; these are considered three separateprojects, though we can employ only one engineer for the group projectof three bridges. Will also need to put bids out for contractors. It is anambitious goal to have it wrapped up by mid-summer, but that’s whatthe time frame looks like.9.3.2. NYSERDAA new grant opportunity is coming, however the town is currentlyreceiving about $99k in grant funds for the wash basin and splitting offthe septic system for the building and separating it from the wash bayarea drainage . We are also in the process of developing the carbon
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emission reduction portion to submit. Once we get that done we willreceive another portion of the funding. Due to COVID, things have beendelayed and the deadlines have been pushed back; our deadline forcompletion of work is now the end of June; marketing materials andpotentially a website for the project will need to be done by September.9.3.3. Planning GrantWest contacted the town’s representative at Hunt who was to providethe final scope; the rep apologized and said he’d get back with updatedinfo the same day, but did not. West thinks we should consider re-listingto find another consultant ASAP if we don’t hear back from him thisweek. It would be unfortunate because the scope is close and ready tocontract. It’s not a big project, but it must be done this year otherwisethe county money will disappear.9.3.4. Brown Road Stream StabilizationPictures submitted from Shawley. Contractor has 50 of 62 step damscompleted; will be done with remaining ones in February. Will be back inspring to finish project and then move to the banks. Then looking atCHIPS grants to determine how to finish the road.9.3.5. Article 78 ProceedingItem tabled.9.4. Amending Rules of Order: Agenda Creation and DistributionItem tabled.
9.5. Coordinating Review of CAC Management Plans for Town-Owned,Undeveloped, Forested PropertiesThere is a public hearing scheduled for February 17; Item tabled for tonight.
9.6 Rescinding Resolution #3 of 2021; Replacing it with New Resolution SettingSalaries and Hourly WagesResolution 37 of 2021
Moved By:Connors Seconded By:HolahanNo further discussion.Vote:Councilperson Aye No Abstain
Connors X
Holahan X
Schnabel X
Ulinski X
Gagnon XResolution 37 approved (see Exhibit 3 for full resolution).
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10. New Business - All tabled due to the late hour.10.1. Make Electronic Documents as the Official Record10.2. Discussion on Local Law to expand the pool of those eligible to serve asDeputy Highway Superintendent10.3. Possible Planning Board Appointment10.4. Designate Rep to TCCOG Broadband Committee11. Discussion of Next Meeting Date & Agenda11.1. Next meeting is Monday 8 Februray 2021.11.2. Tabled items from tonight will carry over.12. Adjourn at 21:12 by Town Supervisor Joel Gagnon
Submitted by Janice R. AdelmanTown Clerk
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Exhibit 1. 2020 Abstracts of Unaudited Vouchers
General Fund
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Highway Fund
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Exhibit 2. 2021 Abstracts of Unaudited Vouchers
General Fund
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Highway Fund
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Exhibit 3. RESOLUTION NO 36 of 2021
Resolution to Rescind Resolution No 3 of 2021 To Establish Salaries and Replace it WithThe Following Resolution to Establish Salaries and Hourly Rates for 2021
RESOLVED:that the Town of Danby Town Board rescinds the previous resolution No. 3 andauthorizes the Supervisor to pay the following salaries and hourly rates for the year 2021.
•Town Board (x4) - Annual..........................................................................$ 2,935.00•Town Supervisor - Annual..........................................................................28,985.00•Deputy Town Supervisor......................................................................................0.00•Assistant to Supervisor - Annual..................................................................9,173.00•Bookkeeper - Annual...................................................................................24,122.00•Town Justice (x2) - Annual...........................................................................16,043.00•Court Clerk - Hourly............................................................................................22.89•Highway Superintendent - Annual............................................................62,678.00•Deputy Highway Superintendent - Annual...............................................28,342.00•Highway Secretary - Annual.......................................................................30,600.00•Town Clerk - Annual....................................................................................40,568.00• Deputy Town Clerk - Hourly...............................................................................16.00•Code Enforcement Officer - Annual .........................................................55,883.00•Planner - Annual..........................................................................................66,500.00•Water Plant Operator (West Danby) - Annual..........................................13,938.00•Water Plant Operator Assistant (West Danby) - Annual........................... 3855.00•Water Clerk (West Danby) - Annual..............................................................4996.00• Typist, Planning Board - Hourly.........................................................................22.89• Typist, Conservation Advisory Council - Hourly..............................................22.89• Typist, Bookkeeper Support - ...........................................................................15.92• Laborer, Town Hall - Hourly...............................................................................15.68• Information Aide - Hourly..................................................................................15.68• Historian - Annual...........................................................................................1000.00• Motor Equipment Operator – Hourly Hiring Rate.........................................15.96*• Mechanic – Hourly Hiring Rate........................................................................23.74**Pay rate may increase yearly according to union negotiated percentage.