HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-03-19 Planning Board MinutesTown of Danby Planning Board
Minutes of Regular Meeting
March 19, 2015 !
Joel Gagnon
Frank Kruppa
Jim Rundle
Steve Selin (arrived at 7:07)
Naomi Strichartz !
Anne Klingensmith
Ted Melchen !
Others Present:
Secretary Patty Jordan
Town Board Leslie Connors (arrived at 8:30)
Public Christy Evanek, Kelly Evans !
The Public Hearing was opened at 7:05 p.m. !
Public Hearing to Consider a Request for Special Permit for a second, detached dwelling at 275
Hornbrook Road, Tax Parcel 10.-1-83.11, to be granted retroactively for an existing finished
apartment constructed above a detached garage. Christine Evanek, Owner/Applicant. !
Evanek spoke to explain that she was unaware that there was an issue with the existing apartment
and has been working with Matt Cooper to make it a legal structure. Kelly Evans, Evanek’s
neighbor, spoke in support of the retroactive permit. She said that she is in construction and
thinks it is a safe dwelling. !
The Public Hearing was closed at 7:07 p.m. !
The Regular Meeting was opened at 7:07 p.m. !
Additions to Agenda !
Revisit the Maratea issue in light of the information from Sue Beeners and the Town Attorney
that was included in the mailed packet. !
Approval of Minutes !
MOTION – Approve January 15, 2015 Minutes as amended at the last meeting; and
approve February 19, 2015 Minutes.
Moved by Gagnon, Second by Selin.
In Favor: Gagnon, Rundle, Selin, Kruppa.
Abstain: Strichartz.
The motion passed. !
Further Consideration of Public Hearing Matter !
Gagnon said that the PB members should do their due diligence and consider Section 901 of the
Zoning Ordinance. Jordan read Section 901 and there was general agreement that there were no
issues with the Evanek proposal. The PB agreed that “proposed to be constructed” should be
Planning Board Minutes, March 19, 2015 Page !1
deleted from the first WHEREAS of the resolution. Kruppa read aloud the conditions listed
under RESOLVED to be sure that Evanek was aware of them. !
WHEREAS, this action is to Consider Granting a Special Permit for a second, detached
dwelling in a preexisting outbuilding at 275 Hornbrook Road, Tax Parcel 10.-1-83.11; Christine
Evanek, Owner and Applicant; and
WHEREAS, this is a Type II action which requires no further environmental review; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board has reviewed the General Considerations Required for All
Special Permits provided in Section 901 of the Town of Danby Zoning Ordinance; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board on March 19, 2015 has held a public hearing on the matter;
RESOLVED, that the Town of Danby Planning Board grants a Special Permit for a second,
detached dwelling in a preexisting outbuilding at 275 Hornbrook Road, Tax Parcel 10.-1-83.11;
Christine Evanek, Owner and Applicant, subject to the following conditions:
•A building permit for the dwelling unit shall be applied for from the Town of Danby Code
Enforcement Office;
•All work shall be brought into compliance with the Uniform Code in effect as of the date
of issuance of the permit;
•No occupancy shall be permitted after March 30th, 2015 without receipt of a Certificate of
Occupancy from the Town of Danby Code Enforcement Office.
Moved by Strichartz, second by Selin.
In Favor: Gagnon, Rundle, Selin, Strichartz, Kruppa.
The motion passed. !
Revisit Maratea Subdivision !
Kruppa said that this was discussed by the PB at its last meeting but ultimately it has to go to the
BZA. Gagnon said he talked to Beeners and she indicated that the Town Attorney thought that
the PB was asserting that the Marateas weren’t entitled to four lots. Because the Marateas have
20 acres, they could, in theory, have four lots of five acres each. The problem is that they don’t
have enough road frontage to do even two lots without a variance. Four lots are allowed if the
lots conform to the zoning requirements for frontage, acreage, setbacks, etc. Gagnon suggested
that they could request a conventional plat subdivision and create a road and make sure each lot
satisfies the requirements. Or they could request a clustered subdivision with lots that have
different dimensions than required. There was also discussion of whether or not what the PB had
suggested to the Marateas constituted a taking, with there being general agreement that it did not.
Rundle pointed out that the Attorney had also raised the issue of the character of the
neighborhood. Selin said that trying to preserve farm land and open forest space is something
that they need to keep revisiting. He said he sees no justification for three building parcels. He
suggested that Lots A and B could be developed, and encourage a conservation easement on Lot
C and leave it undeveloped. !
Kruppa said that what was presented to the PB last month was not sufficient enough for
consideration. If the Marateas want to submit more adequate information for the subdivision, the
PB would consider it again. The PB would also consider a clustered subdivision if they apply for
that, but for now the proposal is passed on to the BZA. !
Gagnon pointed out a comment made by the Attorney in his email to Beeners in which he
questions Danby’s use of highway law to prevent people from building on seasonally maintained
roads. This did not apply in the Maratea case but it may be something that should be reviewed. !
Draft Groundwater Protection Law
Planning Board Minutes, March 19, 2015 Page !2
Kruppa said that the PB won’t review the draft groundwater protection law until the Attorney has
reviewed it. The Attorney has given three levels of his possible involvement in reviewing the
law and it is up to the Town Board to decide and give him instruction. Selin said that there
should be specific questions asked of the lawyer, not just a blanket request for his opinion.
Kruppa said that until the law comes back with the lawyer’s review, it will not be on the PB’s
agenda. !
Comprehensive Plan Review Session
Kruppa said that he had contacted Newfield and they had an intern help them with their
Comprehensive Plan review. Rundle and Strichartz handed out their suggested revisions for the
Goals, Objectives and Strategies portion of the Agriculture section. Strichartz walked the PB
members through the suggested changes; deleting some strategies entirely and changing the
wording of other strategies. There was discussion of all of the suggested changes. !
Rundle and Strichartz also recommended a new Objective under Goal D2 to protect residents
from negative impacts from factory farms and feed lots. There was discussion of whether the
word “outlaw” could be used in reference to factory farms and feed lots as a strategy under this
new objective. Selin suggested that this is the type of specific question that could be asked of the
Attorney. Another suggested strategy for the new objective would be to encourage conservation
easement donors to put restrictions on Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). The
wording of the new objective is on hold until Rundle can consult with the Attorney. !
MOTION – Authorize Jim Rundle to contact the Town Attorney for advice regarding what
can be done to protect residents from factory farms and feed lots.
Moved by Gagnon, Second by Kruppa.
In Favor: Unanimous.
The motion passed. !
Strichartz brought up alternative farms such as the mushroom farm and how to write them into
the Comprehensive Plan. In the past there were interns who were charged with trying to locate
these types of alternative farmers and create a network among them. There was discussion of
how best to utilize interns to again try to set up a network of farmers. There was general
agreement that they would need more oversight from the PB than they’ve had in the past. !
There was discussion of who has the remaining sections of the Comprehensive Plan. Kruppa
said he has the Community Services section. Selin said he has the Utilities section which he
would like to review again to include the pipelines that cross through Danby. Gagnon said that
Sue Beeners may have some information on the pipelines. Connors suggested that solar
information could be added to the Utilities section. Selin said he did not think that he would
have the Utilities section ready for review for the next meeting. Strichartz will check with
Melchen to see if he can do the Economy section. Kruppa will check with Klingensmith on the
status of her section. !
Connors said that she did speak to Cornell Cooperative Extension but did not think that they
would be able to help actually put together the Comprehensive Plan. CCE is more involved with
the visioning. There was also discussion of getting interns to help with the Comprehensive Plan.
One concern is that just as an intern gets up to speed, it’s time for them leave. It was suggested
that what is really needed is a planner who is invested in Danby. !
Town Board Liaison Report !
Planning Board Minutes, March 19, 2015 Page !3
Connors talked briefly about the Unity House issue that dominated the previous Town Board
meeting. She said that the public is scared and mad. She said that many felt that Unity House
wasn’t forthcoming with their plans. Connors stated that her opinion is that they could have
found a better location than where they intend to put it. There will be a meeting in April to
continue the discussion. !
Connors also mentioned the Zoning Office staffing issue. There is someone in mind for Matt
Cooper’s position. !
The Zoning and Subdivision recommendations that the PB made to the TB were not considered
at the previous TB meeting but have been moved to the next one. !
Minutes !
Kruppa reminded the PB members of the purpose of the minutes and requested that they be
mindful of the best way to request any needed revisions. !
Adjournment !
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40.
Patty Jordan, Planning Board Recording Secretary !!
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