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Minutes of Regular Meeting
May 14, 2018
Councilpersons: Leslie Connors, Ric Dietrich (Supervisor), Jim Holahan, Jack Miller, Matt
Others Present:
Town Clerk Pamela Goddard
Planning CJ Randall
Bookkeeper Laura Shawley
Legislator Dan Klein
Public Ted Crane, Ronda Roaring, Anne Klingensmith, Katharine Hunter, Scott Davis.
Regular Meeting Opened at 7:06pm
Privilege of the Floor
Ronda Roaring stated that she does not support “piped in water” for the Town of Danby. Roaring
asked who is responsible for maintenance and upkeep at Jennings Pond park, particularly upkeep of the
bathrooms and maintenance of the trails. Dietrich responded to these questions. Further clarification is
needed. She further asked about the status of a long-term plan with NYS Parks for Jennings Pond. Again,
further meetings and clarification are needed.
Ted Crane reminded those present of the Ithaca City School Board and Budget voting the following
day. Crane stated that he has no objections to the proposal for Hornbrook rezoning, but expressed concern
that the proposed rezoning may be too open -ended and urged the Board to take a close look at potential
uses that would be allowed in the new Commercial “C” zone. He also urged the Board to take action on a
electric vehicle charging station, to be located at the Danby Town Hall, before the end of May when the
NYS DEC 80%-of-cost grant would expire. He stated that a simple installation could cost as little as
$300. He lastly spoke in support of local regulation of Forestry/Timber Harvest in the Town of Danby and
noted that there are many good examples from other municipalities such as the Town of Ithaca.
Katharine Hunter expressed concern about herbicide spraying as part of maintenance of pipeline
right-of-ways. She had learned the property owners have the right to say that section of the pipeline on
their property be a “No-spray Zone.” Hunter thought that this information should be publicized, especially
for properties in sensitive waterway areas. Members of the Board stated that they would learn more about
Scott Davis reported that a small committee (including Davis, Ulinski, and Randall) have been
researching legal regulation related to forestry and timber harvest. They are leaning in the direction of
ordinance protection.
Environmental Management Council Report - Anne Klingensmith
Anne Klingensmith reported on highlights of activities through the Tompkins County EMC from the
first quarter of her service with this committee. She serves of the Unique Natural Areas and the Waste
Reduction subcommittees. Danby resident Robert Wesley is also working on UNAs and is helping to
update the invasive plant list for Tompkins County. A portion of the County UNAs are visited and revised
as needed each year. There may be some UNA boundary revisions for Deputron Hollow and Durfee Hill
sites in Danby.
The EMC has voiced its support of a plastic bag ban for Tompkins County and New York State. The
Waste Reduction Committee is particularly active with this. There may be county-wide ordinances that
can be adopted to address this issue.
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The EMC may provide comments on a possible replacement of a single lane bridge in Dryden. There
are UNAs on either side of this bridge.
During a Clean Cayuga Lake presentation this spring, the need for a DEC SEQR review related to a
proposed Cargill Salt Mine expansion was raised. There is concern that the expansion could trigger a
potential disaster under and around the lake.
ABSTRACT #5 OF 2018:
#178-229 for a total of $29,800.60
Moved by Connors, Second by Holahan. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Holahan, Miller, Ulinski, Dietrich
#85-112 for a total $38,869.49
Moved by Connors, Second by Miller. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Holahan, Miller, Ulinski, Dietrich
#6-9 for a total $691.42
Moved by Ulinski, Second by Connors. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Holahan, Miller, Ulinski, Dietrich
Approve Minutes
Moved, That the Town Board of the Town of Danby approves the minutes of April 9 and 16, 2018.
Moved by Holahan, Second by Ulinski. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Holahan, Miller, Ulinski, Dietrich
Budget Transfers
General budget and accounting information was shared by Bookkeeper Shawley. A full report of the
2017 Annual Report will be given at the next TB meeting.
Shawley presented a resolution for budget transfers, needed to balance and complete the 2017 fiscal
year. This resolution moves funds from one budget line to another. This sort of accounting is
recommended by the NYS Comptrollers Office. Members of the Board made a request for a revised
resolution, with more details regarding the budget account numbers. In particular, the Board needed
specifics regarding how the account numbers relate to Town expenditures.
Shawley agreed to this. The revised resolution is to be presented at the next TB meeting.
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Authorization for Truck Lease Agreement
Shawley and Dietrich provided information as to the need for this expanded resolution. The Town
Attorney requested that a resolution with more detail about the agreement be entered into the record.
Specifically, the resolution clarifies that the Town sought information from more than one lending agency.
The resolution additionally shows why the Town entered into a lease agreement, rather than bonding for
the purchase of new vehicles. This resolution does not change anything already agreed to, but simply
provides more complete information.
Whereas the Town of Danby has examined other financing options and canvassed lenders for bond rates and rates
for installment purchases and has determined that while typical bond or BAN rates are potentially on average 0.5 to
1% lower than the effective interest rate of this proposed lease-based installment contract, the cost of bond
resolutions and tax exempt verification processes and filing costs more than offset such interest costs. The Town has
explored interest rates from three banking institutions and have determined that the interest rate given from the towns
current bank is by far the lowest and will assess no fees for the installment purchase; and
Whereas given the public interest to be served by such equipment, the reduced time of acquisition and fulfillment,
and the overall lower cost of an installment payment agreement as authorized by General Municipal Law (“GML”)
section 109-b, the Town has and hereby again expressly finds and declares that it is in the best interest of the Town
to execute the lease financing agreement with Key Government Finance, Inc. for a four year term at the fixed rate of
3.6%; and
Whereas upon verification of compliance with local and state procurement rules, including GML 103, the Town
hereby approves this transaction and as set forth below and empowers the Town Supervisor to make the
determinations required by GML Section 109-b and negotiate the final form and terms of such agreement, and further
authorizes said Town Supervisor to execute such agreement and each supporting document by, for, in the name of,
and on behalf of the Town of Danby,
Now Therefore, be it
Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby authorizes the Town Supervisor to enter into a lease-purchase
agreement with Stadium International for two vehicles and related equipment: and be it further resolved that this will
be a four year purchase agreement, not to exceed $430,000.00, as set forth in resolution no. 36, 2018.
Moved by Connors, Second by Ulinski. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Holahan, Miller, Ulinski, Dietrich
Legislator’s Report - Dan Klein
Klein reported on a few matters of interest to the TB and residents of Danby. The work schedule for
County Highway projects has been set for 2018. In Danby, these include projects on South Danby Road,
Station Road, and Coddington Road.
Klein reminded the TB that the annual Local Board of Assessment Review for Danby would be held
Wednesday May 16, 3-6pm. There was not a town-wide reassessment of properties in Danby in the past
year. Therefore, a large turnout is not anticipated for this afternoon of Assessment Review.
The County budget planning process has begun. The Legislature is setting a tax cap goal of a 2.2%
increase. More information will be provided through the year.
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Declare SEQR Determination and Set Public Hearing - Minor Subdivision and Special
Permit, 129 Hornbrook Road
Planner Randall presented a complete SEQR (Environmental Quality Review) form along with a draft
resolution for Town Board consideration, and the draft Local Law for adopting rezoning of a portion of a
larger parcel (previously known as “Autosalvage”). These actions are related to a request for rezoning a
portion of tax parcel 10.-1-82.2 (129 Hornbrook Road). The LL will only affect a 2.237 acre portion of
this parcel. The property owner wishes to engage in adaptive reuse of existing structures.
The entire parcel is covered by the Danby Water Protection Local Law. Randall reported that the NY
DEC has given a “clean bill of health” for this property. Since this is in a, “high vulnerability zone,”
several industrial and commercial activities are prohibited for this parcel. Randall reported that the
applicant is interested in adapting an existing building to warehouse use. This would require a special
permit from the Planning Board.
Randall responded to questions from the Board. Ulinski asked what is the known intention for the rest
of the property? Randall stated that this is unclear at this time, as the applicant has not submitted any
Dietrich asked for clarification of the next steps and the timeline for those steps? Clerk Goddard and
Planner Randall noted the following timeline: Set public hearing for the Local Law (for the first TB
meeting in June). Randall will send the draft LL to County Planning for their review and input. Randall
intends to send a mailing to adjacent property owners, to inform them of this proposed re-zoning. A
neighbor mailing is not required for a Local Law, but is advisable in this instance.
Whereas an Application has submitted for proposed rezoning of 2.237 acres of the total 108.89-acre tax parcel
10.-1-82.2 to zone Commercial “C,” located at 129 Hornbrook Road, from the current zoning as Low Density
Residential, by Petricola-Bartholf Partnership, Owner, Robert Bartholf, Applicant; and
Whereas a portion of the property is located in the Aquifer High Vulnerability (AHV) Overlay Zone; and Whereas this
is an action under Section 800 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Danby, Applications for Rezoning; and
Whereas A Local Law to Amend Commercial C Zoning in the Town of Danby Zoning Ordinance, Article IV: entitled
‘Establishment of Zones,’ Section 401 will change the zoning designation of a 2.237-acre portion of the parcel as
depicted in a survey map entitled “A Portion of Lands of Petricola-Bartholf Partnership,” prepared by T.G. Miller, P.C.,
dated 11/15/2017 as shown on the official map from Low Density Residential to Commercial “C”; and
Whereas an Application has been submitted for concurrent review and approval by the Town of Danby Planning
Board for a Minor Subdivision of Town of Danby Tax Parcel No. 10.-1-82.2, by Petricola-Bartholf Partnership, Owner,
Robert Bartholf, Applicant; and
Whereas the Applicant proposes to subdivide the existing 108.89-acre property into two parcels: Parcel A, measuring
2.237 acres with existing 8,800 sq. ft. warehouse; and Parcel B, measuring 106.653 acres and formerly operated as
vehicle dismantler Autosalvage of Ithaca, Inc.; and
Whereas the Applicant is additionally requesting a Special Permit to utilize the existing 8,800 sq. ft. building as a
Warehouse; and
Whereas the Applicant is proposing adaptive reuse of the existing 8,800 sq. ft. warehouse and no new construction
is required to facilitate private capital investment required to renovate and reuse the existing building within this area,
which is in proximity to the Central Hamlet; and
Whereas pursuant to the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Danby, the Planning Board is required to
hold, and did hold, within 62 days of the filing of the completed application with the Planning Board, a Public Hearing
on March 15, 2018, which was heard by the Planning Board to assure full opportunity for citizen participation; and
Whereas pursuant to the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Danby requires an official
recommendation from the Planning Board, and the Planning Board passed a resolution recommending the rezoning
on March 15, 2018; and
Whereas 6 NYCRR Part 617 of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) requires that a Lead Agency
be established for conducting environmental review of projects in accordance with local and state environmental law;
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Whereas State Law specifies that for actions governed by local environmental review, the Lead Agency shall be that
local agency which has primary responsibility for approving and carrying out the action; and
Whereas the proposed project is a Type I action under the Town of Danby Environmental Review of Actions and an
Unlisted action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act; and
Whereas pursuant to §617.6(b)(3) of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), the Town of Danby
Planning Board has been identified as an interested agency and it has been requested that this interested agency
consents to the Town Board being Lead Agency for this project and has consented; and
Whereas the Tompkins County Department of Planning and Sustainability has been given opportunity to comment;
Whereas this Board, acting as Lead Agency in environmental review, did on May 14, 2018 review and accept as
adequate: a Full Environmental Assessment Form (SEAF), Part 1, submitted by the Applicant, and Part 2, prepared
by the Planning Administrator; a survey map entitled “A Portion of Lands of Petricola-Bartholf Partnership,” prepared
by prepared by T.G. Miller, P.C., and dated 11/15/2017; and other application materials
Now Therefore, be it
Resolved that the Town of Danby Town Board having declared itself Lead Agency in this matter, determines the
proposed Rezoning, Minor Subdivision, and Special Permit will result in no significant impact on the environment and
that a Negative Declaration for purposes of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law be filed in accordance
with the provisions of Part 617 of the State Environmental Quality Review Act.
Moved by Connors, Second by Holahan. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Holahan, Miller, Ulinski, Dietrich
Resolved, That the Town Board of the Town of Danby sets a Public Hearing in relation to proposed Local Law #1 of
2018, “Amending Zoning Map, Commercial Zone “C” in the Town of Danby.” This Local Law enables the adaptive
reuse of an existing 8,800 sq. foot warehouse on Hornbrook Road. The Public Hearing is to take place on June 11,
7pm, in the Danby Town Hall (1830 Danby Road).
Moved by Ulinksi, Second by Connors. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Holahan, Miller, Ulinski, Dietrich
Zoning Audit Report
A report was made by CJ Randall including the presentation of an extensive list of Zoning Audit
review questions. Reviewing the current zoning ordinances was on the list of work scope for 2018,
following the 2017 joint board scoping meeting. These questions are intended to be a matrix for
methodical method of reviewing existing zoning. This list has also been shared with the Planning Board.
Discussion of the questions and the Zoning Audit is slated for the next PB meeting. The intent of this
review is to identify needed updates and changes to the Danby Zoning Ordinance.
Randall asked the TB to review the questions and provide input prior to the audit questions being
posted on the Danby web site. Information about the Zoning Audit and Review will be published in the
Danby Area News. Dietrich and other members of the Board voiced their support for this process.
Forestry/Timber Harvest Ordinance Report
CJ Randall presented the first draft of a proposed Local Law related to forestry and timber harvest
activities in the Town of Danby. This draft is based on other NYS laws, including those from neighboring
Towns such as the Town of Ithaca. This would require separate timber harvesting permit (similar to a
building permit), schedule of fees, and system of required notification. There is authorization for the
Town Code Enforcement Officer or the Town Storm Water Officer to shut down an operation in the case
of problems. Randall thought that this addresses several of the concerns raised by damage done at
Deputron Hollow during timber harvest this spring.
Randall asked the TB for feedback. This draft Local Law will also be presented to the Planning Board
and Conservation Advisory Council at their next meetings.
Ulinski reported in a meeting with Scott Davis (PB), Don Schaufler (CAC), George Adams, himself,
and Planner Randall. Ulinski thought that this is going in the right direction.
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There was a discussion of related changes which will be needed in the Road Use Law. Supervisor
Dietrich noted that there is overlap between the land use ordinance and needed amendments to the Road
Use Law. These amendments may be done at the same time.
There was an extensive discussion and Q&A. Questions were asked regarding methods of notification
to loggers and land owners and what the enforcement process would be. Some of these processes will
need to be fully defined through the process of drafting the ordinance amendments. There was also a
question as to whether this ordinance should be specific to low-density residential zones. Are there other
areas in Town where logging may be a concern (eg: on state land)? A suggestion was made that this LL
cover the entire Town of Danby. This will be considered.
Randall suggested that the timeline for consideration of this LL may be: SEQR review/declaration on
June 11, a Public Information session in late June, formal public hearing and consider adoption of the LL
during one of the July TB meetings.
Ulinski reported that the CAC intends to have a public presentation on best use practices for land
management, including logging activities. They also intend to create a brochure specific to Danby land
use practices and ordinances. Resources are available through the NYS DEC. Additionally, neighbors in
the area of Deputron Hollow area considering a citizen clean-up action. They may need help with large
item trash clean-up, such as tires. There are concerns about residents who can not access their driveways,
and repairs needed so that the road is accessible to horses.
Charging Station Report/Update
A report was made by Dietrich and CJ Randall. If the Town is interested in pursuing this, action needs
to be taken by the end of May. Dietrich suggested that the most promising location for a set of charging
stations is at the Town Hall. Combining this with the “Park & Ride” in the Danby Community Park is too
complicated, in part because there is no existing electric service there. The TB was polled for interest and
support. Holahan, Ulinski, and others voiced their support. It was thought that this would be a good
service for town residents and employees.
Randall outlined two options available to the town, through NYSERDA and through the DEC. Each
of these options include cost saving subsidies. Further information will be presented at the next TB
meeting. Ulinski offered to contact the Fire Departments to see whether they are interested in charging
stations at the Fire Stations.
Planning Report
A Planning report was made by CJ Randall. She informed the Board that Alyssa de Villiers, the new
Planning Board/BZA secretary, will start with the next PB meeting.
Randall reported that the Highway project on Brown Road is progressing. A contract has been drafted
with an environmental engineering firm out of Rochester. This firm is also working with the City of
Ithaca on flood risk review.
Randall reported that the Watershed Summit, held in the past month, was a huge success. There was a
very good turnout with many good conversations started related to various non-point source water
impacts (eg: from CAFOs).
Grants through Bridge NY are in the works for culvert replacement, particularly at Gunderman, Bruce
Hill, and West Jersey Hill Roads. The Town is working with TG Miller engineers on these proposals.
Road engineers are currently working on recertification of the Gunderman Road bridge, currently limited
to one-lane traffic.
Randall reported on progress on award of the $100,000 NYSERDA “no match” grant for
improvements to the Highway Barns. The Town has been informed that the grant is awarded. Several
steps need to be made before the money is distributed to the Town.
With much assistance from the County Clerks, steps are being made to include the Town of Danby in
a building permit system through Laserfiche. When complete, this system will streamline processes and
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connect with related offices and activities through the County (such as the health department, approving
septic systems).
Lastly Randall gave an update on FEMA flood risk zones. New maps have been created and were
distributed to the Board. There are significant areas of West Danby which are in the risk zones. This
information points in the direction of updating Danby’s Flood Damage Prevention Law.
Short Reports - Justices, Water District, Town Clerk
Clerk Goddard presented the April Town Clerk’s Report; $1,272.70 was received in the month of
April for two days of fishing license sales, 34 dog licenses, five building permits, and several copies.
$1,143.22 was disbursed to the Town Supervisor, $77.48 to NY DEC, and $52 to the NYS Animal
Population Control Program.
Copies of the Justices’ monthly reports were circulated to the TB.
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm. !!!!!!!!
Pamela Goddard, Town Clerk
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