HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-11-19 Danby Town Board
Minutes of Regular Meeting
November 19, 2012
Supervisor: Ric Dietrich
Councilpersons: Leslie Connors,Kathy Halton,Dan Klein,Dylan Race
Others Present:
Town Clerk Pamela Goddard
Bookkeeper Laura Shawley
Code Officer Sue Beeners
Legislator Frank Proto
Public Ted Crane,Ronda Roaring,John Van deMark
The Regular Meeting of the Danby Town Board was opened at 7:02pm.
Privilege of the Floor
John Van deMark addressed the Board regarding four topics.As a war Veteran,he spoke in favor
of the proposed Veteran's tax exemption.The Clerk shared the information that a public information
meeting,with representatives from County Assessment and the American Legion,will be held during
the Town Board meeting on December 17.Van deMark made a suggestion that the Deputy Town
Clerk should also be qualified as a Notary Public. Currently,the Town Clerk is qualified as a Notary
for Town business and the convenience of the public.Neither the Deputy Clerk nor the Court Clerk
are currently qualified as notaries.
Van deMark voiced opposition to the current 40 mph speed limit on Route 96B in the Central
Danby Hamlet. In his opinion,this out of line when other rural roads, such as Comfort Road,have a
55 mph speed limit. This led to some discussion of speed limits throughout the Town.Van deMark
also expressed concern regarding the newly painted"traffic calming"measures on Route 96B. It was
noted that this is a state highway and the Town had no prior notification that the lanes would be re-
painted in a new pattern.
Ronda Roaring expressed concern about vehicles parked inappropriately on Town roads,particu-
larly in the area of the State Forest. She cited Danby Town Law#1 of 2008 related to towing vehicles.
Roaring suggested that certain areas be posted with"No Parking" signs. She also suggested that the
vehicle law be expanded to include the option to ticket vehicles parked in inappropriate locations. She
expressed the view that the current situation is a hazard.The current law is designed to provide the
Highway Department with the authority to tow vehicles as needed for snow removal. It was also
noted that the Town has no jurisdiction on State land.
Approve Minutes
Resolved,that the Town Board of the Town of Danby approves the minutes of October 8, 15,and 27 2012.
Moved by Halton, Second by Connors. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Halton, Klein, Race, Dietrich
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CSEA Negotiations
Dietrich and Shawley gave a report of CSEA union negotiations. Dietrich confirmed that the per-
centages for salary increases and employee contributions for health insurance over the next three
years are as agreed to by the CSEA negotiator.A confirmation letter is being sent by the Town Attor-
ney. There was discussion regarding what the Board needs to approve.
Resolved,that the Town Board of the Town of Danby accepts the contract language as outlined in information
from the CSEA Union, including the union figures for its counter offer.
Moved by Klein, Second by Race. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Halton, Klein, Race, Dietrich
Request for Qualifications -West Danby Water District Improvement Project
Code Officer,Beeners explained a Block Grant granting agency requirement that the Town adver-
tise a"Request for Qualifications"for the consulting engineer on the Water District Improvement
Project. This is, for the most part, a formality as the consulting engineer currently on the project is the
only engineer completely familiar with the West Danby Water District system. However,the project
will not qualify for the grant if this RFQ is not advertised. This is also required for the Rural Devel-
opment loan program, should the Block Grant not be awarded.
The RFQ will be advertised once in the Ithaca Journal. Statements of Qualifications will be due
on December 21 at 2pm.
Resolved,that the Town Board of the Town of Danby authorizes the advertisement for a Request for Qualifica-
tions for a consulting engineer for services related to the West Danby Water District Improvements Project.
Moved by Klein, Second by Connors. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Halton, Klein, Race, Dietrich
Vault Improvements
Clerk Goddard distributed information prepared by Matt Cooper. Two quotes, from Blue Spruce
($4,270) and from TMS Construction($1,800),have been received. There was a discussion regarding
the difference in price quote. Beeners explained that some of the cost difference could be related to
TMS Construction acting as a sole proprietor and therefore does not need to pay prevailing wage.
Matt Cooper recommends TMS Construction.
Resolved,that the Town Board of the Town of Danby accepts the bid from TMS Construction/Tod Sukontarak,of
$1,800 for construction and painting improvements to the Town Hall archive vault.
Moved by Klein, Second by Connors. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Halton, Klein, Race, Dietrich
New Pickup Truck for Highway Department
Shawley explained the need for two pickup trucks to cover highway department needs. One of the
currently owned trucks(a 1991 model)has a number of problems and will not pass inspection. The
Department would like to buy a truck, at State Contract price, from Maguire Ford in Ithaca. The new
truck will replace the older one. Funds for this truck can be taken from the Highway Fund Balance
account. The truck will be fitted with sideboards, for safety, and a mount for a snow plow.
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Whereas,the Town needs to have two working pickup trucks to effectively carry on the business of the Highway
Department, and
Whereas,the 2001 pickup currently in use has frame problems and the truck has problems in the inspection
process, and
Whereas, maintenance costs would be very expensive to resolve the problems,therefor be it now
Resolved,that the Town Board of the Town of Danby authorizes the expenditure of up to$35,000.00 to pur-
chase a new 2013 Chevrolet Silverado from Maguire Ford in Ithaca on a New York State Bid contract.The funds
for this purchase will come directly from the Fund Balance of the Highway Fund.
Moved by Klein, Second by Connors. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Halton, Klein, Race, Dietrich
Legislator's Report
Proto gave an extensive report of activities. He reported that the County Budget will be voted on,
with a 3.7% increase in tax rate($25 on a$160,000 property). The proposed 2013 operating budget is
about$165 million,with$80 million for local measures.All of the remainder is to meet state man-
dates. In budget related news,Proto announced that he has proposed additional funding for Hydrilla
remediation through the Soil and Water office. Proto intends to propose increasing Youth Funding
$40,000. He is concerned that funds dropped from Ithaca City budget put TCAT replacement buses in
doubt. Eighteen buses need to be replaced as they age out. Foodnet is facing a funding shortfall due to
reduced donations and increased need. The County has passed a resolution funding Foodnet through
2012. Funding for 2013 is uncertain.
Proto informed the Board that extensions on some gas leases,held by Anschutz and other compa-
nies, for gas drilling mineral rights have been cancelled in the past month. Proto announced that a
lease on his land has been cancelled,to his pleasure and relief.A list of Tompkins County properties
which are freed from their leases (running to nine pages)is on file at the County Court House.
Youth Services Update
Dietrich,Klein, and Crane (on behalf of the Danby Community Council)gave reports of recent
meetings of representatives from the"inner ring"of youth services municipalities. There was a dis-
cussion of this topic with Proto. Dietrich and Klein stated that"not much progress"was made in de-
veloping a new direction for Youth Services in Danby, Caroline, and Enfield. Proto asked to be in-
formed when the next meeting is scheduled. Klein and Dietrich thanked Proto for his effort to restore
funds to the Youth Services programs,noting that a moderate amount of money can have a big impact
on county youth.
Aquifer Protection Ordinance Update
Sue Beeners gave a report of progress on review and revision of the draft Aquifer Protection Or-
dinance.There was a successful meeting between the Code Officer and Attorney Cynthia Bowman.
Members of the Danby Gas Drilling Task Force are assisting with review of the Ordinance.
Beeners said that the Ordinance is focused on prohibiting industrial type storage of items such as
fertilizers, chemicals,petroleum products, etc. The Ordinance also supports the ban on high impact
industrial activity by prohibiting gas drilling, exploration, and production in aquifer protection areas.
These prohibitions would be Townwide.Water protection zone mapping shows that all of the land in
Danby drains into an aquifer or major body of water.
The Task Force is reviewing standards by which chemicals and other substances are regulated,
including who regulates them and the quantities which trigger regulation, so that the law is consistent
with broader law. Beeners anticipates bringing a request for funding a GIS mapping technician to the
Town Board in December or January.
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Todd Miller's deadline to have a completed Danby Aquifer Study report is January 3,2013.
Miller will be retiring from the USGS at the end of 2012. He intends to follow the draft study through
its peer review acceptance by the USGS.He has offered to do a presentation, sponsored by the Gas
Drilling Task Force, on the expanded study sometime between January and March 2013. This will be
a useful public informational meeting related to the Aquifer Protection Ordinance.
Association of Towns Meeting Agenda and Resolutions
There was further discussion of a set of resolutions proposed for the annual Association of Town
meeting.The Town sends a delegate to vote on those topics. The Board acted to appoint its represen-
tative. The Board will continue its discussion of proposed resolutions,with recommendations from
the designate, during the December meetings.
Resolved,that the Town Board of the Town of Danby appoints Dan Klein as its primary representative at the
2013 meeting of the New York State Association of Towns,with Leslie Connors as an alternate.
Moved by Halton, Second by Race. The motion passed.
In Favor: Connors, Halton, Klein, Race, Dietrich
Short Reports and Correspondence
Reports from the Code Enforcement office, Highway Department, and Town Justice Garry Hud-
dle were circulated.
Goddard read some recent correspondence from the NYS Department of Transportation dated
November 14,2012,regarding No Parking signs on Route 96B near South Danby Road. The letter
states, "Our traffic engineers have completed their review of this location and determined that restrict-
ing parking on both sides of Route 96B north and south of the South Danby Road intersection would
be appropriate. The necessary signing will be installed by our maintenance forces as soon as their
work schedules permit."
The Meeting was adjourned at 8:45pm.
Pamela S. Goddard,Town Clerk
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