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Minutes of Regular Meeting
August 21, 2017
Councilpersons: Ric Dietrich (Supervisor), Rebecca Brenner, Leslie Connors
Councilpersons: Jim Holahan, Jack Miller
Others Present:
Town Clerk Pamela Goddard
Code and Planning CJ Randall
Public Ted Crane, Ronda Roaring, Katharine Hunter, Scott Davis
Regular Meeting Opened at 7:14 pm
Privilege of the Floor
Ronda Roaring expressed concern regarding the condition of South Danby Road and the need for an
update to Danby’s Zoning Ordinance. Supervisor Dietrich responded as best he could to these concerns.
Ted Crane reported on recent resident comments related to review of development proposals at the
Planning Board. Crane noted that while some projects seem to be slowed down (to the frustration of
applicants) other controversial development proposals are approved due to zoning holes that make
disapproval difficult if not impossible. Due to these concerns, Crane supported a timely overall review
and revision of Danby’s zoning and subdivision review regulations to make sure that zoning rules are not
in conflict and that Danby’s zoning is compatible with the Comprehensive Plan. Connors responded that
this review is happening. She expressed confidence that a full review of Zoning will take place. This
discussion evolved into a more thorough discussion of the state of Danby Zoning.
Zoning Review Discussion
Discussion regarding Zoning Review carried over from Privilege of the Floor. Dietrich and Randall
responded that this review is underway but will take time. In her comments during Privilege of the Floor,
Roaring referenced expedited zoning review and revision in the Town of Ulysses. Dietrich and Randall
noted that there are special considerations in the Town of Ulysses that have made this possible: a
significant infrastructure problem and a sizable grant from a NYS “Cleaner/Greener Communities”
program. That program is now closed and further grants are unavailable for such zoning updates and
Randall noted that a zoning overhaul involves significant public involvement and public outreach.
(The Town of Ulysses has formed a special zoning review committee for the process.) Randall expressed
her hope that the Aug. 31 Planned Development Zone informational meeting will be a good step in this
direction. Danby’s PDZs are a significant portion of the more notable parcels in the town.
Randall reported on progress made by the Conservation Advisory Council on the Danby Natural
Resources Inventory and how this will be used to inform and support an anticipated zoning overhaul.
Brenner expressed her view that speed of review and revision is not a good indicator of work quality.
Danby will have a more fair, predictable, and consistent zoning code with proper community feedback
and consideration.
Scott Davis shared his perspective, as a new member of the Planning Board, that PDZs and special
permits are a priority for review, revision, and rezoning. This is happening now.
West Danby Hatch Property Proposals
Dietrich spoke briefly to the issue of community response to conflicting proposals for the Hatch
Pavilion property. A memo has been drafted, shared with the TB and West Danby Community
Association, regarding the difficulty of the Town in acquiring property. Discussions are still underway
toward bridging conflicting proposals.
Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) Zoning
Preliminary information was presented by Planner Randall related to possible consideration of a Wind
Energy Local Law for the Town of Danby. She reported that there are several sites that could support
small to medium wind energy installations. Randall suggested that the Town Board review models of
WECS zoning laws and decide whether it would like to consider such a law for the Town of Danby. If the
Board is interested, this is a project that can be worked on during 2018.
County Planning is currently doing work related to wind energy conversion installations. Property
owners with appropriate site conditions, who may be interested in WECS are being identified. Only large
scale installations will need high capacity electric distribution lines. Only one site in the Town of Danby,
on East Miller Road, has been identified as potentially suitable for a large scale wind installation.
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Brenner expressed her interest and support for WECS zoning in the Town of Danby. There was a
related discussion of quality of life issues related to wind energy conversion systems. As part of this
discussion, Randall responded to a question of definition for small, medium, and large WECSs. Smaller
scale turbines do not need as much wind speed. New technology may make smaller wind installations
more feasible and less problematic for residential areas.
PDZ Update
Randall reminded the Board that there is a public information meeting, regarding future plans for
various Planned Development Zones, scheduled for August 31, 6-9pm.
Connors had some questions about PDZ #1 (Hornbrook Road) recommendations for the parcel to be
rezoned low density residential as opposed to medium density. Randall noted that most of the adjacent
properties, particularly to the south and east of the PDZ, are zoned low density. Randall informed the
Board that the owners of Auto Salvage are planning to come before the Planning and Town Boards with a
request to subdivide out the sections that currently have existing commercial buildings and to rezone
those parcels appropriately in order to revitalize those buildings for something useful. Randall would like
to see much of this PDZ in a conservation zone, but Danby is not quite ready for this.
There was a related discussion regarding buffer zones around the Danby State Forest. There were no
other questions regarding PDZ review and the upcoming public information session.
Storm Water Mitigation
Randall informed the Board that a grant proposal related to a water quality improvement project was
submitted by the grant deadline. Randall expressed gratitude to those who helped provide information and
support for completing the grant proposal. She particularly noted the contribution of the Highway
Department. Notice of whether the Town is awarded a grant should be coming by the end of the year.
Randall reported that she and Supervisor Dietrich will make a presentation, related to to a Cayuga
Watershed Revitalization Plan, to TCCOG during its next meeting. The presentation will highlight severe
problems in silt flow into Cauyga Lake. Stream banks that shed more than 900 tons of material per year
are rated “severe” in terms of damage to the Lake and surrounding environment; the Brown Road study
shows that a massive amount of silt and sediment, 2000 tons of material every year, is carried into Cayuga
Lake via the Brown Road stream. The project is looking at ways to stabilize both the stream bank and the
Code/Planning Report
Randall made a short report on steps being taken to research appropriate LED street lighting for the
Town of Danby. Preliminary cost estimates and other data is being gathered.
By the end of August, an energy audit should be complete for the Town’s highway barns. This
information will contribute to a grant proposal through the Climate Smart Communities certification. This
certification is now complete.
Other Short Reports
Dietrich reported that Bookkeeper Shawley is working on a Request for Proposals document
soliciting firms to do a financial audit of Danby’s municipal accounts. He further reported that the West
Danby Water District will undergo an audit of the Water District Improvement Grant project. He felt
confident that the town has good records regarding this audit and will not have any problem with this
process. The audit is scheduled for late September or early October.
A letter was received from the NYS DoT stating its determination for speed limit on Fisher
Settlement Road of 45mph. There was a brief discussion regarding the considerations used for assessing
appropriate speed limits by the NYS Dept. of Transportation.
A letter was received from NYS that Town of Danby LL #2, Solar Zoning law is now officially filed
with the NYS Dept. of State department of Records.
Town Clerk’s Report
Goddard made a short report of activities through the Clerk’s office for the month of July. $2,784.15
was collected. These funds include two marriage licenses, two BZA variance requests, eight building
permits, and 27 dog license renewals. Of this amount, $2,700.71 was distributed to the Town Supervisor
with the remainder going to NYS DECALS, Health Department, and Animal Population Control.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm. !!!
Pamela Goddard, Town Clerk
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