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 Minutes of Regular Meeting
 December 18, 2017 Present: Councilpersons: Rebecca Brenner, Leslie Connors, Ric Dietrich (Supervisor), Jim Holahan, Jack Miller Others Present: Town Clerk Pamela Goddard Planning CJ Randall Bookkeeper Laura Shawley Legislator Dan Klein Public Ted Crane, Ronda Roaring, Matt Ulinski, Pat Woodworth, Charles Tilton. Regular Meeting Opened at 7:01pm. Privilege of the Floor Dan Klein suggested that the Town Board document itself for history through a group photo. (Such a photo was taken at the close of the meeting.) Ronda Roaring reported that County Highway intends to replace a culvert near her property on South Danby Road in March 2018. Legislator’s Report Dan Klein reported on several things. Personnel changes are in effect at County Legislature and Planning. Joe Mareane, the County Administrator, retired in the Fall of 2017. Deputy Administrator Paula Younger took over but she is now taking a job at Ithaca College. A new County Administrator, Jason Malino will start at the end of January, 2018. There will be a gap of two weeks between Younger’s leaving and Malino’s arrival. Planning Director Ed Marx retired. Katie Borgella is taking over, which opens her previous position. Several positions are currently open in County Planning, including the Tourism Planner. Lastly, there will be a new Chair and Vice-Chair of the Legislature starting in January. TCAT’s new general manager started in August. Klein framed this as good news for the bus system. This person is accessible through a store-front office on Green Street. Information about bus routes and the timing of bus stops is now available through Google/internet. Negotiations are underway for a possible Park & Ride station at the Danby Community Park. Supervisor Dietrich added to the report on the status of this project. There was discussion of this between Board members and Laura Shawley on behalf of the Highway Department. Connors asked some questions about the planning process for this project. Negotiations are still underway between TCAT, Danby Highway (for plowing the parking area), and the Danby Community Park Association. The Town Attorney has suggested that a formal easement be arranged between the Highway Department and DCPA. This arrangement will help “anchor” the contract agreement between the Town and the DCPA related to support funds. Additional information will be shared with the Board as the project progresses. Planning Board Applicants - Enter Executive Session There was a preliminary discussion of applicants to Planning Board. Connors suggested that the Appointment Policy directs the Board to enter into Executive Session for appointment discussions. Dietrich questioned the need or purpose for executive session in this case. The procedure states that the Board “may” go into executive session, so this is an option but not a requirement. Dietrich and Brenner stated that they were fine with having discussion in open session. Connors stated her preference to have a standard procedure for appointments. Dietrich stated that the opinions related to various candidates are valuable public information. Connors stated that there was no reason why those opinions could not be shared when the Board comes out of executive session. Brenner suggested that the discussion begin in open session. MOTION - ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION Moved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby enters Executive Session to discuss the various applicants for a current Planning Board vacancy. Moved by Connors, Second by Holahan. The motion passed.
 In Favor: Connors, Holahan, Miller.
 Opposed: Brenner, Dietrich. Enter Executive Session 7:25pm (Dietrich left the Executive Session at 7:32)
 Close Executive Session 7:50pm
 Town Board_Minutes_20171211 • Wednesday, January 10, 2018 Page ! of !1 2 Appoint - Planning Board Vacancy The Board resumed consideration of an appointment to a current vacancy on the Planning Board. There was no discussion after Holahan moved Bergman to be appointed. RESOLUTION NO. 73 OF 2017 - PLANNING BOARD VACANCY Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby appoints Ed Bergman to a partial term on the Planning Board, effective immediately through December 31, 2021. Moved by Holahan, Second by Brenner. The motion passed.
 In Favor: Brenner, Connors, Holahan.
 Opposed: Miller, Dietrich. Roaring asked the three Board members who voted in favor to justify their vote. She asked why vote for someone who has not read the Comprehensive Plan and has no planning experience? Connors noted other experience in relation to Bergman’s professional work and that he would add to a variety of people on the Planning Board. Holahan also credited Bergman’s professional experience and his perspective in relation to the needs of senior and special needs populations. Brenner noted Bergman’s advocacy of seniors and senior housing, stating that this is a growing need in Danby. Year End Financial Meeting A special year-end financial meeting was set for Thursday, December 28 to start at 5:30pm. This meeting will be to approve the year end financial warrant. Adjusted Warrant A clerical error in the General Fund warrant, #11 of 2017, was reviewed an approved by the full board. The corrected warrant was initialed by the board. ABSTRACT #11 OF 2017: GENERAL FUND #497-539 for a total of $25,405.36 Brown Road grant report Planner Randall informed the Board that a grant, for stream bank stabilization along Brown Road. in the amount of $435,222.00 was awarded to the Town. An article about this grant award and project will be published in the Danby Area News. Randall gave credit to Highway Superintendents Carl Seamon and Jack Shawley Jr. for their initiative and follow through on this matter. Randall also expressed thanks for the support of the TG Miller engineering firm, for their help with the grant application. The Tompkins County Soil and Water Conservation District will help with the implementation of the project. There will be a “kick off” meeting in January. There will be technical assistance from Chemung County. This is seen as an important project in preventing a massive amount of silt from flowing into Cayuga Lake, in addition to stabilizing the streambed and road. Joint Boards Scoping Meeting - “Debrief” Randall summarized the concerns and priorities raised at the November 28 “Joint Boards Scoping Meeting.” This results of this meeting will help set work processes and priorities for 2018. Several topics were raised. A top priority is a Housing Needs Assessment. Randall outlined some of the complexity regarding a needed Housing Needs Assessment. There are concerns related public health, a potentially reduced tax base, homeowners without the means to repair their homes, etc. There is also overlap in the need for Senior Housing. Randall suggested that Code and Planning will start with an assessment (from information already gathered by Tompkins County Assessment) of possibly 100 houses. Focus will be on those assessed in “poor condition.” This information will not be publicized. Documentation of structures will begin in January 2018. Over the next year, the Code Officer will work to determine where there are opportunities for rehabilitation or the need for demolition. This information lead to further study and will be used to apply for future grants. The goals for of this project, over the next two years, are to increase the quality of housing in Danby, decrease unoccupied and derelict buildings, and facilitate owner compliance. Randall reported that Danby has an extension on submitting a proposal for the Clean Energies Community Grant. There is a potential for a grey water recovery system at the Highway barn. This would be an eligible project. The new deadline February 5, 2018. Dietrich asked for an update on the status of the Jersey Hill Project. The project still needs an engineering plan. This is a big culvert replacement project, to be completed with County help. Holahan asked for an update on the West Danby cluster community project. The Town engineer and attorney have both requested that the developer submit the conventional plan showing that County Health has given approval of the project. This would show how many housing units are allowed in the cluster proposal. Nothing has been submitted to date. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at at 8:20 pm. !! ______________________________________ Pamela Goddard, Town Clerk Town Board_Minutes_20171211 • Wednesday, January 10, 2018 Page ! of !2 2