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Minutes of Regular Meeting
January 16, 2017
Councilpersons: Rebecca Brenner (Deputy Supervisor), Leslie Connors, Jim Holahan, Jack Miller
Supervisor: Ric Dietrich
Others Present:
Town Clerk Pamela Goddard
Bookkeeper Laura Shawley
Code Officer Paul Hansen
Public Pat Woodworth, Charles Tilton, Ted Crane, Ronda Roaring, Garry Huddle
Regular Meeting Opened at 7:08pm
Privilege of the Floor
Ted Crane shared a Planning Board document (undated, most likely from some time in 2016) with
recommendations for changing lot sizes and other zoning considerations. He noted that, in the light of the
recent Town Board discussion about types of foresters, one of the Conservation Advisory Council
members seeking reappointment is a professional forester. Crane expressed concern that it may be
inappropriate for a CAC member to share professional views while discussing conservation easements
with landowners.
Justice Garry Huddle reported that the Danby Court received notice of grant award - just under
$16,000, which is enough for repairs/improvements to the court, including repair to the handicap access
ramp. Danby was one of 406 courts which received a grant.
2016 Financial Review
Laura Shawley reported that the Town kept substantially under budget in each fund (General,
Highway, Water District) during fiscal year 2016. The Town will be able to add to its Fund Balance in
each of these accounts. More exact information, with specific recommendations, in February.
Shawley presented a proposed resolution, with budget line transfers for 2016 fiscal records. This is
standard recordkeeping to balance the budget. Shawley informed the Board that the end of year records,
with actual expenditures, are used to draft future budgets for the Town. Shawley answered questions
about specific budget lines which had higher spending this year. The Attorney line and Machinery
Contractual required transfers in 2016.
The list of budget transfers are listed in Appendix A of these minutes.
Whereas, it is necessary to modify the budget between accounts when there have been expenditures that exceed
the budget in some accounts and are under the budget in others, Now Be it
Resolved, That the Town Board of the Town of Danby authorizes the attached budget transfers to be made to the
2016 budget year.
Moved by Connors, Second by Holahan. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Holahan, Brenner
2017 Priorities Discussion
Planner Randall is still working on reports for the Board. The Board will hold a more complete
discussion in February regarding Planning Priorities.
Code/Planning Report
Hansen reported that the agreement for the Power Purchase Agreement connected to the solar array
installation at the Highway Department has been signed by the Town Supervisor and that the Investors
have accepted the agreement. Renovus is purchasing materials. Hansen anticipated that construction on
this project will begin at the end of February. An informational article on this topic will appear in the
Danby Area News.
Chris Muka is back to court as he has not met the Code requirements for a building permit at 1840
Danby Road. Hansen further reported that the building is currently structurally sound
Hansen informed the Board of the need for a “process server” to assist with serving legal notice on
delinquent and decrepit properties. Hansen suggested a possible person and process for this to take place.
The Board held a discussion of the need to post jobs, including any process server and minor
construction for repair to the Town Hall access ramp. Bookkeeper Shawley added some information about
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the process needed for any hire in the Town. It may be possible to use independent contractors for
specific, infrequent jobs. There is a standard process which must be followed for all such hires.
Hansen outlined some changes/updates he would like to see to amend the Zoning Code. These
changes may be minor, and only to clarify certain ambiguities currently found between different sections
of the Code. Hansen will work on a draft to present to the Board for consideration.
Short Reports
A Year End Library Report was circulated among the Board.
Clerk Goddard presented a Year End Town Clerk’s Report and the Year End Documents Management
Report. For the month of December 2016, a total of $959.50 was received through the Town Clerk’s
office. Of this, $841.04 was distributed to the Town Supervisor with the rest going to the NYS Animal
Population Control program, the NYS DEC, and the NYS Department of Health for a marriage license.
There were total receipts of $29,541.20 for the year of 2016, primarily in building permits, dog licenses,
DEC license sales, and Planning Fees.
The Board discussed appointment of Town Historians. Brenner made a proposal to appoint both
applicants as Co-Historians, as the two applicants are both qualified. Clerk Goddard reported that the
proposal is agreeable to the two applicants.
There was a discussion to clarify what the annual stipend is for. The Board agreed that this should be
for their hours. Supplies required for their work are to be purchased through the Town Hall account and
provided to the Historians.
There was a discussion of whether the two Historians would split the budgeted stipend, amounting to
$250 each. Connors suggested keeping the base amount ($500 for Historian) remain the same for 2017, to
be considered for an increase in 2018. Brenner proposed that each historian receive a stipend of $300.
Holahan supported the proposal to appoint both, with a stipend of $300 each.
The Board directed Clerk Goddard to relay a request that the Historians draft a plan of work,
outlining various responsibilities and how they will be shared between them. The Board would like to see
a preliminary plan in the next month. Connors distributed a draft Job Description for Town Historian from
2014, which had never been finalized. The Board did a preliminary review of this description, and will
further review and refine this Description at future meetings.
There was a preliminary discussion of records, artifacts, and archives currently in the possession of
the previous Town Historian which need to be returned to the Town. In the future, these artifacts and
archives shall be stored in the Danby Town Hall.
Resolved, That the Town Board of the Town of Danby appoints Mary Ann Barr and Alexandra Pfeifer to a one year
term as Danby Historians, with their work based on recommendations from the NYS Public Historians, effective
January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2018, and
Further Resolved, that each historian shall receive a stipend of $300 per year.
Moved by Brenner, Second by Holahan. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Holahan, Brenner
There was a discussion of CAC appointments. Three people have submitted applications for re-
appointment. Two of the three had been interviewed by the Town Board. One previous member (Jennie
Caldwell) has moved out of town, and did not re-apply..
Supervisor Dietrich requested that a decision on CAC Chair be delayed until he is able to be present,
during the February meetings.
Resolved, That the Town Board of the Town of Danby appoints Bill Evans to a two year term on the Conservation
Advisory Council, effective January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2019.
Moved by Brenner, Second by Holahan. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Holahan, Brenner
Resolved, That the Town Board of the Town of Danby appoints Mary Woodsen to a two year term on the
Conservation Advisory Council, effective January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2019.
Moved by Connors, Second by Holahan. The motion tabled.
This was for discussion. Brenner expressed concern a potential precedent of appointment without
interview. Holahan expressed the same concern. The Board made a decided to table this action until
Woodsen can appear for an interview.
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Miller Arrived, delayed due to travel
Resolved, That the Town Board of the Town of Danby appoints Don Schauffler to a two year term on the
Conservation Advisory Council, effective January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2019.
Moved by Holahan, Second by Connors. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Holahan, Miller, Brenner
There was discussion regarding the need for clarification that all representatives on the CAC must be
very clear not to put their interests, or the interests of another agency (such as a forestry service) in
advance of the interests of the Town of Danby. !!!!!!
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm. !!!!!!!!
Pamela Goddard, Town Clerk
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