HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-12-15D a n b y T o w n B o a r d
M i n u t e s o f R e g u l a r M e e t i n g
D e c e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 1 4
Supervisor: Ric Dietrich
Councilpersons: Rebecca Brenner, Leslie Connors, Jim Holahan, Jack Miller
Others Present:
Town Clerk Pamela Goddard
Bookkeeper Laura Shawley
Code Officer Matt Cooper
Public Ronda Roaring, Ted Crane
The Danby Town Board Meeting was opened at 7:00pm
Privilege of the Floor
Ronda Roaring asked for a strategy to share photos she has taken of Town property with members
of the Conservation Advisory Council. This was continuation of a discussion started at the December
8 TB meeting. Roaring’s concern was that her photos be available but only with limited access to the
CAC and Board members. Holahan reported that the Town webmaster felt that the web site is not the
best mechanism for this, as it does not have an area for limited access files, and that the photos could
be distributed to the CAC in a different manner.
Roaring again asked for a formal letter stating that logging will not take place on the West Danby
Water District property. Roaring additionally asked that a deer hunting stand be removed from the
property. Supervisor Dietrich spoke to these requests, advising Roaring that this and other land use
management questions are being addressed.
Year-End Meeting
There was a discussion regarding whether a year-end financial meeting needed to be held, with
information from Supervisor Dietrich and Bookkeeper Shawley. Shawley informed the Board that it
has the option to hold a year-end financial meeting, to pay end of year bills and make decisions about
reserve funds, but is not obligated to do so. As it was uncertain whether a quorum could be convened
during the last week of December, the Board decided to not hold a year-end financial meeting in
2014. Instead, a financial meeting will be held at 6pm on January 12, 2015, immediately prior to the
Organizational meeting.
Legislator’s Update
Dan Klein reported on progress in establishing a West Danby “Van Pool” project. This is not yet
operating, but it is hoped that it will start operation in January. There are at least seven West Danby
residents who are interested in participating. Some Spencer residents may also join in the pool. Out of
County residents (such as those from Spencer) will pay more to participate. Tompkins County resi-
dents will pay $50 a month, or $2 per one-way trip, to be part of the van pool. Out of County resi-
dents will pay $75 per month or $5 per ride. Klein reported that Cornell is not contributing to funding
the van pool. Dietrich reported that the Town of Danby is contributing $1,000 to the project.
Klein reported on a County vote on support of FLLT purchase of Allport property. If approved,
the County will use funds from a dedicated account for land purchase and preservation. There was a
discussion of Danby position on supporting the project. The Board has expressed support for the pro-
ject at previous meetings. There are funds available in the 2015 budget to cover a contribution, should
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the Board vote to contribute to the purchase. Dietrich recollected that Danby has pledged, in concept,
$1,000 to this project.
Resolved, that the Town Board of Town of Danby pledges to contribute $1,000 to the Finger Lakes Land Trust
toward the purchase of the Allport property in West Danby.
Moved by Holahan, Second by Connors. The motion was tabled.
Connors’ suggested that this be tabled until the January meeting, in order to provide time for resi-
dents to be aware of the vote.
Klein reported that the CAC has made comments regarding the FLLT purchase of the Allport
property, including the suggestion that an agricultural land use plan be included for both the Allport
property and Lindsay Parsons Biodiversity Preserve. Klein asked whether it would be alright to share
this information with the County Legislature? The Board had no issue with this information being
Klein reported that the County Comprehensive Plan is under final review and will go to the full
legislature for a vote in January.
Highway Department Report
Shawley presented report on behalf of the Highway Department, related to emergency assistance
during the November Western NY snow emergency. Deputy Highway Superintendent, Jack Shawley,
prepared photo albums of the Danby Highway assisting with snow removal in Cheektowaga, NY. All
of the highway staff went as volunteers and were chosen by seniority. Shawley described the emer-
gency assistance as a “team building experience.” There were two men per truck working 12+ hour
days to help remove snow from blocked streets. Shawley shared several stories of grateful residents.
FEMA will reimburse the Town for all staff payroll and equipment costs.
Solar Workshop Report
Connors, Dietrich, and Cooper reported on Solar Policy workshop, presented by “New York
Sun,” which they attended in November. The program was funded by NYSERDA. There was infor-
mation on shared renewables for communities, especially multi-family areas such as mobile home
parks and neighborhoods in which individual solar installations would not be feasible. These sorts of
initiatives are expanding.
Remote Net Metering programs may be of interest and of use to the Danby municipality. Farms
and other non-residential properties may apply excess net metering credits to other accounts that they
own. Discussions are beginning between the Highway, Fire Departments, and Water District regard-
ing shared remote net metering through a possible leased solar array located on the Highway Depart-
ment property. Shawley reported that the Highway Superintendent is supportive of this project. NY-
SERDA will pay for training and some technical support towards such projects. Additional informa-
tion will be gathered to learn whether this is possible for Danby.
The workshop additionally provided information regarding zoning ordinances to encourage solar
installation and to protect the sites of solar collection. Danby does not, at this time, have zoning of
this type. Connors suggested that the Town Board task the Planning Board with drafting amendments
to the zoning ordinance to meet this need. Template ordinances are available through other Towns and
Cooper informed the Board that an extended curriculum in municipal solar policy is being offered
in 2015. This is of interest to the Town and Planning Boards.
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Whereas, the Town of Danby has more than 75 solar installations installed or planned to be installed, and
Whereas, the Town of Danby has no zoning to encourage or protect access to solar energy, therefore be it
Resolved, that the Town Board of Town of Danby tasks the Planning Board to draft amendments to the zoning
ordinance that address issues related to solar installations and access to solar energy for the Town Board’s
Moved by Connors, Second by Brenner. The motion passed.
In Favor: Brenner, Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich
Web Site Management Committee
There was continued discussion regarding the establishment of a Web Site Management Commit-
tee. Dietrich and Connors outlined what had been discussed at the December 8 Town Board meeting,
to establish a web site management committee based on membership outlined in a 2009 draft “Web-
site Advisory Committee” to include the technical consultant (now Jordie VanHam), a Town Board
member who would be chair (proposed to be Jim Holahan), the Town Clerk (now Pamela Goddard),
staff and board/committee point people (e.g., Matt Cooper for the Code Office), and at least two
community members. Dietrich suggested that community members be added in six months, once the
new web site is fully established.
Brenner supported the concept of a web site committee but expressed concerns since the web site
transition is not yet complete. She asked whether that should be done prior to establishing a manage-
ment committee. Connors noted that several people wish to address content and the transition process
now. Cooper suggested that this web site committee would facilitate completion of the transition to
the new web site. Dietrich asked Connors to move the establishment of a committee, based on the
outline from the draft “Website Advisory Committee” presented above.
Brenner asked questions about how the oversight and management committee would operate.
Would they bring recommendations to the Town Board for approval? Goddard and Holahan suggested
that bringing all changes to the TB for approval might slow the maintenance process down considera-
bly. Holahan suggested that small changes to individual department pages could be made directly
while major changes to the structure of the web site would come to the TB for approval. The Town
Board member, as Chair, would report on changes and progress to the rest of the Board.
Resolved, that the Town Board of Town of Danby establishes a Committee for oversight and management of the
Town of Danby municipal web site: to include a Town Board member acting as Chair, the Town Clerk,
Department and Board/Committee point people, and the webmaster. The Town Board will appoint people to this
committee annually.
Moved by Connors, Second by Dietrich. The motion passed.
In Favor: Brenner, Connors, Holahan, Miller, Dietrich
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Short Reports
Cooper gave a short report on updated status of the West Danby Water District project. The dead-
line for the grant has been extended to January 18, 2015. Leftover funds will be used for repairing the
pump and can also be used to replace a corroded steel door to the pump house. A company has been
chosen to do the pump repair. Repairs should start on January 6. Dietrich commended Copper and
Sukontarak for the work they’ve done on the grant extension.
Cooper reported a problem of illegal dumping on a steep slope on the seasonal section of Durfee
Hill Road. A work detail is being put together with the Forestry Service (this is on State land) to clean
up dumped material. Dietrich reported a problem of dumping on South Danby Road near Route 96B.
Brenner distributed a draft Email contact list with all of the new municipal Email addresses. A
version of this information will be presented in the January Danby Area News.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:46 pm
Pamela Goddard, Town Clerk
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