HomeMy WebLinkAboutTownBoard_Minutes_20170612Danby Town Board
 Minutes of Regular Meeting
 June 12, 2017 Present: Councilpersons: Ric Dietrich (Supervisor), Rebecca Brenner, Leslie Connors, Jim Holahan, Jack Miller Others Present: Town Clerk Pamela Goddard Code and Planning CJ Randall, Paul Hansen Public Ted Crane, Garry Huddle, Ronda Roaring, Ellen Walsh, Bill Evans Regular Meeting Opened at 7:10pm Privilege of the Floor Ted Crane reported a suggestion to change the location of the state highway sign on southbound NYS Rt.96B noting the entrance to Danby. This green highway sign (not to be confused with the wooden hospitality sign) is currently located well within the Hamlet of Danby, roughly opposite Rick Dobson’s property. The suggestion is to have this located north of the point where the speed limit changes from 55 to 40mph. Environmental Management Council Report Bill Evans made a report on the activities of the County’s Environmental Management Council. The EMC recently passed Outdoor and Indoor lighting recommendations. These recommendations are now being sent to the County Legislature for consideration. Evans reported that the main goal of the recommendations is to minimize blue wavelength output from outdoor lighting fixtures. There are several findings related to human and environmental health, based on decades of research, listed in this recommendation. The three page recommendation document will be posted on the EMC web page. Evans reported that there is a major effort, across the country, to replace conventional street lights with LED lighting. For several reasons, it is recommended to avoid bright, white LED lights. There was a substantial discussion regarding replacing street lighting in the Town of Danby. There are currently fewer than 25 street lights in the Town of Danby. The Town will have the option, this Autumn, to buy LED lights through a NYS program. There are advantages and disadvantages, related to choice of light type, to this purchase program. While changing outdoor lighting to LEDs might not have a major economic savings, the change would improve dark sky recommendations and long term energy use. LED lamps are rated to be good for 20-25 years, requiring less maintenance. Such energy efficient, dark sky compliant light, could result in a 60% electric cost savings. Evans also recommended replacing the current Town Hall parking lot lights with lights that are “dark sky compliant.” Evans noted that the amount of spider and insect debris on the north side of the Town Hall is directly related to the direction and quality of the lighting adjacent to that side of the building. Outdoor lighting at the highway barns should also be reviewed. Evans reported that there are now County funds for “upland” land purchase as an erosion control effort. The County will contact Towns regarding property which may be of interest. There was a brief discussion of erosion control concerns related to Danby streams. Supervisor Dietrich voiced his interest and strong support of this program. Evans further reported that the EMC is initiating a reorganization effort, which is to include regular municipal reports. For example, reports on inter-municipal programs such as upland impacts on Cayuga Lake pollution. Evans reported that there is an effort underway to enforce a request for a full Environmental Impact Statement from Cargill Salt, related to a proposed expansion. There is a major concern as to the impacts on lake pollution and public safety if/when the salt mine collapses. Approve Town Board Minutes MOTION—APPROVE MINUTES Resolved, That the Town Board of the Town of Danby approves the minutes of May 8 and 15, 2017. Moved by Connors, Second by Holahan. The motion passed.
 In Favor: Brenner, Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich
 Town Board_Minutes_20170612 • Tuesday, June 20, 2017 Page ! of !1 4 Warrants ABSTRACT #6 OF 2017: GENERAL FUND #218-263 for a total of $28,661.36 Moved by Connors, Second by Miller. The motion passed.
 In Favor: Brenner, Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich HIGHWAY FUND #98-120 for a total $41,736.59 Moved by Holahan, Second by Brenner. The motion passed.
 In Favor: Brenner, Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich It was noted that voucher #111 was missing from this collection and will need to be reviewed and approved at the next TB meeting. The warrant total amount will not change. WEST DANBY WATER DISTRICT #16-24 for a total of $2,105.84 Moved by Miller, Second by Dietrich. The motion passed.
 In Favor: Brenner, Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich Appoint Jennings Pond Personnel Bookkeeper Shawley presented three resolutions to the Town Board for consideration. These were passed with minimal discussion. RESOLUTION NO. 45 OF 2017 - APPOINT THE RECREATION SUPERVISOR FOR JENNINGS POND SUMMER PROGRAM Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby hereby appoints Amy Cusimano to the position of Recreation Supervisor. This appointment is a seasonal appointment and will expire when the Jennings Pond Park Program closes on September 4, 2017. Moved by Brenner, Second by Holahan. The motion passed.
 In Favor: Brenner, Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich RESOLUTION NO. 46 OF 2017 – APPOINT THE RECREATION ASSISTANT FOR JENNINGS POND SUMMER PROGRAM Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby hereby appoints Jeremiah Kozak to the position of Recreation Assistant. This appointment is a seasonal appointment and will expire when the Jennings Pond Park Program closes on September 4, 2017. Moved by Brenner, Second by Miller. The motion passed.
 In Favor: Brenner, Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich RESOLUTION NO. 47 OF 2017 – DESIGNATE HOUR PAY RATE FOR LIFEGUARDS FOR THE 2017 SEASON AT JENNINGS POND Whereas, research has been done to gather information about the hourly rate that other lifeguards are being paid at surrounding beach front swimming parks, Therefor, now be it Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Danby approves the rate of $12 per hour to be paid to all Lifeguards who are hired at the Jennings Pond park for the 2017 season. Moved by Holahan, Second by Connors. The motion passed.
 In Favor: Brenner, Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich Town Hall Access Improvements - Update and Quote/Bid Process Hansen reported on cost estimates for reconstructing the front of the Town Hall building in order to better meet ADA accessibility compliance. The overall cost estimate is in the range of $30,000. This includes all deconstruction and reconstruction, including accessibility-compliant door hardware and an estimated $6,500 for oak doors in the front entrance. Vinyl-clad doors would be less expensive, but would also be less attractive. The $30,000 estimate also includes completing the painting of the Town Hall meeting room. Hansen still needs to contact contractors for quotes. He noted that some materials can be reused. The largest costs in the project are for doors and windows. Contractors will be asked to match the existing trim. All efforts will be made to match the existing quality of the building. There were several cost related questions from Town Board. Shawley confirmed that there is approximately $230,000 in the building reserve. Brenner asked whether there are other large renovation projects expected in the next few years. Highway will need to replace the garage doors in its equipment bays. This is estimated to cost $14,000. No other projects are planned or expected at this time. Hansen estimated a cost for the sidewalk deconstruction and replacement project, approximately $9,000 to create a garden/patio area, to replace stone curbs at the entrance, and to replace wooden railroad ties in the parking area with stone curbs This project corrects several safety and structural problems. The bulk of the sidewalk deconstruction work will be done in-house by the Highway Department. Hansen informed the Board that he was awaiting its “go ahead” to solicit bids or quotes for the project. Dietrich urged Hansen to start the bid/quote process for the front/access reconstruction as soon as Town Board_Minutes_20170612 • Tuesday, June 20, 2017 Page ! of !2 4 possible. Dietrich wanted to wait on the sidewalk/patio redesign until after bigs/quotes are gathered and considered for the access project. In the meantime, the crumbled sidewalk could be dismantled. There was a discussion about the timeline for the bid/quote process and start of work. Bookkeeper Shawley clarified the difference between the bid and quote processes, and the amount of time needed for each. Projects that are estimated to be under $35,000 do not require a full and formal bidding process. This truncates the timeline, as there is not a requirement to advertise for sealed bids. Projects of the size being discussed for the access entrance should solicit three quotes from reputable contractors. This could be accomplished in a few weeks. Supervisor Dietrich initiated a discussion about having the Town Hall renovation as “public information and discussion” agenda item for a July TB meeting. This to be on the July 17 agenda and an article will run in the July Danby Area News. Drawing plans will be re-done in time for that TB meeting. The process of soliciting quotes should begin before the July meetings. Miller asked whether there should be a discussion and review of the Town Hall meeting room use, related to its purpose and uses projected out 10 years or more. Dietrich and Hansen responded to this suggestion, saying that the intention at this time is to make the least amount of changes. Clerk Goddard noted that there are several groups and agencies, including the Library and Community Council that have a major stake in the use of the Town Hall meeting room. Dietrich noted that this is a broad and complex topic and is not the Town’s priority at this time. Solar Zoning Law update Randall presented updated information regarding revisions to the draft Solar Zoning Law. Considerable changes have been made since the May draft of the LL, based on citizen comments and legal review by the Town Attorney. The new draft has been posted on the Code/Planning page of the Town of Danby web site. Randall directed the TB’s attention to a choice in restrictiveness related to the amount of land that could be covered by a commercial solar facility. A more restrictive option is to restrict the coverage to 25 percent of the lot area, mirroring the existing underlaying zoning. An alternative, less restrictive measure would be to determine that the surface under a solar facility installation is “pervious coverage” and not a building structure; therefore, the array could cover more of the available lot. In Tompkins County, an agricultural exemption could be used on such a facility if there are animals that graze on the land in and under the arrays. A maintenance plan is required under site plan review for a solar facility. Brenner and Dietrich voiced their opinion and preference for the more restrictive zoning, that matches the area’s underlaying zoning. Randall asked the other Town Board members to review the changes and provide their preference between these options prior to the next TB meeting. TB members were directed to communicate directly with Randall. Roaring asked a question about mitigation of “ugliness.” Randall responded, noting that aesthetic considerations are built into the site plan review. Brenner responded that this concern is one reason to follow the more restrictive build-out option, with the remaining land going into conservation easements. In response to a resident question, Clerk Goddard clarified that the Public Hearing has not been closed and remains open until June 19. The Public Hearing remains open on the entire proposed local law, not just the section related to area coverage restrictions. Brenner informed the Board and public that, due to a family commitment, she will need to be excused from the June 19 meeting. She stated that she finds this a well crafted Local Law, supports “Option 1,” and is fully in support of passage. Supervisor’s Request for changes in Speed limit areas Dietrich presented the need for speed limit reductions and/or extensions to speed limits on Route 96B through Central Danby and on South Danby Road in the area of the trailer park and TCAT bus stop. One is a State road and the other a County road, and all such requests need outside review. Dietrich asked that the NYS DoT be contacted with a request to extend the 40mph speed limit area on Route 96B be extended several hundred feet further North of the East/West Miller Road intersection. Accident reports corroborate that this is a dangerous intersection and should support the request for a speed limit extension. Additionally, he would like the center line to be re-painted as a double yellow line, no passing zone through the Center Danby Hamlet. Dietrich reported resident requests for a speed limit reduction to 35 or 30 mph at a certain curve near the intersection of Hill Road /Travor Road and South Danby Road. This is area is already posted at 45mph. Dietrich noted that two or three accidents a year take place at this location. The County is installing barriers in this area, which could add to accident impacts. It was also noted that there is a TCAT bus stop and school bus stop nearby, with significant pedestrian activity. Dietirch reported that a separate request is being made to install a bus stop shelter in that location. There was a brief discussion of the process to move this request forward. Clerk Goddard will follow up with the Highway Superintendent.
 Town Board_Minutes_20170612 • Tuesday, June 20, 2017 Page ! of !3 4 Justices’ Report A Report from Justice Huddle was circulated among the Board. Huddle reported that it was a slow month. There may be a jury trial in the next month. Code/Planning Report Randall reported that steps that will result in Danby being certified as a “Clean Energy Community are complete. A resolution related to this will be presented to the TB during an upcoming meeting. All four target areas are complete. Randall asked the TB for input and ideas for an innovative and scalable energy approach project, to submit for a grant proposal through the Clean Energy Community program. A potential project would be to remediate the Highway biomass boiler system. $100,000 in non-matching funds could be available. Randall expressed confidence that Danby is well positioned for a grant award. Town Clerk’s Report Clerk Goddard reported April activity: $3,605.55 was received with $54 disbursed to the NYS animal population control program, $42.51to NYS DEC for fishing licenses, $22.50 to the NYS Dept. of Health for a marriage license, and $3,484.54 disbursed to the Town Supervisor. This reflects one BZA appeal, 46 dog licenses, and seven building permits. Goddard shared information that a speed limit reduction has been approved for Station Road in West Danby. She further circulated a positive health department report on the West Danby Water District. The contract between the Town of Danby and County Youth Services is now complete. !!!!!! Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 9:02 pm. !!!!! ______________________________________ Pamela Goddard, Town Clerk Town Board_Minutes_20170612 • Tuesday, June 20, 2017 Page ! of !4 4