HomeMy WebLinkAboutproposed subdivision plat, September 21, 2017P.0.8-~ :,} ~ C[NTERLIN[ Nl[RS~ N 86'22'15" £ PRE:S(N1 C[NTE:RUN[ PETER ROA.D (J ROO RlCHT OF WAY•<9.5) .350.00' ~ I :z ~ 0 'I ... c., • ~ IQ o· OH--= -R/w----r-:,:._~===--t--'T--J NYS[&C E:AS[M[NT Sff BJ2/292 WEU 0 EQUIPM(Nf SHED T1Tl.E INFORMATION MATTHEW £. HANEY KIMBERLY A HANEY (NORTON) P/0 DffD BOOK 760 PAGE 202 P /0 TAX MAP NO. 28-1-6.22 AREA•S.205 ACRES TO C/L (5.006 ACRES TO R/W) PROPDSf:O NEW OMS/ON LINE RE:MATNING 1.-'NDS Of" HANEY "DEfD TO CENTERLINE or ROAD, [XC[P T & RESERVE All EXISTING PUBLIC ROAD & VOLITY RlGHT OF WAYS" --- J50.00' Approved by resolution of the Planning Boord of the Town of Donby, New York, on the ____ doy of _____ , 2017, s ubject to o/1 requirements and co ndition s of soid Resolution. Any chonge , orosure, modification or revision of this plot, os approved, shall void this opprovol . "' I Signed th is _____ doy o f _____ , 20 17 by Chairpe rson ___________ _ 0 lr sl "' "'. WILLIAMS mo (OSAl.l LANO SURV£YORS, P.C. The Turne,. House Sui re r O I 24 NYS Ri o 96 0-..ogo , NY JJ827 phone: {607)687 -895J www.wilfiam,ondedsoll .com °' ! °' °' ~ 8 z 'i1 0 ,: Vl ~ ; "' --= 0 SITE LOCATION MAP REMAJNING 1.-'NDS Of" HANEY APPROXIMATE 1.0CAnON I DRAINAC( DITCH I ,,...---wooos./ LEGEND o -COMPUTED POINT e -EXISTING IRON, LABELED 0 -:3/4" REBAR SET WJTH CAP .t::r -UTILITY POLE -~o-H3GICSB!E!:33 -FENCE & HEDGE I • NOTES IMP RffCRENCcS: 1) SURVE:Y IMP SHOWING I.ANDS Of" ROBCRT A AND ELLEN M. COX DATED 9/7/1994 BY T.C. MILLER, P.C. I -Unavthoriz•d olt•ration or addition to o survey mop ~ring o tic-,,s.ci land ,urvoyo,'$ Hol is o violalron or section 7209. •ub -divt'sion 2 . ol th• N•• Yori< State fducofi'on low . 2-Only copies from u,. ori9inol of fh1s ,~y mop with th• surveyor'.s •mt>c>s,~ uol ore 9enu;,,., true ond volid CoPits of the surveyor's origittol worlc ond oprnion. J -Cerlificotions on this boundo,y s urvey mop si9n ify lh at the mop wos p,.pored ;n occordonce Mth tt,e current •xisli n9 Code of Practice for tond Surveys adopted by the New Yorir Stole AssocJaUon of land Surwyors. li,c. Jhe certilicolion LS limited to person, for whom Iha boundary ,u,..,ey mop is pr.porad, to the liUe company. ond to the '-"ding inslilut ion listed on this surwy mop and are not rronsleroble. \ MATTHEW HANEY ' hereby Cort;fr lo · KIMBERL y HANF:Y that I om o l,cenHd rand turveyor. Ne• Yon Slat e LJcen,e No. OS082J, ond that this mop dtltneatH an ocluol surwy on th• ground mode by mt or uoder my direct .tupeMsion, thol it wos prepared in accon1one • with the c urrent Cod• of Practice odopl-1 by the New Yott Stal• Associot~n of Prof.u.ionol Lond Surv eyors . and thol r f ound no visible encroodameints -1fher woy OCl'OJS proper ,}".. •lf c ~ OS s .,, . SIGNfO: ll<TE: 9/21/20 17 Su:rvey for MATTHEW HANEY and KIMBERLY HANEY LOCATED AT 145 PETER ROAD TOWN of DANBY TOMPKINS COUNTY OAT£: 9/21/2017 JOB NO: 201 7-29 B 0 COPYRIGHT 20 I 7 NEW YORK SCALE: I "•60'