HomeMy WebLinkAboutShort Environmental Assessment Form (SEAF) Part 1, October 3, 2017Short Environmental Assessment Form
Part 1 -Project Information
Instructions for Completing
Part I -Project Information. The applicant or project sponsor is responsible for the completion of Part I. Responses
become part of the application for approval or funding, are subject to public review, and may be subject to further verification.
Complete Part I based on information currently available. If additional resea rch or investigation would be needed to fully
respond to any item, please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information.
Complete all items in Part I . You may a lso provide any additional inform ation which you believe will be needed by or useful
to the lead agency; attach additional pages as necessary to supplement any item.
Part 1 -Project and Sponsor Information
Name of Action or Project:
Subdivision of 15 . -1-11.3
Project Location (describe, and attach a location map):
Brief Description of Proposed Action:
Create a subdivision of 15.-1-11 .3 of approximately 3.5 acres. The smaller lot will be sold, the remaining piece will s tay with current owners,
Cindy Black and Andrea Butje.
Name of Applicant or Sponsor: Telephone : (941 )323-3493
Cindy Black and Andrea Butje E-Mail: cindyblack63@gmail.com
1038 Comfort Rd.
City/PO : I State : I Zip Code:
Spencer NY 14883
l . Does the proposed action only involve the legislative adoption of a plan , local law, ordinance , NO YES
administrative rule, or regulation?
D ll] If Yes, attach a narrative des cription of the intent of the propose d action and the environmental resources that
may be affected in the municipality and proceed to Part 2. Ifno , continue to question 2.
2. Does the proposed action require a p ermit , approval or funding from any other governmental Agency? NO YES
If Yes, list agency(s) name and permit or approval: 0 D
3.a . Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? 17 acres
b. Total acreage to be physically disturbed? acres
c . Total acreage (project s ite and any contiguous properties) owned
or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? acres
4. Check a ll land u ses that occur on, adjoini ng and near the proposed action.
OUrb an Ill Rural (non-agriculture) D Industrial D Commercial OR esidential (suburban)
D Forest O Agriculture O Aquatic O 0ther (specify):
OP arkland
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5 . Is the proposed act ion , NO YES NIA
a. A pennitt e d use under the zo ning regulations? D [l] D
b. Consistent with th e adopted com pr ehensive plan? l J I I I I
6. Is the proposed action consistent w ith th e predo minant cha racte r of the exist ing built or n atural NO YES
landscape? D [lJ
7 . Is the s ite of th e proposed act ion located in , or does it adjoin , a state list ed C ritical Env ironm enta l Area? NO YES
If Yes , identify : [l] D
8 . a. Will the propo se d act ion re su lt in a substan ti al increase in traffic above pre se nt leve ls? NO YES
0 D
b. Are public t ransporta tion service(s) availab le at or near the site of the proposed ac t ion? 0 D
c . Are any pede strian accommodations or bicycle rout es avai la ble on or n ear site of th e proposed act ion? [l] D
9. Does the propo sed action m eet or exceed the state ene rgy code req uir ements? NO YES
If the propo sed action wi ll exceed requirement s, describe design features an d te chnologie s:
[Z] D
10. Will the proposed action connect to an e xisting pub lic/pri va t e water suppl y? NO YES
I f No , de scribe method for providing potab le wa ter: 0 D
l l . Will the proposed actio n co nn ect to existing wa stewater utilities? NO YES
If No , des cribe method for providing wastewater treatment: [lJ D
12. a. Does the site contain a structure that is listed on ei the r the St ate or National Register of Hi storic NO YES
Places? 0 D b . Is the propo sed act ion located in an archeo logical sens itive area? [l] I I
13. a. Do es any portion of th e site of the proposed action , or lands adjo inin g th e proposed action, conta in NO YES
wetlands or othe r waterbodies regulated by a federa l , state or local agency? r l f l'l
b . Would the propo sed act ion physically a lter , or en croach into , any existing wetland or wa t erbody?
If Yes, identify th e wet land or waterbody and ex tent of alterations in squar e feet or acres : [l] D
14. Id en tify the typica l habitat types that occur on, or are like ly to be found on the p roj ect site. Check all that app ly:
D Shorelin e llJFore st 0 Agric ultur a l/gra ss lands D Ear ly mid-suc cessio nal
D Wetland Durb a n 0S uburban
15. Doe s the site of t he prop ose d action con tain any species of anima l, or associated habitats , listed NO YES
by the State or Fe deral govern m en t as threatened or endangered? 0 D
16. Is the project si te loca ted in the I 00 year flood pl ain? NO YES
11'1 I I
17. Wi ll the propos ed action cre ate stonn water dis ch arge, either from point or non-po int sources ? NO YES If Yes ,
[l] D a . Will storm wa ter discharge s flo w to adjacent prop e rtie s? ON O DY ES
b. Will storm water discharges be directed t o estab lish ed conveyance sys tem s Doff and storm dra in s)?
If Yes, bri efly de s cribe: NO D YES
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18. Does the proposed action include construction or other activities that result in the impoundment of
water or other liquids (e .g. retention pond, waste lagoon , dam)?
If Yes , explain purpose and size:
[Z] D
19. Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the location of an active or closed NO YES
solid waste management facility ?
Jf Yes , describe: 0 D
20. Has the site of the propo sed action or an adjoining property been the subject ofremediation (ongoing or NO YES
completed) for hazardous waste ?
If Yes , describe: [Z] D
Applicant/sponsor name: Cindy Black, Andrea Butj~ . /"')--uate : ..,.,,.,tember 29, 2017
. ~ ~ I/. , ,I
-~ I ../ ]) ho/:J' /L? Signature: .-,, -,, ~ --' I
PRINT FORM Page 3 of3
EAF Mapper Summary Report
0 u
So~eti · E"srL HERE , Oe!...«me , USGS,
lntetmsp. 1-iCR EMENT P, URC.Sn, Esrl
Japan , M ET I . EsriCtiina {Hong Kct,g), E#ri
Klxes, Esri (Thai land). i',-fapcmylmtia, NGCC .
® Ope,Si"eetM ap coolr,blltors , SM !he G1S
Us s Community
Part 1 / Question 7 [Critical Environmental No
_Ar~9:! . . _ _ _
Part 1 / Question 12a [National Register of No
~~storic Places] ____ _
Part 1 / Question 12b (Archeological Sites] , No
Friday, August 18, 2017 3:35 PM
Disclaimer: The EAF Mapper is a screening too l intended to ass ist
project sponsors and reviewing agencies in preparing an environm ental
assessment form (EAF). Not all questions asked in the EAF are
answered by the EAF Mapper. Additi onal inform atio n on any EAF
quest ion can be obtained by consulting the EAF Workbooks . Although
the EAF Mapper provides the mo st up -to-da te digita l data available t o
DEcC, you m ay also need lo contact loca l or o ther data sources in order
to obtain data not provided by the Mapper . Digita l data is not a
sub stitut e for agen cy determinations.
I ,i,,
, . PithlbUrfll
CdUM!IIS r::,
Part 1 / Question 13a [Wetlands or Other Yes -Digital mapping information on local and federal wetlands and
Regulated Waterbodies] _____________ waterb~d!e~ ~s kno~n_t? ~~~~~?-~£!e~~~!:r to EAF Workbook.
Part 1 / Question 15 [Threatened or
~n_d~n]~re~_ ~!1~~~!1 __
Part 1 / Question 16 (100 Year Flood Plain]
Part 1 / Question 20 [Remediation Site]
--··-·---Digital mapping data are not available or are incomplete. Refer to EAF
Workbook .
Short Environmental Assessment Form -EAF Mapper Summary Report